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Winter Anime 2016 |OT2| Bellariology, Puellology and Simulacrumology

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Dimension W - 12 (End)

Very satisfied with how this ended. Felt like a neatly tied up conclusion while still leaving some room for potential continuation.
Show started out decent and became better the longer it went. Especially this last arc, where everything came together was great to watch.

I also really liked the crazy pseudo science, I'm a sucker for that stuff. The whole thing around Dimension W could probably pass as magic and noone would bat an eyelid, but I liked how it was explained and internally consistent.

Andrew J.

Gundam IBO 25 END

Damn, McGillis is ice cold. At least when Char manipulated his own comrades to their deaths it was people he hated. Wonder what the hell is in his backstory to justify all this.

I knew Azee and Lafter would be fine, you worryworts.

Atra staying committed to her harem plan, it seems.


Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans 25

Chocolate Man confirmed for super evil. Tekkadan and friends are apparently made of iron. That was pretty good overall. Some bumpy spots, and the ending could've been better, but I liked it overall. Can't wait for the next season.
Grimgar Episode 12

Okay, there was a moment where the animators blatantly screwed up concerning a certain helmet.
That aside, I like this finale and the series as a whole. Grimgar has an almost aggressively bad first episode, but it consistently improved after that.
I would go so far as to say episode 11 is probably my favorite episode of the season. Another season would be appreciated.
Grimgar Episode 12 (END)

Pretty awesome final episode though I feel like it skipped over how Ranta made it out of the bottom part unless I somehow zoned out at the end of last episode, but he just appeared from it and then episode continued, strange. Beginning half was probably the best because of him and his familiar (who is definitely perfect for him). It was also amazing because of his display of new emotions, he was tearing up and actually desiring to be with them and then his line about his chest feeling tight when he thought of them, nice character growth. Hes also a great second leader and best partner for Haruhiro. So many good parts to this episode.

Will buy this anime as it was pretty phenomenal. 10/10. And bonus haruhiro, thank you animators.
Finished Season 2 of SNAFU.
It's short with 13 eps just like Season 1, yet it shares painfully long, unsatisfying and inconcrete stretches. Ramped up nicely towards the end but then again, I'd wished there was more of that and less trudge.
It ended very open and I hate to wait for a next season. Even more so knowing that it'll probably go without satisfactory conclusions like the two previous seasons. It was fun nonetheless and I recommend it. Yukino the best.


Grimgar Episode 12

Heh, they just completely skipped a scene at the beginning, explaining how Ranta escaped, and accidentally added a helmet to him in a fight scene. The later fight was satisfying, and i really really liked that demon that was constantly insulting Ranta :).
Wouldn't mind a second season.



Curious as to what you consider the best love story every told. Second season is worth your while more or less depending on how much weight you put on that mystery. Though beware of downgraded OP and ED.

Toradora is about the only romantic comedy so far that I would call good so ... yeah. I'd be fine with it being just a series of comedic skits with no story progression cause I find it friggin hilarious most of the time. Though I can see how, like with SZS, the repetitive modus operandi of most characters could get boring at some point in time. And duh, it'd be hard to top one of the best openings of all time !


Finished Season 2 of SNAFU.
It's short with 13 eps just like Season 1, yet it shares painfully long, unsatisfying and inconcrete stretches. Ramped up nicely towards the end but then again, I'd wished there was more of that and less trudge.
It ended very open and I hate to wait for a next season. Even more so knowing that it'll probably go without satisfactory conclusions like the two previous seasons. It was fun nonetheless and I recommend it. Yukino the best.

I think you misspelled Iroha. It's okay, it happens to the best of us.
Grimgar 12

LOL at how even Ranta's demon treats him like a piece of crap. This was the first time we actually saw it, Ranta always mentioned it but we all just assumed it was some kind of invisible entity. Holy crap at the fighting sequence between Haru and the wolf. That was so good.

I am sure I won't be the only one saying this since I know a few of you out there liked this as much as me, but this was one of my favourite shows this season. Started a bit weak, but it got progressively better as the characters grew both in mental and skill strength. It was great seeing them obtaining new gear, new moves to put to use in combat. The relationship amongst them started off awkward after that major event that broke them, but thanks to Haru's leadership (which wasn't great at the start, but got progressively better with time) they managed to get to where they are now.

