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Windows Central: Microsoft exploring bringing back catalog to Nintendo and PlayStation


Gold Member
I heard something similar about Stadia. How did that turn out?

Mega corporations with zero gaming pedigree have no business in the gaming industry. That's reality. Microsoft has been around for 3 generations, they have more money than God and are still struggling. You need to produce great games and that takes time (plenty) and talent (even more). Throwing money left and right doesn't cut it.

The likes of Amazon, Netflix or Apple are no competition for Sony or Nintendo.

We will see how it plays out, but I wouldn't be so sure about that.. especially when it comes to Apple, don't lump them in with Amazon and Netflix, they wield a power no other company on earth posses when it comes to consumer products.


Gold Member
Their strategy is a slow burn. Capture people from Windows who while they want a Mac, they stay on Windows because of video games. One less barrier to entry to MACOSX and iPadOS.

Hm, maybe.. you are saying they would remove the "gaming is only on Windows" barrier so they can get more mac sales? I think that would just organically happen once they actually commit to making gaming a thing on the mac, I just don't know how that looks like. I think we will see soon enough.

King Dazzar

I’m not being edgy. I’m just surprised that PC is so powerful that day and date ports render consoles pointless.

Apparently that’s why Xbox failed. I see it pretty often around here.
I'm pretty sure everyone who read that with reasonable intelligence, realised, it was meant as a contributing factor. I certainly did.


Gold Member
Phil bent the knee. It is what it is xbros.

We tried to tell you, but you wouldn't listen.
i think he bent the knee and left his rear-end exposed and wide open.

I'm gonna be honest... I didn't think this crisis would come so fast and furious. but you know whats even crazy?, it could get even worse.

I dont see a question mark. This is another catastrophic PR cycle. There is no no going back if MS/Xbox let the narrative to consolidate in the next 3-4 days.
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Could be witnessing a brand collapse in terms of the console side of things.

I have to say I have also seen Series S consoles for £100 for over a year now.

This is pretty ludicrous, £65. That’s less than a game.

Come on series s get goddamn dirt cheap. I need a streaming machine for my shitty tv in my bedroom, and it might as well be a device thst can play games lol


This thread was not about who was the first sub service. (also Sony wasn't the first sub service either) Nothing was moved at all, the whole point of the discussion I was having was about Microsofts effect on competition if they leave the console hardware space, to jump out and say "PS NOW was the first subscription service" even though it was streaming only and it was crap, doesn't affect this argument at all. You can live in denial I guess if you want. The fact is that MS pushed Sony over the past 15-20 years to change it's entire business plan. Wether it be PS+, streaming services, PSNOW, it's hardware, it's pricing, it's budgets, everything. You take MS away and it would be all different. It's really not rocket science, you and Ass Can don't need to be all sony fanboy defensive about it. Doesn't change that Sony made great choices to compete and has great games.
You're correct. If it wasn't for MS we probably wouldn't be paying to play online. Thanks MS.


Gold Journalism
Derek making an errant comparison doesn’t change the fact that Microsoft’s own internal metrics say “we are profitable by 12% before variable costs.”

But yeah it would be nice to see what MSFT is doing or if it’s just a mismanaged shitshow
do you see the problem with "before variable costs"? The variable costs would include at least "losses on each console unit sold" as well as all game development expenditures. Most of the costs are variable costs.


do you see the problem with "before variable costs"? The variable costs would include at least "losses on each console unit sold" as well as all game development expenditures. Most of the costs are variable costs.

It's one of those technically true statements that belies the real answer people want. Why mention how profitable you are before certain costs instead of just saying your average profitability over a given timeframe after those costs are considered? Because that statement tells me that you're either not profitable or you are, but to a point where it's hardly worth calling it profit. I used to work with a guy who would write down his hourly production report as being above rate, but he would neglect to mention the amount of bad product he made. So while he technically did create enough product to go beyond the rate, if you counted his bad runs, he frequently missed his targets. He eventually got fired.


What time is it?
Come on series s get goddamn dirt cheap. I need a streaming machine for my shitty tv in my bedroom, and it might as well be a device thst can play games lol

Costco had them bundled with a headset for $150 over the holidays.


Gold Journalism
It's one of those technically true statements that belies the real answer people want. Why mention how profitable you are before certain costs instead of just saying your average profitability over a given timeframe after those costs are considered? Because that statement tells me that you're either not profitable or you are, but to a point where it's hardly worth calling it profit. I used to work with a guy who would write down his hourly production report as being above rate, but he would neglect to mention the amount of bad product he made. So while he technically did create enough product to go beyond the rate, if you counted his bad runs, he frequently missed his targets. He eventually got fired.
Exactly. It's like saying, Spider-Man 2 is free on PSN before the $70 transaction cost.


Moderated wildly
Why the flying fuck would I need an Xbox console if their games are playable day one on PC? If PS does the exact same thing with their single-player games, I'll build myself a nice rig to play all of them in the best way possible. There's a reason why Sony's still doing 2-year ports for their SP games, they're not stupid.

So, pc is that much better than console then?

On another note. If it turns out that this isn't real after all this it's just going to be embarrassing for all involved.
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Moderated wildly

Could be witnessing a brand collapse in terms of the console side of things.

I have to say I have also seen Series S consoles for £100 for over a year now.

