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Wii 2 (Project Cafe): Officially Announced, Playable At E3, Launching 2012 [Updated]

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I don't want to read too much into that Reuters article, but if Iwata is blaming the Wii's decline on marketing of all things, that's not a good sign.


M74 said:
You guys, Iwata is clearly talking about MARKETING, not 3rd party developments. Unless that's just a bad translation by Reuters.

Edit: And that's not a positive sign. He thinks the Wii's puttering out and not reaching its fullest potential was due to advertising? It's called "software", Mr. Iwata; first and third party titles must learn to coexist.

The Wii had no problem with marketing. Hell, just look at the first year or so after it was out...people were buying them up faster than they could make them. For quite awhile people were paying $500-$600 for the console on ebay.

It seems to be that his comment was toward third party support.

Hiltz said:
Why would Valve handle Nintendo's online service or have any part in it ?

I remember when Valve showed interest in wanting to make a Wii title but never did. :(



The Amiga Brotherhood
Kandinsky said:
I was sure nothing was going to happen this year regarding WiiHD, let alone this month/E3, I'm SHOCKED, wow.

PSO2, 4Swords2 and especially FFCC2 please!

I'm hoping the secret feature of Wii 2 is that it was designed purely around playing PSO2.

Wouldn't give a toss about anything else then ;)


civilstrife said:
Guys. Valve is not doing the online for this thing.

Reign them expectations in, people.

Reign 'em in.
Never. Valve is doing their online. And Stream will have the definitive version of Battlefield 3.

GTA exclusive as well


CoffeeJanitor said:
Put your logic away, sir, it has no place here!
Theres no logic in automatically saying it would never happen. Likely? definetly not but Valve certainly hasnt spent most of its time developing games based on their output.

A Valve designed online system for Nintendo would not be some magical form of competition for steam.

Father_Brain said:
I don't want to read too much into that Reuters article, but if Iwata is blaming the Wii's decline on marketing of all things, that's not a good sign.
Well the thing is marketing can be taken in a few ways. Advertising or the more likely is in its approach to sets of gamers. The Wii certainly failed in being marketed to the 3rd party fans who gobble up COD etc
civilstrife said:
But they literally just announced this console today.

If they wanted to tell us the name, or anything substantial, they'd have done it already.
How are we supposed to build this into a massive hype frenzy with thinking like that? Answer me that, buddy!


M74 said:
You guys, Iwata is clearly talking about MARKETING, not 3rd party developments. Unless that's just a bad translation by Reuters.

Edit: And that's not a positive sign. He thinks the Wii's puttering out and not reaching its fullest potential was due to advertising? It's called "software", Mr. Iwata; first and third party titles must learn to coexist.

I'm almost certain he was talking about 3rd party support, or rather, nintendo's tendency to avoid relying on other companies in general. I think he's saying, "we can't go it alone anymore, and it was a mistake to try."

Could just be an advertising statement though, i guess.


artwalknoon said:
You think Nintendo's going with a 6" resistive screen? I thought the rumors "confirmed" capacitive?

I haven't seen such a "confirmation"; would be great if so. Capacitive would definitely be superior to resistive at that screen size and supposed resolution.


Krowley said:
I'm almost certain he was talking about 3rd party support, or rather, nintendo's tendency to avoid relying on other companies in general. I think he's saying, "we can't go it alone anymore, and it was a mistake to try."

Could just be an advertising statement though, i guess.

It makes sense and it also reinforces Nintendo's position last year with the introduction of the 3DS....put 3rd party support first and foremost.


I take Iwata's comments to mean marketing in conjunction with third parties. I assume he's referring to the way in which third party titles generally bombed, leading third party support for the platform to collapse entirely after only a couple of years on the market, resulting in Wii's premature death.
antispin said:
I haven't seen such a "confirmation"; would be great if so. Capacitive would definitely be superior to resistive at that screen size and supposed resolution.
Yeah, I think this will be a nunchuk type situation. Nintendo probably was gonna go for resistive, and devs spoke up.
Ickman3400 said:
Valve doesn't gain anything helping a competitor with their online unless they're allowed to put Steam on it. They want to get people on PC/Steam, not Nintendo.
They have most of the PC pie and a finger in the Sony pie. You don't think they'd like a fat slice of that Nintendo online pie?
BMF said:
They have most of the PC pie and a finger in the Sony pie. You don't think they'd like a fat slice of that Nintendo online pie?

If it's Steam then sure. I don't think they're going to make something for Nintendo unless it's that. Get the Steam brand recognized by casuals so they get on their computer and download Peggle or whatever casuals do.

How did this crazy idea even get brought up?


Ickman3400 said:
Valve doesn't gain anything helping a competitor with their online unless they're allowed to put Steam on it. They want to get people on PC/Steam, not Nintendo.
It's not like Nintendo is going to say "Hey Valve you busy? We need help with our online infrastructure" "Oh well we're only working on Half life 3, we'll put a halt on it and help you out." They would obviously get a chunk of whatever they agree to and they would require Steamworks functionality which would include getting gamers over to the PC side of things like it is on the PS3.

This is all a pipe dream though. If any console were to get Valve'd it would be Sony imo.
GDGF said:
I could see this happening. Maybe Valve is handling nintendo's online presence. Maybe their new E store. I guess we would find out about that in May.

that would.........completely tear the realm of reality between PC gaming and console gaming.

I'm in.


