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Wii 2 (Project Cafe): Officially Announced, Playable At E3, Launching 2012 [Updated]

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the way everyone is hyping the controller.. it sounds like it is going to cost a fortune to buy a 2nd one =(
Instro said:
People werent aware that Craig had a GAF account? IIRC all the old IGN Nintendo team have accounts on here.

I'm not sure Matt ever made one.
Boz use to be pretty regular here, but after he left IGN he kind of stopped.
Gin said:
the way everyone is hyping the controller.. it sounds like it is going to cost a fortune to buy a 2nd one =(

It's doubtful.
Nintendo WANTS social interaction on consoles. They won't price the controllers insanely high.
The system, on the other hand...
I dunno, I still see it at being $300.
Pyrokai said:
Yeah, sorry.....that's the one! His name is CrankyCraig somewhere. I think it's his Twitter name now that I think about it....
Yeah man the cranky thing goes back a while I think.

Instro said:
People werent aware that Craig had a GAF account? IIRC all the old IGN Nintendo team have accounts on here.
Yeah I just didn't know his username

I'm pretty sure Matt used to post here too but I wasn't here then so I could be wrong
GDGF said:
It's because you've got a server...


...streaming out four cups of gaming (possibly ala carte)


...to you and three of your friends in a social atmosphere.


That's what I think anyway.
this probably one of the main reasons behind the codename in my opinion. even If they can only get at the least minor things like ("Wiiware",VC, netflix etc, internet browser) to be usable simultaneously on
the controllers , i think that'd be awesome. even better if this some how had the power to do such things while someone is playing a disc game.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Instro said:
People werent aware that Craig had a GAF account? IIRC all the old IGN Nintendo team have accounts on here.

Craig and Boz do, Matt might have had one but he never ever posted. He did lurk a lot though, a lot of the "hater voice" comments on the old podcasts were ripped straight from GAF posts.

On that note I wonder what Boz is doing now. His Twitter says "guess I can't say where I work now. Not that it's tough to figure out..." I'm guessing either WayForward with his brother or Apple with Matt (his Twitter also says he lives in Cupertino.)


AceBandage said:
I'm not sure Matt ever made one.
Boz use to be pretty regular here, but after he left IGN he kind of stopped.

It's doubtful.
Nintendo WANTS social interaction on consoles. They won't price the controllers insanely high.
The system, on the other hand...
I dunno, I still see it at being $300.

Matt had one.. MattIGN or something like that.
From The Dust said:
StreamWare would be really cool, don't you think?

Gabe don't seems so sure.

Fernando Rocker said:
Maybe Nintendo will include four sets of controllers with the console!

lol. i'm expecting a controller to cost 50-60 maybe. but most assuredly they'd put out a game + packed in controller game close especially if they are focusing on social aspects.


Even the 3DS has 3axis gyro.

A controller that also has a screen is likely to have at least a 3axis gyro.

Wondering if there will be motion controls is like debating whether the Dpad will make it into the controller.


UltimaPooh said:
Which is why I included gyroscopic controls. I don't think a pointer will make the cut this time around just like a second analog never made the cut for the Wii-mote.

They didn't think they needed a second analog stick because the pointer could be used as a replacement. I don't think they figured a lot of the "core" guys would be so adamant about switching, though.
My prediction with these controllers is that they are also going to double as e-readers with some sort of I-pad like app service. That's the first thing that came to my mind when I first started hearing about these project Cafe rumors. The advertising practically writes itself. Mom on the couch reading an e-book, little Timmy playing a game, dad reading the sports page, etc.

I'm not sure I'm sold on this streaming controller thing, though. Why make a home console that essentially may be a router to what are essentially handheld devices. Why design a product that directly competes with the 3DS. Sure, it sounds like you could use the TV as the main output source, I guess. What about HD? The controllers sound sub-hd, so what about the rumors Cafe would be more powerful than 360. I shouldn't doubt Nintendo, though, it will probably be awesome.


GillianSeed79 said:
My prediction with these controllers is that they are also going to double as e-readers with some sort of I-pad like app service. That's the first thing that came to my mind when I first started hearing about these project Cafe rumors. The advertising practically writes itself. Mom on the couch reading an e-book, little Timmy playing a game, dad reading the sports page, etc.

