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Wii 2 (Project Cafe): Officially Announced, Playable At E3, Launching 2012 [Updated]

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I loved Sunshine despite the odd clunkiness in a few areas. I think I have a 100+ stars in it, but it might end up being the only 3D Mario that I don't get 120 stars in. (Blue coins be darned!) But if you liked 64 and Galaxy, I find it hard to believe that you don't like Sunshine.
Yeah, Yoshi wasn't too well thought out in Sunshine. In many ways, Mario feels more limited with Yoshi than without, which shouldn't really be the case.
ace3skoot said:
Also REmake had multiple endings, looked gorgeous, great unlocks and incentives for re-runs and speed runs and yet was utterly true to the original games spirit

also Lisa Trevor still creeps me out, and I felt so sorry for her, and wanted to just put her our of her misery :(

on my first play through I had no idea about burning the dead zombies the first crimson heads frighten the fuck out of me! Awww good times :)
I didn't exactly feel sorry for Lisa Trevor but I used to dread the encounters a little. REmake's atmosphere is fantastic. I got all the endings, finished the game on all difficulties (plus Real Survival mode where the Item boxes aren't linked), unlocked everything. It's probably my most played game ever. With the crimson heads I always burnt them (though there are some unavoidable encounters with them); however I also mastered the art of dodging a lot of the zombies too, which made things a little more tense. Great great game.
Amir0x said:
I think FLUDD is different from most powerups in that it is fundamentally a acrobatic enhancement. Due to this, it is on another tier entirely. A fire flower is a fire flower. Its closest cousin is CLOUD power up, I'd say, in terms of how it enhances Mario's acrobatics.

Since acrobatics and momentum is so central to 3D Mario games, I think I am on fairly solid ground when I say that any ability or tool that aids Mario to perform even MORE amazing feats of acrobatic love is something worth having and exploring.

Are you disagreeing that FLUDD achieved those things? Because I can show you absolutely SICK shortcuts I achieved utilizing FLUDD as an acrobatic aid...

I suppose I worded my post badly. While I think the particular abilities granted by FLUDD are kind of bland, and that FLUDD itself has no charm, my issue is with how the presence of FLUDD effected the missions in a negative way.

AceBandage said:
The worst part about Sunshine was Yoshi.
I mean, first off, you had to bring a specific fruit to the bastard, which took forever.
Then he controlled like utter shit.

This too. Yoshi in sunshine was such a waste.


Sunshine was my first 3-d Mario game so I didn't know I wasn't suppose to like. I thought it was great except for the exact Yoshi jumps and the final battle which hiccupped and was easy.

Both Mario Galaxy's beat it though Mario games will always be topnotch to me.


AceBandage said:
The worst part about Sunshine was Yoshi.
I mean, first off, you had to bring a specific fruit to the bastard, which took forever.
Then he controlled like utter shit.

yeah no arguments there... also in retrospect yoshi puking as a game mechanic is a little gross :s


Mortrialus said:
I suppose I worded my post badly. while I think the particular abilities granted by FLUDD are kind of bland, and that FLUDD itself has no charm, my issue is with how the presence of FLUDD effected the missions in a negative way.

Ah, now we're getting somewhere interesting. Can you elaborate on the type of ways it impacted the missions negatively (other than the already agreed upon cleaning up missions being totally lame :p)


Oh but I liked Sunshine. Thing is, its still a horrible Mario game. Call me conservative or whatever, allthough the whole Delfino Island was meant to be a cool change from the Mushroom Kingdom, I really disliked the whole non-Mario vibe in the game. The characters felt like something from an entirely different franchise. Don't know, but every time while I was running around it didn't feel right. Plus, the game had a few levels which weren't up to snuff compared to other Mario titles. The best part about Sunshine are the parts where Mario doesn't need FLUD. Old school platforming.

