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Windows Phone |OT3 Update 3| Please be excited

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Unconfirmed Member
what's happening? I don't know whether the team knows about it (because I haven't heard/had it happen to me). If it isn't known I'll let it be known

Also: The stickers will be sent out this weekend. I was hoping to get some stuff at our ship party (like during Mango), so I was holding off for a while..but unfortunately nope :(

Do you still have any? I think I was away when you offered them up.


what's happening? I don't know whether the team knows about it (because I haven't heard/had it happen to me). If it isn't known I'll let it be known

Also: The stickers will be sent out this weekend. I was hoping to get some stuff at our ship party (like during Mango), so I was holding off for a while..but unfortunately nope :(
GDI, I forgot to PM D:


Hopefully someone brings up how broken the video app is. So much attention has been centered around the music app, I'm curious what they plan to do to make the video app less shit.


Korangadevs said:
Hi Mr joe...is there any plans for file managers on WP

joebelfiore said:
WOO HOO! SOMEONE ASKED THIS QUESTION!! I've been waiting! in fact, I've avoided tweeting on this very topic just for all you redditors. Seriously.

in fact-- you GET A CORTANA T-SHIRT FOR ASKING!! :) (PM me your size and we'll get it to you.)

*** YES *** We are doing a File Manager for WP8.1! I know a LOT of you are looking for this (thanks for the tweets, I've read them all). In fact, I've been running a build of it on two of my phones for the last week or so and it's getting to pretty good shape.

Here's what it looks like: http://imgur.com/a/hvqGD#nRuOFXp

We are expecting to get it into the store HOPEFULLY by the end of May.


Junior Member
Highlights From Joe Belfiore AMA On Reddit:

On 3rd party apps:

You’re seeing these results through both well-known apps SHOWING UP (instagram last year) as well as higher average user ratings per app on the store – we look at ALL sides of the issue. Right now we’re MOSTLY focused on continuing to GET the key apps– although lately with more of these present, we’ve shifted a bit towards improving the current ones.

You mentioned Skype and FB — on Skype, we have new version in development that our team (and me) have been using and it certainly helps with perf– we’ll keep going– and on facebook, we’ve been working with FB on an update to that app too, targeted for the June timeframe – this update brings improvements to perf, having full-width photos in the newsfeed, and seeing photos & comments at the same time.

On lack of Google Apps:

We think we’ve developed an awesome platform with Windows Phone, and definitely look forward to welcoming Google’s apps on it. We have these apps high on our “want list” so it’s something we’ve invested in (ahem, YouTube) and are absolutely willing to continue investing in.

Unfortunately, the apps are Google’s and I can’t say when they will act. Only our friends in Mountain View know timing.

You should ping them! (often!)

On uncertainty of availability and release dates of hardware:

on HARDWARE — it’s trickier. Up until now (welcome Nokia!) it was different companies doing this work, and they had to sync their schedules with ours. We do think that for first party phones, the acquisition will help with time to market… and you’ve seen us already announce new phones at the same time as announcing the software. I can’t comment on any new phones that might be coming– but of course Nokia and other partners have a bunch of stuff in progress.

Last — we’re doing plenty to help HW partners get devices to market faster in general. At build, we showed some phone prototypes for India and China that partners took only a few months to get running.

Overall, we feel like we have made some progress in getting to a higher velocity, but we know we have more we can do, and I think you will see us continue to acclerate where we can.

On Snapchat app:

Microsoft is in talks with Snapchat for official app.

On Music app on Windows Phone 8.1:

Music is a good topic for this AMA.. lots of interest!

There’s a balancing act we’re trying to effectively walk here… (1) we have a super-valuable audience of subscribers who’ve been with us since Zune, and who value subscription, etc… and at the same time (2) we’re selling the significant volume of phones to people who are NOT Xbox Music (Zune) subscribers and (based on needing to pay a monthly fee) aren’t likely to become subscribers. They use music “simply”.

SO … we’re trying to build an experience that runs cross device on your PC, your Xbox, your Phone– in a service-oriented way (think: cloud collection)… but simultaneously work for the hordes of people who manually sync content using the shell or itunes. Getting both of these right has been challenging.

We moved away from the PC Zune client in the interest of serving the broadest phone-buying audience in the way they already knew. We learned that many people who ALREADY USED itunes or the shell viewed learning a new Zune client as a “speedbump” in the way of getting going on a new phone. So, we changed the structure to appeal better to those people.

