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Wii 2 (Project Cafe): Officially Announced, Playable At E3, Launching 2012 [Updated]

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Amir0x said:
Here is an insult:

You are a retard

Here is not an insult:

GCN is fucking amazing and I cannot see how anyone can think otherwise.

Being definitive with an opinion is not an insult. If you lack the confidence in your own viewpoints so much that you view strength of conviction as insulting then you are on your own.

Now, stop derailing the thread with this crap. We're having a good discussion that needs not be destroyed by this whining bullshit.
It's interesting to see how quick you are to call other people fanboys, yet you're so eager to espouse your own hyperbolic point of view, dragging down the discourse of entire threads in the process. Your recollection of the Gamecube is almost as hilariously rose tinted as your scorn of the Wii is caricature-like. The idea that the cube had a steady stream of great titles throughout its lifespan is laughable. In fact, terrible software droughts punctuated by occasional top tier games is something both systems have in common. In fact that's been a Nintendo halmark since the N64 days, when 3rd party support first really eroded.

Both Gamecube and Wii have their merits, but you're too butt hurt over the fact that Nintendo marketed to new audiences and created a handful of titles that leveled the playing field for people who don't devote all their free time to gaming to give the Wii due credit. Yet there are a slew of interesting games on Wii that only a "core" gamer could love. On the whole I think it's highly debatable which system has the superior library. It's certainly not as open and shut a case as you've been painting it.


Time Traveler
The worst part about all the offensive Amir0x posts is that he thinks his opinion is the only one and shits on everyone else's (generally Nintendo related threads) and you can't put him on ignore list because he is a mod.

I liked Animal Crossing on the GCN, because it rewarded you with NES games, didn't like it on the DS because they removed them, but I can understand why people love it.

Wii Sports is simplistic, I don't know where he got the notion it wasn't, boxing is unplayable; but Bowling and Tennis are great, and I can see why people love those games; if people found them shitty, they would have stopped buying the Wii (which was sold out for two years, on word of mouth).

I don't even know why he enters this kind of thread (or why he is a moderator btw, do you see him moderating anything here? hell no!).

I can see why people like Just Dance, Wii Fit (an amazingly great piece of software), etc. One has to accept that not all games are for all people, that's called taste in games.

There are shitty casual games, of course, most of them, because those were shameless copies of Wii Sports or they were made without any sort of study or investigation behind. That's why the Wii has so many sequels to hits on the console that basically bombed and sold ten times less it's predecessors, people learn.

I can see his point on the unreliance of the motion controls; Nintendo basically admitted that when releasing the Wii Motion +, BUT, in MANY games the controls worked fine.

I can also see his point in the graphical abilities of the Wii, but we always knew how they were going to be, since launch, and seeing the wave of developers closing this generation, I maintain it was the right choice, and people 2 years ago really didn't care, nor notice a big difference (as in real people and not GAF people).

So yeah, message to Amir0x: stop shitting this threads


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
VisanidethDM said:
Timing, performance, disc format, online policy, we could discuss a load of aspects, but the core point to me is that it was released way too late in the console generation it was meant to compete in to stand a chance, it wasn't powerful enough to stand in that position at that time, with a set of proprietary features that turned away third party investors very soon (see the online and disc format).
Ok, so your main issue with the cube was its release timing vis-a-vis what it brought to the table, and that not necessary hardware-wise. Fair enough.

But that begs the question what hardware you think nintendo should have released at the point they released last gen, so that it would've been more competitive. And competitive in what? Consumers' mindshare? Ease of development? I hope you're not implying nintendo should have pulled an xbox instead (which is a textbook example what console hw not to release, unless you have $Bs to burn).

Re actual hw issues, though, I don't see how the proprietary disc format was such an issue, when (a) it actually played a major role in helping the cube against piracy, (b) was not such a problem re storage size. Surely a few games came on two discs, but those were mostly exclusives; by far most of the multi-platforms/ports (and the cube had plenty of those) did fine with using a single cube disc.

I don't want to come off bashing the GCN itself, because I think it's a really great console (one of the best pads ever), but its release was ill-timed to say the least. A problem the Cafè may share.
That's an interesting supposition worth a discussion of its own. But let's keep it for later.

We're risking an offtopic here, but we're talking about a Nintendo console that ended up selling less than 25 million units and whose production was halted one year after release. If that's not a marketing disaster I don't know what.
Are you sure you're not thinking of the dreamcast here? The MP cube bundle I bought back in the summer of 2004 was of the new revision that had just come out. I don't see how production could have halted 1 year after release (2001) if in 2004 the console saw a new hw revision.


