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Wii3: Apocalypse Redux


bigmakstudios said:

Twilight Princess, Excite Truck, Trauma Center, Rayman, Monkey Ball, Red Steel, Splinter Cell, and Madden, plus, Wii Sports packed in. Worst. Launch. Ever.

Without a doubt. madden is at almost every system launch AND there's a superior next-gen version with ONLINE on 360, Splinter Cell is on every system INCLUDING PS2 or next-gen variables like the 360 version. Rayman is a mini-game fest. Monkeyball is monkeyball and more mini-games. Wario Ware is... another mini-game fest of a series only with waggle. Trauma Center is a remake of a DS game that came out barely a year ago. Twilight Princess is a blatant Gamecube port. WiiSports is a shallow, simplistic sports mini-game fest. Excite Truck is the only one that stands out from the bunch, and even then...

well, if you want to say that's one of the best launches, or even an 'adequate' one be my guest. obviously, my standards are not yours. Note, this is hardly limited to Nintendo's hardware - I'm notorious for disliking most launches, but this one seems particularly dry of anything compelling.

Saoh said:
:lol No. just because you, for some strange reason, refuse to get Zelda for Wii doesnt mean that some of us are actually looking forward to Zelda on wii, red steel, excite truck, trauma center and others.

Well go ahead and look forward, I wasn't applying my standards for you.

Willy Wanka

my god this avatar owns
Zelda is all I need at launch. Wii-sports and Wii-play look great fun too but could get old fast like the Eyetoy games. Now please, please price it at £170 or less (£200 or less if Wii-sports comes with it) and I'll bite on day one!
MasterMFauli said:
X360-controller cost 50$, without motion-sensors, without direct-pointing-device, without speaker...if Nintendo is a bunch of assholes, than what is MS >_<

So because Microsoft makes obscene profit off the controllers, Nintendo should too?

I seem to recall Miyamoto proclaiming how cheap the Wii controller is. $60 isn't cheap. I'm just wondering if the controllers come with a tube of KY so when Nintendo rapes you, its a little more comforting.

It pretty much seals the deal that I will not be getting multiple controllers. Good work, Nintendo.

A good launch list should have two to three wanted titles on average for each individual person. This list delivers on a lot of different taste fronts.

No, it doesn't. The only quality I see on that list is Monkey Ball 3, Zelda, and Excite Truck. I can get the superior versions of the other third party games on the Xbox 360 or PlayStation 3. Still, that pales in comparison to the PSP and Dreamcast's launch.

This launch reminds me of the PS2: A bunch of titles but most of them aren't worth looking at.

Those assuming the Wii will sell out no matter what stateside are getting ahead of yourselves. I think it has a better chance of being completely overshadowed by the Gears of War and PS3 launches, than it does being a sell out.

Probably. I'm expecting no launch rush or massive preorder numbers. I can probably just walk into any store on launch day, pick one up, and the game or two I want, and leave without discomfort or rushing to get one. I'll probably get it during the evening too because I know there will still be some when I get there.

There, meaning any retailer.


Those assuming the Wii will sell out no matter what stateside are getting ahead of yourselves. I think it has a better chance of being completely overshadowed by the Gears of War and PS3 launches, than it does being a sell out. The launch line-up isn't that good, and the console will barely stand up when shown against PS3 and Xbox360.


:lol Its funny now that games like Far Cry and Call of Duty, criticised on other systems for being PC ports or just being pretty dull are part of a GREAT LAUNCH FOR WII.


Just so you know, I have the best avatars ever.
Anyone know anything about when Nintendo of Australia are going to announce details? I heard today sometime, but no one seems to have any ideas of an approximate time.

Which is pretty typical for Nintendo of Australia, who don't even have an online press site.


September 14, 2006 - Nintendo of America's vice president of marketing and corporate affairs, Perrin Kaplan, confirmed to IGN Wii today that its forthcoming Wii console will not play Hollywood DVD movies. The decision to remove the functionality was made in order to deliver the machine at a cheaper cost and because most people today already own DVD players.


