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Wii 2 (Project Cafe): Officially Announced, Playable At E3, Launching 2012 [Updated]

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AceBandage said:
If it's easy to port from 360->Cafe, then you can bet it'll see pretty much everything.
It would cost developers very little and it would be a bigger audience to sell to.

Then watch Cafe get subpar/quick/afterthought ports....
hey everyone! it's your favorite website the Paul Gale Network! Hooray!

it's just a quote from his good friend at Sony:

Sandy Modolfsky’s text back: “We’re not afraid of a little coffee stain.”

there is another website with some rumors but I'm not sure if I should post it. I'll do it anyway and say it's for shits and giggles. I never heard of it or the writer, but I guess some people crave something

AniHawk said:
it'll have
super mario bros 4

I'm sure it will, on VC.


Dissonance said:
I'm gonna throw magazine racks over if we can't transfer our VC and WiiWare games.

This is a must-have feature.
Zeal said:
i cannot even imagine how a next-gen Star Fox will look at this stage. i expect utter amazement. i'm also loving the switch to a hardcore centric gaming philosophy.

if all delivers as expected, this will be the first nintendo system i buy at launch since N64.
Why do people keep saying this? One it doesn't mean anything, two nothing has been said that sounds like that.


woahjeez said:
Here is an update to the supposed closest concept:


Thanks again to redditor xsp
Another point to note is that the site also mentioned a 5**x8** resolution for the screen; which would make it a portrait orientation, not a landscape one.


antispin said:
Another point to note is that the site also mentioned a 5**x8** resolution for the screen; which would make it a portrait orientation, not a landscape one.
They clearly got the resolution numbers crossed because they specifically refer to 16:9 style


From The Dust said:
there is another website with some rumors but I'm not sure if I should post it. I'll do it anyway and say it's for shits and giggles. I never heard of it or the writer, but I guess some people crave something


At least those rumors are plausible.

CoffeeJanitor said:
Why do people keep saying this? One it doesn't mean anything, two nothing has been said that sounds like that.

I'm guessing due to the "lack of waggle"?


CoffeeJanitor said:
Why do people keep saying this? One it doesn't mean anything, two nothing has been said that sounds like that.
because that's what has been reported by multiple sources since the rumors started. does it threaten you? it sounds like it does.


From The Dust said:
there is another website with some rumors but I'm not sure if I should post it. I'll do it anyway and say it's for shits and giggles. I never heard of it or the writer, but I guess some people crave something


"Dating a guy who works close with Nintendo has its perks and benefits, but just because I sleep with someone in the gaming industry doesn’t mean every single thing he tells me is accurate."

What else confirmation do you need?


antispin said:
Another point to note is that the site also mentioned a 5**x8** resolution for the screen; which would make it a portrait orientation, not a landscape one.

^^^ what kind of processing power would something like this have. Wouldn't it be great if it were good enough to take to work with you with VC games?

Or is it just powerful enough to stream content from the Cafe?

I'm calling it: $100 per controller bought separately.
CoffeeJanitor said:
Same here man. I could really go for a Matt n' Boz podcast right now. They made the community sorta tight.

I hang out with Matt and Bozon weekly...I'd kill to simply set up Garage Band and record our gaming conversations. But for some reason, it's not that easy.


legacyzero said:
^^^ what kind of processing power would something like this have. Wouldn't it be great if it were good enough to take to work with you with VC games?

Or is it just powerful enough to stream content from the Cafe?

I'm calling it: $100 per controller bought separately.

I'd guess $75 on the low end and $100 on the high end for extra controllers.
From The Dust said:
hey everyone! it's your favorite website the Paul Gale Network! Hooray!

it's just a quote from his good friend at Sony:

there is another website with some rumors but I'm not sure if I should post it. I'll do it anyway and say it's for shits and giggles. I never heard of it or the writer, but I guess some people crave something

lols said:
One final note, I have seen a few screenshots of a game for the new Nintendo console, and it was more beautiful than any PS3/360 game I’ve seen. Why? Because it’s nice to see a game that uses 360/PS3 quality graphics where it uses more colors than just grey/black/brown/dark green….which seems to be the only color choices that the majority of 360/PS3 games are allowed to have. Any game that has more colors than those four colors seem to get slammed as “kiddy” by 14 year olds who can’t buy Call of Duty from Gamestop without their mother in the store with them. People want to debate about which system has the best specs. But the truth of it all is, graphics are defined by a game’s art style. And that is where Nintendo shines above other developers because this particular game looks amazing. You will know what game I’m talking about when E3 comes around.
This writer is so legit. I can tell he/she is an industry vet

crankypants said:
I hang out with Matt and Bozon weekly...I'd kill to simply set up Garage Band and record our gaming conversations. But for some reason, it's not that easy.
Don't tug my heart strings.


TunaLover said:
"Dating a guy who works close with Nintendo has its perks and benefits, but just because I sleep with someone in the gaming industry doesn’t mean every single thing he tells me is accurate."

What else confirmation do you need?
more like the bitch sounds desperate for hits to me.


I forgot to post but the streaming idea totally sold me, sometimes I like play on my living room with sound system, nice LCD screen, but it's kinda akward having to carry the whole system to another room, bunch of cables, peripherals, and so. Being lazy as I am I will play probably play the most on the living room, and then use the controller screen on my room. =)

But... It's supposed to have speakers...!


Fernando Rocker said:
Can someone leak some details about the online system, please?

I just want to know if they are going to use an account based system.
THIS will make or break a purchase for me. Nintendo needs to catch up with the times in the Online scene. Dare they risk the racial slurring, mom beating, swear spitting children? I'm sure they can come up with something, right?

TunaLover said:
I forgot to post but the streaming idea totally sold me, sometimes I like play on my living room with sound system, nice LCD screen, but it's kinda akward having to carry the whole system to another room, bunch of cables, peripherals, and so. Being lazy as I am I will play probably play the most on the living room, and then use the controller screen on my room. =)
THIS, and it's also nice if somebody else desires the TV like if my wife wants to play Black Ops. This is my favorite sounding feature so far. Lets hope there's no input lag...


Fernando Rocker said:
Can someone leak some details about the online system, please?

I just want to know if they are going to use an account based system.
just hold on a sec, kinda busy atm
TunaLover said:
I forgot to post but the streaming idea totally sold me, sometimes I like play on my living room with sound system, nice LCD screen, but it's kinda akward having to carry the whole system to another room, bunch of cables, peripherals, and so. Being lazy as I am I will play probably play the most on the living room, and then use the controller screen on my room. =)
Yeah... maybe we could start the console from our beds and when we are ready, we just go to the room where the console is and we just turn on the TV.



regarding Emily Roger's gameolosophy writeup:

One final note, I have seen a few screenshots of a game for the new Nintendo console, and it was more beautiful than any PS3/360 game I’ve seen. Why? Because it’s nice to see a game that uses 360/PS3 quality graphics where it uses more colors than just grey/black/brown/dark green….which seems to be the only color choices that the majority of 360/PS3 games are allowed to have. Any game that has more colors than those four colors seem to get slammed as “kiddy” by 14 year olds who can’t buy Call of Duty from Gamestop without their mother in the store with them. People want to debate about which system has the best specs. But the truth of it all is, graphics are defined by a game’s art style. And that is where Nintendo shines above other developers because this particular game looks amazing. You will know what game I’m talking about when E3 comes around.

i'm sorry but this sounds like the biggest load of vague, intentionally unspecific nonsense i've ever read. it's clear to me that people are formulating anything at this point in hopes of being the first to report it.

from now on, i'm sticking to the french website and IGN. gaf has pretty good at picking out the most credible meat and throwing out the fat, like this crap.


The front-facing camera on that latest mock-up is creepily eye-like. It reminds me of Majora's Incarnation, and we can only hope it's half as crazy/awesome (well, save the controller running around the room uncontrollably).

Someone said Super Mario Bros. 4. A great new Mario platformer (with ALL-ORIGINAL style and assets, not recycled from NSMB on DS!) would be GREAT under that name. :)
Zeal said:
because that's what has been reported by multiple sources since the rumors started. does it threaten you? it sounds like it does.
I just think the term is silly, and I think that Nintendo has been supporting the "hardcore" crowd a shit ton this gen. I think a more succinct way of putting it would be that Nintendo is going to try to get more 3rd party support this gen as that was clearly an issue for the Wii.
Zeal said:

regarding Emily Roger's gameolosophy writeup:

i'm sorry but this sounds like the biggest load of vague, intentionally unspecific nonsense i've ever read. it's clear to me that people are formulating anything at this point in hopes of being the first to report it.

from now on, i'm sticking to the french website and IGN. gaf has pretty good at picking out the most credible meat and throwing out the fat, like this crap.

It's obviously Kirby Epic Yarn 2.