Smiles and Cries said:
while you guys are talking GCN that was my favorite console design I think

what I would want next is something more round




= ?

maybe only Apple can pull off the odd shape I am thinking of but calling something Project Cafe and giving people another square box is well annoying to think about :(

Why can I only CD walkman in a round shape? Everything else is the same old flat rectangle its 201

This reminded me of this:

Just to clear things up a bit...

I believe PS2 was already out when the Gamecube launched and I believe it launched around the time of the original xbox. The Gamecube was more graphically powerful than PS2 and slightly less powerful than Xbox (although that can be debated).

Also note at the bottom of this article, when the system launched there was a big Sony (Konami) title just heating up called Metal Gear Solid 2.

I think the Gamecube's issues were with 3rd party support, the proprietary optical disk vs DVD, and it was Barney purple.

VisanidethDM said:
2001 in Japan, 2002 in other markets, with a demented GPU archytecture that didn't incentivate third party in any way. Before the end of 2003 Nintendo halted production because the thing wasn't selling at all.

I'm pretty sure both the xbox and gamecube launched in November of 2001.


manueldelalas said:
I don't even know why he enters this kind of thread (or why he is a moderator btw, do you see him moderating anything here? hell no!).

To be fair, I have seen him do actual moderating in the Osama threads. So I know for a fact he does at least do some moderating.
I don't always see eye to eye with Amirox, but I'm not gonna sit here and bash him while he's gone.

Have some class guys, or we'll end up with a locked thread and some of you will miss E3 : x
manueldelalas said:
The worst part about all the offensive Amir0x posts is that he thinks his opinion is the only one and shits on everyone else's (generally Nintendo related threads) and you can't put him on ignore list because he is a mod.

Nah, the worst part is that he's basically above reproach being a moderator. If anybody higher up has taken notice, they certainly don't seem to mind. In other contexts people usually get warned or mocked openly by the community for posting in the extremely aggressive, often outright trolling fashion that he does. I just mentally ignore his opinions because they're so crazy 90% of the time.

anticipating ban

comedy bomb said:
I don't always see eye to eye with Amirox, but I'm not gonna sit here an bash him while he's gone.

Have some class guys.

It's not like the posts will disappear before he gets here.


Combovers don't work when there is no hair
richman555 said:
Just to clear things up a bit...

I believe PS2 was already out when the Gamecube launched and I believe it launched around the time of the original xbox. The Gamecube was more graphically powerful than PS2 and slightly less powerful than Xbox (although that can be debated).

Also note at the bottom of this article, when the system launched there was a big Sony (Konami) title just heating up called Metal Gear Solid 2.

I think the Gamecube's issues were with 3rd party support, the proprietary optical disk vs DVD, and it was Barney purple.


The purple colour scheme combined with the slightly weird lunchbox-like design was definitely a factor in the GC doing so poorly, yeah. And the problem with poor third party support was pretty much a holdover from the N64 days, when the PS1 snagged most of the third party games.


I still regret buying a Gamecube over a PS2 yeah it had some gem games mostly from Nintendo but man PS2 just had so much more. Also convinced my cousin to buy a Gamecube on launch day, our relationship has never been the same since then.


Loved the Cube and can only hope cafe copies it quality and graphics wise.

I even liked playing third party on it more.

Can't complain about the color of my platinum one either.

Loved it


Time Traveler
The Gamecube was one of the most impressive piece of hardware ever released, it was completely awesome, small and compact, while being a powerhouse; and the launch price was a surprise. The Wii is also sleek as hell; I hope their next console is just as awesome.
GameCube was pretty great including the greatest Mario Kart ever, but doesn't come close to SNES.

Shouldn't be mentioned in the same breath as that glorious piece of hardware.

Really hate Wii. Lost potential. Failed promises, etc.


I'm probably one of the few people who prefers the Wii over the Gamecube, but I can definitely understand the love for the latter.

I still say, after having played PS2's early games back then, turning on the Gamecube on Christmas 2001 and playing titles like Wave Race: Blue Storm, Luigi's Mansion, Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader, Super Smash Bros. Melee, and Pikmin was a fucking mind-blowing experience. The visuals looked like such a massive improvement, the games ran phenomenally, the controller felt unique yet like a natural evolution of what we'd been using before, and the future seemed very bright for Nintendo.
blu said:
Are you sure you're not thinking of the dreamcast here? The MP cube bundle I bought back in the summer of 2004 was of the new revision that had just come out. I don't see how production could have halted 1 year after release (2001) if in 2004 the console saw a new hw revision.
Well, it was 18 months to be more accurate. Though as the link notes, it then sold enough to warrant restarting production.


