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Wii 2 (Project Cafe): Officially Announced, Playable At E3, Launching 2012 [Updated]

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EatChildren said:
For Nintendo's sake I hope it's at the higher end of the spectrum with a good amount of RAM. 2GB, please. Future protect your system somewhat, and dont go and do something stupid like stick 512MB of RAM in there.

Yeah 2GB has to happen, although I suppose it depends on the type and such.

DieH@rd said:
I think they will go with modified Radeon 4770.

Yeah something based off 4770, 4860, or 4890 are probably the most likely candidates. I think those were the most recent iterations in the line.


Instro said:
Yeah 2GB has to happen, although I suppose it depends on the type and such.

Yeah something based off 4770, 4860, or 4890 are probably the most likely candidates. I think those were the most recent iterations in the line.

Nintendo has show time and time again it doesn't care about having the best, or even comparable technical specs in it's systems.

I say it has 512MB of RAM.


Nine out of ten orphans can't tell the difference.
so a realstic view would be :

e3 2011 : wii 2 is shown
june 2012 : wii 2 is released
e3 2012 : ps4/nextbox are shown
holiday 2013 : they're released



bananas said:
Nintendo has show time and time again it doesn't care about having the best, or even comparable technical specs in it's systems.

I say it has 512MB of RAM.

This. I say 1GB being optimistic.


bananas said:
Nintendo has show time and time again it doesn't care about having the best, or even comparable technical specs in it's systems.

I say it has 512MB of RAM.
Time and Time again?


I've been thinking, is there any possibility that the controller screens will be 3d?

This way they can market current generation graphics with 3d added.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
bananas said:
Nintendo has show time and time again it doesn't care about having the best, or even comparable technical specs in it's systems.

I say it has 512MB of RAM.

1GB would be adequate, even if they could do better. 512MB would be so stupid. RAM is so damn insanely cheap, even by Nintendo's standard, and in the right hands very useful. Sticking another 512MB in there would cost them next to nothing and give developers so much more to work with.

If it's 512MB it will cement Nintendo as either completely oblivious or utterly ignorant of giving their system the kind of future protection it probably needs, and it will come back to bite them.

The 3DS seems to have quite a bit more RAM than expected though, so who knows.


I think regarding the performance of the console and the potential of what many might consider to be sub-par specs (though this looks slightly unlikely), people should look to the smartphone space. As with everything the key is what Nintendo is going to do with the software, just like Apple released a phone last year yet all of the companies are comparing their phones to it. Arguably it's still the best phone on the market. Unfortunately Sony didn't do this, and suffered big time.

I know this is kinda obvious, but I think it's important.
If the 800x500px info is true, I guess this is where the 20 extra pixels go:


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Yes, Nintendo will definitely use just 512 MB and bottleneck their system hard cuz they hate tech and stuff. Just like they did on Wii and 3DS.
Oh, wait, they didn't!


bananas said:
DS, Wii, 3DS.

Those are three different times. My statement stands.

I dont see how the DS or 3DS fits into all that. Regardless judging on the other rumored specs anything less than 1GB would probably be a bottleneck so...


Tarin02543 said:
I've been thinking, is there any possibility that the controller screens will be 3d?

This way they can market current generation graphics with 3d added.

Why stop at $100 controllers when you can have $200 controllers!
ThoseDeafMutes said:
Best case scenario is 4GB. Realistic case scenario is 1-2.

4GB with an R700 GPU would be a ludicrous waste. Best case is 2GB, which is still likely to be total overkill, realistically 1GB.
Tricore power pc cpu clocked @ 5ghz per core

1gb video gddr5 + 2gb ddr3. total = 3gb ram

4890 equivalent gpu.

1 Terabyte harddrive

Holographic disc drive with backwards compatibility for dvd. Maximum capacity of 1st generation holographic discs = 100gb.


If this thing can stream 800x500 to 4 different screens at once....it could then pull off 3200x2000, right?


bananas said:
DS, Wii, 3DS.

Those are three different times. My statement stands.
The handheld lines were all a generation apart. The fact that the competition continuously release extremely powerful hardware doesn't mean Nintendo is holding back. That was their philosophy from the get go.

The Wii is the only console that really held back on power.


Igor Antunov said:
Tricore power pc cpu clocked @ 5ghz per core

1gb video gddr5 + 2gb ddr3. total = 3gb ram

4890 equivalent gpu.

1 Terabyte harddrive

Holographic disc drive with backwards compatibility for dvd. Maximum capacity of 1st generation holographic discs = 100gb.

BELIEVE...u are insane


Knew it wouldn't launch this year. As I said before, it would be ridiculous for current-day Nintendo to have two new platforms compete for holiday sales.

I guess this was what Sakurai's urge to work with HD was about.


Nintendo-4Life said:
The handheld lines were all a generation apart. The fact that the competition continuously release extremely powerful hardware doesn't mean Nintendo is holding back. That was their philosophy from the get go.

The Wii is the only console that really held back on power.

Okay. Then time. Nintendo has shown time that it doesn't care about technical specifications!

Take that time!


I'll try this again: do we even know if this will have a standard HDMI output? And if so, won't that be a huge factor on what's possible on the mobile screens? I can't phantom this machine processing an HD image and still having the power to render up to four different images to the mobile screens. Just doesn't sound feasible to me. I wouldn't be surprised if this was mobile screens output only.


bananas said:
DS, Wii, 3DS.

Those are three different times. My statement stands.

