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Wii 2 (Project Cafe): Officially Announced, Playable At E3, Launching 2012 [Updated]

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Woffls said:
I guess that would work. Although, dropping one of the two units to use the touch screen is about as cumbersome as pressing pause anyway. I can see it being used as purely an extra display in this regard, but then it's barely worth the effort (or the battery life).
Perhaps in that case you could point the remote at the touchscreen and it would work that way.
Woffls said:
Is there any way Nintendo could get around the problem of using a pointer and screen at the same time?

Pen shaped mini wiimote, like I've been saying. It doesn't literally let you use a pointer and screen at the same time, but it lets you switch between the two with the flick of a wrist.


Hiro said:
Go here: http://www.originpc.com/thebigo-config.asp

Click on CPU magazine configuration of the Big O PC.

See the listed price.

Price: $16,999.00

Edit: Also, configurations of the HP BlackBird PC were over $10,000 in price. The more ya know.

I could get a PC which is pretty much as good as that for £600 max.

Sandybridge 2500k
Asus P67PRo
Asus 6950 Direct CuII 2GB


Father_Brain said:
The problem with that is: What's going to get gamers to buy the Cafe versions of those titles, rather than those for systems they already own? As for the next gen, the era of third-party exclusives is over; there may be a few exceptions from Japan, but otherwise, they're not going to happen unless Nintendo takes on the majority of development costs.

I could easily see the following happen:

360, PS3, Cafe: Developers stick with 360 as the lead primarily, and simply port to the PS3 and Cafe. Maybe a couple of developers want to stick their neck out and develop on the stronger Cafe system, to 'up the ante,' but that's about it.

Cafe, PS4, 720: PS4 and 720 launch. Given that software has sold on Cafe, and it's not massively - MASSIVELY - weaker than the PS4 and 720, why on earth would I (a developer) increase my costs on the new systems and make porting to Cafe impossible? Why, in essence, would I cut from selling on 3 platforms down to 2 as I increase costs? And if I do that, doesn't it sort of show that I learned nothing from the Wii, 360, PS3 generation?
this is the most bizarre lead-up to a new console reveal i have ever experienced.

i still don't even understand what the hell its "main thing" is going to be... a screen on a controller? that you're supposed to pay attention to? while also playing on the TV...? what?

and specs-wise, is it going to be a powerful piece of hardware or not? listened to Eurogamer podcast and they were saying it might not even be as powerful as PS3 or Xbox 360. WTF?

never been so confused lol.


Saint Gregory said:
How can someone be paid to analyze the VG industry yet have such horrible recollections of VG history?

The way I remember things the Dreamcast's power was the least of its issues. 1, 2 and 3 would be the facts that it was the successor of the previous gens 3rd place system, it had no EA support and it had the company producing the the successor of the best selling console of all time telling everyone who would listen to "Wait for the PS2!".

Isn't that last part where the term "Getting Dreamcast'd" comes from? I never interpreted it as being a power issue.

Power may have not been the biggest issue but it was arguably an important factor. Sony's PR around the time was exaggerating the strength of the hardware to the point of lunacy. "Like jacking into the Matrix, Toy Story graphics, Emotion Engine,etc" That would kill any interest people would have in Dreamcast hardware.


M74 said:
Good gravy, he's just asking for blowback.

It's not that shocking at all. Think about it. It's a PS360-level system; GTAV will certainly be out around the time Wii HD is out. It'll be a port affair and Nintendo will act like it's a huge event since it's the first time on their platform for the 3D games.

It's not at all a big announcement. Not sure why he'd be asking for blowback for such an obvious thing. If Wii HD didn't get GTAV, it'd be more shocking.


ShockingAlberto said:

This article makes a decent point. There's a lot of parallels between this console and the Dreamcast - it's launching early (the competition is going to get a huge technological leap because time works that way), it will be a sleek white console probably, "improved online," a big selling point is higher definition output, etc.


They are absolutely fucked! This thing is Dreamcast as hell!

This article makes my opinion of Sam Kennedy go from a 10 to an 11.