The new experience in WP8.1 Dev Preview will get us to one system that works GREAT for “ordinary sideloaders” (it works with the Windows Shell) AND for people who use multiple devices and are more “cloud-oriented”. it’s re-architected to handle both of these well– and in particular we’re shipping it as an app on the phone and have committed to regular updates which will make a BIG difference over the next few months. You’ve seen one already and more are on the way.

Upcoming in the app: you’ll see perf improvements (we hear you!), better stability, UI improvements (some of you have been asking for a “swipe” to change tracks), etc. etc. Do take a “months” time view of this, as there’s plenty of stuff in the pipeline.

On his awesome hair:

Fortunately, it’s not more than shampoo, conditioner, towel dry. Low maintenance. Well… except for this…


On expanding Cortana to other regions:

Cortana in other countries: We’re definitely working to bring Cortana to other countries. She tells us she’d like to travel. We’ve already announced that when we launch V1 after Beta, we’ll be in China and the UK as well as the US. We’re also hoping to get other english-speaking countries (eg. Canada, Australia) out relatively quickly as well. The challenge in doing this is we want the Cortana experience to be EXCELLENT for everyone -– and this involves not ONLY delivering great voice recognition for all the different languages, but also making sure that we have a great regional experience with local content so she doesn’t feel like an American!

In the meantime, we’re thrilled that people are trying it out in other countries and we use that data to train the system. It’s helpful to get accents and hear other queries, and we can detect WHERE these are coming from to help improve the experience later.

On Settings screen arrangement:

SETTINGS SCREEN. Yeah, I agree this could be better — it’s something we intend to address in the future. For now, we’ve tried to organize it by the most frequently used setting. But we realize that’s tricky because people are SO DIFFERENT in what they care most about. Action Center’s configurable buttons helps with that– and btw, we hear many of you asking for extra buttons (eg. cel on/off) in Action Center and I’m optimistic we’ll be able to oblige… but no promises here.

File Manager Coming in May:

*** YES *** We are doing a File Manager for WP8.1! I know a LOT of you are looking for this (thanks for the tweets, I’ve read them all). In fact, I’ve been running a build of it on two of my phones for the last week or so and it’s getting to pretty good shape.

Here’s what it looks like: http://imgur.com/a/hvqGD#nRuOFXp

We are expecting to get it into the store HOPEFULLY by the end of May.

Are there any “easter egg” on Win 8.1 that most people don’t know?

Hmm.. easter eggs.. related to an AMA… maye you should ask Cortana if SHE’D ever do an AMA.

here’s what she told me: http://imgur.com/2WpVGfm

On OS level social networking features getting removed:

Let’s take the social integration in 8.1 as another good example of tradeoffs that some of you don’t see without an explanation. When we had facebook and other SNs deeply integrated into the OS code, it was very challenging (and we got a LOT of feedback from customers about this) on two counts (1) because we were missing a number of desired features –- like being able to “Like” a photo and (2) because it limited our ability to do great international support for the key social networks around the world. As you’ve seen on other questions here, when we end up doing something that doesn’t work worldwide, that causes users pain too. There’s an old phrase that’s been used at Microsoft for a long time about how creating big software projects is like ordering pizza for a million people.. and there’s a lot of truth to that.

So after a few releases of getting feedback that people LOVE the UX being integrated but are frustrated by the limitations… we decided to go with the app-powered model for social integration in 8.1. This approach empowers the individual services as well as individual devs. Now new social networks can be added at ANY TIME via an app update, and thus a lot of people around the world will get a feature they’ve missed entirely. Furthermore, by linking to the app, we have a mechanism for “deep users” to get access to “deeper features” in a nice, natural way.

Why WP 7.5 photos hub was redesigned now?

On PHOTO HUB … we changed the design because we got actual telemetry data on what people ACTUALLY CLICKED. By far, the most clicks when people opened Photo Hub were to go to the camera roll — and only .5% of clicks were to a 3rd party app. The re-design in WP8.1 addresses this, putting the FREQUENT task right up front and making the other tasks generally available but in a different place.

here’s a screenshot of the usage data from the WP7.5 pictures hub so you can see firsthand:


Stolen from WMPU


Hold on, friend! I'd love to share with you some swell news about the Windows 8 Metro UI! Wait, where are you going?
*** YES *** We are doing a File Manager for WP8.1!

I read this as "Fuck YES bitches We are doing a File Manager for WP8.1!"


On the dev preview being final:

Developer preview is NOT final.. there's client-side software fixes we're still making, when UPDATES go out to existing phones they will come with "BSP" (low-level phone firmware) updates from the OEMs... and the Services (cortana) are continuallyl getting improved. SO.. when you get an official update or buy a new phone, it'll be more polished than what you folks have now.

In terms of timing... no specific dates to mention, and keep in mind that the software updates will vary by phone and carrier. Do keep in mind our history last year with updates to get a sense of how we think about this.

In terms of the specific issues you hit -- the dev preview has gone very well from our POV, with hundreds of thousands of "devs" having downloaded it so far (smile), and we’ve been closely monitoring feedback on the platform, features like Cortana, action center, etc.

And since you mentioned this, it's a good opportunity to mention our uservoice site –windowsphone.uservoice.com. The team uses this site A TON to help structure and prioritize feedback on what customers want to see in the product. yes, I read it myself and I FREQUENTLY send links to people on the team when I need help winning an argument. One of my favorite stories from a previous release about how we use uservoice was how you can now configure the button in the browser addressbar to do what you want – e.g. favorites or tabs. Everyone who voted on that feature, THANK YOU for making your voice heard.

Also there's this now: Cortana.uservoice.com

Funky Papa

File Manager Coming in May:

*** YES *** We are doing a File Manager for WP8.1! I know a LOT of you are looking for this (thanks for the tweets, I’ve read them all). In fact, I’ve been running a build of it on two of my phones for the last week or so and it’s getting to pretty good shape.

Here’s what it looks like: http://imgur.com/a/hvqGD#nRuOFXp

We are expecting to get it into the store HOPEFULLY by the end of May.


That is such an Android thing to do.

I guess I'm still irritated that they're going full Android, whereas it was all about copying the iPhone experience at the beginning.

It's a standalone app for folks that want it. Nothing bad about that unless there is something that required it.


Well, today the calendar tile says its still Friday the 2nd. Opened it, closed it. Nothing.

How do I submit this as a bug? Maybe a reboot will fix but I want to submit this first if I can.


Well, today the calendar tile says its still Friday the 2nd. Opened it, closed it. Nothing.

How do I submit this as a bug? Maybe a reboot will fix but I want to submit this first if I can.

Maybe try the diagnostic app? Not 100% sure how that works


So maybe Im phrasing it the wrong way but Im looking for this functionality

I would like to create a tile, with a custom color/image/transparency

and when that tile is activated, I want it to launch an app that Ive linked it to

Does this exist?

Main reason, need AtBat on homescreen, need transparency, no current app Ive found offers it.
About 25% of the time, 8.1 has a stutter when the tiles transition to the start screen on my Lumia 1020 and it's really starting to bother me. I hope there's an update soon to smooth that out. I can't pin down the cause but it could be having multiple tabs open on the browser which some suspect could also be the reason for excessive battery drain.

I did not support and openly voice my support for WP these 4 yrs for this type of performance. The buttery smoothness on a platform outside of iOS was why I've loved it. Now the platform has a 3rd party-like music player and inconsistent smoothness throughout.

Yeah I get it, "please understand..."


never heard about the cat, apparently
About 25% of the time, 8.1 has a stutter when the tiles transition to the start screen on my Lumia 1020 and it's really starting to bother me. I hope there's an update soon to smooth that out. I can't pin down the cause but it could be having multiple tabs open on the browser which some suspect could also be the reason for excessive battery drain.

I did not support and openly voice my support for WP these 4 yrs for this type of performance. The buttery smoothness on a platform outside of iOS was why I've loved it. Now the platform has a 3rd party-like music player and inconsistent smoothness throughout.

Yeah I get it, "please understand..."
developer preview


has calmed down a bit.
Apple is hopefully moving towards the integrated services model that all the original WP crew fell in love with. And unlike WP, Apple has the developer support to make adoption happen more quickly. I'm not happy that the WP platform is becoming more android-like. Apple just needs to implement live tiles and a word flow keyboard already.


Apple is hopefully moving towards the integrated services model that all the original WP crew fell in love with. And unlike WP, Apple has the developer support to make adoption happen more quickly. I'm not happy that the WP platform is becoming more android-like. Apple just needs to implement live tiles and a word flow keyboard already.

What have you read about iOS8 that suggests that?
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