This is pretty ludicrous, £65. That’s less than a game.

That's insane. I'd buy one for emulation. Where can I get one?

Facebook....eww ok
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Colt Eastwood has melted over this. Might try and find the clip and post it later.

Loads of donkey noises and then stuff like ‘console wars, my plastic box’ taking the piss (even though his entire life is dedicated to the war) before saying Xbox are playing a different game to the rest (similar to McCaffrey’s shilling above, must have got the message from above).
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Gold Member

Could be witnessing a brand collapse in terms of the console side of things.

I have to say I have also seen Series S consoles for £100 for over a year now.

This is pretty ludicrous, £65. That’s less than a game.

I threw it out there in another thread, that maybe people are replacing their Series S (which they bought when it was the only console on the shelf) with a PS5, which is horrible for MS, because it shows even the people with a Xbox and in the ecosystem (including GP) don't want one.


PC, Nintendo, mobile.
Nah. Nintendo will always be their own thing. PC is….. PC. And that leaves Playstation as the only high performance console on the market.

How ironic that MS sort of handed Sony their own monopoly, of sorts. Mostly out of incompetence.
It’s kinda sad because they looked like they were making a comeback last year.


GerAlt-Right. Ciriously.
Colt Eastwood has melted over this. Might try and find the clip and post it later.

Loads of donkey noises and then stuff like ‘console wars, my plastic box’ taking the piss (even though his entire life is dedicated to the war) before saying Xbox are playing a different game to the rest (similar to McCaffrey’s shilling above, must have got the message from above).
He is literally the most useless shill out there. He never gets anything correct and is clearly not an insider.


Or making even more money....
MS has more money than sony and Nintendo for a reason.
All the same. They continue to put the nails in the Xbox coffin.

I’m just picturing what a console gen without Xbox looks like:

Nintendo doing their own thing as always. PC will always be PC. Sony will be the go-to console, for high end AAA console experience with no competition to keep them honest ( and we have all seen how that goes) …… interesting times ahead.

Guess I better start building that steam box after all. Keep my Xbox as a sort of retro game box, like I did my Saturn and Dreamcast. Good thing they did all that backwards compatibility stuff early on. Now if only I can play all my xbox games on said custom steam box from my account, just like an xbox then I won’t even need to keep my Xbox. It was fun while it lasted but it’s obvious they don’t want us buy Xbox’s anymore. They want out but just don’t have the balls to deal with their own customers/ fans.


they got their ass cheeks clapped.
Microsoft were quite strong on PC, tho. Especially before they went all-in with the Xbox 360. They dominated the RTS market, had PC games that tried to push graphics (to promote Direct X) and Flight Simulator is still uncontested in its niche, had weird and successful stuff like Midtown Madness or MechWarrior. And hey, they saved Freelancer from being vaporware and it's a game that is in my top 10 of all time games.
And at least for a time, the 360 was competing quite well.

But yeah, nowadays, in the console space, MS get their asses handed to them by Sony and Nintendo.


do you see the problem with "before variable costs"? The variable costs would include at least "losses on each console unit sold" as well as all game development expenditures. Most of the costs are variable costs.

Most costs aren't variable lol. You're going to tell me Microsoft doesn't have contracts with TSMC, Seagate, and all members in the supply chain and just eats whatever they charge?

Could be witnessing a brand collapse in terms of the console side of things.

I have to say I have also seen Series S consoles for £100 for over a year now.

This is pretty ludicrous, £65. That’s less than a game.

The two tiered idea has been a failure.

A weak entry level system that people are happy to move on and then Series X a technical and price rival to the PS5 yet has a fraction of the sales. Series X feels like an Atari Jaguar.



Gold Member
Colt Eastwood has melted over this. Might try and find the clip and post it later.

Loads of donkey noises and then stuff like ‘console wars, my plastic box’ taking the piss (even though his entire life is dedicated to the war) before saying Xbox are playing a different game to the rest (similar to McCaffrey’s shilling above, must have got the message from above).
the funny thing is that these influencers keep poo-pooing the console side of things....when they buil their own little podcast and community around a plastic box.


Most costs aren't variable lol. You're going to tell me Microsoft doesn't have contracts with TSMC, Seagate, and all members in the supply chain and just eats whatever they charge?
Microsoft/XBox studios are rather famous for having huge numbers of contractors rather than full-time staff - just saying


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
I never realized how utterly worthless consoles were, that releasing a game day one on PC could do them in so easily.

No wonder you guys fear PC gaming. Consoles have zero value.


Says HI...............
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Could be witnessing a brand collapse in terms of the console side of things.

I have to say I have also seen Series S consoles for £100 for over a year now.

This is pretty ludicrous, £65. That’s less than a game.

No one would listen to me a few years ago



Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
No one would listen to me a few years ago

4 years early at that!


Not the least, frankly everybody here knows he's a ms shill, everybody and that tweet is barely akin to the topic but apparently that's enough for you.
Hey hey now, apple and catlady and senjutsusage are having a bad couple of days.

Honestly apple has kept it together pretty dam good considering.

Imagine the clusterfuck of emotion we'd get if Sony out of nowhere started giving us signs that they were going third party.

Being a fan of the underdog, getting outsold sold 2:1 or 3:1 is hard enough.
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