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Wii3: Apocalypse Redux


alterego said:



On second thought, the pictures and weather interfaces are really nice, but the actual GUI seems really cluttered. Is there actually a box for each and every single VC download you may have on there? It seems good for causal use, but after a while your going to want something more organized and quicker to navigate.


Mr. Pointy said:
I hope you're not faking. I'll send Yamauchi's goons to break your legs if you are.
I don't know shit. ^_^

But some kind of legit sources all pointed to Nov 10 (waaay back already), AND they said there wouldn't be a release date announced at Leipzig, AND they told Iwata would first get all info out.

Thus far, they've been right.

And I'm an ass and totally believing it.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Amir0x said:
So, my personal impressions so far from the news we got...


+ Wii Interface/Wii Channel/Wii Weather - Snazzy, and definitely more fully featured than I would expect.
+ Zelda is looking great stuff, although... WTF RIGHT HANDED (Dragona :()
+ Fire Emblem gameplay footage woooo!
+ In Japan, 25000yen is a GOOD price after tax. And not packed in with any shitty game.


- Where are the online games? Not a single one seems to be mentioned, so I guess most online stuff related to actual gaming is coming later? Lame.
- The newly Announced games are terrible. No, I don't want another brain training, I don't want to pet dogs on an island and no i don't want yet another compilation of mini-games. Nothing at all to cater to the hardcore set... i suppose forever blue will be a 'staring at pretty underwater animal simulator' at this point.
- The price in US sucks. $250 packed with a game I don't want, and it's not like I'm getting more embedded flash RAM. nasty job there Nintendo.
- Nunchuck, Wiimote sold seperately... together $50+? Yikes.
- Games are still last gen (but, not shocking)


+ Pikmin-esque avatar management



Amir0x said:
So, my personal impressions so far from the news we got...


+ Wii Interface/Wii Channel/Wii Weather - Snazzy, and definitely more fully featured than I would expect.
+ Zelda is looking great stuff, although... WTF RIGHT HANDED (Dragona :()
+ Fire Emblem gameplay footage woooo!
+ In Japan, 25000yen is a GOOD price after tax. And not packed in with any shitty game.


- Where are the online games? Not a single one seems to be mentioned, so I guess most online stuff related to actual gaming is coming later? Lame.
- The newly Announced games are terrible. No, I don't want another brain training, I don't want to pet dogs on an island and no i don't want yet another compilation of mini-games. Nothing at all to cater to the hardcore set... i suppose forever blue will be a 'staring at pretty underwater animal simulator' at this point.
- The price in US sucks. $250 packed with a game I don't want, and it's not like I'm getting more embedded flash RAM. nasty job there Nintendo.
- Nunchuck, Wiimote sold seperately... together $50+? Yikes.
- Games are still last gen (but, not shocking)

Nothing at all? What about Devil Kings?
Xrenity said:
I don't know shit. ^_^

But some kind of legit sources all pointed to Nov 10 (waaay back already), AND they said there wouldn't be a release date announced at Leipzig, AND they told Iwata would first get all info out.

Thus far, they've been right.

And I'm an ass and totally believing it.
Ah yeah, I think I've seen that. I hope Europe doesn't get too shafted. Launching a week or two after Japan would be good, then they could get the Christmas rush.


Amir0x said:
- The newly Announced games are terrible. No, I don't want another brain training, I don't want to pet dogs on an island and no i don't want yet another compilation of mini-games. Nothing at all to cater to the hardcore set... i suppose forever blue will be a 'staring at pretty underwater animal simulator' at this point.
Aside from Zelda, I don't think you're gonna get hardcore stuff for a while really. Pretty much like the DS really. It's gonna sell to casuals from day one and the hardcore audience may be slow to catch on because of the slowness of games for them. I dunno, though, Elebits looks pretty interesting. I think you're playing the "minigames" card a little too soon.
MCVUK said:
The US price is $250 (£133) and the Japanese price is 25,000 yen (£113).

UK and European launch details will be announced on Friday, with hardware price finally set and plenty of good news for retail regarding stock.

The launch system will come with Wii Sports, which features tennis, golf, baseball and bowling.

Games available pre-Christmas will include Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Excite Truck, Madden NFL, Red Steel and Tony Hawk’s Downhill Jam.

Reports suggest, however, that the new Mario game for Wii will not be released until 2007.


Late November.

Going. To. Kick. Ass.
I have been keeping track of all of this, just wanted to say that Nintendo has knocked it out of the park, wow!

Plus that RE and Zelda stuff nearly gave me a heart attack.

And now we get to do it all over again at 10am. Better get to sleep.


Uber stoked for the NY conference now. Isn't it lovely to be living in Australia; it's only 6PM and the NY conference is in only 5 hours. :lol


Nash said:
With the avatar/friends thing, I imagine you'd be able to make Groups and any posts you make to the BBS will be posted to all members of that group.

