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Wii 2 (Project Cafe): Officially Announced, Playable At E3, Launching 2012 [Updated]

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thehillissilent said:
Maybe that is their BIG secret that was mention in the rumors. i also wouldn't be suprised if the console streamed video to the 3DS.
Again, I highly doubt Nintendo would cannibalize its own product.


Krev said:
Just give me Bayonetta and Vanquish at 1080p/60fps and I'll be a happy man.

I'm sure that when Cafe launches there will still be a market for this type of games packaged with some extras and optimised for the system.

Failing that solid ports at a lower price point might tempt those Wii owners taking their first steps into an HD gaming machine.

Door2Dawn said:
eh until nintendo confirms it no we can't

Man alive just give it up. There is NO WAY that Cafe is going to be a generational leap over the current HD consoles. NONE.

It completely goes against everything Nintendo has done up to this point. The Wii was a massive success for them. Why would they re-enter the 'tech arms race' with MS and Sony when the road they took with the Wii proved so fruitful?


so if this controller thing is true, it is like a remote play inspired thing. But how long will last battery life for controllers?


Father_Brain said:
Looking better isn't enough. No one* is going to switch from PS3 or 360 to Cafe simply for prettier, shinier, 60fps versions of the same games they can play on the console they already own, especially when so much of that crowd is already invested in the almost certainly superior PSN and XBL online communities. Cafe needs exclusive third party content to cultivate an audience for core gaming larger than the Nintendo fanbase, or it'll risk repeating GameCube's third-party failure after its first year or so: the system will be powerful enough for any multiplatform title, but most third parties won't bother due to how badly ports sell.

*Not literally "no one," of course, but certainly not enough to build a viable audience for third party core games.

No you're right. Nintendo has a lot of work to do when it comes to 3rd parties.
If you were playing a game in 3D on your 3D TV would the screen on the Cafe's controller look alright with your fancy-pants glasses on?

I don't have a 3D TV nor do I plan on buying one anytime soon, I was just thinking about whether or not Nintendo will embrace 3D gaming on TV's with their next console.


With this glorious return of the VMU (or as Nintendo liked to call it "connectivity"), Nintendo better release my Four Swords Adventures sequel already.

I wonder what 1st party franchises we'll see near launch? F-Zero, Warioware and a new Retro game would suit me just fine.


y'all should be ashamed
swerve said:
Nintendo makes hardware around their software ideas. If they have ideas which involve streaming to the screens whilst playing on the TV simultaneously, the hardware will be up to that.

Whether it's via supporting communications processing units, or just *enough grunt* in the core of the system, I don't think we should be worrying about whether they can make good on whatever the new 'gimmick' for the system is based on existing hardware from other companies.

Nintendo don't get much credit for their tech, but they've pulled off far wackier things than remote play in the past, and they've been looking at 'connectivity' in their games for a decade at least.

It could be that Wii was their stop-gap system - gamecube connectivity to gba was always the goal, and now they have a system to do it.
Fair enough.

So, is the general consensus here that Nintendo is leaning away from motion tech? Or are there still rumors of a pointer device on the controller itself?


Polari said:
With this glorious return of the VMU (or as Nintendo liked to call it "connectivity"), Nintendo better release my Four Swords Adventures sequel already.

I wonder what 1st party franchises we'll see near launch? F-Zero, Warioware and a new Retro game would suit me just fine.

Mario, Mario and Mario. Maybe something with Sports and Mario in it.


to everyone saying "it worked for Wii, so that's the philosophy that Nintendo will be following."

that isn't necessarily true. the Wii sold well primarily because of two things. the Nintendo fanbase, and Wii______ games. starting with wiisports, Wiifit, wiisports resort, wiifit plus, and continuing with Mario kart Wii and new super Mario bros Wii. there is no guarantee that this new gaming audience wants a new console. I don't believe they are a crowd that can be depended on to buy a brand new console that is so similar to their last. not to mention, HDTVs are in 50% of US houses, people respond to phrases like "full hd" and it can be used to differentiate their new console from the Wii.

At this point, putting out a new console with a minor upgrade (more ram) could alienate their own fanbase, which is something I don't see them doing. in addition, we've seen Nintendo aggressively approach 3rd parties with the 3ds, I figure their strategy is going to be similar with cafe. put out a system that 3rd parties will want to put their games on. this means getting unreal engine support and being at least parity with ps3 and 360 in terms of power. since being more powerful is not that much more expensive, that's the way I see them going. it's not going to be a 6970, but it'll be much more powerful than the Wii.
Busty said:
Man alive just give it up. There is NO WAY that Cafe is going to be a generational leap over the current HD consoles. NONE.

