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Wii 2 (Project Cafe): Officially Announced, Playable At E3, Launching 2012 [Updated]

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Honestly, even if Nintendo comes out with another console that has a great gimmick I feel their ceiling will be around 70-80-90 million per generation. But if they are rooting for to beat the PS2 in terms overall consoles sold I think they never will until 3rd party relationships are improved. Really, unless Nintendo gives every major 3rd party player a blank check to make exclusive games that pander to Nintendo's audience then I doubt they'll break through the ceiling I currently see them in. Its not a bad ceiling by any means... its just not the maximum ideally.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
ShockingAlberto said:
Well, it wasn't that, really.

Publishers were looking at it fiscally. If they could just port over their current PS360/PC work really easily on the Wii, it wouldn't matter if the games didn't do super great. They'd do well enough to make a profit on the investment.

A separate team with separate assets was too much to ask of them.

Trouble is, a separate team with separate assets still seemed to be too much for them even when Wii was outselling the other two combined for pretty well three straight years.

That's where the nerd took over (or the attempt to justify themselves) - in claiming it was a fad/would be replaced soon/casuals don't buy games/sucky rail shooter X failed so Wii sucks or whatever the excuse of the month was.
Wii HD talk was and is dumb.

What the Hell good would it of done if they did it in 2008 or whenever Pach said?

If they made Wii on the HD level in 2006 they would also need online and controls similar to PS360 to be worth it. Wii price advantage is thrown out the window for sure.

Wii 2 a year from now is when they can and should try hard to reconcile the Wii market that is new and not on GAF with the deep rooted gamers.
duckroll said:
Are you suggesting that Wii Sports Resort is shovelware? Have you even played it?

I consider it shovelware yes. And yes, I have played it, and Wii Sports, and Wii Fit. And I'm not even going to bother mentioning Wii Play, which I think is much shallower than many of the shovelware titles that gaffers complain about.


Stephen Colbert said:
I'm implying that underpowering the Wii was a misstep.

Motion controls was a brilliant move, and it saved the Wii.

Underpowering the Wii however, cost them in the long run.

What long run? The console lasted 5+ years, just like nearly every other console known to man. It was Microsoft and Sony that overengineered their consoles to "futureproof" them for the "10 year plan".

And as for the power for the Cafe, the rumors run the gamut from "just as powerful" to "notches" to "significantly" to any other number of subjective terms. We know that the dev kit has an R700 derivative, which again tells us nothing. People just give the French site more credit due to the fact that they broke the most details and that they had NGP info, but being French I'm assuming that Ubisoft is their source, and I trust their opinion of the hardware the least seeing as they did a straight port of Rayman 2 for Dreamcast for their 3DS launch game.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Remember guys, this is a meeting for investors, not a conference for the fans.
You know.. even if Wii 2 is barely as strong as the 360/PS3, porting down from the Xbox720/PS4 will most likely not be nearly as difficult as porting down to the Wii this generation. There was a massive difference in architecture between the single-core ~750Mhz Gekko and the multiple-core 3.2Ghz Xenon/Cell. In contract, Sony and Microsoft's next console will likely not go as far from the current gen architecture... just more power. Development costs will also play a major factor when you try to make game beyond the capabilities of the 360/PS3.

Big One

Stephen Colbert said:
I consider it shovelware yes. And yes, I have played it, and Wii Sports, and Wii Fit.
I think you need to reassess what shovelware actually is. Shovelware is garbage that is cheaply made, ported to multiple systems, and regurgitated in masses just for sales. Wii Sports was a pack in sales game to demo the Wii, and Wii Sport Resorts was to demo the Wii Motion+, while Wii Fit is a game for exercise shit. We don't see any all over the place on the shelves of stores being sold at low, 10-20 dollar prices like shovelware is, nor do we see versions of those games on the DS and 3DS just to be regurgitated to the masses. Shovelware is crap like the Imagine series, and arguably even good games like Dragon's Lair which is ported everywhere.


artwalknoon said:
I agree core gamers absolutely care about graphics and that hurt the wii a great deal. But a game isn't shovelware just because you didn't like it.

Nobody cares about him. Yeaaaaa hahahhaaha
Graphic = everything? All movies in blu-ray > all VHS?


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
EatChildren said:
Remember guys, this is a meeting for investors, not a conference for the fans.

There's a difference? Are you also going to tell me that GDC isn't E3 Lite?


My question is if there'a any truth to these rumors in regards to hardware specs then how come Nintendo hasn't thrown an air tight NDA to all these devs? Kinda ruins the surprise when the public can finally see the product. =p


Stephen Colbert said:
It's not just Mad World. If you look at the sales charts, and compare the third party core games on the wii like Dead Space, or Conduit etc. to the sales of games like Just Dance, it's pretty clear what happened.

