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Wii 2 (Project Cafe): Officially Announced, Playable At E3, Launching 2012 [Updated]

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Death Dealer said:
If GTA V for Stream is only a simple X360 port, with maybe some added stuff like city map viewable on the controller screen, but it runs in 1080p 720p with a solid 60fps 30fps, instead of the usual janky GTA console frame rates, it will be a huge boon and selling point for the system.

Fixed. $599 and I would still buy it. Dream. Believe.


brain_stew said:
A 4670 with GDDR5 in a closed box, wouldn't struggle to run X360/PS3 level content at 1080p at all.

Maybe a 4670x2 would be interesting enough. Then again, how much performance can you usually gain with SLI? I haven't run anything like that ever (except for my VooDoo2 that was connected to the 2D 4MB card heh)
Vinci said:
You know how you cultivate an audience on a console? By consistently releasing things on it. Not 'testing' it. Not 'trying it out.' Not 'giving it the old college try.' It's by consistently putting content on the system. Period. How the hell did the PS3 get to where it is? It didn't sell exceedingly well at first, especially compared to the 360. But it got there eventually, and now games sell pretty well on the thing.

That's how you do it.

EDIT: Seriously, why would any 3rd party want to ignore a system by Nintendo that they can easily port to after this generation? Why take the chance on not having access to something that could potentially be another market leader?

I feel like I'm going around in circles here.

I've never asserted that third parties will ignore Cafe out of the gate. In fact, I have no doubt that third parties will initially be happy to have another HD console to port to, and that at least initially, Cafe will have no trouble getting same-day versions of most multiplatform HD titles. The problem is that the vast majority of the audience for such titles already owns a PS3 or 360, so it comes back to how Nintendo gets a significant portion of that audience to buy a Cafe and the non-exclusive software that's released for it. Because gimmicky, tacked-on touchscreen controls, prettier graphics, and higher framerates aren't going to cut it when you can play those games on the consoles you already own, with existing online services that aren't shit.

Mind you, I'm arguing under the assumption that Nintendo cares about and understands the Western HD market enough to have a strategy for grabbing a significant chunk of that audience beyond "make it powerful enough to get PS3/360 ports," and I'm not convinced that this is actually the case.


Effect said:
Playable at E3? I don't think they'll try for a summer or later launch. I think we'll see another Feb/March launch worldwide the same way the Nintendo 3DS was launched this year. This holiday being focused on the 3DS and the last push for the Wii. Then come next year in Feb/March it will launch so the early adopters can buy. Then everyone else once the big named games come out during the holiday later that year. The Wii will still sell outside of Japan the same way the PS2 continued to sell but the focus will be on the new system at the very start of next year.

I'm already putting money away from this and for several games. I'm there day one as long as I can get my preorder in. I just hope they include both old school controller and a updated version of the Wii remote.
I was in the 'they'll rush this out' camp before but Iwata has said that they won't launch untill after April 2012. So that's May 2012 at the earliest.


Cerebral Assassin said:
This makes no sense to me, they have IP's that have laid dormant for years, what difference does it make whether they use one of those rather than creating a new IP?
there's something pretty compelling about the unknown potential of "new" that you just don't get with our current tendency to rehash everything far beyond its welcome.

...and all they did new this gen on consoles was art style and wii ___. they surely have some "bigger" ideas that could make good games.
thehillissilent said:
It will probably be Rainbox Six Vegas Collection.
Nirolak said:
Well, I guess they could port that Gameloft tablet title to the download store.

Tablet controls are fine. But not THAT game.

no, no.
I want a new one. It´s time. But that´s just Ubisoft. It´s not at the top of my most wanted list on a New HD Nintendo console. But i WOULD love a new Rainbow six game.
From The Dust said:
Rainbow Six Vegas 1+2 with Pointer and Touchscreen Pointer support! no online
Co-op is a MUST.


Father_Brain said:
I feel like I'm going around in circles here.

I've never asserted that third parties will ignore Cafe out of the gate. In fact, I have no doubt that third parties will initially be happy to have another HD console to port to, and that at least initially, Cafe will have no trouble getting same-day versions of most multiplatform HD titles. The problem is that the vast majority of the audience for such titles already owns a PS3 or 360, so it comes back to how Nintendo gets a significant portion of that audience to buy a Cafe and the non-exclusive software that's released for it. Because gimmicky, tacked-on touchscreen controls, prettier graphics, and higher framerates aren't going to cut it when you can play those games on the consoles you already own, with existing online services that aren't shit.

