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Terra Formars getting both TV anime and an OVA
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Terra Formars getting both TV anime and an OVA
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Yeah, but one of them is legit good.
Is winter generally bad show wise?
Pupa Episode 6:
Let us all agree to never speak of the events of this episode ever again.
What the hell:
They still have five more episodes, no? I have absolutely no idea where this is going, and that's exactly what I love about this show.Samurai Flamenco 17
This show has gone from subversion to pure spectacle, and I am 100% okay with that.
This is actually one of the less ridiculous and random things in this episode.
Nisekoi is great.
Chitoge is the best. Onodera sucks.
Mikakunin 1
Decided to start to watch it. It's very cute especially Mashiro.
Sekai Seifuku conquering the Olympics wouldn't surprise me.Looks like some of the Olympic delays are happening. Z/X wasn't on this week, and Saki The Nationals isn't airing this Sunday either.
Masaaki Yuasa's The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy illustration[IMG]
(preemptive go away duck comment). From the same tumblr: [url][/url][/QUOTE]
This is awesome.
I want a Punch-Out! anime in the same style from Little Mac's trailer.
Tonari no Seki-kunSo have they delayed anything good because of orympics-senpai?
Why do you think we got 2 episodes last week?
About to feed my mecha addiction.
Sekai Seifuku is certainly enjoyable, and does have the distinction of containing Kate, the cutest character in any of the season's new shows, but I've been finding the narrative a little too disjointed and inconsistent so far to call it my new show of the season. I'd still put it below things like Mikakunin, Sakura Trick and Inari.
it's a show centered around bestiality and incest that has a high school girl expressing interest in an eight-year-olds bed wetting. i guess for what it is it's "good".
SHAFT made Soredemo which is a million times better than Nisekoi.
ComingSoon: It's one of those strange stories where you literally never see the main character [Akira] that is the namesake of the film!
Collet-Serra: Nobody's interesting. Tetsuo's interesting because weird shit happens to him, and Kaneda is so two-dimensional. That's part of the Japanese culture, they never have strong characters. They're used as a way to move the other philosophy forward.
Well, this season does have two Nobunaga shows so...
Both Nobunagas are male, so they're not really Nobunaga shows.
Masaaki Yuasa's The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy illustration
(preemptive go away duck comment). From the same tumblr: