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Winter 2009 Anime Season of "too much loli - gonna go watch Vampire Bund"

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WTF this season looks horrible.

And chu-bra sounds like the worst thing ever. Although if it were high school instead it would almost be like work. I would have to look at the ceiling all day to not get flashed at the school I work at.


<pulls hair out>


Ahahah Legend of Koizumi is going to be amazing, manga spoilers:

Koizumi plays mahjong against cyborg Kim Jong Il, followed by POPE

"and god said, "let the tiles in each hand be gathered to one place""
"he can't be... recreating the genesis...!!!"



sparkle this bitch
Kagari said:
Unicorn will save us.
Putting your faith into Sunrise and Gundam. Pittance to you all.

Have faith in the savior of not just anime but keeping the spirit of 80's action movies alive today. Black Lagoon OVA finally comes out. We are going let Two Hands eat her fill.

Hopefully both are awesome


xero273 said:
so what does that site say? That site is NSFW so can anyone summarize for me.

Quote: "The “new project” Bandai recently announced has been confirmed as being a full anime project promising a “new birth,” much to the delight of the many fans of the series."

The rest is speculation.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
BudokaiMR2 said:
WTF this season looks horrible.

And chu-bra sounds like the worst thing ever. Although if it were high school instead it would almost be like work. I would have to look at the ceiling all day to not get flashed at the school I work at.


<pulls hair out>

Despite its subject matter, the first episode was actually not as ecchi-ecchi-moe-moe as you might think.

Junior High girls wear their P.E. clothes under their uniforms, BTW. I think it's because of the daily school cleaning time.

I did get flashed once shortly after I'd just started teaching. I was outside the school, and heard "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii~!" Looked up, and there was a girl on the second floor balcony, skirt blowing up in the wind, not wearing P.E. shorts underneath.

I wanted to go and tell a teacher, but then I realized how bad that would have seemed. "I saw a student wearing uh...inappropriate underwear!" o_O "And why do you know this?" :lol

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
FoxSpirit said:
Are we talking Kämpfer bad?

Worse than Kampfer. Thing is, I only watched like three episodes of Kampfer, so I don't know if it gets worse.


I have to say, I really enjoyed the first episode of Baka to Test to Shokanju. I wasn't expecting much and only downloaded it on a whim, but it certainly surprised me. Shinbo's protege didn't disappoint in the directorial department, and the humor was pretty good. It seems like it could have some good board game/sports manga strategizing in the future, and I'm a total sucker for that stuff.


Lyte Edge said:
Despite its subject matter, the first episode was actually not as ecchi-ecchi-moe-moe as you might think.

Junior High girls wear their P.E. clothes under their uniforms, BTW. I think it's because of the daily school cleaning time.

I did get flashed once shortly after I'd just started teaching. I was outside the school, and heard "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii~!" Looked up, and there was a girl on the second floor balcony, skirt blowing up in the wind, not wearing P.E. shorts underneath.

I wanted to go and tell a teacher, but then I realized how bad that would have seemed. "I saw a student wearing uh...inappropriate underwear!" o_O "And why do you know this?" :lol

ohhh lord...:lol :lol :lol
Sora no woto was pretty dull, it's like K-ON but with shitty animation and no lulz

Vampire Bund sub is out now, gonna check it out in the morning

Any anime description that includes 'ordinary high school student' 'mysterious girl with cat ears' or 'joins an academy' makes me throw up a little in my mouth. TRASH.


Baka no test was really enjoyable. Funny without being offensive.

Ladies vs Butlers was... :lol
But the evil girl could have potential.


Baka no Test was surprisingly good. The premise is interesting and the fan service was at a minimum. I totally fell for the trap when he was first appeared :lol
Watched Chu-Bra, it wasn't great but it was bearable and I can see myself watching the rest of it. Then again, I really like underwear.
Kimi ni Todoke was so good this week. :D The animation was noticeably nicer than usual, which makes up for the lack of an episode last week. That might have been the best animated episode thus far.


BlazingDarkness said:
Sora no woto was pretty dull, it's like K-ON but with shitty animation and no lulz.

The animation is really good, man. K-ON had better design work for sure, but the city in Sora no Woto's first episode was still extremely lively and fun to watch.


Yeah the animation in Sora No is the last thing anyone should be criticizing. It was extremely well done hopefully the quality stays the same. The preview better not be a cocktease either.


Subete no aware
Omamori Himari is ramping up to be another harem show... specifically Kannagi without a touch of irony. I guess it's bad? I can't tell anymore. :p

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Can someone please explain K-ON to me?

Maybe I missed the part with explosions and plot twists, but it appears to be about moeloliblobs playing j-pop.


Subete no aware
Angry Grimace said:
Can someone please explain K-ON to me?

Maybe I missed the part with explosions and plot twists, but it appears to be about moeloliblobs playing j-pop.

That's what it is. :lol


Angry Grimace said:
Can someone please explain K-ON to me?

Maybe I missed the part with explosions and plot twists, but it appears to be about moeloliblobs playing j-pop.

What exactly do you need explained?
It was a show about 4 girls making a band and it was awesome to watch because it was extremely funny, even without explosions and plot twists.
Tacitus_ said:
Guess I should watch it to the end finally. Got annoyed around ep 10ish by Zero and his asshole attitude & theatrics. It was a lot cooler when he was just being a chessmaster (in the battlefield/manipulative sense).
All I can say is finish it, then come back and say if you still believe that.

Wow, Ladies vs. Butlers. Umm, I guess it's kinda fun in a "jesus fuck, what exactly am I watching?" kind of way. I'd say I've seen just about all I need to see of that show, at this point, however.

Vampire Bund was surprisingly loli-less, something that makes me feel like there may just be a little hope for the series after all. We shall see. For the time being it stays on my watch list.


Tacitus_ said:
Guess I should watch it to the end finally. Got annoyed around ep 10ish by Zero and his asshole attitude & theatrics. It was a lot cooler when he was just being a chessmaster (in the battlefield/manipulative sense).
His asshole attitude and theatrics only get worse as the series goes on.
Gilgamesh said:
His asshole attitude and theatrics only get worse as the series goes on.

Yeah, but
that's all part of the plan. It was all done deliberately to make everyone hate him. So it essentially IS still part of the "chess game."


Dance in the vampire bund was weird.
It made me interested enough to go out and order the first 5 volumes of the manga (and I took the chance to also order Skip Beat 19 and 20) but as an anime episode it had a strange direction. Still, the talk show idea wasn't bad.

I'm also debating if I should pick up the Seikon no Qwaser manga before or after I watch some episodes of the anime, since I noticed like 6 or so volumes have been published here in Italy.


Kills Photobucket
DrForester said:
Will check out Omamori Mimari, A few seasons ago there was a show called Wagaya no Oinari-sama with a simmilar story, and it ended up being a pretty fun fantasy show and didn't turn into some stupid fanservice harem romantic comedy. However the new picture for the show there does not give me hope that it's anything but a stupid harem romantic comedy, but i'll give it a chance probably.

Called that one.... Didn't even make it through the first episode.
Angry Grimace said:
Can someone please explain K-ON to me?

Maybe I missed the part with explosions and plot twists, but it appears to be about moeloliblobs playing j-pop.
it's hilarious! and i don't care for that kind of anime usually
Just got Durarara, will probably watch it when I get back from class. I'm so paranoid about fansubs ever since TV Tokyo sent my school a cease and desist that ended up getting my internet privileges revoked for a couple days.
I actually laughed out loud a few times during Baka to Test. Also giving Durarara and Ookami Kakushi a try.

Durarara was good. OK was decent, the episode was a little boring but they set up a few mysteries.

BlazingDarkness said:
Bakatest was great :D
Loved the one guy's random transformation sequence from his school uniform.. to his school uniform. :lol


Durarara was good. Some mysteries (altho thanks to the OP and the end of the episode, some things are pretty clear), some interesting dialogues (or rather, their presentation and flow).
I really like the char design and the way the background people are grayed out (but still kind of detailed) while the "important" characters are the only ones in color.
I'm wondering who was the girl at the station.

Oh, was it Baccano that was referenced on the big screen a couple times?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
It was a show about 4 girls eating snacks and drinking tea and playing Rock band from time to time and it was tolerable only because the heroine's younger sister was awesome, and it had weird outlines, no fanservice and was vapid 90% of the time.
Second opinion.
Magnus_Bulla said:
Just got Durarara, will probably watch it when I get back from class. I'm so paranoid about fansubs ever since TV Tokyo sent my school a cease and desist that ended up getting my internet privileges revoked for a couple days.
What? What school do you go to that a Japanese TV company would go to the extent to specifically target it?


Ookamikakushi seems to be Higurashi with wolves and a harem. Seems like a step back from Umineko, but the ultimate factor is the story and how everything comes together in the end (or doesn't), so I guess I'll stick with it and have faith for now. *goes back to watching Lost*


ZAK said:
Ookamikakushi seems to be Higurashi with wolves and a harem. Seems like a step back from Umineko, but the ultimate factor is the story and how everything comes together in the end (or doesn't), so I guess I'll stick with it and have faith for now. *goes back to watching Lost*
Sounds like an improvement to me, I was really disappointed by Umineko after how much I loved Higurashi.

Edit: Durarara is off to a good start.


Gilgamesh said:
Sounds like an improvement to me, I was really disappointed by Umineko after how much I loved Higurashi.
Different strokes. I was not a big fan of school time fun, and that stuff was naturally cut to a minimum in Umineko. Though, now that I think about it, Ookamikakushi doesn't have much in the way of lolis either. Things are looking up!


I got around to watching the first episode of Okamikakushi and I thought it was good, but man, the characters' eyes in that show... it's like staring into the abyss and IT'S STARING BACK INTO ME.
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