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Wii3: Apocalypse Redux


more importantly will I be able to use this?


edit: isnt the classic controller wired to the wiimote?


Professional Schmuck
I'm expecting that they will package the classic controller with some sort of download pack or set of Wii points that can be used for the VC.

I see it like this:

$50 includes-
Classic Controller
10 Nintendo classics
5 VC games of your choice

Basically make it a buy-in to get on the VC.
Or you can just play using the NES-Wii-Pad.


I just read from the other foriegn forum. One of the guy saying that Wii is region free, is that the truth?

NM just saw Kobun Heat's topic.


Flo_Evans said:
more importantly will I be able to use this?


edit: isnt the classic controller wired to the wiimote?

It's a shame the d-pad isn't up to snuff on those. I still use 'em for SC II and CVS 2, but I have a feeling the new Classic controller will be much better.
Hey guys, does the Wii support CD playback? Nintendo better not expect me to buy a standalone CD player, I don't have space or money for one of those and a Wii!


Ristamar said:
It's a shame the d-pad isn't up to snuff on those. I still use 'em for SC II and CVS 2, but I have a feeling the new Classic controller will be much better.

yeah they are miles better than the default GC d-pad though :lol
Japan is doing something like that. You get a free classic controller when buying a Wii point pack.

They should do the same thing here for the first few months: Free classic shell with a 2000 Wii Point card.


I would bang a hot farmer!
Flo_Evans said:
more importantly will I be able to use this?


edit: isnt the classic controller wired to the wiimote?
Yes it's wired to the Wiimote and it's also clipped to it if the back of the shell is anything to go by.


I got the ultimate idea for AC wii!!!

use the time function for day and night depending on your time zone ..

use the weather feed to make the weather in y our the actual weather of where you live!!


PantherLotus said:
LMAO at these pretend intellectuals waxing about sound business decisions. Only in magical happy videogameland is a hardware manufacturer expected to take a loss.

Imagine this line of thought in any other industry and you'll realize how absurd it is.

Look to the ipod and you will find your answer. If Nintendo brings their product out but it is perceived as cheaply made because its priced under expectations, it won't catch on. Part of iPod's continued success over better made products at a cheaper price is because of the perceived value, not actual value. Everyone KNOWS that if you have an ipod you spent money. Like a pair of nike air jordans back in the day. It's a status symbol. A lifestyle.

Or look to the PS3--It's technology that might very well be bleeding-edge but the world may not be ready for it (look to the sound/music industry for examples like DAT). They could end up losing both ways--not only buy losing money on each console made, but also by pricing themselves out of the market. It's a lose-lose situation and Sony has to be scared right now.

The trick is to find that magic middle number where the price is just outside of the majority of markets so that value is perceived, while not being so overpriced that it creates a barrier to entry, and at the same time raising awareness to the coveted status symbol or "with-it" crowd.

Some of you going on and on about how awful this price is might very well be justified in comparison to other less fiscally (and marketably) sound institutions, but those opinions really are just personal and have no basis in reality. A marketing/advertising class would help you learn some of this.

yeah only in magic happy land has the 10 year console market leader taken a loss on hardware! :lol

edit: and **** a console is not an ipod! Ipod wins because of the software dude. have you tried to use the software bundled with other mp3 players? it sucks! as for DAT I have no idea what you are trying to say - it was pretty much the standard for small studios untill protools/hard disk recording came around. Why dont you look up 'loss leader' and then come back and tell us about bussiness strat?


I would bang a hot farmer!
sprocket said:
I got the ultimate idea for AC wii!!!

use the time function for day and night depending on your time zone ..

use the weather feed to make the weather in y our the actual weather of where you live!!
That was thought of back at E3.


jetsetmario said:
Yea, I'll say it......Console DVD players are for people who don't like DVD's.

This always gets a roll of the eyes from me. I use my PS2 for playing DVD, it works just fine, and there's nothing wrong with the output I get on my TV from it.


I would bang a hot farmer!
shidoshi said:
This always gets a roll of the eyes from me. I use my PS2 for playing DVD, it works just fine, and there's nothing wrong with the output I get on my TV from it.
But what you could be getting is so much better.


Catchpenny said:
Hey guys, does the Wii support CD playback? Nintendo better not expect me to buy a standalone CD player, I don't have space or money for one of those and a Wii!

Good question. I don't see why it wouldn't considering the patents are probably long expired. As for DVDs, there's no reason why they couldn't introduce playback as a pay channel at cost. Although, knowing Nintendo it will probably be cost x 2.
alright, so now that this dvd playback nonsense is behind us....

Metroid Prime 3
yea, I wanted it at lauch as well. but seriously if you're a fan of good games than you have to be cool with delays. happens everytime. though i will say that this delay was probably as much about keeping a good flow of Wii games going into next spring as it was about polishing the actual game.

