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Wii 2 (Project Cafe): Officially Announced, Playable At E3, Launching 2012 [Updated]

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Gold Member
Amir0x said:
I prefer when multiple people can't use the same nick. Time to get more creative if you're literally spending more than five seconds thinking about a nick because you can't use whatever painfully unimaginative nickname you'd like :p

I don't want different tags on different places but as close as possible on every place please, and unless I'm satisfied with it, all that will happen is nickname-change 40 times.
When its connected to real-life purchases on top of that, it better be what you wanna keep forever, hence a system where you can have your display-name whatever you want even IF it's not unique is my preference.

So lets hope they pick both of the best worlds into one package ;P


So, has anyone speculated on what type of technology Nintendo is gonna use to stream video to the controllers?

I'm guessing it's gonna be the same type of tech (WiDi) that this GPU by nVidia uses.
abstract alien said:
Didn't it only run at like 30fps? Prime's frame rate is double what the tech demo had, and thats with better visuals overall. What was unrealistic about it?

na, the tech demo was 60fps. it had more geometry in the Samus model, more motion blur, anti-aliasing, per pixel lighting, not seen in Prime. Even though Prime was AMAZING in visuals in it's own right.


herzogzwei1989 said:
Even though Prime was AMAZING in visuals in it's own right.
Yes, it was mind blowing at the time. As much as I would like Nintendo to shelf the series for the whole next generation, the thought of all the visor effects with modern shaders and in HD excites me immensely. Well, we should be looking to Retro's first Cafe project in any case. I mean I wouldn't mind a sequel to DKCR with proper fur shading and an even more insane attention to detail.
herzogzwei1989 said:
na, the tech demo was 60fps. it had more geometry in the Samus model, more motion blur, anti-aliasing, per pixel lighting, not seen in Prime. Even though Prime was AMAZING in visuals in it's own right.
Damn, I guess I didn't see any high quality direct feed footage from the tech demo like I thought I did. Must have been a crappy frame-capped capture lol
herzogzwei1989 said:
na, the tech demo was 60fps. it had more geometry in the Samus model, more motion blur, anti-aliasing, per pixel lighting, not seen in Prime. Even though Prime was AMAZING in visuals in it's own right.

Do you have a link of that tech demo?


Amir0x said:
I prefer when multiple people can't use the same nick. Time to get more creative if you're literally spending more than five seconds thinking about a nick because you can't use whatever painfully unimaginative nickname you'd like :p

But, in any event, you do not need horrendous friend codes to allow multiple use of the same nicks and so it's a poor argument for friend codes by default. And I agree they should have the option for multiple nicks because hey I like options. Just not with friend codes.
I don't mind the current friend code entry, but they need to get an invite system going. Having the same nick is fine since the corresponding Mii most likely will not be the same (I like how the associate the number with the Mii), but waiting for them to enter your friend code can be a bit of a hassle.
You know

That's a good point

If Nintendo uses an account system, I live on the east coast

I have a decent chance of getting one at a midnight launch and racing home to make the account name I want (without numbers) before anyone else does
ShockingAlberto said:
You know

That's a good point

If Nintendo uses an account system, I live on the east coast

I have a decent chance of getting one at a midnight launch and racing home to make the account name I want (without numbers) before anyone else does

I have never ran into this problem luckily.


Horsebite said:
Why is nintendo so afraid of HD?

According to all reports, the new console will have HD.

Horsebite said:
This will run at sub-HD resolution, right (so says the OP)?


Edit// no they're just talking about the screen in the controller, not the overall abilty of the console. The screen in the controller will supposedly have a sub-hd resolution, although with its small size, the images will probably look roughly HD anyway.


rpmurphy said:
The console will also output to the TV, not just to the controller screen.
OH! Okay, good! I guess I didn't catch that.

Edit: Be nice, I'm like 8 beers deep and the OP was the first news I've read about this new console.


Every time someone mentions that Nintendo is somehow not ready for the HD generation I feel perplexed. I mean they spent almost a billion of dollars on R&D in the past two years. To think that all of this went towards hardware is insane. I am sure a hefty amount went towards the education of their workforce and the development of new engines for their most recent platforms. Isn't it obvious? The time has come for Nintendo's jump into the HD era.
maeda said:
Every time someone mentions that Nintendo is somehow not ready for the HD generation I feel perplexed. I mean they spent almost a billion of dollars on R&D in the past two years. To think that all this went towards hardware is insane. I am sure a hefty amount went towards the education of their workforce and the development of new engines for their most recent platforms. Isn't it obvious? The time has come for Nintendo's jump into the HD era.
That and the fact that all of the assets for their games are HD. Or something of the sort. The idea that Nintendo isn't capable of making their games work at a higher resolution is laughable. It's not some magical barrier.
Amirox said:
I hate to be reductive to start with, but again your argument literally can be summed up in: "Well, it's not that bad, so why are you complaining about it?" or "Well sure the other thing is better, but this is ok I guess." This is not an argument. This is an excuse.