Metallix said:
I'm probably one of the few people who prefers the Wii over the Gamecube, but I can definitely understand the love for the latter.

I still say, after having played PS2's early games back then, turning on the Gamecube on Christmas 2001 and playing titles like Wave Race: Blue Storm, Luigi's Mansion, Star Wars Rogue Squadron II: Rogue Leader, Super Smash Bros. Melee, and Pikmin was a fucking mind-blowing experience. The visuals looked like such a massive improvement, the games ran phenomenally, the controller felt unique yet like a natural evolution of what we'd been using before, and the future seemed very bright for Nintendo.

I played a little bit of Pikmin, was fun. After reading Amir0x's ejaculatory praise for its sequel, I put in an order on amazon for my Wii....stupid me I did not order a gamecube memory card, had no idea I would require one...FUCK.


Log4Girlz said:
I played a little bit of Pikmin, was fun. After reading Amir0x's ejaculatory praise for its sequel, I put in an order on amazon for my Wii....stupid me I did not order a gamecube memory card, had no idea I would require one...FUCK.

You don't need one if you play Pikmin 2 on Wii?


The Wii totally pisses on the GC gameswise for me. Only game on it I really liked was metroid Prime. Did not like Sunshine, nor Pikmin or Wind Waker.
Wii on the other hand has the 2 best 3D marios since Mario 64 and the best 2D one since yoshi's island. Also Donkey Kong country returns Wii sports Resort Sin and Punishment 2
Kirby's Epic Yarn.


i was on a real rpg kick during the ps2 era. it actually started during the dc days, but lasted into 2006. not sure what it was about jrpgs that drew me in. maybe it was because they were a relatively new experience. it was also the system i bought a good deal of multiplatform games for, usually because they were the cheapest.

but i don't think nintendo was at some high point in the gamecube era. they were basically responding to criticism of delaying their games like crazy during the n64 era and instead churned out shit or started turning to shitty third parties to make shitty games like geist and star fox assault. after a flurry of obviously rushed and underwhelming (to varying degrees of quality) titles like luigi's mansion, 1080 avalanche, kirby air ride, the wind waker, super mario sunshine, mario kart double dash, etc, they finally went into recovery mode with pikmin 2, four swords adventure, donkey kong jungle beat, and paper mario 2. it was a very mixed generation.

this differs to this generation because while the output of traditional games has declined, the quality has greatly improved. i'll take a monster-developed game over any single third-party-developed, nintendo-published gamecube game. and you can do this with pretty much any comparison. twilight princess over the wind waker. super mario galaxy 1 or 2 over super mario sunshine. metroid prime 3 over metroid prime 1 or 2. treasure's sin & punishment 2 over treasure's wario world. the only big disappointment for me has been super paper mario, which was a pretty poor way to follow paper mario 2.

and for the record, i was one of those guys that fucking loved tww the first time i played it. i replayed the ending right after the credits, i loved it that much... but i replayed it a year later, and it tempered my appreciation for it to an appropriate level. and most of its problems do come from the fact that it was very obviously rushed.

The Hermit

I dunno how this thread became a GCN vs Wii, but I am completly in the GCN camp. I bought the Wii to play all GCN games I haven't , being Metroid Prime the very first game for it followed by Eternal Darkness, Rogue Squadron, Ikaruga, Wind Waker, Mario Sunshine, Killer 7 and a bunch of others (there's a reason for the lack of RE4. I bought it at launch and played in my friend's house who had a GCN, totally worth it) .

Besides Super Mario Galaxy, my fondest memories are from GCN titles.
To me it really comes down to wether or not Nintendo has learned the right lessons from this generation. Judging by Iwatas statements about the Wiis struggle to get 3rd parties on board, it seems that they did in fact learn a lot from this generation. Now the huge question is, how are they planning on implementing it.

The Gamecube was pretty much a PS2 portathon in regards to 3rd parties. Just deactivate all online features, scale down the colour range and change some bmp for the option screens and hud, and send it to verification. I highly doubt that most 3rd party ports for GC had teams bigger than 4 or 5 people dedicated to the GC version.

