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Wii 2 (Project Cafe): Officially Announced, Playable At E3, Launching 2012 [Updated]

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Amir0x said:
My nickname is Amir0x. I am so not concerned. And if someone took that I'd make it Aminath. And if someone took that I'm name it Amitr0n.

Nicknames are so easy to come up with. I prefer a system where everyone is forced to come up with a unique name and therefore a unique identity that is unable to be confused with anyone else, but either way we can come to this multiple nick bs without friend codes so it's really not an argument for them.

It often doesn't work out that way though. So you get coolDude2588. Or xcoolDudex. Or xxcoolDudexx. Or xcoolDudex2588. At this point the name and number system in Starcraft 2 is preferable. But this is of course all moot if the new system allows invites.


evangd007 said:
It often doesn't work out that way though. So you get coolDude2588. Or xcoolDudex. Or xxcoolDudexx. Or xcoolDudex2588. At this point the name and number system in Starcraft 2 is preferable.

That's a lack of imagination.

CoolDuder is better than those.

And if that doesn't work, CoolDudeth.

And if that doesn't work, TheCoolethDudeth. Mix it up mang. I can't believe people are this creatively bankrupt. I fear for today's youth :(

But again, you don't need friend code system to allow multiple users to share the same nick.


I have to say I am starting to really like Amirox' attitude even though his positions are very often ones that I do not share. It's the way he uses the language to express his displeasure that is very strong and can be perceived as insulting to many individuals, who are too lazy to read beyond his use of the inflammatory language, and understand that he uses those words precisely because he is emotive about the things he talks about. And that is a very rewarding quality in the conversationalist, you are having a debate with.


evangd007 said:
That's 90% of the gaming population though.

I fear for today's youth :(

maeda said:
I have to say I am starting to really like Amirox' attitude even though his positions are very often ones that I do not share. It's the way he uses the language to express his displeasure that is very strong and can be perceived as insulting to many individuals, who are too lazy to read beyond his use of the inflammatory language, and understand that he uses those words precisely because he is emotive about the things he talks about. And that is a very rewarding quality in the conversationalist, you are having a debate with.

I appreciate the nod, I do. I am just passionate about my positions.

I wish people would understand that if I didn't respect your opinion I would not respond to it. I only discuss topics with people I respect.


Wolves Evolve said:
The one plausible excuse that people have - that you can have different names for games - can be done away with by a simple feature than I've been waiting for for years.

The ability to rename your friends. If some friend of mine is called ApeFace1944, I want to be able to rename them to John Stevens on my system and have them be called whatever I choose them to be called. I don't mind how I get to this feature, friend codes or name invites.

I don't see a difference between names, codes and invites. All of them are broken if you idiots get to keep your moronic names. I will cleanse the earth of xXKago_Is_KingXx and the like. Fire will rain down.
That's not a feature exclusive to friend codes, though, just something that designers choose to ignore. The only tangible advantage to friend codes is that you can use the full set of online features without setting up an account of any kind. Nintendo can certainly build on top of their friend code system for a full account-based online system, but they simply haven't.
The worst part is, I'm a huge Monster Hunter fan and the lack of online functionality curbed the time I was able to spend on Tri. It just wasn't organised well. I couldn't get my MH friends to even buy the game, they didn't see the point because they knew a PSP version would eventually come out. Friend codes are a symbol of how far behind Nintendo are in their thinking on online services. 3DS having no store at launch is the confirmation that the thinking continues.

Nintendo can't be convinced that as a generation, we are online. We're online all the time. Even if the console isn't, we're on a laptop, on phones. This is how we are. I'm 30 and I feel that way. I can't imagine being 20, or 15 - growing up after the internet GOT GOOD and after the Simpsons GOT GOOD (before it went bad). Nintendo not rising up to how the generation of kids, and the ways they already play, is fucking depressing.

They will need to go a long, long way on June 7. It can't just be catch-up. Its only really the next generation of consoles if it has the next generation of online.