Well I won't be buying one.


I gotta agree with Amirox when it comes to the launch lineup. That said, this lineup at least has somewhat of a killer app (Zelda.)


Wii: then and now

Posted Sep 14th 2006 8:45PM by Ludwig Kietzmann
Filed under: Nintendo Wii
"People change. Hairstyles change. Interest rates fluctuate." When Hillary Flammond uttered those words in Top Secret, she clearly hadn't experienced the gaming industry -- a marvelous, often magical place where things change very quickly indeed. As today's cataclysmic explosion of Wii news demonstrates, things can change for better or for worse. Yesterday's truth may become today's obsolete press release. So, what has (and hasn't) changed for Nintendo between then and now?

Then: The Wii could play DVDs via an unspecified and entirely nebulous dongle. The original console description reads: "Two Disc Formats, One Slot: Instead of a tray, a single, innovative, self-loading media bay will play both 12-centimeter optical discs used for the new system as well as Nintendo GameCube discs. Owners will have the option of equipping a small, self-contained attachment to play movies and other DVD content."
Now: Inserting a DVD into the system will likely produce a polite error message indicating a complete inability to play DVDs. Nintendo's Perrin Kaplan explains DVD playback was removed "in order to deliver the machine at a cheaper cost and because most people today already own DVD players." On the plus side, this reduces the amount of times we'll have to type a dubious word like "dongle."

Then: In January 2006, Nintendo President Satoru Iwata tells Japanese newspapers that the Wii should launch in the US by Thanksgiving. "As for North America, we need to release it by Thanksgiving, or otherwise we won't receive support from the retail industry."
Now: Launching on Nov. 19, Nintendo makes it with a few days to spare. Show some gratitude, will ya?

Then: Scott Hedrick, Executive VP of Opera for Devices, confirms that the Wii version of the browser "will not be sold as a seperate item." He also explains that software will come loaded on the system.
Now: The Opera browser is no longer built-in and no longer free -- it will be sold as a seperate item through the Wii's internet channel for an unknown number of Wii Points.

Then: At E3 2006, a whole host of new features are revealed for The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. Though the Wii version boasts a different control scheme, it will be released on the same day as the Gamecube adventure.
Now: The Wii's Twilight Princess is still on track for launch, whereas the Gamecube (reminder: the platform the game was originally developed for) is forced to wait until December 11th. Sure, that makes sense. Not implementing a widescreen mode must be trickier than we were previously lead to believe.

Then: Speaking at a news conference in Osaka, a Nintendo senior managing director makes it apparent that the Wii would launch in America for no more than $250. That particular statement would go on to fuel a ludicrous amount of speculation.
Now: Well, he wasn't lying. The Wii launch price comes in at $249.99, a full cent below the upper limit of truth.

Then: In March 2006, Satoru Iwata tells CNN all about the USB ports on the Wii and how "practically any storage method can be used" in lieu of SD cards and the 512MB of internal storage.
Now: Perrin Kaplan empties her Magnum into that idea, telling Wired News' Joel Johnson that only flash storage will be supported. Iwata's suggestion becomes relegated to something Nintendo "could" explore in the future. This "future" place we keep hearing about sounds fantastic.

Then: Retro Studios assures IGN that Metroid Prime 3: Corruption will attend the inevitably debaucherous Wii launch party.
Now: A quick glance at the confirmed launch party list reveals that Metroid Prime 3 has not been invited. It's been delayed until 2007, and no amount of pleasantly worded paragraphs can hide our resulting bitterness.

Link: http://www.joystiq.com/2006/09/14/wii-then-and-now/#comments

There you have it.


