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Wii 2 (Project Cafe): Officially Announced, Playable At E3, Launching 2012 [Updated]

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onQ123 said:
ok I'm out of the loop why did I see someone post 50 minutes to go? are they going to show the new Nintendo? in a few minutes are something?
25 Minutes to go. I don't expect them to do anything more than confirm that it is coming for E3 and maybe confirm the codename.


The Amiga Brotherhood
onQ123 said:
ok I'm out of the loop why did I see someone post 50 minutes to go? are they going to show the new Nintendo? in a few minutes are something?

1) They will talk about lots of things, mainly financial stuff but announce a few new things
2) Almost certainly none of that to do with the Wii 2
3) We won't know any of it till later

Glass Joe

artwalknoon said:
I have two problems with what he said, first he talked like the wii was a failure when it remains a phenomonal success. Second he said wii sports, fit, resort were shovelware just because he didn't like them. Calling wii sports resort shovelware is clearly nothing more than trolling.

Oh yeah I agree he's trolling for attention for sure. The Wii isn't a failure, but it's sputtering out before its time. Mainly because there's no games. And there's no games because 3rd Parties are focused on the HD consoles and can't/won't include Wii in the porting of them. Graphics probably is the main culprit of that. And Wii Sports / Fit / Resort certainly weren't shovelware. They're casual games not for everyone, but they're well done.


Mr.Awesome said:
It's their investor meeting. No they won't show anything. We may get some details that investors care about ie a launch window, but thsts it.

What the hell? I thought this already happened where did all the new info come from then? am I in a time warp?


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
IchigoSharingan said:
I'm surprised noone argued the inverse against Colbert: that we have seen many graphically impressive games on PS3/360 flop because of poor gameplay. And marketing was a non-issue in most cases.





The Amiga Brotherhood
onQ123 said:
What the hell? I thought this already happened where did all the new info come from then? am I in a time warp?

Leaks/rumours/speculation from developers, helped by a bit of a cock-up on Nintendo's developer site.

The actual press-release from Nintendo though ahead of the Investors Meeting said nothing at all, not even a name let alone the angle of the system. So really shouldn't expect anything more to come out of it, they want us to wait until E3 and go slowly insane on forums.
artwalknoon said:
I have two problems with what he said, first he talked like the wii was a failure when it remains a phenomonal success. Second he said wii sports, fit, resort were shovelware just because he didn't like them. Calling wii sports resort shovelware is clearly nothing more than trolling.

No, that's not what I said. I said that the Wii failed to have long legs, and that it could have been a much bigger success if it had both motion controls and good graphics.

I specifically said that motion controls were a great move.

And yes, I consider Wii Play, Wii Fit, Wii Sports and Resort all shovelware.

They were all shallow games that seemed like quick cash ins. The controls were imprecise. This was a less of an issue with Resort, but I don't see how it is at all disagreeable to characterize Wii Play, and Sports as shovelware.

The games were shallow, short, and in the case of Play and Sports, imprecise.


perfectchaos007 said:
why were people hyped for this conference again? seems like everyone here knew nothing would come out of it.

It's Nintendo, anything related to them is accompanied by ridiculously unnecessary levels of hype.
Stephen Colbert said:
No, that's not what I said. I said that the Wii failed to have long legs, and that it could have been a much bigger success than it already was.

I specifically said that motion controls were a great move.

Haven't read the whole thing, so I figure I'll ask you; do you think it failed because of the graphics or what?


The Amiga Brotherhood
Stephen Colbert said:
No, that's not what I said. I said that the Wii failed to have long legs, and that it could have been a much bigger success than it already was.

I specifically said that motion controls were a great move.

This is ridiculous revisionist history. Change one thing, such as the price, and you change lots of things. The Wii couldn't really have been more successful if it had tried.

Nintendo are following a normal console cycle, Sony and Microsoft urged on by developers and publishers are following an abnormal one because of the ridiculous costs to everyone of this last gen.
onQ123 said:
What the hell? I thought this already happened where did all the new info come from then? am I in a time warp?

It came from a PDF Nintendo posted on their website last night. It wouldn't surprise me if Iwata basically just reiterates that info tonight at the meeting, but it's certainly possible that he might throw us a bone with an official name or general description of it's functions.
StickSoldier said:
Haven't read the whole thing, so I figure I'll ask you; do you think it failed because of the graphics or what?

I think it was a mistake not to have good graphics. I think they would have made much more money if it had both good graphics and motion controls.

I think poor graphics is why nintendo reported such a large drop off in sales two years in a row.

And I think poor graphics is why they had so few decent multiplatform games, and couldn't attract core gamers, and why most people viewed the wii as a fad.