(Don't bother replying to me with hurr single player games durr - I mostly only play SP games. I'm not a achievements person. I'm an online person. The computer devices I own have to be online in a way that's interesting.)


maeda said:
I have to say I am starting to really like Amirox' attitude even though his positions are very often ones that I do not share. It's the way he uses the language to express his displeasure that is very strong and can be perceived as insulting to many individuals, who are too lazy to read beyond his use of the inflammatory language, and understand that he uses those words precisely because he is emotive about the things he talks about. And that is a very rewarding quality in the conversationalist, you are having a debate with.
Or maybe he has red in his name? No but I'll agree with ya good positions and well spoken that man is. Just want to say that the defense of FCs that's been going on is inexcusable, Nintendo has to drop it. Such a hassle to add friends and not worth it in the long run.


Wolves Evolve said:
The worst part is, I'm a huge Monster Hunter fan and the lack of online functionality curbed the time I was able to spend on Tri. It just wasn't organised well. I couldn't get my MH friends to even buy the game, they didn't see the point because they knew a PSP version would eventually come out. Friend codes are a symbol of how far behind Nintendo are in their thinking on online services. 3DS having no store at launch is the confirmation that the thinking continues.

Nintendo can't be convinced that as a generation, we are online. We're online all the time. Even if the console isn't, we're on a laptop, on phones. This is how we are. I'm 30 and I feel that way. I can't imagine being 20, or 15 - growing up after the internet GOT GOOD and after the Simpsons GOT GOOD (before it went bad). Nintendo not rising up to how the generation of kids, and the ways they already play, is fucking depressing.

They will need to go a long, long way on June 7. It can't just be catch-up. Its only really the next generation of consoles if it has the next generation of online.

(Don't bother replying to me with hurr single player games durr - I mostly only play SP games. I'm not a achievements person. I'm an online person. The computer devices I own have to be online in a way that's interesting.)


To be fair, Monster Hunter to date has been stuck on a slew of underwhelming online platforms - PSP, Wii and PS2 are not exactly the greatest online systems.

Hopefully if Monster Hunter goes to 3DS and NGP, we'll start to see a marked improvement in the online experience. I love Monster Hunter to fucking death, even though I was a little disappointed with Tri.


grkazan12 said:
Or maybe he has red in his name? No but I'll agree with ya good positions and well spoken that man is. Just want to say that the defense of FCs that's been going on is inexcusable, Nintendo has to drop it. Such a hassle to add friends and not worth it in the long run.
I would fully disagree with the notion that Nintendo has to drop friend codes in order to implement a fully-rich online service equal to competing ones. Hardware-tied generated codes have nothing in the way of Nintendo implementing a user-account system, and do in fact have some, albeit obscure, advantages. Steam does not force you to create a unique profile link, for example, because it generates one for you upon account activation which you can immediately start using; however, it doesn't get in the way of letting people create their own unique one.
Amir0x said:
That's a lack of imagination.

CoolDuder is better than those.

And if that doesn't work, CoolDudeth.

And if that doesn't work, TheCoolethDudeth. Mix it up mang. I can't believe people are this creatively bankrupt. I fear for today's youth :(

But again, you don't need friend code system to allow multiple users to share the same nick.

Do it.


That's not related to my nickname theme. CoffeeJanitor is a swell nickname though, come to think of it. A Janitor that deals only in coffee-related incidents would be quite useful in every day life.


Amir0x said:
I wish people would understand that if I didn't respect your opinion I would not respond to it. I only discuss topics with people I respect.
I got so nostalgic when I read your post about the GameCube's library when I read your post about it in this thread, even thought you didn't bring up the problems that plagued Nintendo's 1st and 2nd generation titles for the platform, like lack of polish and development time.
Amir0x said:
That's not related to my nickname theme. CoffeeJanitor is a swell nickname though, come to think of it. A Janitor that deals only in coffee-related incidents would be quite useful in every day life.
hah, it's more related to the Janitor from scrubs and my old IGN account. But I think we can just leave it at a coffee-cleaning janitor.

What does Amir0x mean? And I always read it as Amerox. Is that right?
Utako said:
I would just like Metroid to look as realistic, spooky, and alien as possible, like the pre-Prime games.