I'm not as deluded as I make myself out to be
any launch with a zelda game - and very strong contender for best zelda game ever no less (and therefore best gameever) - automatically qualifies as best launch ever :D


IJoel said:
I gotta agree with Amirox when it comes to the launch lineup. That said, this lineup at least has somewhat of a killer app (Zelda.)

oh i agree, in terms of Zelda i accept it basically IS a Wii game now for most consumers.
pilonv1 said:
:lol Its funny now that games like Far Cry and Call of Duty, criticised on other systems for being PC ports or just being pretty dull are part of a GREAT LAUNCH FOR WII.
Did anyone actually say that?


For me the launch is pants. I was after MP3. Now there's only Zelda and perhaps Trauma worth playing.

Some of you guys would defend the biggest pile of crud in your Nintendo haze. Games like Excite Truck? Have you read the hands-ons? Monkey ball was the reason I bought the cube day one, but I don't want more of the same. Most of the rest is just dull filler at best, or better elsewhere.

It's all subjective ofcourse. For me, if I can resist playing Zelda then I could easily resist picking up the Wii at launch. I'll join the rest of y'all when Prime comes out.

IF i can resist getting my grubby hands on Zelda. It mightn't be that easy.
Uh, Nintendo never stated, that the wiimote owuld be cheap. Actually, i think i can remember Iwata saying, how they spent a lot of money in developing the wiimote, and how the controller could be more expensive than usual....

And it´s totally nt the point, that Nintendo can make "obscene profit" (which is wrong anyway), because MS can...the point is, nowhere are topics about the expensive X360-controllers, LAWL!
How many games does the average consumer buy at launch? I know I wouldn't get more than 3 no matter how much quality was available. Of course, at $60 for multiplayer, I might only get two.


And here goes another one:

Please, dont shoot the messenger

Rational gamers choose subsidized hardware, all else equal

The reaction to our post about the Wii being profitable at launch puzzles.

If companies like Sony and Microsoft want to subsidize their consoles to the the point that they're losing money on every unit sold, shouldn't we (as rational consumers) want to take advantage of this built-in subsidy? All else equal, shouldn't a rational consumer choose the console with the largest built-in subsidy?

Sony and Microsoft are giving us free hardware when they sell each console at a loss. A gamer who wants the most computing power for his buck will naturally prefer the subsidized console, ceteris paribus. Whether this is ultimately healthy for Microsoft and Sony is another matter entirely. The ultimate profitability of a game manufacturer is no concern of ours, as gamers.

One final point: if a company doesn't believe in its product enough to take a small loss at launch, what does this risk averseness say about executive confidence in the long-run prospects of the product? A larger, up-front investment indicates stronger confidence that a product will eventually be successful enough to pay for initial investment.

Link: http://www.joystiq.com/2006/09/14/a...you-rather-companies-subsidize-your/#comments


Just so you know, I have the best avatars ever.
Looks like Joystiq will do pretty much anything for hits. Without Summa there for Megatons though, they've had to settle for trolling. Good for them.


Second-rate Anihawk
Angelcurio said:
And here goes another one:

Please, dont shoot the messenger
Sigh. Both Sony and Microsoft have other sources of revenue to make up for selling their videogame hardware at a loss. Nintendo obviously doesn't have another major revenue stream and does not see selling hardware at a loss as part of their strategy. It might suck as a gamer, but it is logical from a business perspective.


careksims said:
I don't really care if the Wii can't play movie DVD's. That's what my 360 is for!

The hardware is in the machine, in this day and age it's a feature that should be supported. What next? Calculators without equals buttons?


If they built in the ability to create those Mii avatars, they need to pack in a game that will use them. I think that it was a strategically good decision for Nintendo to include Wii Sports.
BTW, those Wii channels are really amazing. :O

EDIT: I want Wii bowling and pool. :(


xabre said:
The hardware is in the machine, in this day and age it's a feature that should be supported. What next? Calculators without equals buttons?
your analogy = f*ck*d

An equals button is a necessary function for a calculator.

