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Wii 2 (Project Cafe): Officially Announced, Playable At E3, Launching 2012 [Updated]

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I'm getting more excited about it, but Nintendo is going to have to prove they stepped up their game in the online realm and show me some new software that isn't part of a 20-year old franchise. I became bored of Mario and Zelda a long time ago, so show me something new.

Lesiroth said:
Why would Microsoft kill off Kinect and 360 this early, when it has been doing very well for them lately?

They're about to be the least powerful console on the market. And, they also know the power of first-move advantage.

I'm just hoping I can simply use my Kinect for the next Xbox.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
Serenade said:
And even then, they're still wrong as we know now it's 1024Mb.
Yes, I was alluding to the fact it uses (two) 512Mb fcram dies.

Jay Sosa

Fernando Rocker said:

Not a Jellyfish

but I am a sheep
Paco said:
I'm getting more excited about it, but Nintendo is going to have to prove they stepped up their game in the online realm and show me some new software that isn't part of a 20-year old franchise. I became bored of Mario and Zelda a long time ago, so show me something new.

They're about to be the least powerful console on the market. And, they also know the power of first-move advantage.

I'm just hoping I can simply use my Kinect for the next Xbox.

You will be able to, that was the whole reason on why they put the CPU usage on the 360 instead of beefing up Kinect. It brings the cost down and makes it mainly run on software, so it should carry over.
Wii announced: wtf is this pointer/remote BS. Give me dual-analog classic controllers.
Wii2 announced: wtf is this dual-analog BS. Give me pointer controls.


I have to personally say I have no desire to see new consoles any time soon. It's all way too much money and hardware that, to be perfectly honest, doesn't seem even close to as maxed out as the last generation. This generation has mostly pushed me out of gaming, if new consoles and peripherals become the standard of the next year it'll probably take me out completely.


genjiZERO said:
I have to personally say I have no desire to see new consoles any time soon. It's all way too much money and hardware that, to be perfectly honest, doesn't seem even close to as maxed out as the last generation. This generation has mostly pushed me out of gaming, if new consoles and peripherals become the standard of the next year it'll probably take me out completely.

New consoles are long overdue, 7th gen consoles have for a long time been using antiquated tech.


Jay Sosa said:

Yet it's one of the best applications of the supposed screen-on-controller tech: local multiplayer for card games, or any other competitive game that couldn't be done before without concealing vital information to the rest of the players. Imagine a local multiplayer RTS? Now it's possible without a full computer per player (outside of portables, that's it).


Sometimes I want to get into the game industry solely for the privilege of going to E3. (Although making games isn't exactly a bad thing)

Nintendo rumour season is always so good. You never get these hilarious and crazy threads with Sony or MS.


genjiZERO said:
I have to personally say I have no desire to see new consoles any time soon. It's all way too much money and hardware that, to be perfectly honest, doesn't seem even close to as maxed out as the last generation. This generation has mostly pushed me out of gaming, if new consoles and peripherals become the standard of the next year it'll probably take me out completely.
I'm in the same boat as you. I still enjoy what this gen is offering and don't think the next gen should be starting so soon. I guess Nintendo kind of had no choice since they came in this gen underpowered and while it showed at the beginning, it's really starting to show along with Wii sales starting to slow down as well. I'm not sure if the next system will be a big hit like Wii was due to the economy, but best of luck to you Nintendo.


Hail to the KING baby
genjiZERO said:
I have to personally say I have no desire to see new consoles any time soon. It's all way too much money and hardware that, to be perfectly honest, doesn't seem even close to as maxed out as the last generation. This generation has mostly pushed me out of gaming, if new consoles and peripherals become the standard of the next year it'll probably take me out completely.
It's cool, a lot of people sort of "duck out" of newfangled technology as they get old. Nothing wrong with clinging to the good old days because the new stuff doesn't make sense to you -- honestly that's what the majority of old people do.


AstroLad said:
It's cool, a lot of people sort of "duck out" of newfangled technology as they get old. Nothing wrong with clinging to the good old days because the new stuff doesn't make sense to you -- honestly that's what the majority of old people do.

If I ever catch myself doing that I'm just going to cut my throat right then and there. Tech for life!


Hiro said:
New consoles are long overdue.....

You are unbearable. Truly.

SlipperySlope said:
So no developer impressions?

Surely it's too early for that.

I assume everyone is under an iron clad NDA until E3.

Those that have talked have done so anonymously hence the rumours.


SpecX said:
I still enjoy what this gen is offering and don't think the next gen should be starting so soon.

The next gen isn't starting so soon. The next gen is long overdue. And you may be partly getting your wish, 2 out of 3, because there's no mumblings about Microsoft and Sony prepping for a 2011 anouncement or a 2012 launch. The last thing said was that industry sources don't think either Microsoft or Sony will launch their 8th gen consoles before 2014 at the earliest.


Jealous Bastard
AstroLad said:
It's cool, a lot of people sort of "duck out" of newfangled technology as they get old. Nothing wrong with clinging to the good old days because the new stuff doesn't make sense to you -- honestly that's what the majority of old people do.

funny you say this, but i remember reading that the way you approach technology is split into three phases in your life:
  1. first phase in which technologies that exist seem to have existed forever and are taken for granted
  2. second phase in which new technologies seem wondrous and are readily accepted as worthwhile and cool
  3. third phase in which new technology is deemed useless, frightening, and must be avoided at all costs
AstroLad said:
It's cool, a lot of people sort of "duck out" of newfangled technology as they get old. Nothing wrong with clinging to the good old days because the new stuff doesn't make sense to you -- honestly that's what the majority of old people do.

Ooh, laying it on thick.


Busty said:
You are unbearable. Truly.