Graphics Horse said:
Pen shaped mini wiimote, like I've been saying. It doesn't literally let you use a pointer and screen at the same time, but it lets you switch between the two with the flick of a wrist.
OHHHH I do remember this being talked about forever ago in the first thread, now I understand where the benefit is. Problem with that is where do the buttons go? You've got analogue and LT on your left hand - maybe RB is as well if they're feeling brave - so there would need to be at least one button on the pointer? Can't be stylus-size then, unfortunately.

mj1108 said:
@jimreilly just tweeted:

Hey @michaelpachter, could you imagine if Rockstar announced GTAV at Nintendo's E3 press conference? Man, wouldn't that be something.
Oh what a tease! Pachter said earlier this year that GTAV would be out in 2011, so maybe Reilly knows otherwise and is teasing him a little? Or maybe he's just playing with us? Yeah, definitely the second one.


Akai said:
The thing is, once you eliminate exclusive third-party games it falls on first-party titles, something Nintendo has always held an advantage in.

So in this case it would no longer be a "Wii 2 has Mario, but not the superior version of Call of Duty," but a "Wii 2 has Mario AND the superior/equal version of Call of Duty" scenario. Having these third-party games at ALL will level the playing field a lot more than people think...

True, but it will also be up to nintendo to create a killer FPS or similar game that's exclusive to their console in order to attract that particular facet of the market away from the current systems.

The people who only love those kinds of games will never switch for zelda or mario. Nintendo doesn't nessecarily need many of those people to succeed, but they would help improve 3rd party sales on the console.

What they should probaby do is buy a western company that makes really good fps games.


Again, the DC's problem wasn't its technology. Sega was running out of money and in debt. Sony was coming off the PSone, the msot successful home console ever. Sega was also battling a lot of issues from Saturn; EA refusing to support it, retailers being cautious/lukewarm with it after being burned by Saturn.

None of that will be issues facing this machine.

Obviously if they launched a 360 class HD platform, that's another problem for them. But if the GPU is superior to the PS3 and it is a .5 generational leap, then the headstart is going to be a huge advantage. And Nintendo has the retailer relations and cash that Sega didn't have.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Amir0x said:
It's not that shocking at all. Think about it. It's a PS360-level system; GTAV will certainly be out around the time Wii HD is out. It'll be a port affair and Nintendo will act like it's a huge event since it's the first time on their platform for the 3D games.

It's not at all a big announcement. Not sure why he'd be asking for blowback for such an obvious thing. If Wii HD didn't get GTAV, it'd be more shocking.

Right. I am not saying Nintendo is all of a sudden going to be a 3rd party darling, but the notion that developers are going to refuse to port over games to a new HD system for a minimal cost is just ridiculous.
Vinci said:
I could easily see the following happen:

360, PS3, Cafe: Developers stick with 360 as the lead primarily, and simply port to the PS3 and Cafe. Maybe a couple of developers want to stick their neck out and develop on the stronger Cafe system, to 'up the ante,' but that's about it.

Cafe, PS4, 720: PS4 and 720 launch. Given that software has sold on Cafe, and it's not massively - MASSIVELY - weaker than the PS4 and 720, why on earth would I (a developer) increase my costs on the new systems and make porting to Cafe impossible? Why, in essence, would I cut from selling on 3 platforms down to 2 as I increase costs? And if I do that, doesn't it sort of show that I learned nothing from the Wii, 360, PS3 generation?

And what I'm skeptical about is exactly how Nintendo is supposed to get to the bolded part. Without exclusives, very few HD gamers will buy the Cafe versions of multiplatform games, especially since that will mean abandoning XBL/PSN in favor of Nintendo's almost-certainly-inferior online solution. And if there isn't a proven market for multiplatform releases on Cafe, many third parties will be reticent about porting PS4/720 titles to it, even if it's powerful enough. That's what ended up happening with GC's Western support, to a large extent.

Amir0x said:
It's not that shocking at all. Think about it. It's a PS360-level system; GTAV will certainly be out around the time Wii HD is out. It'll be a port affair and Nintendo will act like it's a huge event since it's the first time on their platform for the 3D games.

