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Wii3: Apocalypse Redux


Louminater said:
AWSOME console features

BUT a little dissapointed game-wise. Far too many mini-gamesque titles, not that there's anything wrong with them it's just that most seem like the type of game you would spend very little time with. Not enough adventure or deep games shown yet. Also a little dissapointed that it's $250 but only one wii mote and nunchuck. I'll prolly wait a while for more titles and a price drop, but I'm definetly getting one!

Kudos Nintendo, next gen may very well be yours :D

After seeing all of these features I am actually surprised that the console didn't cost more.

If you look at the list of all the accessories packed with the console and then look at the programs in the console like the photo program, Mii, Weather, Internet, etc, and factor in the size of the console. Nintendo is doing us a huge favor.


jj984jj said:
Kirby has no release date... not even TBA 07. :(

It's listed on the 1up '2007 and beyond' releases along with Animal Crossing

Gamespot said:
However, for a limited time, consumers who purchase a 5,000 point Wii-point card will receive a classic controller for free.
Is this true for the US too? I certainly hope so.
Compared to what I expected:

Nintendo over delivered on the misc functionality of the wii, However, the gaming side was quite disappointing.

They made a big deal about some of the online functionality of the machine minus the actual gaming part. I still have no idea how games will play online with wii

Then having no real big games announcement was a bit of a bummer. I was hoping for at least one big announcement. With GCN they did RE series. With DS they did FF III. With wii they have.... um. yeah.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Rhazer Fusion said:
Well, I was expecting $200 and possibly $250, so I am not that surprised by this announcement. Wow, they are venturing dangerously close to X360 territory and once causals see both of them up and running side by side, it could cause some trouble for Nintendo. We'll see though.

Xbox is dead in the water here in Japan, but that aside. If casual gamers in Jp are anything like people in the rest of the world, Nintendo has little to worry about. Sorry, but most people actually DON`T want to run around as an intergalactic marine shooting aliens until candy comes out (this is not my opinion on games at all, but it`s the truth).

Here in japan, Wii has everything a DS buyer would want in a home console. How many 360 games can really offer FAMILY FUN? Those that don`t have some sort of objectionable material have controls with such a high barrier for entry, those who are looking just to HAVE FUN would shy away.

That`s just the truth, and Nintendo knows it.


Nash said:
Note the smiley! I was merely referencing your love of Pikmin, and you could also pretend the avatar management system is actually Pikmin 3 if you half-closed your eyes and sat very far away from the TV ........ ;)

Ignoring personal preferences about the game line-up, the functionality in the Wii is ridiculously good. And far more worthy than a quick bullet-point, especially coming from Nintendo of all people! If Apple had put a little box out that did all this at their event on Tuesday people would have been wetting themselves. Their iTV box, which went down well, is $299 and not even a stand-alone device. Also the online games might not be there yet, but the signs of them using WiiConnect24 to it's potential, and not just a delivery device, are already there with the BBS system and mobile messaging.

I can't see how anyone can fail to be impressed with Nintendo's reinvention here. Also it's starting out with a FAR better launch line-up than the DS had, and we know how much the DS improved as the momentum built.

I'm far more convinced after tonight, they have a strong vision of where they are going and I find that really interesting. This is something genuinely different. Sony and Microsoft seem quite predictable and a bit unexciting in comparison.

Yeah, i understand your perspective. From my P.O.V., there's still a lot of missed opportunities and in the end as someone who is skeptical about Nintendo's direction and despises what they did to DS, this didn't do much to make me think Wii would be anything more than a system for me to grab Mario, Zelda and Metroid from... again. From the viewpoint of games, they simply did not deliver on any level. 360/PS3 have infinitely superior lineups as it is


Scalemail Ted said:
With GCN they did RE series. With DS they did FF III. With wii they have.... um. yeah.
With Wii they have:
RE, DQ, Sengoku Musou, Sonic, massive scale Hudson support and a VC to boot.

Funky Papa

castle007 said:
If you look at the list of all the accessories packed with the console and then look at the programs in the console like the photo program, Mii, Weather, Internet, etc, and factor in the size of the console. Nintendo is doing us a huge favor.
*smacks forehead*


Any requests for gifs for the people who cant see the flash movies?


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Wonder if the NA and the Europe conferences will have any sort of new game announcements. I doubt it.


I wouldn't write off the potential of Umbrella Chronicles being more popular than RE5 in Japan, either. It's going to outsell the 360 version and if the PS3 is relatively unpopular in Japan, then UC is king. That was proved when Biohazard Outbreak was the best selling Biohazard this gen in Japan aside from the PS2 version of RE4 (i.e. Outbreak > GameCube)
In complex I'm satisfaited. Good news overall. Great games, a very nice interface, a solid Virtual Console show, some surprises (overall Opera Browser use, photoshop-like program, weather channel, a a lot of things customisable).