Most core gamers opted to buy a HD console rather than a Wii.

As it turns out, core gamers for the most part do care about graphics.

I don't think they bought Xbox 360/PS3 because it was HD, it's because games they were interested in were on those systems. Just like how "casuals" only bought the Wii because they were only interested in Wii Fit, etc. Not "mostly" because of graphics, so argument invalid. If they did buy it because of HD, then they are not really gamers, but just people interested in the latest tech.


3 ft, coiled to the sky
Reuters bringin' some info outta Japan, though I am not sure if it's old or not.


(Reuters) - Nintendo said on Tuesday that alliances with other companies may be necessary, a day after the game maker reported its second straight fall in annual profit and said it would launch a successor to its aging Wii console.

"I now regret that we didn't tie up with someone outside the company to market the Wii. If we had done that, the fate of the Wii might have been different," Chief Executive Satoru Iwata said at a conference for investors and analysts.

"Now I am aware that we should not rely too much on ourselves. You will see what I mean by this when we market the 3DS and the Wii in the future."


EatChildren said:
Remember guys, this is a meeting for investors, not a conference for the fans.


nintendo buying out valve confirmed?

Stephen Colbert said:
So it's pretty much confirmed that there isn't going to be a live stream?

If so, I'm off to bed.

For you? Nope, no stream. bye.


I think a touch screen on various controllers could be really cool in games and it sounds like the system is aiming for 4+ players on a system.

1) Card games

2) Radar in FPS

3) 10 player Mario Party

4) 12 player Mario Kart


I hope Wii allow us to transfer our VC/Wiiware titles over to the new Wii 2 (Project Cafe). Would be great if we could even play then on the 6' screen.
Pre said:
Has anyone tracked down a stream?
The things In japanese. If you understand Japanese, just go to the front of the corporate Japanese site, im sure its there. Also, this will be very boring. This is not e3 this is not even gdc. 90 percent of this will be focused on past earnings and future projections. Expect a lot of graphs, or worse, balance sheets and cash flow statements


The Amiga Brotherhood
JavyOO7 said:
My question is if there'a any truth to these rumors in regards to hardware specs then how come Nintendo hasn't thrown an air tight NDA to all these devs? Kinda ruins the surprise when the public can finally see the product. =p

It's the angle of the system that will be the surprise, not the specs or what tech it has or doesn't have (although GAF will obviously have a field-day with specs).

The fact the press-release said nothing at all, and they are waiting until E3 means whatever the angle it has is going to have something built round showing it off. Like Wii Sports.

This must be a odd system to explain without that, which is why they haven't even given a name. Unlike the 3DS press-release which revealed the key aspect of the system, which was obviously easy to understand.


Mr.Awesome said:
The things In japanese. If you understand Japanese, just go to the front of the corporate Japanese site, im sure its there. Also, this will be very boring. This is not e3 this is not even gdc. 90 percent of this will be focused on past earnings and future projections. Expect a lot of graphs, or worse, balance sheets and cash flow statements

Sounds a lot like E3.

Glass Joe

Colbert does have a point, he's just connecting the dots differently than I would. And maybe trolling a little.

The Wii's biggest weakness was lack of 3rd party support, not horsepower. However, the lack of support was due to lack of horsepower. So they're tied together and he's right, even though I think he was saying it wrong, haha.

If you're a 3rd party developer, what would you rather do? Develop a game for 1 popular system, or 2 popular systems at the same time? This focus meant that they couldn't develop popular games like GTA4 and simply take out the HD graphics. Otherwise things may have been different. So graphics did in fact hurt the Wii, even though graphics weren't the priority of the Wii's fanbase.

The fact that hardly any 3rd parties truly stepped up to the plate and tried big franchise Wii exclusive games (or tried porting UP to PS360) is surprising to me though.
Damn this thread moved fast.

Console specs sound really interesting, the fact you can play a game without being at your console or watch a movie via the controller like a full blown portable gaming device - it sounds all kinds of awesome. Could potentially be a threat to the NGP.

E3 seeems so far away right now...


You'd think E3 was happening a couple months early.
I have a feeling that, like the 3DS, we really won't(?) be getting anymore information about the Wii's successor until E3. Which is fine, because it gives me time to annoy my friends with mock-ups and speculation (and dream about the type of games I'll create on it once I grow-up and get my game-design degree <3


Glass Joe said:
Colbert does have a point, he's just connecting the dots differently than I would. And maybe trolling a little.