It's not at all a big announcement. Not sure why he'd be asking for blowback for such an obvious thing. If Wii HD didn't get GTAV, it'd be more shocking.

Agreed. It'd only be a megaton if it was a timed exclusive on Cafe, or had significant Cafe-exclusive content. But if Nintendo can't strike deals like that for a few major Western multiplatform games, it doesn't bode well for the future of the platform's third party support.


Redmond's Baby
Opus Angelorum said:
I think the GTAV rumour is nonsense. However.

If Nintendo were to launch with it, there is no other franchise that shouts 'we want the hardcore' more.
But man, that would probably melt 95% of gaming boards if Nintendo secured exclusive rights for GTA5.


Time Traveler
ReyVGM said:
What the hell at people thinking you'll be able to play actual Cafe games on the Controller's screen.

That screen will be relegated to minigames, maps, stat screens and character conversations such as Metal Gear Solid's CODEC scenes.
It will be content streamed from the console, so the screen on the controller doesn't care if the console streams Crysis on max settings or Super Mario Bros 1, it's the same for it.

Should be an option for a lot of games; also, MANY other games should take advantage of double screen gameplay, like some games on the gamecube did with the GBA connection (think Pacman VS, Zelda 4 swords, FFCC, etc). Hell, now we can play HD Battleship.
Amir0x said:
It's not that shocking at all. Think about it. It's a PS360-level system; GTAV will certainly be out around the time Wii HD is out. It'll be a port affair and Nintendo will act like it's a huge event since it's the first time on their platform for the 3D games.

It's not at all a big announcement. Not sure why he'd be asking for blowback for such an obvious thing. If Wii HD didn't get GTAV, it'd be more shocking.

It would't be shocking to see it on the Cafe, but to see it announced stood next to Reggie? Especially as no GTA made it to Nintendo HW & considering the Manhunt 2 debacle.
Woffls said:
OHHHH I do remember this being talked about forever ago in the first thread, now I understand where the benefit is. Problem with that is where do the buttons go? You've got analogue and LT on your left hand - maybe RB is as well if they're feeling brave - so there would need to be at least one button on the pointer? Can't be stylus-size then, unfortunately.

Well I mean chunky pen, maybe even like the uDraw one, so you could fit much nicer buttons than on a Wacom pen. It's totally possible if they put the buttons and camera on the opposite end to the nib, but I could be way off.

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
Whoah, this is officially announced? How did I miss this thread?

Cerebral Assassin said:
It would't be shocking to see it on the Cafe, but to see it announced stood next to Reggie? Especially as no GTA made it to Nintendo HW & considering the Manhunt 2 debacle.
Chinatown Wars was a ridiculously quality product. I would say R* definitely has no problem developing for Nintendo platforms, the Wii just wasn't their technical cup of tea.


schuelma said:
Right. I am not saying Nintendo is all of a sudden going to be a 3rd party darling, but the notion that developers are going to refuse to port over games to a new HD system for a minimal cost is just ridiculous.

Exactly. It's never been about anti-Nintendo; it's been about Nintendo not having a platform that is comparable enough to port games over. Gamecube got all sorts of ports that it had no business getting for its lackluster sales performance, but that's what you get when you're in the "ballpark" of the other systems. In fact, were it not for Gamecube's limited disc space, I bet it would have been even more port heavy.

If Wii HD is somewhat more powerful than PS360 as is reported, no way it's not going to get GTAV. It'll be out at the same time. I'd say the whole point of Wii HD is to finally be able to receive the games the big boys get. Hell, I'd say that's even partially the point of its gargantuan, hideous controller they've got in the wings here.

If GTAV didn't come to Wii HD, that would be a more shocking outcome imo.


Amir0x said:
It's not that shocking at all. Think about it. It's a PS360-level system; GTAV will certainly be out around the time Wii HD is out. It'll be a port affair and Nintendo will act like it's a huge event since it's the first time on their platform for the 3D games.

It's not at all a big announcement. Not sure why he'd be asking for blowback for such an obvious thing. If Wii HD didn't get GTAV, it'd be more shocking.
I meant if they don't announce it, it would be blowback. Not a good idea to tease something like that, especially given the way the whole "Rockstar on Nintendo" rumor circulates periodically, unless you're fairly confident it will be there. So the question is, does he know something, does he just enjoy teasing Pachter, or is he just playing the odds?


Please help me with my bad english
ShockingAlberto said:

This article makes a decent point. There's a lot of parallels between this console and the Dreamcast - it's launching early (the competition is going to get a huge technological leap because time works that way), it will be a sleek white console probably, "improved online," a big selling point is higher definition output, etc.


They are absolutely fucked! This thing is Dreamcast as hell!
Shit, now I'm the one who's been tricked!


Father_Brain said:
And what I'm skeptical about is exactly how Nintendo is supposed to get to the bolded part. Without exclusives, very few HD gamers will buy the Cafe versions of multiplatform games, especially since that will mean abandoning XBL/PSN in favor of Nintendo's almost-certainly-inferior online solution. And if there isn't a proven market for multiplatform releases on Cafe, many third parties will be reticent about porting PS4/720 titles to it, even if it's powerful enough. That's what ended up happening with GC's Western support, to a large extent.

The GameCube also launched almost 2 years late and had to deal with limited disc space at a time when it made no sense to do so.

The storage issue has been nullified as the market has had to grapple with exploding budgets, and the 8GB provided by a DVD is going to be enough.


M74 said:
So the question is, does he know something, does he just enjoy teasing Pachter, or is he just playing the odds?

I'm guessing he knows something COMBINED with a little odds playing but...

SlipperySlope said:
Fuck Jim Reilly. He's going to give us all heart attacks.

...if this is the type of news that gives fans heart attacks, he's got that shit easy. He don't even need to try.
Amir0x said:
Exactly. It's never been about anti-Nintendo; it's been about Nintendo not having a platform that is comparable enough to port games over. Gamecube got all sorts of ports that it had no business getting for its lackluster sales performance, but that's what you get when you're in the "ballpark" of the other systems. In fact, were it not for Gamecube's limited disc space, I bet it would have been even more port heavy.

If Wii HD is somewhat more powerful than PS360 as is reported, no way it's not going to get GTAV. It'll be out at the same time. I'd say the whole point of Wii HD is to finally be able to receive the games the big boys get. Hell, I'd say that's even partially the point of its gargantuan, hideous controller they've got in the wings here.If GTAV didn't come to Wii HD, that would be a more shocking outcome imo.
I Lol'ed at the bolded. Way of putting things in perspective!

Who knows wtf this controller is going to look like though, it should be fun! Maybe rivaling the reveal of the N64 prong-a-thon back in the 90's!


Graphics Horse said:
Well I mean chunky pen, maybe even like the uDraw one, so you could fit much nicer buttons than on a Wacom pen. It's totally possible if they put the buttons and camera on the opposite end to the nib, but I could be way off.
They'd better make that thing durable, because I'd be twirling it around my fingers trying to look super cool then dropping it all the time :D

3DS detected when the stylus was in the slot, right? Well, imagine if you're playing a western - RDR I guess, but I hate that game - and you're told to 'holster' the stylus, then draw it out from the controller and take a shot at the screen before your opponent shoots you. That could be totally awesome.
Amir0x said:
Exactly. It's never been about anti-Nintendo; it's been about Nintendo not having a platform that is comparable enough to port games over. Gamecube got all sorts of ports that it had no business getting for its lackluster sales performance, but that's what you get when you're in the "ballpark" of the other systems. In fact, were it not for Gamecube's limited disc space, I bet it would have been even more port heavy.

If Wii HD is somewhat more powerful than PS360 as is reported, no way it's not going to get GTAV. It'll be out at the same time. I'd say the whole point of Wii HD is to finally be able to receive the games the big boys get. Hell, I'd say that's even partially the point of its gargantuan, hideous controller they've got in the wings here.

If GTAV didn't come to Wii HD, that would be a more shocking outcome imo.