With no information on how much RAM it has(or what type of RAM), no idea of the GPU, no idea of the speed of the CPU, I don't really see how anyone can say that.
EatChildren said:



If we are talking HD ports, what companies should do is rerelease some of their underperforming games as Stream launch titles. It would give some of those "bombas" a second breath of life, letting those victims of poor marketing and release windows a new chance for glory.


Andrex said:
Probably not. Economically infeasible and they don't want to intrude on 3DS's turf.
Economically infeasible? It's only a screen with a physical filter? If Nintendo is serious about 3D, why wouldn't they include it in some way shape or form in their home console? 3DS are games on the go, Cafe controllers would be useless on a train.
chubigans said:
Fair enough.

So, is the general consensus here that Nintendo is leaning away from motion tech? Or is there still rumors of a pointer device on the controller itself?
This is a very interesting question. But in all the official information and the leaks, we have received no information that demonstrates this.

What we can say, and some have said I think, is that Nintendo loves bundling the Wiimote with games. The "Wii 2" can obviously listen to motion input via a variety of methods, but that doesn't mean it has to come packaged with a Wiimote. Nintendo's strategy on this point is very unclear.


jred250 said:
If we are talking HD ports, what companies should do is rerelease some of their underperforming games as Stream launch titles. It would give some of those "bombas" a second breath of life, letting those victims of poor marketing and release windows a new chance for glory.

Too Human *runs*


Michan said:
They don't want to steal away the 3DS' key selling point. Expect that (or something along those lines, if it is successful) in Wii 3, just as we're getting "dual screen" in Wii 2 and have gyro in 3DS.
2012. If 3DS is successful, Nintendo won't be scared of using it's 3D feature in other products.
Metalmurphy said:
So if I got this right, they basically want to mimic the DS, but using a TV screen?

Nah, I would assume it works as a normal controller most of the time(perhaps HUD elements on it), but when the TV is being used by somebody else you can play simple streamed games on it(VC & Wiiware games?).


jred250 said:
If we are talking HD ports, what companies should do is rerelease some of their underperforming games as Stream launch titles. It would give some of those "bombas" a second breath of life, letting those victims of poor marketing and release windows a new chance for glory.
I wouldn't mind Viva Piñata. Go on, Microsoft. It's not like you're going to let Rare make any more of them. It's just easy money!


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
In terms of 3D I dont think Nintendo will put a stereo display on the controller, in order to cut down costs and keep the 3D gimmick specific to the 3DS. However, I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo were looking into streaming 3D data to the 3DS via the Cafe, as a means of making the two products worth owning.
I know Looksey uses the camera and it's similar to head-tracking, so why not instead of getting glasses with the tracking devices, just use a camera where the sensor bar was? Is Looksey even a tad laggy? It kinda looked like it in the video.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
lunchwithyuzo said:
Get ready for it. MW2, RE5, SSF4, Sonic Gen, TTT2, DW7, Madden 12, NFSHP, RDR, an army of Ubiports, etc, etc.

As a Wii-only owner, I would be OK with this.

Lords of Shadow and Vanquish need to be there the most, though.
Michan said:
I wouldn't mind Viva Piñata. Go on, Microsoft. It's not like you're going to let Rare make any more of them. It's just easy money!

This. And just get Climax on it, they did the PC version, so Rare nor MS need to touch it.

THQ would very likely publish it again, they published every Rare game on a Nintendo platform that wasn't DK since the buyout.


Haven't been on GAF in awhile and I see this :p. So when is E3 again. I don't want to miss the press conference. I'm wondering if Nintendo can finally shed its "third party games, don't sell alot image" that there brand name has gotten since the N64 era.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Andrex said:
As a Wii-only owner, I would be OK with this.

Lords of Shadow and Vanquish need to be there the most, though.

If the hardware can hack 1080p Bayonetta and Vanquish with smooth framerates I will buy both a second time day one.


lunchwithyuzo said:
Get ready for it. MW2, RE5, SSF4, Sonic Gen, TTT2, DW7, Madden 12, NFSHP, RDR, an army of Ubiports, etc, etc.

It's not so much that I'm worrying about that as I'm worrying we'll have a 3DS situation where Nintendo releases nothing big at launch to let 3rd party launch games breathe. Then we're stuck with just ports.
By the way just because I was amazed at the speed of this thread and the last one, I checked the post counts!

Coupled with the last Wii 2 thread, the Wii 2 reveal has created (unless I'm missing something) the thread with the most posts ever on NeoGaf.

Disturbing! And we don't even have pictures of the console or controller yet!


Cerebral Assassin said:
With no information on how much RAM it has(or what type of RAM), no idea of the GPU, no idea of the speed of the CPU, I don't really see how anyone can say that.

Sight unseen you are correct. But logically this just seems wishful thinking from Nintendo fans.

Can you honestly say that Nintendo abandoning it's 'Wii philosophy' and re-entering the 'tech arms race' with an expensive, high end machine seems at all likely?
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