Wii is really the only time they were severely underpowered. Their handheld progression was pretty reasonable. GBC -> GBA -> DS -> 3DS is right in line with NES -> SNES -> N64 -> GCN. Sony just happened to pop in with more powerful handhelds to make the DS and 3DS look bad.


Nintendo-4Life said:
The handheld lines were all a generation apart. The fact that the competition continuously release extremely powerful hardware doesn't mean Nintendo is holding back. That was their philosophy from the get go.

The Wii is the only console that really held back on power.
They've absolutely held back on power with the 3DS and you'd be lying to yourself/being apologetic if you think any other way. For a $250 2011 handheld they absolutely under delivered.
EatChildren said:
1GB would be adequate, even if they could do better. 512MB would be so stupid. RAM is so damn insanely cheap, even by Nintendo's standard, and in the right hands very useful. Sticking another 512MB in there would cost them next to nothing and give developers so much more to work with.

If it's 512MB it will cement Nintendo as either completely oblivious or utterly ignorant of giving their system the kind of future protection it probably needs, and it will come back to bite them.

The 3DS seems to have quite a bit more RAM than expected though, so who knows.
Wouldn't 1GB still be cutting it thin, considering its going to have to stream content in some form in a possible 4 different places simultaneously? Just asking, as I'm not savvy when it comes to this, but it does sound like the absolute bare minimum...
AzureNightmare said:
FYI, an R700 GPU is actually 2 RV770s combined. it is the solution used in the Radeon HD 4870X2

And that had 1GB per GPU. So that's the upper, upper limit of what they would need for vram with a console-ized single chip design from that family. 1GB unified should be good enough, or some odd split ratio which Nintendo seems to like to use like 640MB of vram and 384MB for system.
Ok it just occured to me, if it's going to be running 4 instances of a game simultaneously on the 4 controller screens, and maybe even on the tv itself, then it will have to have 4b of RAM minimum.

And it will need a beefy cpu. 4 player split screen always results in graphical poo on current consoles. I don't think they will poo up the game if you intend to just play it on your controller.

So I'm throwing out my old specs. These rumous are based on the dev kits or just made up so they can safely be ignored. I suspect it will feature:

Quadcore power pc cpu clocked @ 6ghz per core

1gb video gddr5 + 4gb ddr3. total = 5gb ram

5850 equivalent gpu.

1 Terabyte harddrive

Holographic disc drive with backwards compatibility for dvd. Maximum capacity of 1st generation holographic discs = 100gb.

AzureNightmare said:
FYI, an R700 GPU is actually 2 RV770s combined. it is the solution used in the Radeon HD 4870X2

Lol...they aint gonna be able to put an equivalent one of those in a $200-$300 console, the power and cooling requirements would be far too much, even with a modified 2011 die shrink.

A 4870x2 uses about the same amount of power as ATI's current monster GPU, the 6990.

A custom 4850/4870/4890 performance class GPU with a die shrink and a few extra DX11 feature set effects added is about the best you can expect.

Kind of like the Nvidia GPU in the Xbox1 , which had Geforce 2 performance, but had Geforce 3 effects bolted on.


Igor Antunov said:
Ok it just occured to me, if it's going to be running 4 instances of a game simultaneously on the 4 controller screens, and maybe even on the tv itself, then it will have to have 4b of RAM minimum.

And it will need a beefy cpu. 4 player split screen always results in graphical poo on current consoles. I don't think they will poo up the game if you intend to just play it on your controller.

So I'm throwing out my old specs. These rumous are based on the dev kits or just made up so they can safely be ignored. I suspect it will feature:

Quadcore power pc cpu clocked @ 6ghz per core

1gb video gddr5 + 4gb ddr3. total = 5gb ram

5850 equivalent gpu.

1 Terabyte harddrive

Holographic disc drive with backwards compatibility for dvd. Maximum capacity of 1st generation holographic discs = 100gb.


L-O-L... I don't think you quite understand how these things work.


Mr_Brit said:
They've absolutely held back on power with the 3DS and you'd be lying to yourself/being apologetic if you think any other way. For a $250 2011 handheld they absolutely under delivered.
I'm talking about it from a generational step from DS to 3DS. To be honest though I didn't factor in the price with all of this at all.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
AzureNightmare said:
FYI, an R700 GPU is actually 2 RV770s combined. it is the solution used in the Radeon HD 4870X2
AMD also uses the term "R700 family" for the whole 4xxx line.
Two GPUs, though, as expensive as they may be, would make an awful lot of sense for the Café.
JoeFenix said:
L-O-L... I don't think you quite understand how these things work.

FYI, an R700 GPU is actually 2 RV770s combined. it is the solution used in the Radeon HD 4870X2

A 4870x2 is in the same league as a 5850 at lower resolutions.

RAM is dirt cheap.

Clocking up a power pc cpu design is easy and relatively trouble free, it's a simplistic architecture. xbox360's cores ran at 3.2ghz in 2005. This would have to be significantly faster unless they wanted it to underperform and cripple their system. A doubling is not out of the question.

The only wishful thinking on my part is the holographic drive, granted i have no idea, i doubt that they will use a blu ray drive. It will be proprietary.

And also the storage im guilty of fluffing up, realistically i guess 512gb would be too much, hdd drives are cheap but not that cheap. Maybe 320gb.

Bottom line, make it a unified system on a board and it's going to be a monster. They just need to handle the memory correctly, making sure there are no drastic bandwidth bottlenecks.
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