DVD Movie playback IS NOT a necessary function for a videogame machine.


jetsetmario said:
What is it with you people and DVD playback? You can't seriously tell me that you do not already own a DVD player of some sort. Again without digital audio out why would anyone have ever wanted to use it for DVD playback.

http://www.walmart.com/catalog/product.do?product_id=4810670 Holy christ.:lol
I agree with you, I would rather have a stand alone player especially as they're dirt cheap these days. I think people are picking on it for 2 main reasons: some guys genuinely want/expect a single box under the TV and others just want something to bash on.

However they should have made a dongle option, especially as Nintendo had aready announced DVD playback as a feaure. It's not like the gamecube with its' small disc media, the guts of the player is already there. A dongle would be cheap and left everyone happy.


bish gets all the credit :)
xabre said:
The hardware is in the machine, in this day and age it's a feature that should be supported. What next? Calculators without equals buttons?

No digital audio out = no DVD playback. I'm guessing they didn't want to pay a license fee.


jetsetmario said:
What is it with you people and DVD playback? You can't seriously tell me that you do not already own a DVD player of some sort. Again without digital audio out why would anyone have ever wanted to use it for DVD playback.

Sorry but no...if they're trying to make a lifestyle device then leaving out a basic and simple feature like DVD playback totally flies in the face of this philosophy. So I've got other devices that play DVD's...so? Maybe it should occur to you that I don't want several machines lying around the house, I want one basic machine that handles a variety of basic multimedia functions, the Xbox360 is a gimped joke in this regard and it appears Wii is the same.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
It does feel to me like the launch is just missing one more game to get really excited about. Smash Bros was supposed to be at launch ages ago, MP3 more recently...one of those two could definitely have been it. Mario Galaxy, Super Paper Mario, Fire Emblem, even Project H.A.M.M.E.R could have done it too.

They're not ready though and that's fine, in 5 years time I won't be saying "Oh I'm so glad I got a half finished MP3 at launch rather than a polished product 6 months later", I understand all that. What I don't understand is why Warioware isn't there. Maybe it's not a big adventure title or a major franchise, but it's still going to make the list look a hell of a lot better and give another game many people can look forward to, knowing it's likely to be worth a purchase. If it's maiing the Japanese launch it could damn well make the US one, the translation on those games must take half an afternoon.

Having said all that, there are plenty of possible games for me at the launch. Zelda, Excite Truck, Trauma Center, Super Monkey Ball, Rayman and Red Steel are looking good, and I'd never buy more than 3 games at a launch anyway. My moaning above is just for others, who perhaps don't want some of the games I've listed.

I haven't really given my general opinion of the announcements today. I seem to be strange in that things that are bothering others I'm unconcerned with (price, delays), but what has annoyed me is that we're still without firm launch titles and VC games. This is supposed to be the big blowout and they can't even tell us that? It's only 2 months away, when are they gonna tell us? The day we turn up to pick up our consoles?


xsarien said:
Gamers who are more interested in what's under the hood than the quality of what they're playing?

Unfortunately, yes.

Fortunately, what's under the hood greatly contributes to helping make the quality of what I'm playing high :)

Mama Smurf said:
What I don't understand is why Warioware isn't there.

Wario Ware IS a Wii launch game in the US and Japan, isn't it?

Edit: On closer inspection, it's not. odd...


Cheesemeister said:
Out of my own sheer curiosity, I did some inflation calculations...

1985 NES + Super Mario Bros.: $199.99
2006 dollars: $376.34

1991 Super NES + Super Mario World: $199.99
2006 dollars: $299.25

1996 Nintendo 64 + Super Mario 64: $259.98
2006 dollars: $333.64

2001 GameCube + Luigi's Mansion: $249.98
2006 dollars: $283.57

2006 Wii + Wii Sports: $249.99
2006 Wii + Wii Sports + Zelda: $299.98

Your local tax and currency may vary.

Puts things into perspective, doesn't it. Would be cool to see the inflation calculations of other systems.