Jesus, this is going to be insanely good.

My head is asploding.

Family Group(Hey Mom I am bringing some laundry this weekend)
Gaf Group(Check out the new Wii/Photoshop I made of the Regginator)
FPS Clan Group(Clan meeting @ 6:00, Clan matchup against the"Sharks" Wednesday)
Close Fiends Group(Yo' meet me @ the mall later)
Animal Crossing Buddies Group(Which one of you MotherF**ckers cut down all my trees?)

Possiblilites are endless


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
This thread has me giddy. I`m clapping and laughing at work, and people are staring at me.

Hear that? It`s the sound of Nintendo thrusting their cock into the competition`s backside. Nintendo will soon rule japan again.
So, my personal impressions so far from the news we got...


+ Wii Interface/Wii Channel/Wii Weather - Snazzy, and definitely more fully featured than I would expect.
+ Zelda is looking great stuff, although... WTF RIGHT HANDED (Dragona :()
+ Fire Emblem gameplay footage woooo!
+ In Japan, 25000yen is a GOOD price after tax. And not packed in with any shitty game.


- Where are the online games? Not a single one seems to be mentioned, so I guess most online stuff related to actual gaming is coming later? Lame.
- The newly Announced games are terrible. No, I don't want another brain training, I don't want to pet dogs on an island and no i don't want yet another compilation of mini-games. Nothing at all to cater to the hardcore set... i suppose forever blue will be a 'staring at pretty underwater animal simulator' at this point.
- The price in US sucks. $250 packed with a game I don't want, and it's not like I'm getting more embedded flash RAM. nasty job there Nintendo.
- Nunchuck, Wiimote sold seperately... together $50+? Yikes.
- Games are still last gen (but, not shocking

And what about Resident Evil ???


What's so awesome about the interface?
I've seen the famitsu gui vid and it just looks like thumbnails you can point at and some nice transition animations....Are there other vids?


force push the doodoo rock
yjs666 said:
Uber stoked for the NY conference now. Isn't it lovely to be living in Australia; it's only 6PM and the NY conference is in only 5 hours. :lol

(same for japan)
Wow. The whole thing really comes together now, doesn't it? The interface makes me excited all over again. I've hit acceptance, and I can be happy about the Wii again.


So can the Wii be set to automatically go into 480p and/or 16:9 modes by default when turned on? It would suck if the firmware were forced into 480i and 4:3 always, or if it had to be turned on every time.

Same with the games, for that matter.


Love the interface, Zelda looks great... :)

duckroll said:
So I go here:


And I see this:

ソード オブ レジェンディア(仮称) 未定 バンダイナムコゲームス

(Sword of Legendia [tentative] Undecided release date Bandai Namco Games)

As in "Tales of Legendia"? o_O Somehow related?


Jonnyram said:
Aside from Zelda, I don't think you're gonna get hardcore stuff for a while really. Pretty much like the DS really. It's gonna sell to casuals from day one and the hardcore audience may be slow to catch on because of the slowness of games for them. I dunno, though, Elebits looks pretty interesting. I think you're playing the "minigames" card a little too soon.

I don't know what 'hardcore' is supposed to mean anyway. I don't see why it isn't possible to enjoy all types of games.

That, to me, is more 'hardcore gamer' than just enjoying a certain group.

Besides, anything the Wii doesn't have...well, that's what my 360 is for.


TiVo said:
My head is asploding.

Family Group(Hey Mom I am bringing some laundry this weekend)
Gaf Group(Check out the new Wii/Photoshop I made of the Regginator)
FPS Clan Group(Clan meeting @ 6:00, Clan matchup against the"Sharks" Wednesday)
Close Fiends Group(Yo' meet me @ the mall later)
Animal Crossing Buddies Group(Which one of you MotherF**ckers cut down all my trees?)

Possiblilites are endless

OMG it's going to be like some kind of mail, only electronic, like electronic mail... e-mail...something crazy like that!
ethelred said:
Nothing at all? What about Devil Kings?

Well, here's hoping this wasn't that action game shown in the video montage. Because that footage looked like it belonged in Genji 2, and not in an omg the backgrounds look sorta okay kind of way.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
From: Nintendo
To: Sony


Enjoy bitches.

~Love Iwata


Family Group(Dad is at my friend's house for some reason, he said he'll be back in an hour)
Gaf Group(Check out the new Wii/Photoshop I made of the Regginator)
FPS Clan Group(Clan meeting @ 6:00, Clan matchup against the"Sharks" Wednesday. Maybe I can get in a game before my dad returns)
Close Fiends Group(Yo' Ryan what is my dad doing at your house?)
Animal Crossing Buddies Group(Which one of you MotherF**ckers cut down all my trees?)