The Wii's biggest weakness was lack of 3rd party support, not horsepower. However, the lack of support was due to lack of horsepower. So they're tied together and he's right, even though I think he was saying it wrong, haha.

If you're a 3rd party developer, what would you rather do? Develop a game for 1 popular system, or 2 popular systems at the same time? This focus meant that they couldn't develop popular games like GTA4 and simply take out the HD graphics. Otherwise things may have been different. So graphics did in fact hurt the Wii, even though graphics weren't the priority of the Wii's fanbase.

The fact that hardly any 3rd parties truly stepped up to the plate and tried big franchise Wii exclusive games (or tried porting UP to PS360) is surprising to me though.

I have two problems with what he said, first he talked like the wii was a failure when it remains a phenomonal success. Second he said wii sports, fit, resort were shovelware just because he didn't like them. Calling wii sports resort shovelware is clearly nothing more than trolling.


Mr.Awesome said:
The things In japanese. If you understand Japanese, just go to the front of the corporate Japanese site, im sure its there. Also, this will be very boring. This is not e3 this is not even gdc. 90 percent of this will be focused on past earnings and future projections. Expect a lot of graphs, or worse, balance sheets and cash flow statements

Yeah, I realize it's in Japanese. Just looking for some kind of visual confirmation of the system. It's got to be expected that Nintendo will at least touch on Cafe, especially since they announced it a day ahead of the meeting.


artwalknoon said:
I have two problems with what he said, first he talked like the wii was a failure when it remains a phenomonal success. Second he said wii sports, fit, resort were shovelware just because he didn't like them. Calling wii sports resort shovelware is clearly nothing more than trolling.

In the end, it just an opinion though. Worth absolutely nothing.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Glass Joe said:
Colbert does have a point, he's just connecting the dots differently than I would. And maybe trolling a little.

The Wii's biggest weakness was lack of 3rd party support, not horsepower. However, the lack of support was due to lack of horsepower. So they're tied together and he's right, even though I think he was saying it wrong, haha.

If you're a 3rd party developer, what would you rather do? Develop a game for 1 popular system, or 2 popular systems at the same time? This focus meant that they couldn't develop popular games like GTA4 and simply take out the HD graphics. Otherwise things may have been different. So graphics did in fact hurt the Wii, even though graphics weren't the priority of the Wii's fanbase.

The fact that hardly any 3rd parties truly stepped up to the plate and tried big franchise Wii exclusive games (or tried porting UP to PS360) is surprising to me though.

3rd parties had already nailed their flags to HD development, and assigned all their A-teams to that even before the Wii launched. And then they were caught in a war with other publishers to keep upping the production values with the AAA franchises. Sony and Microsoft may have started the arms-race, but publishers continued it. Some to their ultimate cost.

In such a situation Wii was always going to be an afterthought. Squashing an HD game into an SD console would often not even be possible, and then the A-teams would be working on more HD stuff anyway. So spin-offs were the result etc. which pleased no one. Wii was a Catch 22 situation with developers, resulting in narrow content.

The silly thing going on with the Wii now though is the rewriting of history saying it failed because of this, or because of Nintendo's choices. Or would have done better launching much more powerful and suffering all the same problems from price and cost of development which Sony and Microsoft did. It did exactly what Nintendo wanted to, and they are just following the usual console cycle. Unlike Sony/Microsoft who have had to extend theirs because of the ridiculous cost to them of the arms-race. Publishers and developers want it extended as well.

The situation Nintendo are walking into now is very different from when the Wii launched, 3rd parties will jump on a 3rd revenue stream, and the difficulty of porting somewhere down the line will never be as difficult as HD->SD.


carlo6529 said:
In the end, it just an opinion though. Worth absolutely nothing.
Something being shovelware isn't an opinion thing. Even if one doesn't like the Wii* games, they're by definition not shovelware. The cheap 3rd party clones are mostly shovelware.
I'm surprised noone argued the inverse against Colbert: that we have seen many graphically impressive games on PS3/360 flop because of poor gameplay. And marketing was a non-issue in most cases.


Wait so people are already starting the revisionist history nonsense by pretending that the Wii isn't one of the most successful game systems ever and that any sort of "competition" for this generation ended two years ago at the latest?


ok I'm out of the loop why did I see someone post 50 minutes to go? are they going to show the new Nintendo? in a few minutes are something?
onQ123 said:
ok I'm out of the loop why did I see someone post 50 minutes to go? are they going to show the new Nintendo? in a few minutes are something?
It's their investor meeting. No they won't show anything. We may get some details that investors care about ie a launch window, but thsts it.
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