Not seeing it.


maeda said:
I got so nostalgic when I read your post about the GameCube's library when I read your post about it in this thread, even thought you didn't bring up the problems that plagued Nintendo's 1st and 2nd generation titles for the platform, like lack of polish and development time.

See this is an issue I would have liked someone like you to bring up so we could have discussed it.

I like discussing things with people who introduce unique perspectives into the folds. I don't enjoy discussing things will people who agree with every word I say. What do I learn from that, you know?

I definitely agree that some of their games had some polish issues, although I think that's generally overblown. Of their titles, Wind Waker was the clearest one to suffer. But the game turned out so amazing anyway that it's hard to take too much offense to the relatively rushed development time.

But man a HD Wind Waker with the three missing dungeons added back in? Now THAT would be a remake I would endorse for life.

CoffeeJanitor said:
hah, it's more related to the Janitor from scrubs and my old IGN account. But I think we can just leave it at a coffee-cleaning janitor.

What does Amir0x mean? And I always read it as Amerox. Is that right?

"Amerox" is essentially correct, insomuch as there is any correct way of saying the totally made up combination of letters that happens to sound like a word.

It doesn't actually mean anything. I wanted a nickname that was definitively mine, that it would be very rare to encounter by coincidence online. This is one I merely spouted out as I went through a combination of letters in my head and it has since stuck.


Amir0x said:
See this is an issue I would have liked someone like you to bring up so we could have discussed it.

I like discussing things with people who introduce unique perspectives into the folds. I don't enjoy discussing things will people who agree with every word I say. What do I learn from that, you know?

I definitely agree that some of their games had some polish issues, although I think that's generally overblown. Of their titles, Wind Waker was the clearest one to suffer. But the game turned out so amazing anyway that it's hard to take too much offense to the relatively rushed development time.

But man a HD Wind Waker with the three missing dungeons added back in? Now THAT would be a remake I would endorse for life.
Well when you take into consideration the whole undercooked 1st generation of Nintendo's GameCube games (other than SSBM), I would have to disagree with the fact that it is overblown. WW is an amazing Zelda game that has the best sense of exploration out of the whole series. Its problem came out of the filler that came with Nintendo cutting short the development ties. I am looking forward to SS hoping that Nintendo not only combined WW's and TP's art styles, but also combined WW's sense of discovery and exploration with TP's insanely polished dungeon design.


I have three different nicknames. Two of them are used for sites I don't want ever being found out - like porn sites and shit like that. When I run for president I don't want dirt to be dug up, yo.

maeda said:
Well when you take into consideration the whole undercooked 1st generation of Nintendo's 1st generation GameCube games (other than SSBM), I would have to disagree with the fact that it is overblown. WW is an amazing Zelda game that has the best sense of exploration out of the whole series. Its problem came out of the filler that came with Nintendo cutting short the development ties. I am looking forward to SS hoping that Nintendo not only combined WW's and TP's art styles, but also combined WW's sense of discovery and exploration with TP's insanely polished dungeon design.

I guess I just didn't feel the same way others did. I thought Pikmin 2 was one of the most polished games of all time, for example. Stable partnerships with titles like F-Zero GX... I cannot even conceive of a more polished racing game. I thought Wave Race was very well polished for a launch game. I thought everything about Super Mario Sunshine was polished, except Yoshi and the camera. Ok and the final level was rushed. Let's just call that a push in terms of its relative polish level :p

I dunno I never had a problem with how the games turned out. I never ran into bugs, they all mostly had plenty of content and most of them were dramatic improvements over what came before (and are still better than most of what has come since).
Amir0x said:
I have three different nicknames. Two of them are used for sites I don't want ever being found out - like porn sites and shit like that. When I run for president I don't want dirt to be dug up, yo.
Good point!

Same here... but I only use two nicknames... by the way, I really like some of your comments, and I really want to discuss and debate some Nintendo related things with you... specially the Gamecube and Wii games comparisons.

I'm on my phone though, so maybe tomorrow.


