Best Lead Actor
Yuki Kaji
based kaji-sama
Best Lead Actor
Yuki Kaji
God damn, they're releasing Phi Brain S3 as a single massive 50,000 yen BD-box (or 35,000 yen DVD-box) (as opposed to singles for S1 and a pair of boxes for S2). Guess they figured that there's such a ridiculously low number of people buying the series in the first place that they might as well go all in.
So, what is the spring series that's going to save anime?
Thread spoiler.Paging Hitokage.
its a fact, and i think the author knows a little bit more about vampires than you
since he is one
Um. Like is there a mythological basis for this or does it fit the same category as JoJo wearing a backwards baseball cap about 100 years before that was a thing?
So guys, just a thought here, so bear with me: I was wondering if the reason so many of us don't find Ryuko appealing is because we fall outside of the target age group? Cuz I just rewatched Orphen and man, that show's protagonist is an annoying brat, but when I was 15 I loved him. So I wonder if I would find Satsuki less appealing and Ryuko more appealing if I was 15? Just spitballing here.
Thread spoiler.[/IM][/QUOTE]
So he has joined the likes of Keanu Reeves, Nicholas Cage and Morgan Freeman on reaching max level.
As to your question, it'd make complete sense. Rebellious teenagers could definitely see the appeal. A bit of rebellion and cynicism mixed in. I'm more into the serious brooding badass, not the screaming at the screen type. But I also really like the clown badass, such as Nathan Drake or Aang from Avatar.
Best couple in this show.
Samurai Flamenco saved anime and you all know it.
Very few truer words were ever spokenSamurai Flamenco saved anime and you all know it.
Ping Pong!So, what is the spring series that's going to save anime?
Two episodes into Mushi-shi, and we're already in eye-scream territory. Fun times ahead.
AnimeGAF, I'm gonna say something that you will probably castrate me for. It'll be an unpopular opinion, but I feel I need to get it out there.
I just finished watching Usagi Drop. Fantastic show. Heartwarming. Sweet. Likeable characters. Really enjoyed it.
But I thought Listen to Me, Girls, I'm Your Father! was better.
For whatever reason, Usagi never really brought the feels like I was expecting. I never really felt Daikichi was "overwhelmed" but what he was doing. For a single 30 year old male who just had a 6 year old girl drop in his life he seemed to manage it pretty well. Rin seemed to manage it pretty well too. The story never really got "hard hitting" at any point and felt like there were a lot of loose ends.
And speaking of those loose ends, I did go to Wikipedia and read the synopsis of what happens later in the manga, and holy shit why would you do that? Like, seriously?
Papa kiki is not a bad show. Its pretty cute and heartwarming too.
I think that Rin is just such a little sweetheart that everyone is in love with her. How could you not?
AnimeGAF, I'm gonna say something that you will probably castrate me for. It'll be an unpopular opinion, but I feel I need to get it out there.
I just finished watching Usagi Drop. Fantastic show. Heartwarming. Sweet. Likeable characters. Really enjoyed it.
But I thought Listen to Me, Girls, I'm Your Father! was better.
For whatever reason, Usagi never really brought the feels like I was expecting. I never really felt Daikichi was "overwhelmed" but what he was doing. For a single 30 year old male who just had a 6 year old girl drop in his life he seemed to manage it pretty well. Rin seemed to manage it pretty well too. The story never really got "hard hitting" at any point and felt like there were a lot of loose ends.
And speaking of those loose ends, I did go to Wikipedia and read the synopsis of what happens later in the manga, and holy shit why would you do that? Like, seriously?
I the smell spread by the rising wind? So many questions.Going out to watch Vidas ao Vento(). Smell ya later.The Winds Rises
why what?
AnimeGAF, I'm gonna say something that you will probably castrate me for. It'll be an unpopular opinion, but I feel I need to get it out there.
I just finished watching Usagi Drop. Fantastic show. Heartwarming. Sweet. Likeable characters. Really enjoyed it.
But I thought Listen to Me, Girls, I'm Your Father! was better.
For whatever reason, Usagi never really brought the feels like I was expecting. I never really felt Daikichi was "overwhelmed" but what he was doing. For a single 30 year old male who just had a 6 year old girl drop in his life he seemed to manage it pretty well. Rin seemed to manage it pretty well too. The story never really got "hard hitting" at any point and felt like there were a lot of loose ends.