I really hope that Nintendo is clever enough not to allow that shit anymore. I absolutely hate the GC outside of first party Nintendo games and maybe Capcom. It was by far the worst console for 3rd party games last gen. And 3rd parties didn't have the convenient excuse they have with the Wii that the GC just wasn't capable of running their games. They simply decided to ignore it straight away.

That's my main concern for the next Nintendo console. It's not just Nintendo that should provide a better plattform for 3rd parties, but it's about fucking Time 3rd parties stop to put out nothing but shit on nintendo plattforms. And I expect one side to fuck it up again.


Maturity, bitches.
Smiles and Cries said:
while you guys are talking GCN that was my favorite console design I think

what I would want next is something more round

maybe only Apple can pull off the odd shape I am thinking of but calling something Project Cafe and giving people another square box is well annoying to think about :(

Why can I only CD walkman in a round shape? Everything else is the same old flat rectangle its 201

The return of the Nintendo Vacuum.
We really need some leaks here...

I'm hoping something big from Sony or MS leaks to hold us over to E3, since I doubt there will be any Nintendo leaks until June.
AniHawk said:
but i don't think nintendo was at some high point in the gamecube era. they were basically responding to criticism of delaying their games like crazy during the n64 era and instead churned out shit or started turning to shitty third parties to make shitty games like geist and star fox assault. after a flurry of obviously rushed and underwhelming (to varying degrees of quality) titles like luigi's mansion, 1080 avalanche, kirby air ride, the wind waker, super mario sunshine, mario kart double dash, etc, they finally went into recovery mode with pikmin 2, four swords adventure, donkey kong jungle beat, and paper mario 2. it was a very mixed generation.

this differs to this generation because while the output of traditional games has declined, the quality has greatly improved. i'll take a monster-developed game over any single third-party-developed, nintendo-published gamecube game. and you can do this with pretty much any comparison. twilight princess over the wind waker. super mario galaxy 1 or 2 over super mario sunshine. metroid prime 3 over metroid prime 1 or 2. treasure's sin & punishment 2 over treasure's wario world. the only big disappointment for me has been super paper mario, which was a pretty poor way to follow paper mario 2.
That's pretty much how the GCN era felt to me, like Nintendo was rushing games to avoid the endless droughts of the N64. Either way, I also prefer pretty much all Wii versions to GCN versions, and for the most part games that didn't get a Wii version, or which many consider better on the GCN, were ones I didn't care about (Smash Bros., Wave Race, 1080).

That's just me though, I'm not bringing my opinion down written in stone from Mt Sinai demanding all gamers agree.

Log4Girlz said:
There's only Pikmin 1 with the waggle added I believe.
Unless I got a rare misprint NPC Pikmin or something, the save file is on my Wii not a GCN memory card (just checked to make sure).
EDIT: Or you got a different one I suppose.


Maturity, bitches.
ascii42 said:
Can we stop pretending that Twilight Princess wasn't a GameCube game?
In the UK it may as well be since only about 2 copies got printed for the GCN version.


provides useful feedback
I can't believe the nostalgia clouding going on with the Gamecube era of gaming. There wasn't a steady stream of great games, jesus fuck I remember the droughts and awkward moments where really niche, mediocre games would be localized to fill in the release date gaps (Doshin the Giant and Cubivore come to mind) Not to mention the insane Mario whoring going on with four frickin' Mario Party titles and Mario and Little Mac popping up in bizarrely uncomfortable EA sports crossover titles.

Even with the waggle and casual gaming, I can't see how anyone can look at the Gamecube and Wii game libraries and proclaim the Wii one as atrocious and the Gamecube one as highly polished. With the exception of F-Zero GX there is probably an equivalent game of equal or far superior quality on the Wii of the Gamecube's highest quality titles, and plenty that have no equal such as Punch-Out and Sin & Punishment 2.


I wonder if Amir0x would cause so many people to get butthurt if he wasn't a mod. That detail alone seems to be the reason why he warrants more attention than other people like shintoki. Seeing as how people are whining that they can't put him on ignore, I guess so!

Anyways, I'm always late to the party when it comes to Gamecube discussion, but Amir0x covers things pretty well as usual. I completely agree about Pikmin 2. My older sister rarely plays video games, and when she does it's usually an old school game like Super Mario World. But Pikmin 2 completely hooked her, and my younger brother. They were just playing the multiplayer again last month.