I've been nostalgic for Mario Sunshine lately. Delfino Isle felt so complete, its own little world, everything interconnected, everything infinitely platform-y -- the shingled rooftops of Delfino Plaza are parkour paradise. I love playing around with the watergun -- spray a lil' and slide a mile on your belly. Or switch to the turbo nozzle and jet across the waters. Better yet, grab a blooper and go surfing. And the game was just such a joy to control. Great atmosphere, too. A refreshing realization of a new corner to Mario's world, something different from the usual Mushroom Kingdom.


Corporate Apologist
Fernando Rocker said:
Do you guys use the same nickname for everything online related? Forums... blogs... Live... PSN... etc...
Mostly. If some asshole steels my totally original and unique name, I try Dockirby, then TheDrkirby. If those are taken (Often by me forgetting my own account, like on Pogo wanting to play some game on it), I will just keep add more prefixes, some really dumb. I think the longest string was TheSuperUltraDrkirbyDelux,


Amir0x said:
I guess I just didn't feel the same way others did. I thought Pikmin 2 was one of the most polished games of all time, for example. Stable partnerships with titles like F-Zero GX... I cannot even conceive of a more polished racing game. I thought Wave Race was very well polished for a launch game. I thought everything about Super Mario Sunshine was polished, except Yoshi and the camera. Ok and the final level was rushed. Let's just call that a push in terms of its relative polish level :p

I dunno I never had a problem with how the games turned out. I never ran into bugs, they all mostly had plenty of content and most of them were dramatic improvements over what came before (and are still better than most of what has come since).
Well Pikmin 2 is a 3rd generation GameCube game, very polished, and very awesome I must say. I never got the love for F Zero GX, In my opinion it was way too difficult and its tracks were inferior to its prequel. Wave Race had its issues with the opening. You had to work your way to the totally transformed by the weather effects levels. And that was the bulk of the experience. Super Mario Sunshine was an incredible game for the first 30% of the game, I honestly think Bianco Hills is one of the best 3D Mario levels ever, but then it just got dragged down by the unfun design decisions. I still hope we will see infinite belly sliding in one of the Mario games, though :D.


Neiteio said:
I've been nostalgic for Mario Sunshine lately. Delfino Isle felt so complete, its own little world, everything interconnected, everything infinitely platform-y -- the shingled rooftops of Delfino Plaza are parkour paradise. I love playing around with the watergun -- spray a lil' and slide a mile on your belly. Or switch to the turbo nozzle and jet across the waters. Better yet, grab a blooper and go surfing. And the game was just such a joy to control. Great atmosphere, too. A refreshing realization of a new corner to Mario's world, something different from the usual Mushroom Kingdom.

I agree with you in that Nintendo gave us a look at a different setting in Mario's world that actually felt like a place where people lived. I liked the practical aspect of Delfino being a vacation island, the port, amusement park, beach, village etc. I hope Nintendo gives us more of this on the cafe. I see it as a better direction than the stage floating in the middle of nowhere approach though the galaxy games' levels are more impressive. Nintendo did give a small glimpse of the mushroom kingdom in the beginning of the galaxy games where the festival is happening and there are toads everywhere and I think some small houses leading up to the castle. I thought that was a nice touch. I really want the next console mario to feature different locations in the mario world/mushroom kingdom. Who knows maybe Super Mario 3ds will do that though I imagine it will use a galaxy 2 like stage progression map.
Nobody can convince me Mario Sunshine wouldn't have been better as just 100 or so of the FLUDD-less levels and nothing more. The biggest problem with that game is it gave you a peak at a vastly superior game before taking it away and throwing you back on the island.

The setting I found dull after a few hours. The good thing about the Mushroom Kingdom is it at least has flexibility to not be a beach all the damn time.


maeda said:
Well Pikmin 2 is a 3rd generation GameCube game, very polished, and very awesome I must say. I never got the love for F Zero GX, In my opinion it was way too difficult and its tracks were inferior to its prequel. Wave Race had its issues with the opening. You had to work your way to the totally transformed by the weather effects levels. And that was the bulk of the experience. Super Mario Sunshine was an incredible game for the first 30% of the game, I honestly think Bianco Hills is one of the best 3D Mario levels ever, but then it just got dragged down by the unfun design decisions. I still hope we will see infinite belly sliding in one of the Mario games, though :D.