Also, and I know we hate to talk about this here, but the less 1st party games there are at launch the better off Nintendo will be for thrid party relations. We know Nintendo fans buy Nintendo games when given the chance. If Zelda, Excite Truck, Wii Sports and Metroid hit on day one, the third party developers would be seriously screwed.
Come on guys, who cares whether it has DVD movie function or not?
You won't pay $250 for a DVD player right?
It is not 6 years ago.
If you don't have any DVD stand alone machine at your living room now, don't tell me you will need one in the future.


likes mayo on everthing and can't dance
wonderfuldays said:
Come on guys, who cares whether it has DVD movie function or not?
You won't pay $250 for a DVD player right?
It is not 6 years ago.
If you don't have any DVD stand alone machine at your living room now, don't tell me you will need one in the future.


Fuzzy said:
But what you could be getting is so much better.

Not necessarily. I had a decent Samsung upconverting DVD player (HD850), and sold it when I realized I was getting better quality from my 360 at 480p post-firmware update. Both connected to a 46" toshiba DLP (native 720p).


again, I don't care if it plays DVDs or not. Leave it out fine, but instead of passing that savings on to us, nintendo is making crazy profit. That is the problem with no DVD playback.


Nutter said:
I dont get you and people like you.
Why are you in this thread if it bothers you so much what nintendo fans are doing in a NINTENDO THREAD?

I generally like the console but there is a feature (or lack thereof) that I'm not happy about. I am expressing my annoyance and dissapointment. If that offends you I'm so very sorry.
Why the **** is anyone getting mad at people defending the lack of DVD playback as not a big deal?

Harp on them for defending a somewhat inflated price, get on their case for empowering what could be construed as a weak launch lineup, but jesus christ, who the **** doesn't have a DVD player by now?
This DVD issue is a sad one. Comparable to the internal/external power supply loonies.

Man up, and either buy a real DVD player or use one of your other consoles. :lol


Mike Works said:
Why the **** is anyone getting mad at people defending the lack of DVD playback as not a big deal?

Harp on them for defending a somewhat inflated price, get on their case for empowering what could be construed as a weak launch lineup, but jesus christ, who the **** doesn't have a DVD player by now?

Well if they are trying to get it to be the "center of the living room" it would be nice if I wanted to watch a DVD to just put a DVD in it and watch it.


likes mayo on everthing and can't dance
mCACGj said:
Well if they are trying to get it to be the "center of the living room" it would be nice if I wanted to watch a DVD to just put a DVD in it and watch it.
That would suggest the wii actually has the ability to read dvd media.
Riddler said:
Wow I hope they clean up those controls some more because the player looks like he had a hard time.

yea, that's always the tough thing about we vids. are the controls sloppy or is the person playing just a total goon?

Seeing as how it's a Nintendo title, I'm guessing the later.

edit/than there is the fact that this is a game journalist playing which pretty well assures he's a goon.


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
IGN has some new hands on impressions with Trauma Center: Second Opinion, dare I say it? Wii GOTY (**** Zelda :p)

IGN said:
And in all honesty, it doesn't matter that Trauma Center: Second Opinion is, at its roots, a double dip. The gameplay is so amazingly solid, people will instantly forget this is an upgraded version of the DS game, and instead focus on how awesomely intuitive the design can truly be. And when it came to playing the game in a crowd, we witnessed first hand just how powerful the Wii can be when delivering addictive, simple entertainment. All it took was for a passing player to reach out and shake the arm of the "doctor", forcing the player to jab a chunk of glass into his patient, rather than slowly removing it, and anyone watching the action was cracking up at the scolding the unsuspecting player received from the game. It wasn't simply the fact that the game was deep or immersive in its control (even though you know that's still true if you've played the DS version), it was the chance to finally play the game with spectators, knowing that every move you made was being projected on the big screen, rather than a three inch touch panel. We can definitely see Trauma Center as a game that, while one player, is entertaining for multiple people at a time simply because of the amount of stress and tension in the game.

sounds hot :)


The Black Brad Pitt said:
That would suggest the wii actually has the ability to read dvd media.

What? I'm talking to the people who are saying that you we shouldn't be angry that there is no DVD playback ability for the Wii.


likes mayo on everthing and can't dance
mCACGj said:
What? I'm talking to the people who are saying that you we shouldn't be angry that there is no DVD playback ability for the Wii.
Right over your head that one went... nevermind.

Ollie Pooch

In a perfect world, we'd all be homersexual
i'm siding with amirox here - obviously it's still early but so far the actual GAME announcements have been completely underwhelming. it looks like it's gonna be fun, but nothing has blown me away as yet - and yeah, the lack of much online initially is really disappointing.
julls said:
i'm siding with amirox here - obviously it's still early but so far the actual GAME announcements have been completely underwhelming. it looks like it's gonna be fun, but nothing has blown me away as yet - and yeah, the lack of much online initially is really disappointing.

Think of it like the first few months of the DS. Then it all turned around. I went from loving the potential of the DS at launch, to being soured on it, then loving it once the AAA games started rolling in.

I see the wii being similar.
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