There's tons of potential here. I know the LNs are still ongoing, but the show has laid a solid foundation for a second season. There are so many things that we didn't see, so many questions left unanswered (how the heck did they end up in this world with only a few memories from the "real world"?). The show on its first season did not focus on the world the characters were in, it focused on the people in it, how they fought against the odds the world threw at them, and how they grew and came to learn how to survive.

In short, I really liked this show and will put it at the very top of my list for this season. Hope to see more of it one day. Not sure whether I should jump into the LNs or give it a few months to see if we get a second season announcement.


Grimgar - 12 (End)

As a whole this has been growing on me and this finale combined with last episode was pretty great.
Ranta is still the worst character of the season though, but at least he has a skill that summons a demon and the only thing it does is insult him. That felt pretty good. (But what did he summon that thing for? It literally didn't do anything other then insulting Ranta lol)
Haru grew to a somewhat leaderlike leader in the end and even acknowledged his stupidity of refusing strong guys money.
Wouldn't mind another season.
Grimgar 12 (End)

I was hoping for some awesome team strategy to defeat the big boss, but instead all I got was the random asspull instant-kill move.

It was a pleasant show though. Would watch more if it got more, but don't particularly mind either way.


Grimgar 12

LOL at how even Ranta's demon treats him like a piece of crap. This was the first time we actually saw it, Ranta always mentioned it but we all just assumed it was some kind of invisible entity. Holy crap at the fighting sequence between Haru and the wolf. That was so good.

I am sure I won't be the only one saying this since I know a few of you out there liked this as much as me, but this was one of my favourite shows this season. Started a bit weak, but it got progressively better as the characters grew both in mental and skill strength. It was great seeing them obtaining new gear, new moves to put to use in combat. The relationship amongst them started off awkward after that major event that broke them, but thanks to Haru's leadership (which wasn't great at the start, but got progressively better with time) they managed to get to where they are now.

There's tons of potential here. I know the LNs are still ongoing, but the show has laid a solid foundation for a second season. There are so many things that we didn't see, so many questions left unanswered (how the heck did they end up in this world with only a few memories from the "real world"?). The show on its first season did not focus on the world the characters were in, it focused on the people in it, how they fought against the odds the world threw at them, and how they grew and came to learn how to survive.

In short, I really liked this show and will put it at the very top of my list for this season. Hope to see more of it one day. Not sure whether I should jump into the LNs or give it a few months to see if we get a second season announcement.

Yeah, I always assumed most of Rantas talk about his skills and class was just him being Chuuni, but apparently not lol.
Yeah, I always assumed most of Rantas talk about his skills and class was just him being Chuuni, but apparently not lol.

Yup pretty much. We also always saw Ranta getting those "vices" from enemies, and I thought that too was just him trying to play his role as this dark knight, but apparently the demon does ask for them too. Pretty cool.


Arakawa Under the Bridge 13 END

And fin. I've pretty much said my thing already but let me restate it, this was just a real treat. A consistently hilarious comedy with an adorable cast of some of the weirdest wackos I've laid my eyes upon. The strength of the comedic material and its execution alone would make it dethrone SZS S1 for me but on top of that, Arakawa manages to deftly handle continuous plot lines like Ko's estrangement from his father, his liberation from the way of living he was raised in or his growing bond with Nino. Judging by the sparse (shame on ya all) mentions of this show in here, I'd assume the extent of my adoration for it is somewhat of an outlier but even so, I can only heartily recommend it to anyone looking for good comedy.



Dimension W END
Nice ending to the series. Mira and Koyouma really made it fun to watch each week. I got lost in some plot details at times, but it was easy enough and entertaining enough to follow.
although the doctor showing up was a little weird, was he hangingout in the other dimension? What did he do the settle Mira's coil?
Good stuff overall though.
Okada Gundam END

Kudelia didn't cut her hair

No one died

Tomino would be disappointed. What have you done Okada.

Dragon Ball Super 36

Stylized subs straight out of early 2000's One Piece, just how I like my Dragon Ball

Koyomimonogatari 12

RIP Kagenui.

Did they really die though? Kinda doubt that. More like she just vanished. There weren't any signs of a struggle or anything.