FLUD was actually a pretty neat gameplay feature. Had a lot of fun using the several upgrades. The water jetpack was the way to travel in Sunshine.
Amir0x said:
Ah, now we're getting somewhere interesting. Can you elaborate on the type of ways it impacted the missions negatively (other than the already agreed upon cleaning up missions being totally lame :p)

Unfortunately I'm off to a picnic so I don't have time to elaborate or give specific examples at the moment but I really don't care for having to actually use FLUDD to spay things in general, whether its cleaning a platform you're expected to jump on or any of the boss battles. It really slowed the game down in a negative way.
Only thing I didn't like about Sunshine was the blue coins. It was really bad about keeping track of which ones you had collected. (I don't think it kept track at all to my recollection)

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The blue coin hunts and yoshi suck, so does the lack of the some of the dk '94 moves that made it into SM 64.

Everything else? Balls awesome. Especially the challenge levels.


I think Sunshine noticeabely lacked polish, what was mostly apparent in some of the level designs. There are some great designed levels in the game, but everything considered I don't think that they were on par with the series' other games. At least compared to the time of their respective releases.

I still like the game very much though, especially the classic levels which apparently have become the foundation for Galaxy.
The challenge levels were certainly Galaxy-esque, and I liked them, along with most of the game in general (except that stupid Pachinko machine stage - I had to do some serious FLUDD abuse to complete that one). However, the fake a cappella background music has a bit of disharmony at points that makes it kind of nails-on-chalkboard grating to listen to.


Seeing the Haar avatar, I really need a new console Fire Emblem. Knowing Intelligent Systems it won't be the prettiest title on the new machine but I need a new FE fix. I've been replaying Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn. Still addictive as hell. Playing the endgame of Chapter 3 so good.gif


the piano man
Sunshine is a gaming masterpiece of last generation that would have been better off belonging to another series.

Its only mistake is trying to be a Mario game but it's an absolute masterpiece full of fun and win.

as mario games, the Galaxies wins.

As an adventure, Sunshine blows them both out of the water.
Totally off topic, but I've been playing through Galaxy 2, and while it certainly is great, I find myself fighting the camera more than I remember in previous Mario titles.


Time Traveler
Amir0x said:
The worst part of posters like you is that you're so offended by opinions contrary to your own, stated strongly and with conviction, that you think it is a personal attack on you and resort to bullshit attacks on the person over analysis of the points they're making.

This is why threads get derailed, of course. Because of posters like you who intentionally break the rules by attacking posters and not their positions.
Seeing as you didn't even bother to read my post, the only (and last thing) I'm going to say to you is that if you think I've broke the rules, then ban me; that's what mods are for. If you are a mod, and attack someone saying he broke the rules, then do your fucking job, if not, those are just stupid words [/puts Amir0x in imaginary ignore list].
AceBandage said:
So, this may have been discussed to death already, but with the new XBox supposedly already being in dev hands... this could be good for the Cafe for two reasons.
1. I might force Nintendo to price more competitively if there's another system coming out soon.
2. It means the Cafe really won't be that far out of the loop, even if MS goes super high end.
If you see the case of the relatively cheap Xbox 360 released a year before the expensive PS3, and that there isn't any notorious graphical difference; we can pretty much expect the same difference between the Cafe and the other consoles. None at all.
comedy bomb said:
Totally off topic, but I've been playing through Galaxy 2, and while it certainly is great, I find myself fighting the camera more than I remember in previous Mario titles.
What topic? your post makes perfect sense in this mod derailed thread.


Sadist said:
Oh but I liked Sunshine. Thing is, its still a horrible Mario game. Call me conservative or whatever, allthough the whole Delfino Island was meant to be a cool change from the Mushroom Kingdom, I really disliked the whole non-Mario vibe in the game. The characters felt like something from an entirely different franchise. Don't know, but every time while I was running around it didn't feel right. Plus, the game had a few levels which weren't up to snuff compared to other Mario titles. The best part about Sunshine are the parts where Mario doesn't need FLUD. Old school platforming.

FLUD was actually a pretty neat gameplay feature. Had a lot of fun using the several upgrades. The water jetpack was the way to travel in Sunshine.

This by the way is why Nintendo totally needs to stop whoring their franchises. Because they have fans who have these very specific expectations and any wavering is somehow "un-Mario like" or "un-Zelda like". If it's not Mushroom Kingdom shenanigans for the billionth time, it's not acceptable. This is why Nintendo needs to do their best with Stream to introduce new hardcore IPs with the budgets of Mario/Zelda and with the marketing budgets of those games, so that we can stop having these expectations that serve nothing but to hold back their respective games with a distinct lack of creativity.

Personally, I think Delfino Island felt as Mario like as any other location.

manueldelalas said:
This is why threads get derailed, of course. Because of posters like you who intentionally break the rules by attacking posters and not their positions.
Seeing as you didn't even bother to read my post, the only (and last thing) I'm going to say to you is that if you think I've broke the rules, then ban me; that's what mods are for. If you are a mod, and attack someone saying he broke the rules, then do your fucking job, if not, those are just stupid words [/puts Amir0x in imaginary ignore list].

Ok then. As long as I have your permission. I was warning you as a courtesy, but since you don't like warnings and I have your permission...


Amir0x said:
I mean I can sort of get some of the complaints, sure. The camera was troublesome and the cleaning shit up levels could be more than a little irritating. But other than that, to call it 'pitiful', is really extreme for what it did.

It was an amazing controlling Mario game with fantastic level design and a brilliant theme. It still had all that going for it.

In my opinion, based on the superior control and visuals alone, Sunshine beats out 64 as a game I frequently return to and play.

The game definitely gets more flak than it deserves. Even if it's the weakest of the 3D Marios, that still leaves plenty of room to judge it to be a great, great game.

However, I can understand the criticisms and disappointment. I think they stem from the fact that Sunshine has the least content of any 3D Mario. There's just a lot of filler. Not that the other games don't have it as well,s so I can forgive the 7 Shadow Mario chases, 3 Piantissimo races, 2 red coin stars in most levels, red coin hunts in every secret stage, balloon popping on the coaster, etc. But 24 stars coming from blue coins just takes it over the top.

tl;dr - Sunshine is a great game, but it should have had another year of development to expand the real content and flush out some of the filler.


sphinx said:
Sunshine is a gaming masterpiece of last generation that would have been better off belonging to another series.

It's only mistake is trying to be a Mario game but it's an absolute masterpiece full of fun and win.

as mario games, the Galaxies wins.

As an adventure, Sunshine blows them both out of the water.

see this is what i was getting at in my previous post, i think there is group that will never accept sunshine because the FLUDD gimmick that went with it, but i actually think Amir0x had it right when he said its an aid to the platforming...in much the way suits are in other 2d games and actually required in the 3d games to complete mission. Its really just a permanent suit for the whole game :p

no yoshi and to much clearing up goo were big mistakes too, but it was amazing despite these flaws
Yoshi was awesome in Sunshine. Seems like people don't know how to use him correctly. Sunshine was all about dropping you into these massive, multi-tiered stages and letting you explore them however you saw fit by giving you tools to cover as much ground as possible, and Yoshi played into that perfectly with his insanely overpowered spinning hover jump and his ability to turn enemies into moving platforms. Yoshi was definitely better implemented in Sunshine than in Galaxy 2, where he mainly was an afterthought.
nincompoop said:
Yoshi was awesome in Sunshine. Seems like people don't know how to use him correctly. Sunshine was all about dropping you into these massive, multi-tiered stages and letting you explore them however you saw fit by giving you tools to cover as much ground as possible, and Yoshi played into that perfectly with his insanely overpowered spinning hover jump and his ability to turn enemies into moving platforms. Yoshi was definitely better implemented in Sunshine than in Galaxy 2, where he mainly was an afterthought.