No, an excuse would be "well it's bad but this is Nintendo, what can we expect? They don't know how to do online and we shouldn't expect them to". This is an outright dismissal that the hypothetical Unified Friend Code + Invites is even a notable problem to begin with. It's the rejection of the notion that this is something worthy of complaint.

First of all, it is bad. It's terrible, in fact.

No, it's not. It's sub-optimal, but continue by all means.

When I had to add neoGAF members to my 3DS it took no less than an hour to add every code. I won't even mention how long it took on Wii.

Do you know how long it took for me to add people on XBL and PSN? I got over 60 people added on in less than five minutes. When someone wants to add me, I get prompted to accept and they magically go on my list too. Nicknames are natural to remember, long, 12 digit numbers are not.

I'm just going to assume you're exaggerating for comedic effect, because if it took you an hour to type in each 12 digit number you must be functionally retarded. A well implemented friend code system is identical to Steam friends, except instead of having "SteamID" and "Nickname", you have "Friendcode" and "Nickname". And when someone adds you you would get prompted exactly the same way. And when you're browsing in a game you go "I want to add Dan1225, he's a cool guy" and the exchange goes on invisibly. And being able to browse other people's profiles and send an invite to them.

You seem to be assuming the worst possible implementation of the concept and are unable to mentally abstract friend codes away from said horrible past implementations. And I hope that's not more "1295165246 HAS COME ONLINE" FUD I'm reading.

For every excuse you make for it, you reduce the seriousness of your argument. You may call not lowering ones standards to make excuses for a giant corporations incompetent decisions as "pathetic", but I call it "not being a sycophant."

I call it worrying about shit that actually matters. If Nintendo gets a good online system up and the only thing wrong with it is Friend Codes instead of UserIDs (but they won't), then it will be better than both PSN (Cross game chat) and XBL (Lol monthly fees) because this is a minor fucking issue that you're blowing out of proportion.

Nintendo does not exist in a vacuum. Until they do, I am going to call out and rightly slam any company that does something markedly worse than their competitors. Friend codes is one on a long list of major problems they have to fix if they're going to have a competent, competitive online system. Period.

Are you implying you can't have a competitive online system with friend codes? Jesus. This is the least of their fucking worries.
richisawesome said:
As said previously, Nintendo have said in emails to UK Club Nintendo members that in the May 3DS update, you will be able to link your club nintendo account to your 3DS console. And they could easily get rid of friend codes with the firmware update and swap them for a better system - like the one mentioned above which would be email based.
Doubtful to say the least. But I like the optimism.

EDIT: Hold the fuck up. I thought that friend adding on the 3DS was a one-way system (request--->Accept). We still have to go both ways with this?

FFFUUUU Nintendo.


CoffeeJanitor said:
That and the fact that all of the assets for their games are HD. Or something of the sort. The idea that Nintendo isn't capable of making their games work at a higher resolution is laughable. It's not some magical barrier.
And then if you consider that many Nintendo games from PS2 generation truly belong into the "graphical showcase" category, I don't think we have anything to worry about on that front.

bgassassin said:
This reminds me. Who all remembers this?

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k75BZJdeYe8 (couldn't find any higher quality videos)

I can't remember if they ever considered making this into a game. I would say there were a few GC games that replicated that level.
But Rebirth was a full CG demo...
CoffeeJanitor said:
That and the fact that all of the assets for their games are HD. Or something of the sort. The idea that Nintendo isn't capable of making their games work at a higher resolution is laughable. It's not some magical barrier.
Its not the higher resolution that they're unprepared for.


actually, i think nintendo will transition into HD just fine. some of the 480i assets being upscaled into 1080p by dolphin already look mind blowing.

now imagine characters like Link and Mario running in 1080p with assets created specifically to do so. shit will look insane.

you also don't need a hyperrealistic look, as cel-shaded and cartoony styles will greatly benefit from the increased resolution. and if they choose to do a mature Zelda, Star Fox, or Metroid (Mario would never work), then i can imagine it looking very close to a Pixar film, really.


brain_stew said:
Its not the higher resolution that they're unprepared for.
But they for certainly are prepared for OG shading language and all the things pertaining to the totally programmable graphics paradigm. Why wouldn't they be?