Phaze wait until season two of Arakawa and arrival of best character Billy.

Gundam IBO End

Damn McGillis. Even though he has his justified reasons, his actions are on another level of coldness. I guess season 2 will be him saying
"well fuck Tekkadan's a threat now, gotta stomp them out.

So overall really good and i hope they can keep this momentum into the next part. And it played to Okada's strength in that the show was more about the group interacting rather than ever focusing on particular characters in any great depth, and yeah Tekkadan are a really likable group to follow. Oh and please please please
don't give Mika a prosthetic eye, there is a danger of him becoming like a certain other mecha pilot especially with LOLMIKA wins type ending we got to this episode.

Dimension W End

Probably the show i was most disappointed with but it was still alright. The show just didn't have much focus and the characters and world were interesting bu they needed more fleshing out. And labeling it as an action show was a bit false, there was scant few action scenes throughout the show and even then not that many impressive ones.

But if there was a season 2 id probably check it out just for the fact that it has nice character designs and a great setting.
Oh shit why you gotta kill off Loser though, that dude needed his own show.
Grimgar 12

You know what? YOU KNOW WHAT?!

Fuck the haters.

Unnecessary fan service and ass shots aside this was the best anime of the season for me (Since I didn't care for Rakugo and Erased dropped the ball). This ending arc was just what the show needed after they spent so many episodes moping about Manato, and it showed just how much of badasses they are.

Haruhiro in particular is a BOSS ASS BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH BITCH, A BOSS ASS BITCH. Man he fucking wrecked everyone's shit this episode what a man what a man what a man. Really nice to see his growth as a rogue.

So glad they whooped ass and finally earned the respect of people around them.

Congrats guys. I'd consider reading the LNs but you know I've never read one and I'm not about to start now. Amazing show.


Dimension W END
Nice ending to the series. Mira and Koyouma really made it fun to watch each week. I got lost in some plot details at times, but it was easy enough and entertaining enough to follow.
although the doctor showing up was a little weird, was he hangingout in the other dimension? What did he do the settle Mira's coil?
Good stuff overall though.

My assumptions:
I assume the coil is the one the professor used in episode 1 that made all the other coils malfunction and created that huge explosion. It's possible the doctor was sucked into Dimension W that way and Miras coil going wild created a sort of connection. He swapped that coil with her 'normal' one.


°Temp. member
Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans - Episode 25

Best Gundam show yet. I hope McGillis gets what's coming to him in season 2.
I did expect Ein to kill at least one person though. At the end I almost thought Orga was going to jump in a Gundam himself lol. I hope Mika recovers ok.


Grimgar 12
Unnecessary fan service and ass shots aside this was the best anime of the season for me (Since I didn't care for Rakugo and Erased dropped the ball).
Yeah Grimgar was really good , but there was even a better fantasy rpg show airing this season .
You should try Konosuba,( or give it a second chance) it has similar humor to some of your pun posts :p
Yeah Grimgar was really good , but there was even a better fantasy rpg show airing this season .
You should try Konosuba,( or give it a second chance) it has similar humor to some of your pun posts :p

I couldn't care for Konosuba, I'm not looking for anime comedy most of the time unless everything else is something I enjoy. And Konosuba didn't have what I needed to enjoy the comedy.


S1 sales were pretty bad, IIRC. I'm surprised it even got a S2 (Arslan, I mean)

They tried to turn into a multi-media franchise, but they failed. Didn't help that the author chose to alienate the main audience for this before the anime aired.

The anime seemed to get into the weekly top 10 ratings sometimes - Gundam IBO's tv ratings also have been a big drop from it in comparison, so it seemed to do well for its timeslot.


Did they really die though? Kinda doubt that. More like she just vanished. There weren't any signs of a struggle or anything.

No clue, I don't have any knowledge of LNs. I'd heavily assume
she's alive.
(Does anyone even die in Gatari ?) Getting
offed offscreen
(ha!) seems unlikely but then again, it's Nisio.

Phaze wait until season two of Arakawa and arrival of best character Billy.

I'll keep my eyes peeled.

Dimension W End

Probably the show i was most disappointed with but it was still alright. The show just didn't have much focus and the characters and world were interesting bu they needed more fleshing out. And labeling it as an action show was a bit false, there was scant few action scenes throughout the show and even then not that many impressive ones.