Anyways. Put me on the VERY excited, looking forward to Wii launch list. As far as games to buy, third party: Madden, Red Steel, and Trauma Center: Second Opinion.

First party: ExciteTruck, and Zelda. Toss in an extra Wiimote, Nunchuck attachment, and i'll be enjoying myself, along with some friends, and family throughout the holidays. :)

Wanted to throw in, for the time being, I am indifferent towards the VC. Oh yes, I see the possibilities, have been keeping up-to-date with what could possibly be at launch, what could be offered down the line, etc etc etc.

I missed for the most part this past generation, entirely, due to family & job reasons, so I plan on looking forward for the most part, say 80/20%, with the up-coming generation of consoles. The 20% is for backlog cube, PS2 games, mixed in with some VC. I'm sure i'll miss some wonderful gems, oh well, life goes on. :)


Mama Smurf said:
but what has annoyed me is that we're still without firm launch titles and VC games. This is supposed to be the big blowout and they can't even tell us that? It's only 2 months away, when are they gonna tell us? The day we turn up to pick up our consoles?

Well, i suspect it'd be like what MS did with BC... we didn't get a list of BC games until like a week before launch. I think Nintendo will gradually reveal the list as third parties and such firm up what they'll have ready


alr1ghtstart said:
No digital audio out = no DVD playback. I'm guessing they didn't want to pay a license fee.

Which I why I figured there would be an add on available for purchase but they don't even have that apparently.


would most ppl want mp3 over zelda for a launch? this is frikin zelda.

and can someone still tell me whats so bad about it being the gamecube zelda being ported to wii? we all know wii isnt that much more powerful than gamecube in terms of graphics so its not like if they built a zelda from the ground up for wii it would be dramatically different in terms of look. this is a killer app launch title and one of the biggest franchises in gaming ever.

that aside the 3rd party titles at launch can be hit or miss esp since we dont know how well or how badly they will implement the wiimote and motion sensor controls.

for me the only dissapointment is the launch date. so friking far away.


Mama Smurf said:
What I don't understand is why Warioware isn't there. Maybe it's not a big adventure title or a major franchise, but it's still going to make the list look a hell of a lot better and give another game many people can look forward to, knowing it's likely to be worth a purchase. If it's maiing the Japanese launch it could damn well make the US one, the translation on those games must take half an afternoon.

Bank on it in December for the US, maybe 2-3 weeks after US Launch. They're not just going to blow their wad at launch and not release anything for 3 months.


Professional Schmuck
No seriously what happened. Did somebody let the haters out?

Wost launch ever? You bitches can't be serious. REMEMBER THE GAMECUBE WITH LUIGI'S MANSION?! Good god you guys have short memories.


as for all these 3rd party games that are just ports with new controls...well duh i much rather try to play them with diff controls that might make the experience more fun than play a port that has no distinction between the 2 versions cept graphics. thats what we had for the whole past generation of gaming.

yes madden 360 is the top choice but what if this new madden control scheme works and makes it really fun? and more so for even the hardcore gamers.

i really dont understand the mindset of some ppl. past 2 nintendo systems launch with no 3rd party support pretty much and no big franchise for the gamecube. we are getting zelda and the usual 3rd party 1st generation port mania.
xabre said:
Sorry but no...if they're trying to make a lifestyle device then leaving out a basic and simple feature like DVD playback totally flies in the face of this philosophy. So I've got other devices that play DVD's...so? Maybe it should occur to you that I don't want several machines lying around the house, I want one basic machine that handles a variety of basic multimedia functions, the Xbox360 is a gimped joke in this regard and it appears Wii is the same.

Well if the ps2 was any indication get ready to be heart broken again with the ps3.


Amir0x said:
Fortunately, what's under the hood greatly contributes to helping make the quality of what I'm playing high :)

The video game road that leads from the first oscilloscope Pong game to the PS3 is littered with "superior hardware" that had nothing but crap.

Good game designers don't need hardware, they just need ideas.
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