And speaking of those loose ends, I did go to Wikipedia and read the synopsis of what happens later in the manga, and holy shit why would you do that? Like, seriously?
AnimeGAF, I'm gonna say something that you will probably castrate me for. It'll be an unpopular opinion, but I feel I need to get it out there.
I just finished watching Usagi Drop. Fantastic show. Heartwarming. Sweet. Likeable characters. Really enjoyed it.
But I thought Listen to Me, Girls, I'm Your Father! was better.
For whatever reason, Usagi never really brought the feels like I was expecting. I never really felt Daikichi was "overwhelmed" but what he was doing. For a single 30 year old male who just had a 6 year old girl drop in his life he seemed to manage it pretty well. Rin seemed to manage it pretty well too. The story never really got "hard hitting" at any point and felt like there were a lot of loose ends.
And speaking of those loose ends, I did go to Wikipedia and read the synopsis of what happens later in the manga, and holy shit why would you do that? Like, seriously?
Listen to me Girls started out very strong. And if it had kept that steam it would have been amazing. But after the initial drama of a college student having to take care of three younger girls, the show slowly transforms into a semi-love triangle of "I'm living with three little girls! Hijinks ensue!"
It basically decided to take away the drama that made it stand out and slowly transformed itself into a forgettable second half. Usagi Drop (the anime original), doesn't really show the guy struggling because he was already a working member of society (and a semi succesful one at that), so the drama of having a girl dropped unto you isn't going to be the same as that of a college student barely making ends meet. Usagi Drop was only meant to show you what somebody in that situation could realistically go through, both in terms of adapting and the relationship that grows between you and your 'daughter'. Then the manga was all "NOPE PSYCHE BITCHES YOU THOUGHT THIS WAS SWEET LAWL" so we burned down the manga and never spoke of it again. Listen to Me Girls could've gone places, but the introduction of the college friends (one who is typical fat-voice otaku loli lover), and the romantic feelings between the little girls and a significant college student kind of ruined it because I know a sweaty over-weight loli lover was all "YEEEEEEEEEEEEES. LOVE SENPAI. LOVE HIM"
One of the weaker episodes but still fun. We full romcom now.
A good fun first episode where even the A1 quality wasn't enough to let it down. Best idol show? Who knows. it certianly had a fair amount of animation! 2D dancing too!
The Makoto episode later in the show will kill you, good luck!The iDOLM@STER 01
A good fun first episode where even the A1 quality wasn't enough to let it down. Best idol show? Who knows. it certianly had a fair amount of animation! 2D dancing too!
My rankings remain unchanged so far, even in QUALITY Makoto stays strong.
Next episode excites me too
A good fun first episode where even the A1 quality wasn't enough to let it down. Best idol show? Who knows. it certianly had a fair amount of animation! 2D dancing too!
My rankings remain unchanged so far, even in QUALITY Makoto stays strong.
Next episode excites me too
AnimeGAF, I'm gonna say something that you will probably castrate me for. It'll be an unpopular opinion, but I feel I need to get it out there.
I just finished watching Usagi Drop. Fantastic show. Heartwarming. Sweet. Likeable characters. Really enjoyed it.
But I thought Listen to Me, Girls, I'm Your Father! was better.
anyone want a crunchyroll guest pass?
Oh dear. I almost died already. #can'thandlethisThe Makoto episode later in the show will kill you, good luck!
Game rankings/Yakuza trailer.You ranked them before watching the show?
The Makoto episode later in the show will kill you, good luck!
No-one mentions Beetrain? Speaking of which, I wonder where they've been recently.So what would be the ultimate AnimeGAF-hate anime?
Studio- White Fox
PArt of this post reminds me of Pac-man and the other part reminds me of Fozzie bear.Star Driver 23
No-one mentions Beetrain? Speaking of which, I wonder where they've been recently.
PArt of this post reminds me of Pac-man and the other part reminds me of Fozzie bear.
And then CNet used the word "Lolilicious."
And then CNet used the word "Lolilicious."
Loliciously rapey. Call Chris Hansen.And then CNet used the word "Lolilicious."
There's really no more appropriate descriptor.
One day, you're going to be a Kotaku headline, CNet.
More like a CNN headline.