Man, F-Zero GX is my favorite racing game of all time. I can literally write an entire book as to the merits of its incredible track design, outstandingly fluid and precise vehicle controls and insane visual direction and sense of speed. In all ways, F-Zero GX is to me the ultimate racing game. Difficulty is THE number one reason I love it too - always just hard enough to keep beating me down, inspiring me to try that much harder and to slice that hundredth of a second off my time but cutting a corner over a ten thousand foot drop at 2000kmph. By the end I felt like some sort of racing cyborg, calculating turns at a level of precision and pin point accuracy unparalleled in humankind.

Oh god F-Zero GX is actually one of top ten games of all time. I consider it that great. The mere announcement of a new F-Zero for Stream would be enough to send me to a catatonic state of bliss.

butter-stick said:
Nobody can convince me Mario Sunshine wouldn't have been better as just 100 or so of the FLUDD-less levels and nothing more. The biggest problem with that game is it gave you a peak at a vastly superior game before taking it away and throwing you back on the island.

The setting I found dull after a few hours. The good thing about the Mushroom Kingdom is it at least has flexibility to not be a beach all the damn time.

I thought its thematic rigidity was one of its most appealing aspects. I am so bored of LAVA, WINTER, GRASS, DESERT all the damn time. It's wonderful when a developer is courageous enough to go a little wild. The vacation theme might seem limiting on the outside, but in practice it was super flexible and had every manner of laid back sun baked and water soaked environ one could conceive of. I adored it.

Plus, again, I loved FLUDD. I thought it was an acrobatic aid and the level design was clearly made to take advantage of it. I could slice short cuts at the top of triple flips like some sort of Cirque Du Freak, bounding and hippity hopping about the pipes of flowing oil and water like a God. I adored it.


butter_stick said:
Nobody can convince me Mario Sunshine wouldn't have been better as just 100 or so of the FLUDD-less levels and nothing more. The biggest problem with that game is it gave you a peak at a vastly superior game before taking it away and throwing you back on the island.
It is interesting to look at the FLUDDless levels as being a precursor to Mario Galaxy. I liked those levels more than the rest too.
butter_stick said:
The setting I found dull after a few hours. The good thing about the Mushroom Kingdom is it at least has flexibility to not be a beach all the damn time.

But the setting is not dull. Delfino is full of character and fun. There were only a few stages that felt boring and that was mostly because of the relaxing Hawaiian music in the background. What iteration of the mushroom kingdom are you talking about though because to me the mushroom kingdom is basically your stock grass, water, desert area. Its not really a unified setting or a place that feels lived in or "real" like Delfino.
artwalknoon said:
It is interesting to look at the FLUDDless levels as being a precursor to Mario Galaxy. I liked those levels more than the rest too.

But the setting is not dull. Delfino is full of character and fun. There were only a few stages that felt boring and that was mostly because of the relaxing Hawaiian music in the background. What iteration of the mushroom kingdom are you talking about though because to me the mushroom kingdom is basically your stock grass, water, desert area. Its not really a unified setting or a place that feels lived in or "real" like Delfino.
Yeah, the FLUDD-less levels are teasing SMG. So it all turned out well in the end.

It's not that I think Dolphino was ugly or bland as such, but compared to, say, Galaxy, or the varied level styles of Mario World, it's difficult for me to distinguish levels in my memory. It's got a consistent vibe through the game which most Mario games do not.

I guess it comes down to not wanting Mario to be in a place that feels "real". See also; Sonic.


Amir0x said:
Man, F-Zero GX is my favorite racing game of all time. I can literally write an entire book as to the merits of its incredible track design, outstandingly fluid and precise vehicle controls and insane visual direction and sense of speed. In all ways, F-Zero GX is to me the ultimate racing game. Difficulty is THE number one reason I love it too - always just hard enough to keep beating me down, inspiring me to try that much harder and to slice that hundredth of a second off my time but cutting a corner over a ten thousand foot drop at 2000kmph. By the end I felt like some sort of racing cyborg, calculating turns at a level of precision and pin point accuracy unparalleled in humankind.