Zeal said:

regarding Emily Roger's gameolosophy writeup:

i'm sorry but this sounds like the biggest load of vague, intentionally unspecific nonsense i've ever read. it's clear to me that people are formulating anything at this point in hopes of being the first to report it.

from now on, i'm sticking to the french website and IGN. gaf has pretty good at picking out the most credible meat and throwing out the fat, like this crap.
If she's going to make shit up, can't she do something a little more fantastical than the safest bet? Of course the games will be colorful and have good art direction. No shiiiiiit. Let's great freaky with the rumors and stroke my Sheik spin-off boner or something equally cool. These super-vague and super-safe "leaks" are, well, super-boring.


CoffeeJanitor said:
I think that Nintendo has been supporting the "hardcore" crowd a shit ton this gen.

not starting an argument, and honestly nothing personal, but that's about the most inaccurate statement i've ever heard. it isn't even arguable that the Wii has become synonymous with casual, and i don't think Nintendo is exactly pleased with the label.

hence the change in direction.

Neiteio said:
If she's going to make shit up, can't she do something a little more fantastical than the safest bet? Of course the games will be colorful and have good art direction. No shiiiiiit. Let's great freaky with the rumors and stroke my Sheik spin-off boner or something equally cool. These super-vague and super-safe "leaks" are, well, super-boring.

agreed. either post something tangible or sit back and enjoy the show like everyone else. i expect the most exciting E3 in a decade.
Andrex said:
Can someone source me on where the 3DS uses OpenCL or GL?

You read the comments on hacker news? Most probably OpenGL ES, if it doesn't use a proprietary API. OpenCL is similar to Cuda (parallel processing).


TunaLover said:
"Dating a guy who works close with Nintendo has its perks and benefits, but just because I sleep with someone in the gaming industry doesn’t mean every single thing he tells me is accurate."

What else confirmation do you need?

Unless she's dating Reggie or someone else really high up I don't think she would have all that info. I mean according to her she knows what every internal studio is up to, which 3rd parties Nintendo is talking to, what games are in development and which are on the back burner, as well as access to real game assets? If she were dating a developer she might have to goods on his game and the guy's in the next office, but the info she's reporting sounds like either she is secretly cammie or dating Reggie.

Edit: and given how much she has been posting lately your telling me no one at Nintendo can figure this out and put a stop to it? Companies are not that lax about internal secrets.


Zeal said:

regarding Emily Roger's gameolosophy writeup:

i'm sorry but this sounds like the biggest load of vague, intentionally unspecific nonsense i've ever read. it's clear to me that people are formulating anything at this point in hopes of being the first to report it.

from now on, i'm sticking to the french website and IGN. gaf has pretty good at picking out the most credible meat and throwing out the fat, like this crap.
Pretty much. Reading her spewed up "rumors" give me a fucking headache.
Zeal said:
not starting an argument, and honestly nothing personal, but that's about the most inaccurate statement i've ever heard. it isn't even arguable that the Wii has become synonymous with casual, and i don't think Nintendo is exactly pleased with the label.

hence the change in direction.
The amount of quality first party support Nintendo has put towards the console has been unreal. Please don't let a common perception fool you.

Again, I'm pretty sure Nintendo wants EVERYONE to buy their system. The Wii's main weakness outside of shit online was the lack of third party support to fill in the gaps. If there's one thing this gen has shown it's that Nintendo can't fully support a system on its own.

And I'm still not getting this change in direction you're talking about. The supposed lack of motion controls? What are you going off of? Projecting your wants on Nintendo's moves/strategy is silly.

Sorry I'm just a bit pissed as it seems like a lot of people here don't seem to have business sense.


I ran out of gas in the Target parking lot and some high school kids were kind enough to give me a ride to the gas station and back. Little did I know they were Nintendo insiders and they gave me all kinds of insider information on Project Cafe!


TunaLover said:
Nintendo 2011's release list was updated.
Not Xenoblade nor Last Story for NA.

What a bummer =/

Oh shit. Fuck that noise.

I give up. Fuck you, Nintendo. And of course, the gaming industry will never actually question Nintendo on this shit.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Hugh Buelow said:
You read the comments on hacker news? Most probably OpenGL ES, if it doesn't use a proprietary API. OpenCL is similar to Cuda (parallel processing).

I made the comment on Hacker News. :p
artwalknoon said:
Unless she's dating Reggie or someone else really high up I don't think she would have all that info. I mean according to her she knows what every internal studio is up to, which 3rd parties Nintendo is talking to, what games are in development and which are on the back burner, as well as access to real game assets? If she were dating a developer she might have to goods on his game and the guy's in the next office, but the info she's reporting sounds like either she is secretly cammie or dating Reggie.

Edit: and given how much she has been posting lately your telling me no one at Nintendo can figure this out and put a stop to it? Companies are not that lax about internal secrets.
I would sleep with Reggie to know that info...
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