May 6th: Hindenburg Disaster and Opposite Day?


nincompoop said:
Yoshi was awesome in Sunshine. Seems like people don't know how to use him correctly. Sunshine was all about dropping you into these massive, multi-tiered stages and letting you explore them however you saw fit by giving you tools to cover as much ground as possible, and Yoshi played into that perfectly with his insanely overpowered spinning hover jump and his ability to turn enemies into moving platforms. Yoshi was definitely better implemented in Sunshine than in Galaxy 2, where he mainly was an afterthought.


Amir0x said:
This by the way is why Nintendo totally needs to stop whoring their franchises. Because they have fans who have these very specific expectations and any wavering is someone "un-Mario like" or "un-Zelda like". If it's not Mushroom Kingdom shenanigans for the billionth time, it's not acceptable. This is why Nintendo needs to do their best with Stream to introduce new hardcore IPs with the budgets of Mario/Zelda and with the marketing budgets of those games, so that we can stop having these expectations that serve nothing but to hold back their respective games with a distinct lack of creativity.
On the other hand, I do like it when Nintendo experiments with their franchises. Recent example would be Kirby's Epic Yarn. Recent for me because NoE seems to hate Kirby. Yes, Good-Feel's original intent was creating a game with Prince Fluff as the main character, but making it a Kirby game was a pretty good move. Some new mechanics and a different set-up, but still it kept a lot of typical Kirby traits. First console Kirby I liked since... well ever.

There was just this disconnect with me during my adventures on Delfino Island. It's really hard for me to explain. It wasn't about very specific expectations.

Do agree on New IP's, I'd love something new.


Sadist said:
On the other hand, I do like it when Nintendo experiments with their franchises. Recent example would be Kirby's Epic Yarn. Recent for me because NoE seems to hate Kirby. Yes, Good-Feel's original intent was creating a game with Prince Fluff as the main character, but making it a Kirby game was a pretty good move. Some new mechanics and a different set-up, but still it kept a lot of typical Kirby traits.

There was just this disconnect with me during my adventures on Delfino Island. It's really hard for me to explain. It wasn't about very specific expectations.

Do agree on New IP's, I'd love something new.

Ah, Kirby Epic Yarn is not an example of them experimenting with Kirby.

Kirby Epic Yarn started as another game entirely - a unique IP - and Nintendo thought "hey, this won't sell with an original character, let's add Kirby into it!"

Kirby as a character was an afterthought from everything I've read in the development. The experimentation came when it wasn't attached to any Nintendo character.
nincompoop said:
Yoshi was awesome in Sunshine. Seems like people don't know how to use him correctly. Sunshine was all about dropping you into these massive, multi-tiered stages and letting you explore them however you saw fit by giving you tools to cover as much ground as possible, and Yoshi played into that perfectly with his insanely overpowered spinning hover jump and his ability to turn enemies into moving platforms. Yoshi was definitely better implemented in Sunshine than in Galaxy 2, where he mainly was an afterthought.

what the suck is the fhit?


nincompoop did go out of his way to elaborate on his position. Why don't you show him a little respect and not try to dismiss it for no reason?

This is the type of shit that is going to have to be curbed. It's ok to joke around and such but to just dismiss an individuals comment altogether who described in detail WHY he liked something is just rude. Come on guys, we're better than that.


Welp got my facts jumbled up. Oh well, the game was different from other Kirby titles even when he got shoehorned into the game later on.

And wait Yoshi fun in Sunshine? He was horrible. Galaxy 2 Yoshi is far more superior. I still remember getting frustrated about not timing jumps while reaching the little Island via a boat. Arrrggh. Galaxy 2 Yoshi had specific power-ups like the pepper or bloated fruit, and controlled better.
Willy105 said:
Well he was only in a handful of Galaxies from what I recall, and he was only ever used in one of two ways, either swinging on those things with his tongue or dashing up walls with a dash pepper. In Sunshine, he was used to eat enemies that couldn't be defeated otherwise (like boos and bees), clean goop that couldn't be cleaned otherwise, as well as giving you a shitton more mobility like I mentioned earlier, so he was definitely more versatile in Sunshine than Galaxy.


nincompoop said:
Yoshi was awesome in Sunshine. Seems like people don't know how to use him correctly.

No, I know how to use him perfectly. He just sucks ass. In any case when he's not required, you can work better and faster without him, and the levels that do require him are the most unfun shit I've ever seen in a Nintendo game.
I was under the impression the posting without elaborating or actually adding to the thread was now 'frowned' upon?

And amir0x. Out of curiosity why do you play GC once a week or so, and Wii not so much?
Wouldn't it be easier to play the GC games on your Wii giving you space savings and what not? I mean what the point in a BC console if you're gonna use the BC'd console to play anyhow?
Pure intrigue is all, to satisfy my mind.
Amir0x said:
Personally, I think Delfino Island felt as Mario like as any other location.

I think the biggest problem people had with Delfino Island was that the Piantas came with it. XD

As far as I'm concerned the only problem I had with the whole holiday theme was that it had basically overtaken almost the entire game. It does look great overall (especially the water, there's no denying that), and it's a nice change of pace from the usual plain/cave/water/lava/ice as you said, but at the same time the variety that was usually found in the series with those old settings had suffered.

This is part of why Galaxy 1 and 2 are so amazing: "Mario in space" is basically a free pass to create levels based on whatever the fuck environments they want. Classic Mario themes, beach levels reminiscent of Sunshine, variations of classic-style airships and new ones and other wacky stuff... anything goes. There is no reason Nintendo should restrict themselves in that area.

Also wtf @ Yoshi being an afterthought in Galaxy 2. There are whole levels dedicated to him.
Amir0x said:
nincompoop did go out of his way to elaborate on his position. Why don't you show him a little respect and not try to dismiss it for no reason?

This is the type of shit that is going to have to be curbed. It's ok to joke around and such but to just dismiss an individuals comment altogether who described in detail WHY he liked something is just rude. Come on guys, we're better than that.

All right then, fine:

nincompoop said:
Yoshi was awesome in Sunshine. Seems like people don't know how to use him correctly. Sunshine was all about dropping you into these massive, multi-tiered stages and letting you explore them however you saw fit by giving you tools to cover as much ground as possible, and Yoshi played into that perfectly with his insanely overpowered spinning hover jump and his ability to turn enemies into moving platforms. Yoshi was definitely better implemented in Sunshine than in Galaxy 2, where he mainly was an afterthought.

FLUDD was much more maneuverable and accurate for getting around ANY level than Yoshi was at any point. The fact that you could never touch water with Yoshi made him basically useless in almost every stage. His only unique move was his tongue and spray, the former was so wonky and horrible to use that it was easier to get off and kill whatever it was normally. The latter of which was really just a weaker version of Mario's water pack.
As for Yoshi being an afterthought in SMG2... I'd say the fact that he was actually controllable and useful in Galaxy 2 (two things that can't be said about him in Sunshine), and the fact that you could easily get him at any time instead of having to stop the entire game just to break him out of his egg, shows that he clearly wasn't an afterthought.
The only explanation I can think of is that you played a completely different version of both SMS and SMG2 than everyone else.


Yoshi had a different form of mobility in Galaxy as well, so if you're going to add that to the Sunshine Yoshi column you might as well just call that a draw.

The reason why I prefer Galaxy Yoshi overall is because in Galaxy, levels were specifically tailored around Yoshi's abilities. So it felt like Yoshi had a real actual purpose. Specific colored Yoshi even acted with different abilities, if you don't remember, really enhancing their capabilities and list of unique levels.

DefectiveReject said:
I was under the impression the posting without elaborating or actually adding to the thread was now 'frowned' upon?

I am waiting until the FAQ thread is unstickied before I start banning for this sort of thing. I want people to get a grasp of the type of line here. It's ridiculous for someone to comment and elaborate on his position and just be called crazy even they put thought and effort into their commentary.

DefectiveReject said:
And amir0x. Out of curiosity why do you play GC once a week or so, and Wii not so much?
Wouldn't it be easier to play the GC games on your Wii giving you space savings and what not? I mean what the point in a BC console if you're gonna use the BC'd console to play anyhow?
Pure intrigue is all, to satisfy my mind.

