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Windows Phone |OT3 Update 3| Please be excited

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The Translator
Well it's not a surprise. The long wait for 8.1 and more importantly the lack of new hardware as a result was always going to have a negative impact on sales. Plus, Nokia is no longer alone in the low price segment.

It's going to get worse before potentially improving again, too. I wouldn't be surprised to see WP trail off to 5% over the coming months.

They're has to be a monumental push by MS starting with the release of 8.1 if they are going to rectify the situation.

edit: the 630 was going to be a great chance to improve things again btw. The price is excellent. The device looks great. Shame they screwed things up with the resolution and the memory.

edit again: Actually, the price is better than excellent.

100 quid (120 EUR) for an unlocked brand new smartphone is ridiculously good.


The Translator
I think it looks nice visually, but I don't think the "be different" thing is going to have much of an impact anymore.

It's time to get aggressive imo. They'll need to push like crazy with carriers, prices, ads etc. They need to do a better job of explaining that the OS and the ecosystem is ready to compete in all areas that matter to people and that it can cater to everyone including the mainstream, not just those that want to have something different and colourful. Accentuate the strengths and pretend that there are no weaknesses.

Time to spend some of those famous marketing dollars. And time to spend more money on getting the last few remaining big important apps, like Sky and banks.


Yeah I agree, the underdog image is kinda worn out. 8.1 has great things to offer and the ecosystem is very good now, like you said.
Worked fine for me, so much quicker than the new app. Now we just need the old games hub back!

yeah, i got it to work. my problem was that i (stupidly) had the old (new?) music app pinned to my start screen, so this couldn't add a new (old) music tile. got it working and it is wonderful.
i really hope that the way the new music app is designed means it will never be able to have the same kind of performance as the old hub...


The Translator
I haven't found a way to switch off having the cloud collection included in this music hub thingy. Switching off connect with xbox music changes nothing.

Which is a pain, so I'll have to keep using the new app.


I haven't found a way to switch off having the cloud collection included in this music hub thingy. Switching off connect with xbox music changes nothing.

Which is a pain, so I'll have to keep using the new app.
Not on 8.1, but I remember there being an option in the settings to only have local music visible in the music app. Did they remove it?

Fox Mulder

I think it looks nice visually, but I don't think the "be different" thing is going to have much of an impact anymore.

It's time to get aggressive imo. They'll need to push like crazy with carriers, prices, ads etc. They need to do a better job of explaining that the OS and the ecosystem is ready to compete in all areas that matter to people and that it can cater to everyone including the mainstream, not just those that want to have something different and colourful. Accentuate the strengths and pretend that there are no weaknesses.

Time to spend some of those famous marketing dollars. And time to spend more money on getting the last few remaining big important apps, like Sky and banks.

I don't even know anyone else with a WP, and I get mocked by friends and coworkers for having one. MS has their work cut out for them to turn their image around, slow updates and no marketing isn't going to work.

I still want a yahoo fantasy app.


The Elop Q&A is pretty fun so far.




I don't even know anyone else with a WP, and I get mocked by friends and coworkers for having one. MS has their work cut out for them to turn their image around, slow updates and no marketing isn't going to work.
They mock because they're jealous. ;-)

Most of the people who I know with smartphones can barely use them for the most simple tasks, so I couldn't care less about what others think about my phone. In fact, the only comments I have ever heard about it are how good the pictures are when I share them (1020).

Of course, there are some apps I'd like to see but 90% of what I use is covered and I'd rather not just see iOS/Android ports as those apps tend to suck.


Unconfirmed Member
They mock because they're jealous. ;-)

Most of the people who I know with smartphones can barely use them for the most simple tasks, so I couldn't care less about what others think about my phone. In fact, the only comments I have ever heard about it are how good the pictures are when I share them (1020).

Of course, there are some apps I'd like to see but 90% of what I use is covered and I'd rather not just see iOS/Android ports as those apps tend to suck.

Haha, yup!

Wonder if some gaffers will get in that Q&A, :lol.


The Translator
Well he was definitely not afraid to take the troll questions.

Other than that just a load of marketing speak, not that you can expect much more from an event like that.


Not a 8.1 issue, but I'm having an issue where my Lumia 625 will randomly stick to a volume level, no matter what the on screen volume indicator says. It's happened once a day the last three days. The only solution was restarting my phone. I'm really annoyed though, especially since I feel like it's going to blow out my ear buds one of these days. I usually watch videos with the speaker then later in the day I'll lower my volume to listen to music with headphones, only to have it stuck in 28/30 volume. Painful, to say the least.



As it stands now, it does indeed feel like a step back with the easy integrated social network integration we used to have. I've been frustrated with the half baked implementation of trying to share something like a link or a picture on fb/twitter lately. I get that it's early though, we're using a dev preview, so I hope the experience improves by the summer. Because as it is now, the me tile experience I was using a couple weeks ago is sorely missed and the notification center experience has been so far very spotty. I do love how I can assign customs sounds to each notification. And I am seeing more and more apps updating to integrate into the notification center. So it is getting better.

Plus, I'm starting to see some third party hooks coming in for Cortana. A flashlight app I have, called Unibeam, which is basically an Iron Man themed app, updated recently and added a Cortana speech string that amounts to bringing up Cortana and saying "Jarvis on" which automatically opens my app, plays an iron man sound and turns on the flashlight. Gotta admit, that's damn cool.


Unconfirmed Member
I don't miss the ME tile notifications. A) It worked poorly, B) It was redundant . Notification center is much better.

I would like to have the recent contacts back in the People Tile though.

edit: sharing doesn't seem any slower imo
Me tile and People hub were two of my favorite parts of WP8 conceptually, although both of course could use improvements. I understand all the reasons why WP8.1 is moving away from hubs, but it's still a step back to me.


I never used the ME tile as I didn't have enough social notifications for it to be useful. I do use the People Hub quite a bit though, and while I find the hub looks nicer... the integration (Facebook) is certainly worse at the moment due to opening the app. If they can improve the speed that the app is loaded then I wouldn't care any more.
I have been loving 8.1. I just dont like the integration of all the games listed with all my apps. Hopefully they patch this. But other than that I love everything else. I cant wait till they implement Jen Taylors voice.


Anyone know how to share a link via facebook and not have the link just copied into the status? Like this:


Instead of this:


Am I missing something?


I think the three best twitter apps in the marketplace are Twabbit, tweet it! and Mehdoh. All three devs are still very active in updating their respective apps with various features. Mehdoh has some great integration with other services like instagram. Solid design. I love the design of tweet it! But I use pocket extensively with twitter, and for some odd reason the dev decided to save the link to the tweet itself instead of the link contained within the tweet. Personally, I've stuck with Twabbit, because it has been very reliable in keeping my place and I like the total amount of tweets counting down as read them so I can see where I am. Decent design, simple but highly functional, you can change the font size and the look of the app quite a bit. Though after updating to 8.1, all three have been refreshing the feed automatically when I resume, making me loose my place constantly. I haven't found a twitter app right now that isn't doing that. Something quirky with 8.1 I guess.

I'd say give those three a shot see which one sticks.
I really really like Twabbit. Thanks for the recommendation!

Mehdoh is pretty much a disaster, at least on WP8.1. It's extremely slow, scrolling is jumpy and unresponsive, refreshing the feed goes haywire on your current position, and most of the time when resuming it I just get a black screen.

Twabbit just....works. Super fast, reliable scrolling/refreshing, etc. Only thing I'm not seeing though is push notifications for mentions/messages.


so today was my first full day with my phone at work

I manage stock at a movie theater, Mondays are deliveries and I just listen to music all day and put things away (
4K lbs worth of things, but things nonetheless

Anyways, phone charged 100% before leaving car at work

9:15 - clocked on, Bluetooth on, Music playing
1:10 - lunch break, Bluetooth off, Browsing GAF/Feedly
1:40 - back to work, Bluetooth on, Music playing
3:15 - clock off, Bluetooth off, Stopped Music

Got in my car, checked battery 49%

Now, coming from my old phone (Galaxy Nexus) it could barely last that long with just being connected to Wifi, let alone using BT and Music and Chrome

So already its blowing my expectations away, but how does that sound in comparison to yalls experience? As ya know Ive only ever had 8.1 preview on the phone, so I dont know if it should be doing better than that (jeeze how could it?)