I'm not sure I'm sold on this streaming controller thing, though. Why make a home console that essentially may be a router to what are essentially handheld devices. Why design a product that directly competes with the 3DS. Sure, it sounds like you could use the TV as the main output source, I guess. What about HD? The controllers sound sub-hd, so what about the rumors Cafe would be more powerful than 360. I shouldn't doubt Nintendo, though, it will probably be awesome.

In this case.... I wonder if they would push Cafe to be an "always on" device?? This way it could stream games, movies, music, etc... to each person with a controller?
mj1108 said:
In this case.... I wonder if they would push Cafe to be an "always on" device?? This way it could stream games, movies, music, etc... to each person with a controller?

It would need some crazy cooling system if that was the case.
Leaving a 360/PS3 on all the time get them to near melting points...
mj1108 said:
In this case.... I wonder if they would push Cafe to be an "always on" device?? This way it could stream games, movies, music, etc... to each person with a controller?

If it's always on, then I want way more than that. Always on, connected to Wifi, streaming to my Wii2 controller from 5 miles away off the cloud.


mj1108 said:
I'm sure one of you has Garageband on the iPad. Sit around a table, turn it on and go. Unless there's some legal reason this couldn't happen?

They've mentioned (or maybe hinted) on NVC that Apple won't let their employees go on podcasts, or something to that effect.
joedick said:
They've mentioned (or maybe hinted) on NVC that Apple won't let their employees go on podcasts, or something to that effect.
Plus, I'm pretty sure Boz is at EGM right now so that could potentially be another roadblock.


GillianSeed79 said:
I'm not sure I'm sold on this streaming controller thing, though. Why make a home console that essentially may be a router to what are essentially handheld devices. Why design a product that directly competes with the 3DS. Sure, it sounds like you could use the TV as the main output source, I guess. What about HD? The controllers sound sub-hd, so what about the rumors Cafe would be more powerful than 360. I shouldn't doubt Nintendo, though, it will probably be awesome.

Café will output HD resolution to your TV, it could in theory stream HD output to your controller, but the max resolution IN THE CONTROLLER SCREEN is sub-HD, anyway having a HD resolution in a tiny screen doesn't make too much sense, that could only skyrocket the controllers cost, and don't make too much difference anyway.
TunaLover said:
Café will output HD resolution to your TV, it could in theory stream HD output to your controller, but the max resolution IN THE CONTROLLER SCREEN is sub-HD, anyway having a HD resolution in a tiny screen doesn't make too much sense, that could only skyrocket the controllers cost, and don't make too much difference anyway.

Exactly. The iphone 4 is sub HD but still looks amazing. It all comes down to screen size. If its around the 800x500 area that we are hearing, it will more than serve.

Eteric Rice

mj1108 said:
In this case.... I wonder if they would push Cafe to be an "always on" device?? This way it could stream games, movies, music, etc... to each person with a controller?

Wouldn't it need to be pretty powerful to do all of that, though?
From The Dust said:
considering they won't be calling 3DS DL games "3DSWare", they will have a different name for the E-Shop games

StreamWare, available on the Stream e-shop, is way too similar to Steam. I guess Valve wouldn't be pleased with this choice.


Let's speculate games Nintendo would pay for exclusivity that would drive system sales by 'core' gamers:

Dragon Quest 11 (you think they paid for DQ 9 & 10?)

Monster Hunter 4 (I'm fairly certain they paid for MHTri)

Samurai Warriors 4

GTA V (willing to pay for exclusive N6-centric content?)

Call of Duty 5 --> ∞ (I'm certain Nintendo would love to have this series - perhaps with exclusive content- on N6 as Iwata praised it at a keynote)

Resident Evil 6 (why not? they paid exclusivity for RE4 until they got burned)

Anymore system sellers?
Gamer @ Heart said:
Exactly. The iphone 4 is sub HD but still looks amazing. It all comes down to screen size. If its around the 800x500 area that we are hearing, it will more than serve.

Okay that makes sense. For me it's going to all come down to how the controllers are designed. It's clearly the focus, so they have to nail that. They nailed the Wii-mote comfort-wise, so I think Nintendo probably will obviously nail the ergonomics.


JCRedeems said:
Let's speculate games Nintendo would pay for exclusivity that would drive system sales by 'core' gamers:

Call of Duty 5 --> ∞ (I'm certain Nintendo would love to have this series - perhaps with exclusive content- on N6 as Iwata praised it at a keynote)

Uh, Nintendo already 'has' this series. They'll put it on anything, it's almost guaranteed.
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