And of course they rest of Nintendo's stuff was ace, Sunshine aside. But I don't think going over the usual suspects again is necessary.

EatChildren said:
Twilight Princess over Wind Waker (though not visually).
AniHawk said:
twilight princess over the wind waker.

You guys do realize that Twilight Princess still came out on the Gamecube, right?


Maturity, bitches.
SovanJedi said:
I can't believe the nostalgia clouding going on with the Gamecube era of gaming. There wasn't a steady stream of great games, jesus fuck I remember the droughts and awkward moments where really niche, mediocre games would be localized to fill in the release date gaps (Doshin the Giant and Cubivore come to mind) Not to mention the insane Mario whoring going on with four frickin' Mario Party titles and Mario and Little Mac popping up in bizarrely uncomfortable EA sports crossover titles.

Even with the waggle and casual gaming, I can't see how anyone can look at the Gamecube and Wii game libraries and proclaim the Wii one as atrocious and the Gamecube one as highly polished. With the exception of F-Zero GX there is probably an equivalent game of equal or far superior quality on the Wii of the Gamecube's highest quality titles, and plenty that have no equal such as Punch-Out and Sin & Punishment 2.
Well my GameCube did entertain me for quite a few years, but I'm sure most people would laugh at my collection of games since even I admit I was a little to eager to buy Nintendo branded games.

I did get a PS2 eventually around the time Katamari was the big thing. That was the game that I actually bought the system for (well We <3 Katamari since the first didn't come out in PALland).
ascii42 said:
Can we stop pretending that Twilight Princess wasn't a GameCube game?
Ehh, that's a rare odd case of a game launching in almost same form on almost the same predecessor/successor consoles so it doesn't strike me that a great case can be made for calling it a Wii game or a Gamecube game. I tend to lean towards Wii, but I go both ways on it (especially since I consider the Wii version to be near unplayable).

BGBW said:
In the UK it may as well be since only about 2 copies got printed for the GCN version.
That also, WW and in particular outside of NA (I believe) it sold way better on the Wii. So to most people who played it, it is a Wii game.
SovanJedi said:
I can't believe the nostalgia clouding going on with the Gamecube era of gaming. There wasn't a steady stream of great games, jesus fuck I remember the droughts and awkward moments where really niche, mediocre games would be localized to fill in the release date gaps (Doshin the Giant and Cubivore come to mind) Not to mention the insane Mario whoring going on with four frickin' Mario Party titles and Mario and Little Mac popping up in bizarrely uncomfortable EA sports crossover titles.

Even with the waggle and casual gaming, I can't see how anyone can look at the Gamecube and Wii game libraries and proclaim the Wii one as atrocious and the Gamecube one as highly polished. With the exception of F-Zero GX there is probably an equivalent game of equal or far superior quality on the Wii of the Gamecube's highest quality titles, and plenty that have no equal such as Punch-Out and Sin & Punishment 2.

I completely agree. The GC was trash when it came to a steady release flow. And even though we got 3rd party ports, they were almost allways the worst option available with a lack of content and cut features.

Now if 3rd parties had released games like MH3, Red Steel 2, goldeneye or de Blob from the beginning, the Wii would literally nuke the GCs library. Sadly, that isn't the case.

Right now I really don't care about touchscreens, or haptic feedback or vitality sensors, I want 3rd parties to support the new plattform from the beginning. No more whining, no more excuses. bring your A game, from the beginning, stop chickening out and delivering sub par garbage and then slowly change your mind and care about a market that they themselves destroyed.


SovanJedi said:
I can't believe the nostalgia clouding going on with the Gamecube era of gaming. There wasn't a steady stream of great games, jesus fuck I remember the droughts and awkward moments where really niche, mediocre games would be localized to fill in the release date gaps (Doshin the Giant and Cubivore come to mind) Not to mention the insane Mario whoring going on with four frickin' Mario Party titles and Mario and Little Mac popping up in bizarrely uncomfortable EA sports crossover titles.

Even with the waggle and casual gaming, I can't see how anyone can look at the Gamecube and Wii game libraries and proclaim the Wii one as atrocious and the Gamecube one as highly polished. With the exception of F-Zero GX there is probably an equivalent game of equal or far superior quality on the Wii of the Gamecube's highest quality titles, and plenty that have no equal such as Punch-Out and Sin & Punishment 2.
So, I was thinking. Are they going to have an online version of the 3DS's MiiPlaza? They'll definitely still use Miis, but for what? They are certainly going to keep evolving them.
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