The Wii sales peaked two-three years ago and haven't recovered since. I don't think Nintendo wanted that, and I certainly don't think it had to peak so early, if it just had better graphics to accompany the motion controls. PS3 and 360 are continuing to sell better than they ever did before. This is why Nintendo is migrating to next gen faster than Sony and MS.


Wait, no live blogs either? Damnit, I stayed up for nothing. Well, if I'm already up then I might as well stay up a bit longer to see if anyone happens to mention stuff that happens.


perfectchaos007 said:
why were people hyped for this conference again? seems like everyone here knew nothing would come out of it.
I'm more interested to hear about their plans on increasing 3DS sales, since we will probably get a fair amount of that.


Nirolak said:
I'm more interested to hear about their plans on increasing 3DS sales, since we will probably get a fair amount of that.
Putting everyone on Paper Mario and Mario Kart. Everything else is secondary (Star Fox is already finished, right?)
Stephen Colbert said:
They were all shallow games that seemed like quick cash ins. The controls were imprecise. This was a less of an issue with Resort, but I don't see how it is at all disagreeable to characterize Wii Play, and Sports as shovelware.
Because it's nearly impossible to actually define them as such?
DECK'ARD said:
This is ridiculous revisionist history. Change one thing, such as the price, and you change lots of things. The Wii couldn't really have been more successful if it had tried.

Nintendo are following a normal console cycle, Sony and Microsoft urged on by developers and publishers are following an abnormal one because of the ridiculous costs to everyone of this last gen.

The PS2 was a bigger success than the Wii was. I'm not sure but I would guess that the PS1 was as well.

The Wii if it had both good graphics and motion controls I think could have easily surpassed the PS2 in sales. It could have wound up with a much richer and more appealing library, and could have truly pleased many different types of gamers.

Having long legs is not an abnormal cycle. Due to diminishing returns, and long dev times it's actually to be expected.

Sony and MS are selling really well right now and making a lot of cash. That's why they are not transitioning to next gen already. It's only Wii who's sales peaked two-three years ago and haven't recovered since.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Stephen Colbert said:
I think it was a mistakes not to have good graphics.

I think they would have made much more money if it had both good graphics and good hardware.

I think poor graphics is why nintendo reported such a large drop off in sales two years in a row.

I think poor graphics is why they had so few decent multiplatform games, and couldn't attract core gamers, and why most people viewed the wii as a fad.

In a parallel universe, Nintendo released the Wii Colbert Edition for $599. Your parallel self bought one and loved it, but the mass market didn't and the Wii Colbert Edition was not the phenomenon it was in our Universe.

Parallel Colbert is now posting about the mistakes Nintendo made entering the arms-race with Sony and Microsoft and how they should have pursued their own strategy making motion controls accessible to the public at large who were the people they were trying to sell their games to.

Parallel Colbert is also annoying people in Parallel GAF by derailing threads with his borderline trolling.


Nirolak said:
Out of curiosity, does anyone currently in the thread actually speak Japanese, or are we heading for extra hilarity?
Nintendo is usually pretty quick providing official translations of all slides, the QA, and the actual briefing.

Glass Joe

Stephen Colbert said:
I think it was a mistakes not to have good graphics.

I think they would have made much more money if it had both good graphics and good hardware.

I think poor graphics is why nintendo reported such a large drop off in sales two years in a row.

I think poor graphics is why they had so few decent multiplatform games, and couldn't attract core gamers, and why most people viewed the wii as a fad.

The direct cause IMO is the 3rd party support, not the graphics. The argument could be made that if Nintendo was as aggressive (or more so) as everyone else from the start to court exclusive 3rd party content, things would have played out differently. If there were early success stories of 3rd party game sales, developers would have taken the console more seriously then and today. Instead, the console's success caught devs off guard, but their strategies for the gen were already cemented.


Stephen Colbert said:
And yes, I consider Wii Play, Wii Fit, Wii Sports and Resort all shovelware.

They were all shallow games that seemed like quick cash ins. The controls were imprecise. This was a less of an issue with Resort, but I don't see how it is at all disagreeable to characterize Wii Play, and Sports as shovelware.

Never played Play but how the FUCK is Resort shovelware? And Sports, really? The perfect launch showcase of what the remote was all about is shovelware? It was also free to boot.

C'mon newwwws, this discussion is so stupid.


Girl got arse pubes.
Nirolak said:
Out of curiosity, does anyone currently in the thread actually speak Japanese, or are we heading for extra hilarity?

