That must be a very weird way of typing fluffy tails and dog ears.
Best DLC ever.
That must be a very weird way of typing fluffy tails and dog ears.
If it wasn't Scamco it would have been Miyukichi and Sugita tooThat must be a very weird way of typing fluffy tails and dog ears.
Here I thought you watched the manly stuff! It's basically a lot of gratuitous violence, a little bit of crazy, and scantily clad women in the first Goku: Midnight Eye. Second is just weird shit.
Here's a Ninja Scroll trailer though given Kawajiri stuff is mostly cut from the same cloth:
Must be why I'm liking it!
Indignation...Must be why I'm liking it!
I am still relatively new to watching things that don't involve giant robots.
So they're not only awful, they're ludicrously expensive? Uh, are they an ingredient in a lot of things or something?
What we need is to get him to watch a Magical Girl anime with Giant Robots.We'll learn you yet.
Scamco can't be helped.If it wasn't Scamco it would have been Miyukichi and Sugita too![]()
Best DLC ever.
They are imported and EXTREMELY popular among several Asian populations (so much that their consumption in public transport in these countries is prohibited) from where they originate. They are willing to pay $$ for them hence the prices.So they're not only awful, they're ludicrously expensive? Uh, are they an ingredient in a lot of things or something?
Haven't learned that Arte yet.
What we need is to get him to watch a Magical Girl anime with Giant Robots.
Good call. Yo, Corvo:
Just watch Robutt Girls Z Corvo. I know that's what Theonik was getting at!
I'm sort of split on that. On the one hand, Shard hates it, and I consider that a possibility that I will like it (since Shard hates E7 and I love that), on the other hand, I still really don't know enough Mazinger.
They're only expensive here because extremely niche imported perishables are always higher in the inland US. Cajun once told me that he can get them for like $5 each in Louisiana, which is probably the most I'd pay to try one.
If you watched Shin Mazinger, you know enough for it.
But this has Grendizer and Great, and I haven't seen those yet.
Ever watch Wicked City or Ninja Scroll, Corvo? Same director, same feel.
I liked when Anthony Bourdain once called the taste "like french-kissing your dead grandmother". I've still never tried durian because they're sixteen fukken dollars each in Ohio, but, much like many anime, the legends surrounding durian's purported terribleness only further compel me to want to try it.
I legit think durian is delicious. But I also have chronic allergies, so I my nose is always stuffed.
But then again, I also love bitter melon, so maybe I just like flavours that are unusual because everything in the typical diet is either salty, spicy, or sweet.
Best DLC ever.
That's a lot of OCD work for a throwaway gag anime!
I still haven't watched Carnival Phantasm for similar reasons!
But I'm going to watch Great and Grendizer eventually anyway. When I finish Getter and Gundam I'll watch Do You Remember Love, Great General of Darkness, War in the Pocket, and if Getter has an accompanying OVA I'll do that. Then I'll move on to Macross Plus, Great Mazinger, Zeta Gundam and Getter G.
It's funny. I'll drop an anime if it turns to garbage. But I HAVE to finish a game I get at least 2/3 through, even if it's not fun anymore (IE Tales of Graces.)
Space Dandy: still being controversial.
Putting off DYRL is one of the classic blunders.
It's not like there's a sign hanging on copies of SDFM which read "Hey don't watch this but see the movie instead."
Comedy tends to be pretty divisive.
This was the best weakest episode so far. Definitively.Space Dandy: still being controversial.
See the movie.
Corvo: Ryuho Okawa is basically as close to an American evangelical neoconservative as you can get without actually being an American or Christian. He considers China to be the world's largest threat to ideological freedom and America its greatest defender, so the whole premise in Mystical Laws is essentially a screed against America's path toward godless progressiveism and its "milquetoast liberal" administration.
This whole "weakness inviting a China takeover" yellow panic bullshit is 100% out of the tea party propaganda playbook, so it's certainly crazy to see the same thing come from within a different culture. Part of Okawa's obsession is just typical far-right-wing Japanese militarism, but he also has an enormous fixation on America and particularly the Republican Party, which he views as what Happy Science could be if it actually gained traction as a political force in Japan. Just look up youtube videos of Okawa communicating with Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich's "guardian spirits" for examples of this.
I find it hilarious how you've finally lost patience here.The Mystical Laws
It's not like there's a sign hanging on copies of SDFM which read "Hey don't watch this but see the movie instead."
Thoth, Rient Arl Croud, Hermes, and the rest are parts of El Cantare's spirit. Think the parts of Shabranigdo in Slayers. As explained in The Laws of the Sun, it's only the modern reincarnation that represents the main part of El Cantare's soul. Although as I mentioned in a past post, this isn't quite the last and greatest dispensation for them as Jesus is to be reborn as Satoru, and then Moses again 400 years after that to then integrate humanity with galactic societies and whatever.
Alright, lets get one thing out of the way first. I accidentally watched the first episode of Recently My Little Sister is Unusual. It was terrible but beyond that I'm having trouble understanding the title of the show. How does the main character know she's just "recently" been acting strange when this is the first time they've ever met? Hell, maybe she acted this way her whole life? Why not just call the show My New Little Sister is Unusual? Anyways, needless to say since I didn't actually mean to even pick it up it's been dropped and I will be more vigilant in what I click on with the remote from now on.
Moving on, I started watching Psychic Squad which has so far been a fun show.
Seitokai Yakuindomo continues being completely unfunny and his since been dropped.
Magical Warfare seems so boring. The way everyone gets their powers has got to be one of the most convenient and stupid setups for a show ever and the girl with the gun has cockroach hair? Screw this.
Kill la Kill continues being awesome. I don't know why but something about the repetition actually works for me. Although it feels like it's about time the real bad guys start showing up, I can't really imagine Satsuki and company being the true antagonists.
Alright, lets get one thing out of the way first. I accidentally watched the first episode of Recently My Little Sister is Unusual. It was terrible but beyond that I'm having trouble understanding the title of the show. How does the main character know she's just "recently" been acting strange when this is the first time they've ever met? Hell, maybe she acted this way her whole life? Why not just call the show My New Little Sister is Unusual? Anyways, needless to say since I didn't actually mean to even pick it up it's been dropped and I will be more vigilant in what I click on with the remote from now on.
I find it hilarious how you've finally lost patience here.
Although, regrettably, I must walk you back just a step. Thoth, Rient Arl Croud, Hermes, and the rest are parts of El Cantare's spirit. Think the parts of Shabranigdo in Slayers. As explained in The Laws of the Sun, it's only the modern reincarnation that represents the main part of El Cantare's soul. Although as I mentioned in a past post, this isn't quite the last and greatest dispensation for them as Jesus is to be reborn as Satoru, and then Moses again 400 years after that to then integrate humanity with galactic societies and whatever.
I meant putting it off after the TV series!