I have to say I completely agree. Nintendo is now in a position to say to developers, "look, our new box can do your most impressive-looking games now, no sweat."


Will Eat Your Children
The_Technomancer said:
Chinatown Wars was a ridiculously quality product. I would say R* definitely has no problem developing for Nintendo platforms, the Wii just wasn't their technical cup of tea.
They could've always ported San Andreas (or together with VC and GTA3)


Father_Brain said:
And what I'm skeptical about is exactly how Nintendo is supposed to get to the bolded part. Without exclusives, very few HD gamers will buy the Cafe versions of multiplatform games, especially since that will mean abandoning XBL/PSN in favor of Nintendo's almost-certainly-inferior online solution. And if there isn't a proven market for multiplatform releases on Cafe, many third parties will be reticent about porting PS4/720 titles to it, even if it's powerful enough. That's what ended up happening with GC's Western support, to a large extent.

The market has pretty dramatically changed since the GC. Developers were able to say, "We're going to support this platform, but not these other ones" back then. Nowadays? That's stupid. Near as rumors tell, this system isn't going to be based on some obscure architecture. It shouldn't take very much to port to it, one way or another.


I would bang a hot farmer!
I'm looking forward to taking the day off from work for Nintendo's E3 conference again this year.


GregLombardi said:
I Lol'ed at the bolded. Way of putting things in perspective!

Who knows wtf this controller is going to look like though, it should be fun! Maybe rivaling the reveal of the N64 prong-a-thon back in the 90's!

I'm just being silly because of how ridiculous the controller sounds. However, going by the controllers that IGN and the site that originated these rumours said is closest, it really does seem like it's going to be a gigantic controller in the traditional mold.

Which raises all sorts of questions I can't wait to debate about after years of having to wade through the pretenders acting as if traditional controllers were gone in favor of the unwieldy, massively flawed wii motion-type controllers. Sony thought this too, apparently, but nope. Nintendo going more traditional brings a smile to my face, even if it is with a hilariously unwieldy ninety-two inch controller.
Amir0x said:
I'm guessing he knows something COMBINED with a little odds playing but...

...if this is the type of news that gives fans heart attacks, he's got that shit easy. He don't even need to try.
I'd say "GTAV announced at the Nintendo conference for their next-gen system" would be pretty huge on the "hnnnnnnnnnnnng" meter.
ciD_Vain said:
Do you guys think Sony and Microsoft will package in an upgraded version of Move/Kinect with their next system?
What's to upgrade though? Unfortunately for them I think they blew their load. Microsoft should have rebranded 360 when Kinect launched. All they did was Brand Kinect.

A messy strategy.


Opus Angelorum said:
I think the GTAV rumour is nonsense. However.

If Nintendo were to launch with it, there is no other franchise that shouts 'we want the hardcore' more.
Imagine if it was a timed exclusive. Imagine!


EmCeeGramr said:
I'd say "GTAV announced at the Nintendo conference for their next-gen system" would be pretty huge on the "hnnnnnnnnnnnng" meter.
I'd say it would be on par with the time that Final Fantasy XIII showed up at MS's conference.


EmCeeGramr said:
I'd say "GTAV announced at the Nintendo conference for their next-gen system" would be pretty huge on the "hnnnnnnnnnnnng" meter.

A port that all systems would be getting would be pretty low on the "hnnnnnnnnnng" meter for all but the easily impressed, imo. I mean other than the fact that Nintendo has been on the wrong side of history for the GTA franchise (limited disc space on Gamecube, inferior power with Wii), that's the only thing that prevented it before.

It's not like it'd be exclusive. Not seeing what the big deal would be in the least. Of course, this is the game industry we're talking about, who like to make big deals out of the smallest and most random of game news.





EmCeeGramr said:
I'd say "GTAV announced at the Nintendo conference for their next-gen system" would be pretty huge on the "hnnnnnnnnnnnng" meter.

That's how I read it, too. (It actually being shown for the first time there, I mean.) There's no way in hell that Ninty would get GTAV exclusive, but if they really wanted I think it's possible a timed-exclusive could be money-hatted...
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