Oh god F-Zero GX is actually one of top ten games of all time. I consider it that great. The mere announcement of a new F-Zero for Stream would be enough to send me to a catatonic state of bliss.
Wow, my opinion could not be any more different. I felt that F Zero GX did not capitalize on its prequel sense of speed and track design. I felt it was too punishing ( you basically had to lead the whole race to grab the gold ). I hope we will soon get a Nintendo developed sequel to my beloved F Zero X.
Talking about Sunshine, I feel that its setting was the least of its problems. I loved Delfino Island, it was different, it was fresh.
Amir0x said:
Man, F-Zero GX is my favorite racing game of all time. I can literally write an entire book as to the merits of its incredible track design, outstandingly fluid and precise vehicle controls and insane visual direction and sense of speed. In all ways, F-Zero GX is to me the ultimate racing game. Difficulty is THE number one reason I love it too - always just hard enough to keep beating me down, inspiring me to try that much harder and to slice that hundredth of a second off my time but cutting a corner over a ten thousand foot drop at 2000kmph. By the end I felt like some sort of racing cyborg, calculating turns at a level of precision and pin point accuracy unparalleled in humankind.

Oh god F-Zero GX is actually one of top ten games of all time. I consider it that great. The mere announcement of a new F-Zero for Stream would be enough to send me to a catatonic state of bliss.

This x1000000. F-Zero for Cafe with modern functionality (online MP, UGC for tracks and vehicles with file sharing) is mandatory for launch. No two ways about it. And if Nintendo needs a technical powerhouse to showcase Cafe's specs? Nothing better than F-Zero.

My Cylinder Knot is ready.


maeda said:
Wow, my opinion could not be any more different. I felt that F Zero GX did not capitalize on its prequel sense of speed and track design. I felt it was too punishing ( you basically had to lead the whole race to grab the gold ). I hope we will soon get a Nintendo developed sequel to my beloved F Zero X.
Talking about Sunshine, I feel that its setting was the least of its problems. I loved Delfino Island, it was different, it was fresh.

This is simply a matter of you and I having a different approach toward game design. I see games as "the harder it is, the better it is." Provided that difficulty curve seems able to be overcome with pure skill. F-Zero GX is definitely at that place for me. It is one of the most punishing racing games I've ever played, but it feels like the good type of punishing. The type of whips-and-leather-and-Monica-Bellucci-dominating-me-with-her-stiletto-crushing-my-spine awesome difficulty.

One thing you'll learn about me as I love abusively challenging games :D
GX is a lot of fun but too grueling.

I'm more of a casual fan of racing games so the "ballbreakingly hard" option should probably be there for the hardcores of the world, but after awhile I just quit playing it was so hard.


Eteric Rice said:
I get the distinct feeling that Nintendo's 3DS online will tie into the Cafe's online, hence why it's incomplete and why a lot of touted features are absent.

Could be wrong.
Wii 2 is releasing in probably more than a year, Nintendo would have to be crazy to delay 3DS's online features that long.
Have there been many podcasts that talk Cafe?

There was a small section in one of Giant Bomb, but I haven't heard that much.
Granted I don't listen to gaming podcasts on the regular, so...


God, I cannot tell you the number of times the fingers on my hands - drenched in sweat, clenched so tightly to the controller I thought it might crack under the pressure - jutted about in an amazing zen-like blur, modifying turns to a millionth of an inch to crack turns at 2200kmph in order to cut an opposing enemy off and take the victory with only a hundredth of a second left to go in the race.

F-Zero GX is the cause of more totally inappropriate victory dances than any game I've ever played.


Oh god F-Zero GX is actually one of top ten games of all time. I consider it that great. The mere announcement of a new F-Zero for Stream would be enough to send me to a catatonic state of bliss.

It seems like you've got a lot to be hopeful for. Pikmin, F-Zero, and Smash Bros seem to be the most logical launch titles (in my opinion) for Cafe. Most of their other big names are either in development for Wii still (Kirby, Zelda) or in development for 3DS. I don't see many other big titles that they could release that won't deter third-party developers but will also help to sell the system, outside of a completely new IP.

Also, F-Zero would be a hell of a title to showcase the Cafe's power.


Amir0x said:
This is simply a matter of you and I having a different approach toward game design. I see games as "the harder it is, the better it is." Provided that difficulty curve seems able to be overcome with pure skill. F-Zero GX is definitely at that place for me. It is one of the most punishing racing games I've ever played, but it feels like the good type of punishing. The type of whips-and-leather-and-Monica-Bellucci-dominating-me-with-her-stiletto-crushing-my-spine awesome difficulty.

One thing you'll learn about me as I love abusively challenging games :D
:D As I age, I become less patient to unforgiving game design, perhaps because I get more concerned about the way I spend my free time. I also tend to get bored with things pretty quickly, if I don't get the incentive to continue, like "smart" level design, which makes my improvement in skills apparent.


F-Zero and Pikmin 3 for launch would actually make Stream have the first legitimately even half-way decent console launch from any company since SNES days

I would die and go straight to heaven

maeda said:
:D As I age, I become less patient to unforgiving game design, perhaps because I get more concerned about the way I spend my free time. I also tend to get bored with things pretty quickly, if I don't get the incentive to continue, like "smart" level design, which makes my improvement in skills apparent.

I can respect that. I dunno, to me there is no feeling in gaming quite like the reward and buzz one gets from overcoming a mighty challenge. It was there in Demon's Souls - one of my top five games of all time - and it was definitely there in F-Zero GX. There is a certain sense of pride that simply cannot be replicated any other way, and I love that effect.

But I definitely know where you're coming from.


Buckethead said:
Have there been many podcasts that talk Cafe?

There was a small section in one of Giant Bomb, but I haven't heard that much.
Granted I don't listen to gaming podcasts on the regular, so...

I don't think you want to listen to gaming podcasts for info/opinions on Nintendo, that's like looking at youtube commenters for socio/political insight.


Amir0x said:
I can respect that. I dunno, to me there is no feeling in gaming quite like the reward and buzz one gets from overcoming a mighty challenge. It was there in Demon's Souls - one of my top five games of all time - and it was definitely there in F-Zero GX. There is a certain sense of pride that simply cannot be replicated any other way, and I love that effect.

But I definitely know where you're coming from.
Even though I feel the way I feel about the difficulty in most games, there is still something alluring for me in the concept of perfectly clearing a level or, even better, a game. That is why I persisted through 5 levels of Bayonetta and cleared them with pure platinum, before I got distracted by Super Mario Galaxy 2. I also enjoy replaying levels in S&P2 trying to discover the secret medals.


fuck you guys are making me want to play F-Zero GX. And Sunshine.

Just seeing the beautiful weather today made me want to play Sunshine. The gameplay, the colors, the music... I love the mood of the game. it's the quintessential summer time video game in my book (if that makes sense).

It also has one of my favorite unlockable costumes ever:


aww yeah


Anth0ny said:
Just seeing the beautiful weather today made me want to play Sunshine. The gameplay, the colors, the music... I love the mood of the game. it's the quintessential summer time video game in my book (if that makes sense).
aww yeah

If you're looking for summer music this website has got you covered.http://www.thebitblock.com/
Its a site that covers Nintendo exclusively, the guy who runs it is a total, unapologetic Nintendo fanboy. But they started a new podcast and the first episode is all about summer themed music that has appeared on Nintendo platforms including a few tracks from Sunshine. Its a real fun listen.


If I can be excused for reverting to the Sunshine topic-- I'd just like to chime in that I too really, really enjoyed hopping around SMS's environments. I don't know how much time I spent just jumping around Delfino Plaza and turbo-ing through the water. The backwards somersault, wall-kicks, and spin jumps felt great to pull off every time. It was purely fun enough for me just running around that I felt compelled to get all 120 shines even with the game's sizable amount of filler missions.
I'd say Galaxy was better in terms of delivering really clever and tight platforming levels one after an other, but I did miss the lack of open-ended levels.
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