I'm finding you to be equally unbearable. But then, there is the ignore system at your disposal. Use it. You obviously can't handle someone NOT agreeing with you.

Beth Cyra

I'm just glad that it will be playable at E3, can't wait to see the upcoming software to see if anythign interests me.

Plus I want to see the controller.

After Wavebird and the Split controller with Nunchuck and Wii Mote Nintendo has brought forth my personal most comfortable way of controlling games to Gens in a row, would like to see if they can do it a third.


So is the huge "twist" is that the controller screen is the primary output and that most games won't use the tv at all?


Hiro said:
I'm finding you to be equally unbearable. But then, there is the ignore system at your disposal. Use it. You obviously can't handle someone NOT agreeing with you.

It's not that I don't agree with you I just haven't been on GAF for a while and I'm still adjusting to having to read the nonsensical, infantile rantings of a fifteen year old off his head on Mountain Dew.

Of course I'll have to make a point of desensitizing myself before E3. I suspect that you're going to be at your most 'prolific' at that point.

Beth Cyra

Zenith said:
So is the huge "twist" is that the controller screen is the primary output and that most games won't use the tv at all?

Where did they say this?

It is a big feature obiviously, but I think trying to say that most games won't use the HD ablities of the Cafe is crazy.


Busty said:
It's not that I don't agree with you I just haven't been on GAF for a while and I'm still adjusting to having to read the nonsensical, infantile rantings of a fifteen year old off his head on Mountain Dew.

Of course I'll have to make a point of desensitizing myself before E3. I suspect that you're going to be at your most 'prolific' at that point.

It is that you don't agree with me. Now your just going into insulting me and making baseless accusations. Why won't you just use the ignore system and be done with it? I have no desire to argue with you. Now quit with the name calling, infantile, off his head, etc. and put me on your ignore list.


Hail to the KING baby
beelzebozo said:
funny you say this, but i remember reading that the way you approach technology is split into three phases in your life:
  1. first phase in which technologies that exist seem to have existed forever and are taken for granted
  2. second phase in which new technologies seem wondrous and are readily accepted as worthwhile and cool
  3. third phase in which new technology is deemed useless, frightening, and must be avoided at all costs
It's true! See it all the time. Even in my own attitude towards Facebook -- that's where I draw the line. That said though, I have a 3DS and like Twitter so I hardly qualify as a true "old man" under this construction.


TruePrime said:
Where did they say this?

It is a big feature obiviously, but I think trying to say that most games won't use the HD ablities of the Cafe is crazy.

they didn't. Hence why it's phrased as a question. But as the OP mentions that the controller screen is regarded as "HD" and that the console's designed to work with the TV off it sounds like the sort of weird, bass-ackwards thing Nintendo would do.

Jay Sosa

Zenith said:
So is the huge "twist" is that the controller screen is the primary output and that most games won't use the tv at all?

You mean it's a handheld? ;)

Surely it's too early for that.

I assume everyone is under an iron clad NDA until E3.

Those that have talked have done so anonymously hence the rumours.

Nah, he's right. If they want to have a nice portfolio of titles at the launch they (3. party developers) already should be working on some games.


AstroLad said:
It's cool, a lot of people sort of "duck out" of newfangled technology as they get old. Nothing wrong with clinging to the good old days because the new stuff doesn't make sense to you -- honestly that's what the majority of old people do.

that's not really the issue. The issue is money (and also the fact that most everything seems geared towards teenagers). I don't mind spending money on technology in general (I'll be the first in line for an EyePhone), but this generation in particular has just seemed expensive - and except for Rock Band, the gaming experiences haven't really been better.


Hiro said:
It is that you don't agree with me. Now your just going into insulting me and making baseless accusations. Why won't you just use the ignore system and be done with it? I have no desire to argue with you. Now quit with the name calling, infantile, off his head, etc. and put me on your ignore list.


If your previous post speculating that 'Epic's 'project samaritan' could be representative of (and well within) the CAFE's power' is anything to go by I'm definitely hanging around to see what comes next.


ombz said:
It would be funny if Nintendo announces that the successor is still SD.

Then after the crowd gasps and groans and GAF servers 500, Iwata says "just kidding"....then proceeds to show everything in HD.


genjiZERO said:
that's not really the issue. The issue is money (and also the fact that most everything seems geared towards teenagers). I don't mind spending money on technology in general (I'll be the first in line for an EyePhone), but this generation in particular has just seemed expensive - and except for Rock Band, the gaming experiences haven't really been better.

If, let's say, the Project Cafe is sold for $399.99 per system. It won't be released until June 2012. Okay, that leaves you with more than a year to save up $400 for the system if your determined to buy it at launch. If you can't afford it at launch, then just buy it when you can, if you still want it, even if it is 6 months after its release or 2 years after its release or what have you.

And buying a console for several hundred dollars is still preferable to buying a gaming PC for several thousand dollars or tens of thousands of dollars.


Time Traveler
Zenith said:
they didn't. Hence why it's phrased as a question. But as the OP mentions that the controller screen is regarded as "HD" and that the console's designed to work with the TV off it sounds like the sort of weird, bass-ackwards thing Nintendo would do.
800x500 is pretty HD for a 6'' screen. You are just taking the HD definition from TVs. It's similar to what the kindle has (800x600 I think), which is a lot.

Also, it's probable that you'll get some games that will use both screens, like the use that the DS second screen gets.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Vic said:
It would kill the server...

I would kill myself.

Well not really. But I am kind of pining for HD at this point, having never owned an HD console yet.
mj1108 said:
Then after the crowd gasps and groans and GAF servers 500, Iwata says "just kidding"....then proceeds to show everything in HD.
Great, now I wish nintendo did troll them like that. People would be burning nintendo shit for days
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