Allow me to introduce you to the HTC First.

(Holy shit, was Facebook Home really just a year ago? Feels like many years)

It worries me that you knew the HTC First had chat heads. It's also sad that WP doesn't have a feature that the HTC First has. Depressing really. When will WP catch up!?


It worries me that you knew the HTC First had chat heads. It's also sad that WP doesn't have a feature that the HTC First has. Depressing really. When will WP catch up!?

E-mailing The Verge!

"MS employee list feature that Facebook has on Android for over a year and WP8 still doesn't"


I really really like Twabbit. Thanks for the recommendation!

Mehdoh is pretty much a disaster, at least on WP8.1. It's extremely slow, scrolling is jumpy and unresponsive, refreshing the feed goes haywire on your current position, and most of the time when resuming it I just get a black screen.

Twabbit just....works. Super fast, reliable scrolling/refreshing, etc. Only thing I'm not seeing though is push notifications for mentions/messages.

Cool, glad you found one that works for you. Twabbit devs nailed the core experience down. I bounced around checking a few different twitter apps after I'd installed 8.1 and ended back with twabbit again. Question though, has the app been refreshing every time you resume it? Or is that just me?


Cool, glad you found one that works for you. Twabbit devs nailed the core experience down. I bounced around checking a few different twitter apps after I'd installed 8.1 and ended back with twabbit again. Question though, has the app been refreshing every time you resume it? Or is that just me?

I can't quite tell. Many times it's resumed and hasn't refreshed my feed automatically, other times it has.


I have been loving 8.1. I just dont like the integration of all the games listed with all my apps. Hopefully they patch this. But other than that I love everything else. I cant wait till they implement Jen Taylors voice.

I would be happy if they just gave us a toggle option to remove the games from the app list. I understand why they did it, to cut down on confusion and improve exposure, but it's not needed for people like us. Have it on by default, but I would like the option to turn it off.

Also Jen Taylor's voice is already in use. You can tell when it's her voice and when it's not. Ask her what she looks like and that's Jen's voice.


Just to get it straight, there are two versions of Facebook? One by "Popularmobileapps", which appears to be Facebook itself and last version dated April 16, and the other one from Microsoft dated March 21?
EDIT: seems the Microsoft app is dated April 28 now
I fully agree with this article. I chose WP7 because of its social integration and now that's gone. I miss the Me tile's notification functionality.
Shit, I miss too the recent contacts in the People hub. I could quickly check someone's social or pictures.

Personally, I dont miss notifications of it much, if at all. What I do miss though is the ability to post to all my networks in a single step rather than what it is now where you have to do it twice in each separate app.


Personally, I dont miss notifications of it much, if at all. What I do miss though is the ability to post to all my networks in a single step rather than what it is now where you have to do it twice in each separate app.

To be fair, i guess there is stuff that the WP team thought we didn't use yet seems we did.
Downloaded the old Music player, works great! The only problem I have with it, though, is that every time I choose a song to play, it takes a while for the song to start and it freezes for a second. (Just like when I had it. Anyone else having this problem?. Or should I change my phone?)


Personally, I dont miss notifications of it much, if at all. What I do miss though is the ability to post to all my networks in a single step rather than what it is now where you have to do it twice in each separate app.

You spam all your networks with the same posts? Don't your friends and followers get irritated? I know I'd block someone doing that pretty quickly, lol.


Downloaded the old Music player, works great! The only problem I have with it, though, is that every time I choose a song to play, it takes a while for the song to start and it freezes for a second. (Just like when I had it. Anyone else having this problem?. Or should I change my phone?)

That never happened to me o.o


Wanted to post a photo in a facebook comment

  • upload photo to SkyDrive
  • Grab Surface
  • open facebook
  • find comment
  • post picture
Really.... Really??
That never happened to me o.o

What phone do you have? Mine is a Lumia 720! The thing is: I choose a song to play. It starts playing, and it takes a while for the "now playing" screen to appear (and I can't lock or up or down the volume, I mean, I can but it takes time for the action to happen), somewhat about 1 to 3 seconds (this is with the old media player). (Should I have my phone checked? Or should I change it?)
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