Mind you, I'm arguing under the assumption that Nintendo cares about and understands the Western HD market enough to have a strategy for grabbing a significant chunk of that audience beyond "make it powerful enough to get PS3/360 ports," and I'm not convinced that this is actually the case.

Fair enough.

To be honest, part of me is waiting for the whole, "Sure, Nintendo's system runs GTA V at a massively improved framerate and a higher resolution and has this, that, and the other thing, but you know what? I already have a 360 to play the game on, so I'm not going to bother." You know why? Because then all the 'hardcore' nonsense could then finally die.

For what it's worth, I agree that they need to nail the online system.


Effect said:
Playable at E3? I don't think they'll try for a summer or later launch. I think we'll see another Feb/March launch worldwide the same way the Nintendo 3DS was launched this year.

It's pretty much coming April or later.
[Nintex] said:
I was in the 'they'll rush this out' camp before but Iwata has said that they won't launch untill after April 2012. So that's May 2012 at the earliest.

I assume that Andriasang meant to post "after April 1, 2012." That would make far more sense, since May isn't the beginning of a fiscal quarter.


a kinder, gentler sort of Scrooge
Cerebral Assassin said:
This makes no sense to me, they have IP's that have laid dormant for years, what difference does it make whether they use one of those rather than creating a new IP?

It's not like anyone buys or even remembers new IPs when Nintendo makes them. Forever alone Captain Rainbow, forever alone.

I would like a new Geist though.
beje said:
Maybe a 4670x2 would be interesting enough. Then again, how much performance can you usually gain with SLI? I haven't run anything like that ever (except for my VooDoo2 that was connected to the 2D 4MB card heh)

AFR rendering techniques waste half of your available RAM and introduce all manner of problems. We can be absolutely sure that Nintendo won't be going that route.


Father_Brain said:
...it comes back to how Nintendo gets a significant portion of that audience to buy a Cafe and the non-exclusive software that's released for it. Because gimmicky, tacked-on touchscreen controls, prettier graphics, and higher framerates aren't going to cut it when you can play those games on the consoles you already own, with existing online services that aren't shit.
exactly. nothing we know so far would suggest they're going to be able to get people to move away from established online communities to support this new box.

any controller with a 6" screen in the middle of it is going to have to do some pretty nifty stuff to be "better" than a more conventional pad if you're playing gta5.

Big One

Willy105 said:

What about Punch-Out, Sin and Punishment, and Excite?
I think he's talking about new IPs, which he's still wrong cause there's much more than those two series. The problem is that they're all standalone games cause none of them have taken off too well.


Please help me with my bad english
Opus Angelorum said:
I'd suggest Nintendo want this to be released before either Microsoft or Sony get a chance to announce their next platforms.
If history repeats itself, Sony will troll Cafe by announcing a new home console before the end of this financial year.


Amir0x said:
Three, creating a slate of NEW hardcore IPs INTERNALLY DEVELOPED with the budget and marketing of a Zelda or Mario game. I'm so tired of their franchise abuse.
Four, Pikmin 3.
Can I read this as "not so tired"?

I must say that I'm not sure I understand... I mean, I also welcome any new IP from them (I'm a Pikmin fan), even if I'm not fully convinced by the last ones. They still tried many things under the Wii **** brand.

On the other side, they have a lot of IPs, and everybody has its picks. One will want a Wario, a Kirby, a DK, a F-Zero, a Starfox, an Animal Crossing, a Smash Bros, a Mario Kart, a Metroid, a Fire Emblem, etc. They usually stay at 1, max 2 game per generation and per IP, and they try to outsource many of them. But it's difficult to make everyone happy.

I can't say I disagree with you, still. I miss some good surprise IPs (again, Pikmin is in my top3 of the previous generation). They tried some new things, though, they were just not completely my taste this generation, and I welcomed some 3rd-party efforts. But I don't think there's really an abuse per se, they just can't let IPs unused or some will voice their dissatisfaction.

(we're the first to claim we wanted Pikmin 3, a F-Zero or a true Starfox, among others, no?)
Well... to most people a new IP on the HD consoles is basically the same game but with different characters.

I prefer to have my Nintendo games with the same old characters.


Opus Angelorum said:
I'd suggest Nintendo want this to be released before either Microsoft or Sony get a chance to announce their next platforms.
I fully expect Microsoft to be ready to respond at anytime with some Halo 4 343 industries teaser running on a new next-gen engine made by Corine Yu if they think it's necessary.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
[Nintex] said:
I was in the 'they'll rush this out' camp before but Iwata has said that they won't launch untill after April 2012. So that's May 2012 at the earliest.
When did he say this?


[Nintex] said:
I was in the 'they'll rush this out' camp before but Iwata has said that they won't launch untill after April 2012. So that's May 2012 at the earliest.

He and Nintendo can always change their mind. Especially considering how Wii fares going into the holiday season. If it's actually playable it might not actually be rushed though. This thing seems to me to be further along then rumors are lead to believe. Though this does depend on just how playable it might be. So perhaps I shouldn't jump the gun. Still I see it very hard for them to wait longer then they need to. Especailly in Japan. I still expect to see it sooner rather then later.


brain_stew said:
AFR rendering techniques waste half of your available RAM and introduce all manner of problems. We can be absolutely sure that Nintendo won't be going that route.

Well, that's the complete opposite of Nintendo's approach to RAM so I guess we can forget about that. Another thing that bothers me is how everybody talks about 512MB of RAM but nobody specifies if it's system RAM, VRAM or shared.

Big One

birdchili said:
excite is a new ip.

Always-honest said:
Rainbow six co-op was great. It's Nintendo that puts the breaks on online most of the time.

considering basic online co-op and shit is avalible on Nintendo platforms, I'll keep blaming Ubisoft. then again, I have different online expectations


poppabk said:
When did he say this?
Earlier today:
In its announcement earlier today, Nintendo stated that it had not included sales of the Wii successor in its earnings forecasts for the current fiscal year, which ends on March 31, 2012. You might have guessed that this means a release for the system after that date. This is the case, Iwata confirmed during the press conference. The Wii 2 will not arrive until after April 2012.
From The Dust said:
considering basic online co-op and shit is avalible on Nintendo platforms, I'll keep blaming Ubisoft. then again, I have different online expectations
oh well, worked fine on 360 and ps3. We'll see, and we can hope.

BUT:. As long as PIKMIN 3 in HD is a reality, i'm buying the console.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
A.KU.MU said:
Mac user only. I haven't touched a PC since 1992 (Wolfenstein 3D).
Macs are also PC's and can also play games, increasingly they can do it without an expensive copy of windows.
Always-honest said:
oh well, worked fine on 360 and ps3. We'll see, and we can hope.

BUT:. As long as PIKMIN 3 in HD is a reality, i'm buying the console.

how many people will be buying this for Nintendo games in HD? *raises hand*


Super Member
Vic said:
If history repeats itself, Sony will troll Cafe by announcing a new home console before the end of this financial year.
somehow they'll manage to call a product aimed at internet cafe loungers by calling it a kiddy console

KenOD said:
I would like a new Geist though.
as would I, that would be great

not saying they will, but I think Retro could fix things that were lacking in the first game
MisterHero said:
somehow they'll manage to call a product aimed at internet cafe loungers by calling it a kiddy console

as would I, that would be great

not saying they will, but I think Retro could fix things that were lacking in the first game

And then Sony will release a controller with a bigger screen.


I just realized the touchscreen on the controller means any fighting games on Stream will likely have hot keys ala the "Lite" option in SSFIV3DE, which I -LOVE- (and which isn't a problem for you fussy dandy pro players, since Internet Match filters so you only face people using the same controls).

This would make an easy fighting game like, say, MvC3 (which I currently adore on PS3) even more fun (for me) by shifting the focus more to zoning and tactics (though it is already fairly easy, being mainly hadoken quarter-circles and all).
So many parentheses!
And for harder fighting games, ones like SF with more focus on zigzags and charging, it frees up the game tremendously. Me likey!

I guess this will be a feature on the inevitable Super Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds: Stream Edition (or SMVC3FTWSE, as we'll call it down in the hood). Lite controls, hopefully figurines, and Venom. And not this new COD BLOPS Venom, I mean straight-up Eddie-Brock-drooling-green-stuff Venom. 'Aight?


antonz said:
Yeah I think 4770 is the minimum they would go if they want to future proof even a little bit. The 4x performance boost would put them in good positioning for next gen even if they arent neck and neck with the others.

Are we sure that R700 series is final? I remember people throwing around the thought that Eyefinity would be used for the multidisplay, which was introduced in the Evergreens. It could be a hybrid, a DX10 R700 based GPU with Eyefinity added.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
A.KU.MU said:
Mac user only. I haven't touched a PC since 1992 (Wolfenstein 3D).

Reading posts like that usually put me straight into "WTF?!" mode but then I realize that I haven't touched a Nintendo console since 1993 and I don't feel that I've missed anything. Different strokes for different folks.
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