This is pretty much how I feel about the show, 6 decent episodes, 6 meh to bad but it ended on the relatively high note with the last two, Kyoma's recollection of Miyabi was pretty touching. The science in this continues to make little to no sense but ehhh I've seen worse.
Finally got around to finishing Shimoneta. Really awesome series. Didn't much like the ending, though. There wasn't much payoff. It went out with a whimper instead of a bang.

Highlights for me are the music and Anna's gloriously terrifying descent into freakhood.


Gonna start either GATE season 2 or Saekano next.

Man God

Non-Canon Member

The first spoken line by a character is from Suguha! Lisbeth and Silica both make cameos in this episode. So hey, the guy who created this game has a god complex and tells us we can't escape and two hundred people were just murdered by their friends and family trying to save them...so why not check out this cool mirror he put in our inventory?

Klein is also very interested in Kirito and the idea that he has a sister. Kirito tells her she hates gamers and is very sporty, well, one of those is true I suppose. Klein and Kirito also both freak out over their appearances changing from the mirror...when they both basically look the damn same.



The first spoken line by a character is from Suguha! Lisbeth and Silica both make cameos in this episode. So hey, the guy who created this game has a god complex and tells us we can't escape and two hundred people were just murdered by their friends and family trying to save them...so why not check out this cool mirror he put in our inventory?

Klein is also very interested in Kirito and the idea that he has a sister. Kirito tells her she hates gamers and is very sporty, well, one of those is true I suppose. Klein and Kirito also both freak out over their appearances changing from the mirror...when they both basically look the damn same.

Did you lose some kind of horrible bet?
Honestly enjoy season 1 while it lasts, it doesnt get bad until the second half. And season 2 once again follows the same rule of the first arc being entertaining in unintentional hilarious shit like the mini gun orgasm, but after that it turns to shit.

If the author embraced what made the first arcs of both seasons so great, it' be a better show.
No clue, I don't have any knowledge of LNs. I'd heavily assume
she's alive.
(Does anyone even die in Gatari ?) Getting
offed offscreen
(ha!) seems unlikely but then again, it's Nisio.

I can only think of one character who actually died as far as I know, not counting Hachikuji cuz she was already dead.

We know Araragi comes back 'cuz he looks different in Hana but what happens to Shinobu? Was she even in Hana? I don't remember. Does she turn back into Kiss-Shot? If she does Gaen (and everyone else) is kinda fucked, but maybe not because she used the original Kokoro-watari.

I'm fairly certain Kagenui just up and disappeared unless Gaen killed her somehow, and I dunno why she would do that. Other then that, Oshino Meme could do it (and has no reason to) but he's obviously not around. So if she did actually die, it would have to be someone new because if it was someone like Dramaturgie you would know because they would have fought and caused massive damage. But who knows with Nisio.


Subete no aware
Arakawa Under the Bridge 13 END
And fin. I've pretty much said my thing already but let me restate it, this was just a real treat. A consistently hilarious comedy with an adorable cast of some of the weirdest wackos I've laid my eyes upon. The strength of the comedic material and its execution alone would make it dethrone SZS S1 for me but on top of that, Arakawa manages to deftly handle continuous plot lines like Ko's estrangement from his father, his liberation from the way of living he was raised in or his growing bond with Nino. Judging by the sparse (shame on ya all) mentions of this show in here I'd assume the extent of my adoration is somewhat of an outlier but even so, I can only heartily recommend to to anyone looking for good comedy.
Time to watch the live action version!
Sure, go ahead!

The version of Sukeroku and Miyokichi's death shown at the end of episode 12 is a fabrication by Kiku. (Remember that the ending of episode 1 set up this whole past sequence as being narrated by the elder Kiku/Yakumo to Yotaro and Konatsu.) The true version of their deaths is not shown until volume 8:


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
The version of Sukeroku and Miyokichi's death shown at the end of episode 12 is a fabrication by Kiku. (Remember that the ending of episode 1 set up this whole past sequence as being narrated by the elder Kiku/Yakumo to Yotaro and Konatsu.) The true version of their deaths is not shown until volume 8:
The biggest spoilers.
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