Well, 25.000 Yen is right in japan, but 250$ is a little bit high, but you must think that WiiSports is included.

Well, good Job Nintendo. Now I hope that the other two conferences will be not only a translation of this one, but that tehy will show us even something more (overall, some new game !).


The Amiga Brotherhood
BorkBork said:
Wonder if the NA and the Europe conferences will have any sort of new game announcements. I doubt it.

I do think they will have held back stuff for both events, even if it's just some new Western game announcements.

I am hoping the US conference dishes the dirt on WiiConnect24 and online more though. And also ...



Jonnyram said:
With Wii they have:
RE, DQ, Sengoku Musou, Sonic, massive scale Hudson support and a VC to boot.

That's a really shitty defense especially considering what RE and DQ actually are (atm) :p


Wow if the $250 bomb hadn't hit today would people still be getting excited over trivial little things and a dearth of actual interesting news?
WordAssassin said:
All I have to say is:

But but but, I thought it was only going to be only small, empty bland planets!! [/haterz]

I'm damn impressed by everything. Zelda and Mario look downright incredible. The only thing that bothers me is the price. I can't wait till they announce the Euro price.
Holy crap, just watched all those videos etc...

This seems like a very unnintendo UI and feature set, nothing like I though they would have. Must say I'm very impressed with most of what the showed.

Won't be hard to lose the kiddie image with that much functionality built in, this console has gone from a wait and see to a day one purchase for me.


Eh, this is an odd night, I actually thought they delivered on the non-gaming features, weather, internet, avatar creation, etc.....And totally underwhelmed me with the game line up. I completly thought it would be the other way around with the Wii. I'm having second thoughts about plunking down 250 for this thing, until it gets some more games that interest me.
I just woke up and I still try to catch up with all the news. I'm pretty surprised by the late Japanese release date, when exactly do they wanna launch in Europe. It seems like Japan could even be the last territory to see the Wii launch (or Europe gets Wii in the middle of December :/).
Mr. TV Goggles said:
But but but, I thought it was only going to be only small, empty bland planets!! [/haterz]
Dude WHAT ever since I first saw Mario Galaxy I have wanted it in my hands more than any other game - even Yoshi's Mother****ingIsland 2. I've known there would be little planetoids and HUGE worlds since E3 because I actually can read, and I read interviews where it's been said there will be worlds so large that they will have their own atmosphere, gravitational pull, and the horizon line will be flat.

I want this game so. ****ing. bad.

Solar flare GIF FTMFW!!!


Gonna get a few hours of sleep now. The Wii's interface is awesome. I'm gonna have a lot of fun with the character creator.


Dante said:
Eh, this is an odd night, I actually thought they delivered on the non-gaming features, weather, internet, avatar creation, etc.....And totally underwhelmed me with the game line up. I completly thought it would be the other way around with the Wii. I'm having second thoughts about plunking down 250 for this thing, until it gets some more games that interest me.
Second thoughts? you were not going to buy one anyway; but thanks for telling us your plans.


That packaging is pretty good. That is to say, its not ugly or huge. Best thing today.

SpeckledTheBowl said:
this console has gone from a wait and see to a day one purchase for me.
Lmao....I found this funny.
TheTrin said:
Xbox is dead in the water here in Japan, but that aside. If casual gamers in Jp are anything like people in the rest of the world, Nintendo has little to worry about. Sorry, but most people actually DON`T want to run around as an intergalactic marine shooting aliens until candy comes out (this is not my opinion on games at all, but it`s the truth).

Here in japan, Wii has everything a DS buyer would want in a home console. How many 360 games can really offer FAMILY FUN? Those that don`t have some sort of objectionable material have controls with such a high barrier for entry, those who are looking just to HAVE FUN would shy away.

That`s just the truth, and Nintendo knows it.

That is true. I am not worried about Nintendo in Japan as they will probably decimate Microsoft over there no matter what. I do somewhat question their success in the US and Europe though compared to the X360 since the prices are close.
cvxfreak said:
That Wii box looks small. Extremely small in fact, kind of like a big DS Lite box from the US.
That way they can bring 8 million Wii's in 1 shipment to the US for christmas!!!

OMG confirmed!!!!!one1!!


Jonnyram said:
OK, what are RE and DQ at the moment? Maybe you can enlighten us.

DQ is a DQ swords game - no enlightening needed, that's what it is. You slash with wiimote. RE Wii is NOT Resident Evil 5 - the superior fact version - it's a lightgun game w/ RE4 perspective where you go through old Biohazard scenarios. Whoopdy doo. If you're telling me that giving Wii a half-assed side story/side game is the same as giving a system a full fledged sequel to the main series then yes i guess my argument is you're reaching. HARD.
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