The article quotes Iwata mentioning marketing twice. It could really go either way. He could actually be talking about marketing and advertising, did nintendo handle the marketing of the wii by themselves? Did they market it as much a they liked? Were they able to determine the avg demographics of their userbase? Basically did they accomplish what theh set out to do? Only nintendo would know the metrics regarding their own success, not us.
_Alkaline_ said:
And look how well that is working...

It seems to be working fine in Japan, if you look at the release list beginning at the end of May. Western third parties are as worthless on handhelds as ever, and there's nothing Nintendo could realistically have done about that.

Now I would agree that for Cafe, Nintendo needs some actual first-party heavy hitters.


A little more to chew on....


From article said:
Nintendo company declined to provide further details of the new Wii.

"As for the details of exactly what it will be, we have decided that it is best to let people experience it for themselves at E3," Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata, told a news conference.

"So I won't talk about specific details today, but it will offer a new way of playing games within the home," said Iwata, a former game designer.


Nin_Fan said:
Did anyone already see these recent Nintendo patents? There are some very interesting things in them. I think it pretty much confirms the streaming aspect and maybe the fact that there will be usernames now instead of friend codes. Also I find it interesting that it mentions the controllers having cartridges....hmmmm what do ya'll think?


There's server streaming going on in that patent for sure. The last pic actually says 2 milliseconds. I guess that could be the latency we should expect.


So people are speculating that they are working with valve purely on the fact that stream and steam sound similar? Uhhhhhh...........
Another "new" way to play isn't a good way to get me excited Iwata. I just want a regular damn controller and a beast of a console with a great online system. Do I ask for too much in 2011?

Dead Man

leroidys said:
So people are speculating that they are working with valve purely on the fact that stream and steam sound similar? Uhhhhhh...........
This is what we have become. I weep for humanity.
leroidys said:
So people are speculating that they are working with valve purely on the fact that stream and steam sound similar? Uhhhhhh...........

Not I. I'm basing it on
1) Nintendo needs online
2) Valve likes money

But I know it's extremely unlikely. Nintendo wouldn't give away some of their online licensing fees. I put the chance of this somewhere between 0 and 5 percent.


GDGF said:
There's server streaming going on in that patent for sure.
Do you think we will be able to have teams playing online. Like my group of four frineds vs other groups of people? Has this been done before on a home console?


Super Member
so maybe a Wii2 will only be up to 4 players at a time

unless the first drawing with all the circles means that the parent systems can coordinate and even more players can join in

edit: yep it seems it can detect other parent devices and list them at least
Ickman3400 said:
Another "new" way to play isn't a good way to get me excited Iwata. I just want a regular damn controller and a beast of a console with a great online system. Do I ask for too much in 2011?

Yes, because it's 2011 and it's Nintendo.
Nin_Fan said:
Did anyone already see these recent Nintendo patents? There are some very interesting things in them. I think it pretty much confirms the streaming aspect and maybe the fact that there will be usernames now instead of friend codes. Also I find it interesting that it mentions the controllers having cartridges....hmmmm what do ya'll think?


omg, ever since the Blue Falcon appeared in MKwii, I swear they've just been teasing ;_;


Snuggler said:
oh god I can't wait Boney

we will play Mario Kart Cafe together and I will own you, son
dude where you beeeeen i was trying to make funny jokez but nobody laughed :(

felt so alone

(oh and gravijah and salsa said the same thing and i pwned them)

qq more

JCRedeems said:
Let's speculate games Nintendo would pay for exclusivity that would drive system sales by 'core' gamers:

Dragon Quest 11 (you think they paid for DQ 9 & 10?)

Monster Hunter 4 (I'm fairly certain they paid for MHTri)

Samurai Warriors 4

GTA V (willing to pay for exclusive N6-centric content?)

Call of Duty 5 --> ∞ (I'm certain Nintendo would love to have this series - perhaps with exclusive content- on N6 as Iwata praised it at a keynote)

Resident Evil 6 (why not? they paid exclusivity for RE4 until they got burned)

Anymore system sellers?
Just want to note that Dragon Quest is always on the best selling systems. As long as Nintendo's new console is in 1st place in sales, DQ will sure to be on it.


Nin_Fan said:
Do you think we will be able to have teams playing online. Like my group of four frineds vs other groups of people? Has this been done before on a home console?

Looks like that could be happening according to the patent. I can't recall that ever being done before.

EDIT: It has been done before. Cool idea though.

(but of course I could be interpreting that thing all wrong)


Nin_Fan said:
Do you think we will be able to have teams playing online. Like my group of four frineds vs other groups of people? Has this been done before on a home console?
Yes local + online multiplayer has been done on the 360 and PS3.


Nin_Fan said:
Did anyone already see these recent Nintendo patents? There are some very interesting things in them. I think it pretty much confirms the streaming aspect and maybe the fact that there will be usernames now instead of friend codes. Also I find it interesting that it mentions the controllers having cartridges....hmmmm what do ya'll think?

That looks more like wireless/download play for the DS/3DS to me...


GDGF said:
There's server streaming going on in that patent for sure. The last pic actually says 2 milliseconds. I guess that could be the latency we should expect.
2 milliseconds? but i want it noooooooooow


Nin_Fan said:
Did anyone already see these recent Nintendo patents? There are some very interesting things in them. I think it pretty much confirms the streaming aspect and maybe the fact that there will be usernames now instead of friend codes. Also I find it interesting that it mentions the controllers having cartridges....hmmmm what do ya'll think?


That looks like it's for DS games where you only need 1 cartridge for multiple people to play.
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