Of course I play the GCN games on my Wii. But they're GCN games, not Wii games. That's the point. It just serves to show how good GCN was as a platform.


can you imagine a New Mario game that use up most of a 25GB disc?

that would be a game that I wouldn't want to miss out on.


DefectiveReject said:
I'm not a fan of Yoshi in any Mario game.
Just create a power up to give Mario himself similar abilities. Bloody running around crying baby dinosaur

Mario would look weird bouncing off his own back


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
onQ123 said:
can you imagine a New Mario game that use up most of a 25GB disc?

that would be a game that I wouldn't want to miss out on.

2D, 10000 levels.
onQ123 said:
can you imagine a New Mario game that use up most of a 25GB disc?

that would be a game that I wouldn't want to miss out on.
NSMB Wii was, like, 300mb.

Galaxy 2 was smaller than Galaxy 1!

I doubt they will take up 25GB for a new game.


Capcom vs. Nintendo is a very, very interesting possibility. Sakurai's busy with Kid Icarus and I'm not sure he'd be too hot on the idea of being pigeonholed into making another Smash Bros so soon. I can only really think of maybe 4 major first-party characters that could be added to a new game. Smash might be better served taking a break for a while until Nintendo comes up with a few new IPs (might be a while :p).
SSB would definitely be just what Nintendo would love to have for launch to show off social features and all their staple characters in HD, but Capcom vs. Nintendo would fit that bill well enough. Plus Ono is into the idea.
onQ123 said:
can you imagine a New Mario game that use up most of a 25GB disc?

that would be a game that I wouldn't want to miss out on.

Galaxy is only 4.4GB, and that's with high quality orchestrated music.
I just can't see a Mario game ever needing 25GB, unless they added a lot of story and VA to it...
Oh crap... now that awful image is in my brain.
Amir0x said:
Mario would look weird bouncing off his own back

He could spawn off himself like Noob Saibot or some shit.

Regarding Capcom VS Nintendo, I'd love that to be a traditional 2D fighter rather than a Smash/Power Stone-like.
Holy Order Sol said:
He could spawn off himself like Noob Saibot or some shit.

Regarding Capcom VS Nintendo, I'd love that to be a traditional 2D fighter rather than a Smash/Power Stone-like.

How about both?
Have a Smash Mode and a SF mode.
or do like SFvTekken is and have two games developed by each company.


nincompoop said:
You totally discredited my argument with these well-thought-out responses. Conglaturation!
Okay fine the "wow" was just a joke. Seeing as how others have already posted more detailed responses comparing the yoshi in sunshine versus galaxy I will just add this.

In Sunshine Yoshi slowed the game down do to him being very difficult to control, needing fruit juice or disappearing, and not being able to touch water.

In Galaxy using Yoshi is about rhythm and timing with the swinging sections and speed and maneuverability in the crazy running sections. Besides that he was easier to control and less prone to dying suddenly.
Amir0x said:
I am waiting until the FAQ thread is unstickied before I start banning for this sort of thing. I want people to get a grasp of the type of line here. It's ridiculous for someone to comment and elaborate on his position and just be called crazy even they put thought and effort into their commentary.

Of course I play the GCN games on my Wii. But they're GCN games, not Wii games. That's the point. It just serves to show how good GCN was as a platform.
I see on both accounts. I still play more n64 games than GC games and I play more Wii games than either. My only memorable GC games are Rogue Squadron, Wind Waker, Pikimns and Resi 4. But the Wii versions of Resi 4 and Pikmin win out for me due to pointer controls working better for them.
I'm a HUGE Pikmin fan but Little Kings Story on Wii holds up for me to Pikmin and what a Pikmin type Nintendo game could be. Shit was addictive.
Maybe a animal crossing come Pikmin crossover where you dominate towns with your Pikmin to develop a kingdom of your own, and have the ability to attack other users towns for control would be ace.
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