Nintendos biggest weakness initially will be its game engines. They have been jerry-rigging engines along since the N64 days


antonz said:
Nintendos biggest weakness initially will be its game engines. They have been jerry-rigging engines along since the N64 days
Well considering that Infinity Ward was jerry-rigging engines along since the Quake 3 era, I am sure they will be just fine :D
maeda said:
But they for certainly are prepared for OG shading language and all the things pertaining to the totally programmable graphics paradigm. Why wouldn't they be?
A complete shift in the development and art pipeline isn't something that can be implemented overnight. Proper experience and efficiency comes from actually undertaking real projects and figuring out first hand what worksand what doesn't. The almost embarrassing state of most of their 3DS output should be a big enough tip off that they're not quite ready yet.

brain_stew said:
Its not the higher resolution that they're unprepared for.
Um, then what. Are you talking about the more western dev oriented architecture? Because I could see an argument there. Someone made the point that Nintendo's 3DS games aren't looking as good as some third parties' titles because they weren't really familiar with the 3DS style of architecture or something of the sort. That would make sense to me.


ShockingAlberto said:
You know

That's a good point

If Nintendo uses an account system, I live on the east coast

I have a decent chance of getting one at a midnight launch and racing home to make the account name I want (without numbers) before anyone else does

My nickname is Amir0x. I am so not concerned. And if someone took that I'd make it Aminath. And if someone took that I'm name it Amitr0n.

Nicknames are so easy to come up with. I prefer a system where everyone is forced to come up with a unique name and therefore a unique identity that is unable to be confused with anyone else, but either way we can come to this multiple nick bs without friend codes so it's really not an argument for them.
Utako said:
For Metroid? Ew.
I dunno. I can see it looks kind of like the more serious parts of Incredibles. Not necessarily the cartoony character artstyles, but stuff like the room where Mr. Incredible gets taken down by those black balloon blobs or the volcano.


brain_stew said:
A complete shift in the development and art pipeline isn't something that can be implemented overnight. Proper experience and efficiency comes from actually undertaking real projects and figuring out first hand what worksand what doesn't. The almost embarrassing state of most of their 3DS output should be a big enough tip off that they're not quite ready yet.
I can certainly see where your worries come from. But recent Star Fox 64 graphical tit-bits show some nice modern graphical effects. Plus most of the Nintendo's 1st generation 3DS games are not developed in house... I guess i am just too hopeful... I will settle for 1st generation 1st party Cafe games looking as good as 2nd generation 360 games... Plus, we don't really know how many prototypes of graphical engines the likes of Tokyo EAD have gone through until they were satisfied with what was shown on the screen.


Amir0x said:
My nickname is Amir0x. I am so not concerned. And if someone took that I'd make it Aminath. And if someone took that I'm name it Amitr0n.

Nicknames are so easy to come up with. I prefer a system where everyone is forced to come up with a unique name and therefore a unique identity that is unable to be confused with anyone else, but either way we can come to this multiple nick bs without friend codes so it's really not an argument for them.

Is AmiTron like a Voltron mech?

But I agree, I have two default names, and if either of them are taken, I just find a combination of the two.

Now if you want some really dry name like TheFirst or something would be taken in no time, but eh


ThoseDeafMutes said:
No, an excuse would be "well it's bad but this is Nintendo, what can we expect? They don't know how to do online and we shouldn't expect them to". This is an outright dismissal that the hypothetical Unified Friend Code + Invites is even a notable problem to begin with. It's the rejection of the notion that this is something worthy of complaint

No, it's not. It's sub-optimal, but continue by all means.

It's awful and inferior to all other possible methods to date on consoles and PC . The level you consider it "terrible" is of no consequence to me, because whether it is a "little" more worse or a "lot" more worse it is still worse. The fact that you would waste words on defending something that is worse, no matter the degree, is a tiny little joke in of itself.

I do not need to mince words for some sub-par efforts. Nintendo does not exist in a vacuum and I have superior offerings at every turn. I have plenty of experience with the alternatives to know I need not make excuses.

ThoseDeafMutes said:
I'm just going to assume you're exaggerating for comedic effect, because if it took you an hour to type in each 12 digit number you must be functionally retarded. A well implemented friend code system is identical to Steam friends, except instead of having "SteamID" and "Nickname", you have "Friendcode" and "Nickname". And when someone adds you you would get prompted exactly the same way. And when you're browsing in a game you go "I want to add Dan1225, he's a cool guy" and the exchange goes on invisibly. And being able to browse other people's profiles and send an invite to them.

No, it took me over an hour to enter in all the 3DS friend codes I was asked to enter altogether. That was somewhere in the order of 75 friend codes so far. Not an hour per code. Your feigned indignation amuses me to no end though, I assure you. hehehe

ThoseDeafMutes said:
You seem to be assuming the worst possible implementation of the concept and are unable to mentally abstract friend codes away from said horrible past implementations. And I hope that's not more "1295165246 HAS COME ONLINE" FUD I'm reading.

There is factually no good possible implementation of friend codes.

ThoseDeafMutes said:
I call it worrying about shit that actually matters. If Nintendo gets a good online system up and the only thing wrong with it is Friend Codes instead of UserIDs (but they won't), then it will be better than both PSN (Cross game chat) and XBL (Lol monthly fees) because this is a minor fucking issue that you're blowing out of proportion.

A "good online system" - how deliciously vague. XBL is an incredible online system that is literally five trillion years ahead of any current comparable online system for the consoles at the moment, pay or not. If Nintendo had a "good" online system but kept friend codes, it would just be another on a list of things preventing it from being par with PSN and XBL.

I blow nothing out of proportion. Friend codes are precisely as bad as everyone says they are and they will remain so, no matter how much sweat one wastes on trying to excuse it away.

I am frankly completely unconcerned with how important you think it is. I have virtually everyone on my side on this issue. There is not a man alive who likes friend codes and has anything competent to say about online functionality.

ThoseDeafMutes said:
Are you implying you can't have a competitive online system with friend codes? Jesus. This is the least of their fucking worries.

Yup. They can't. Like I said, just because it is only one problem in a veritable litany of problems does not excuse the sins of one. I am sorry you must break your back to continue making excuses. It is not something I tolerate because I have endlessly superior online platforms. It is certainly within your right to not care or to act like it is such a small, forgettable issue that "how dare you discuss it in such a manner" but it is not the way I will approach the terrible issue of friendcodes.


Penguin said:
Is AmiTron like a Voltron mech?

But I agree, I have two default names, and if either of them are taken, I just find a combination of the two.

Now if you want some really dry name like TheFirst or something would be taken in no time, but eh

I have like five names I default to when they're used. But I almost never have to use anything other than Amir0x. I forgot my original Xbox Amir0x password and I was too lazy to recover it so I switched to Amitr0n for XBL. But I have another XBL account that I don't share with neoGAF that is not Ami name of any kind for my other 360. So i can have some privacy :p
Amir0x said:
There is factually no good possible implementation of friend codes.

The one plausible excuse that people have - that you can have different names for games - can be done away with by a simple feature than I've been waiting for for years.

The ability to rename your friends. If some friend of mine is called ApeFace1944, I want to be able to rename them to John Stevens on my system and have them be called whatever I choose them to be called. I don't mind how I get to this feature, friend codes or name invites.

I don't see a difference between names, codes and invites. All of them are broken if you idiots get to keep your moronic names. I will cleanse the earth of xXKago_Is_KingXx and the like. Fire will rain down.


Wolves Evolve said:
The one plausible excuse that people have - that you can have different names for games - can be done away with by a simple feature than I've been waiting for for years.

The ability to rename your friends. If some friend of mine is called ApeFace1944, I want to be able to rename them to John Stevens on my system and have them be called whatever I choose them to be called. I don't mind how I get to this feature, friend codes or name invites.

I don't see a difference between names, codes and invites. All of them are broken if you idiots get to keep your moronic names. I will cleanse the earth of xXKago_Is_KingXx and the like. Fire will rain down.

Heh, that would be maaad confusing sometimes. But because of my experience with neoGAFers naming their 3DS/Wii nicknames completely different from their neoGAF nicks I AGREE. I cannot tell you who is on my list anymore. About 2/3rd of them have nicknames I don't recognize at all. I'd like the opportunity to label them too for posterity :p

None of these requests require friend codes or are even more easier with friend codes. An account based system built around nicknames can still have the ability to have multiple similar nicknames over the system and can have the ability for you to rename friends. It's all up to the system and how it's implemented.


ShockingAlberto said:
I dunno. I can see it looks kind of like the more serious parts of Incredibles. Not necessarily the cartoony character artstyles, but stuff like the room where Mr. Incredible gets taken down by those black balloon blobs or the volcano.
I would just like Metroid to look as realistic, spooky, and alien as possible, like the pre-Prime games.
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