Mithos Yggdrasill
According to Golin/Harris, and according to the guy I get all my Zelda info from, Twilight Princess for Wii will ask you for your "style" of control when you start up a file. You can choose Lefty or Righty. On the GCN version, slated for release later this year, Link will only be a Lefty.
Anyone with half an eye and decent Zelda knowledge would see the "Righty" Link model is a mirrored model of the Lefty - everyone on Link is "flipped".
So, while you're still there, speak to an NOA rep and get this confirmed yourself since you don't believe me. Sure, it's okay initially to go "he's a righty!" like most of us did. But most of us within a few minutes realized what was up, and calmed the heck down. You should ammend the article to include the most accurate info.
Good news. I'm ambidestrum, so I'll use the left hand.