I can pretend to speak Japanese for you

new nintendo no namai ga cafe desu desu desu <- just listen out for that

FAKE EDIT: actually I have to go to college


Stephen Colbert said:
Sony and MS are selling really well right now and making a lot of cash. That's why they are not transitioning to next gen already. It's only Wii who's sales peaked two-three years ago and haven't recovered since.

Sony and MS aren't even going to approach Nintendo's success this generation though.

Do you think it was worth it for them when all is said and done?


Nirolak said:
Out of curiosity, does anyone currently in the thread actually speak Japanese, or are we heading for extra hilarity?

I'm guessing we'll be in for extra hilarity until someone who actually can speak Japanese shows up.
Stephen Colbert said:
I think it was a mistakes not to have good graphics.

I think they would have made much more money if it had both good graphics and good hardware.

I think poor graphics is why nintendo reported such a large drop off in sales two years in a row.

I think poor graphics is why they had so few decent multiplatform games, and couldn't attract core gamers, and why most people viewed the wii as a fad.

Oh yeah, I agree with you on most points. The good thing about the weaker graphics with the Wii is that it allowed it to be a cheaper system, which helped with sells most likely. Who knows if they would of sold as many if it was more expensive while having better graphics, but they way it went down gave Nintendo a much needed boost. This, combined with the DS, got Nintendo back to being on top profit wise.

Weaker graphics, however, is why they are having to release a new system earlier. Most 3rd party developers aren't releasing their games on the Wii, and that's probably due to the weak graphics. Nintendo could help market if they want to, it's not like they can't, but most developers want to be able to make their CoDs, FFs, RE, etc. on systems because those are usually what makes them the most money like Mario/DK does for Nintendo.

So, with that said, their plan for the Wii was successful in the short term but not long term (besides making them a buck load of mone), and that's why we see the Wii only having like two-three good games for the rest of the year with the successor coming out next year; while the PS3/Xbox has a lot of new content and a healthy sales rate.


banKai said:
So any link to a stream or liveblog?
Nope. I'm searching Twitter to see if I can find anyone talking about it, but I can't find anything and I don't exactly know what to look for either.
Maybe shovelware isn't the precise term for it.

But I consider them shallow, short games of poor quality and poor control. Happy?

DECK'ARD said:
In a parallel universe, Nintendo released the Wii Colbert Edition for $599.

No in a parallel universe, Nintendo released the Wii Colbert Edition with motion controls, a dual core IBM powerPC and a cutting edge ATI gpu similar to the one in the Xbox 360, and launched it for $299 for the basic edition and $399 for a high end edition with a hard drive, just like Microsoft did.

It would have been impossible to find at launch and for several months afterwards. And then they would have dropped $50 from teh price tag an year or two into the consoles life cycle.

In that alternate universe, the Wii was a smash hit both with casual gamers that loved motion controls, and with core gamers that loved all the third party support it was getting.

Every multiplatform game came out on this Wii, not just on the PS3 and 360, the console didn't peak 2-3 years into it's life cycle like the original Wii did.

And because of how broad the appeal of the console is, not just with casuals but also with core gamers, that console would have easily went on to surpass the PS2 to be the best selling console of all time. It didn't have a huge sales drop off two years in a row, and casual gamers, core gamers, Nintendo, developers would have all been very pleased with the console.

My point is that Nintendo would have wound up making more money in the long run in that scenario.


Stephen Colbert said:
Maybe shovelware isn't the precise term for it.

But I consider them shallow, short games of poor quality and poor control. Happy?

So you're admitting you're not trying to make any objective argument but are simply taking your opinion and projecting them into a failing argument in an attempt to justify your tastes.
pulga said:

Craig, is that you?

If so, I have a pressing question I've had for one of you since the GCN days.

Hit me up in email at crankycraig (at) me (dot) com!

mj1108 said:
I'm sure one of you has Garageband on the iPad. Sit around a table, turn it on and go. Unless there's some legal reason this couldn't happen?

Oh, we all know HOW to do it. It's just doing it is the problem. Me, personally, I'm happy to join in on gaming podcasts, and have done a couple since I departed IGN. Matt and Bozon on the other hand...

pyrokai said:
Craig, your leaving IGN has made me not go back until all this Cafe stuff happened. Just thought I'd let you know. So glad I found your site and blog though a chance encounter. Promote yourself more, dood

Ha! Thanks! That's always been my problem if you can call it that...I've never be comfortable being a self-promoter. Nice that you found my blog! I just wish I had more to talk about. Maybe I'll write something up on the whole Nintendo console thing tomorrow. I've done a couple of roundtables for the Gamexplain.com guys about that and the 3DS.
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