Nash said:

+ Pikmin-esque avatar management


that would be more appealing if...well, let's just say i'm not buying a system for that.

ethelred said:
Nothing at all? What about Devil Kings?

I'm not sure that's exactly what I was looking for, if you're basically talking about the game where you slash at samurai wildly

Jonnyram said:
Aside from Zelda, I don't think you're gonna get hardcore stuff for a while really. Pretty much like the DS really. It's gonna sell to casuals from day one and the hardcore audience may be slow to catch on because of the slowness of games for them. I dunno, though, Elebits looks pretty interesting. I think you're playing the "minigames" card a little too soon.

Oh I'm not saying that's all Wii has in store, I'm saying what they currently focused on and what they showed at the event was severely underwhelming. They have, ya know, a nice system... but none of the games are online, and there's only a handful of titles that seem even remotely interesting from the list (at least, the majority of the ones that are interesting are just freshly moved Gamecube titles).

We'll see. It's early


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Kangu said:
OMG it's going to be like some kind of mail, only electronic, like electronic mail... e-mail...something crazy like that!

Dude, just stop. Ineffective trolling ftl.
AWSOME console features

BUT a little dissapointed game-wise. Far too many mini-gamesque titles, not that there's anything wrong with them it's just that most seem like the type of game you would spend very little time with. Not enough adventure or deep games shown yet. Also a little dissapointed that it's $250 but only one wii mote and nunchuck. I'll prolly wait a while for more titles and a price drop, but I'm definetly getting one!

Kudos Nintendo, next gen may very well be yours :D


moku said:
Dude, WTF? Are you trying to piss people off?

Dude like totally no duder, WTF? The interfaces are really nice, but getting excited over messaging groups like you've never heard of such a concept before is stupid. Unless you live in a cave and haven't had access to a PC since they used vaccum tubes in place of transistors none of the endless posibilities he listed should blow your mind.


Seeing all of those empty spots and seeing apps like Google, the weather, etc.... I bet we end up seeing one hell of a homebrew/homemade application scene popup.


Oh man I'm glad all I have to do tomorrow HW wise is some simple HTML stuff and then touch up my resume for EA recruiters. So much information will be around to digest, hot.
Amir0x said:
So, my personal impressions so far from the news we got...


+ Wii Interface/Wii Channel/Wii Weather - Snazzy, and definitely more fully featured than I would expect.
+ Zelda is looking great stuff, although... WTF RIGHT HANDED (Dragona :()
+ Fire Emblem gameplay footage woooo!
+ In Japan, 25000yen is a GOOD price after tax. And not packed in with any shitty game.


- Where are the online games? Not a single one seems to be mentioned, so I guess most online stuff related to actual gaming is coming later? Lame.
- The newly Announced games are terrible. No, I don't want another brain training, I don't want to pet dogs on an island and no i don't want yet another compilation of mini-games. Nothing at all to cater to the hardcore set... i suppose forever blue will be a 'staring at pretty underwater animal simulator' at this point.
- The price in US sucks. $250 packed with a game I don't want, and it's not like I'm getting more embedded flash RAM. nasty job there Nintendo.
- Nunchuck, Wiimote sold seperately... together $50+? Yikes.
- Games are still last gen (but, not shocking)

Pretty much my thoughts. The lack of online really stings though, and it seems pretty clear to me that they're trying very hard to appeal to a specific type of people, not "everyone".
Well, I was expecting $200 and possibly $250, so I am not that surprised by this announcement. Wow, they are venturing dangerously close to X360 territory and once causals see both of them up and running side by side, it could cause some trouble for Nintendo. We'll see though.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Amir0x said:
that would be more appealing if...well, let's just say i'm not buying a system for that.

Note the smiley! I was merely referencing your love of Pikmin, and you could also pretend the avatar management system is actually Pikmin 3 if you half-closed your eyes and sat very far away from the TV ........ ;)

Ignoring personal preferences about the game line-up, the functionality in the Wii is ridiculously good. And far more worthy than a quick bullet-point, especially coming from Nintendo of all people! If Apple had put a little box out that did all this at their event on Tuesday people would have been wetting themselves. Their iTV box, which went down well, is $299 and not even a stand-alone device. Also the online games might not be there yet, but the signs of them using WiiConnect24 to it's potential, and not just a delivery device, are already there with the BBS system and mobile messaging.

I can't see how anyone can fail to be impressed with Nintendo's reinvention here. Also it's starting out with a FAR better launch line-up than the DS had, and we know how much the DS improved as the momentum built.

I'm far more convinced after tonight, they have a strong vision of where they are going and I find that really interesting. This is something genuinely different. Sony and Microsoft seem quite predictable and a bit unexciting in comparison.
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