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Winter Anime 2016 |OT2| Bellariology, Puellology and Simulacrumology

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At one point in time, the alliance had to find a way to evacuate a whole planet during a single battle.

At the scale the war operates, that kind of average loss isn't out of the question.

Unless that battle went for years, a planetary evacuation would be near impossible.
Demographics in a space opera are never going to make sense if you closely examine them.

Yeah its the classic Star Trek thing where the Utopia doesn't really make much sense if you look at it with a magnifying glass. Trying to completely foresee every facet of life 1000 years in the future is simply impossible, but LOGH and Star Trek try.


Unless that battle went for years, a planetary evacuation would be near impossible.

The planet in question was pretty small relative to earth, about a 1/3 of the current population, but yeah it's a bit silly in terms of logistics. I guess this is a civilization that can deploy tens of thousands of giant war ships in a single battle, and if you contract out the thousands and thousands more cargo and shipping vessels it becomes a bit more plausible. Silly, and nearly impossible to coordinate, but it makes enough sense.
How long do the battles last? Even with nukes I imagine it would take a while to rack up that high of a kill count?

You have to remember most of these battles take place in fleets and on massive ships. If one of the ships goes down, thats thousands - and thousands of these ships do go down. The tactical maneuvers Yang and Reinhard like to pull can completely decimate half of the fleet.


How long do the battles last? Even with nukes I imagine it would take a while to rack up that high of a kill count?

The first battle described takes maybe a day at most. It's a battle in 3 major fronts and it takes the empire a few hours of battle at each front and a few hours to get to the next.

These are warships that employ tens of thousands of soldiers each. There are moments that are described where a single hull breach sends thousands into outer space. There are moments where the reactors of a ship blow up up and take everyone with it. Put that at a scale of fleets of tens of thousands and shit adds up quickly.


The first battle described takes maybe a day at most. It's a battle in 3 major fronts and it takes the empire a few hours of battle at each front and a few hours to get to the next.

These are warships that employ hundreds of thousands of soldiers each. There are moments that are described where a single hull breach sends tens of thousands into outer space. There are moments where the reactors of a ship blow up up and take everyone with it. Put that at a scale of fleets of tens of thousands and shit adds up quickly.

I can't even fathom the size a ship would need to be to hold hundred of thousands of people.


I can't even fathom the size a ship would need to be to hold hundred of thousands of people.

I got the scale wrong. It's tens of thousands each. The main imperial flagship of the battle holds 11,000 sailors and is a bit over 1000m long. There are tens of thousands of ships near that size on each size in each fleet.
I don't think its hundreds of thousands, but even the largest ships are smaller then Star Destoyers. But like I said a few weeks ago, Star Wars doesn't really focus on the scale of death and populace like LOGH does


11,000 is nothing. It's smaller than a university campus! A single cruise ship today can hold like half of that.

Well, we aren't deploying 40,000 cruise ships in a single battle. Battleships are also designed to run on the fewest amount of people possible, whereas cruise ships are there to transport as many comfortably they can. The fact they're using 11,000 sailors means they need 11,000 people just to run the thing.
Just think about the labor required to make Starkiller.

I think Star Wars is around the point where stuff just stops making sense. I don't care how technologicaly advanced you are you can't build 70% of a fucking moon base in like 7 years. But theres actual magic and whimsy in Star Wars and its more focused on heroic actions of individuals and not actual war so

Well...I suppose you could if you had every single facet of your currency and population acting to your war effort but still. Star Wars really doesn't focus on that. And I dont care 'bout no extended universe crap books


Ah! My Goddess Flights of Fancy[END]




oh boi... where do I start with this one.

Okay, SO, lets start off with the good points of the show. The pacing is good for the most part, the constant call backs to previous episodes is well handled here (to the point that it should be a standard in anime, but i digress) and the scenes that focus on relationship advancement of the main couple are, for the most part, well handled.


All of the above gets squandered.
Remember how I said that the first season didn't rely on dumb stock tropes and actually averted a few quite well.

YEAH, scratch that, because basically all the dumb trope they subverted come into play here.

And it all starts with Peorth.
She is where the show jumped the shark for me.

Her entire arc is not only very poorly thought out, but it was completely needless. She's the "character who only appears to entice the main character sexually" trope. And the end of that arc was just dumb.

Then you have Hild, who is okay, until an episode after her introduction where she stays around and basically just acts like pointless villian #2 along side a needlessly costume redesigned Marller.

Which segways me into the pointless fill episodes. One of them was good (the mullet guy falling in love. Really liked that episode), but everything else wasn't all that good. Some of them had some nice bits (the ninja episode was dumb but it wasn't bad), but some were just fucking weird (like Urd and the little boy or anything that really centers around skuld (WE WILL GET TO HER!!!)).

Then you have how this specific season (seriously, this wasn't an issue first season), with only 22 episodes, manages to reuse plots up the wazzu. Seriously the "make Belldandy jealous so she can show her true feelings" plot movement was used 3 times. They reuse Urd being
Half demon
again as well. It was unneeded.

And you have Skuld. She doesn't make sense at all. Theres an episode where she kinda has a crush on the main character, nothing comes out of it and everything returns to normal. LATER though she kinda falls for some biking kid, and that apparently triggers
her angel to appear
because "something something these feelings". After that ordeal is dealt with we hear nothing about this boy... at all.. (Really, outside of mullet guys new GF, he's the only character that doesn't make additional appearances).

Also, what's the deal with the Main couple not kissing at the end? I mean, you have panels in the op that show that they kiss in the manga, so why put those in there at all if you aren't gonna do so here... it just seems weird...

I do have one HUGE problem with one side episode (episode 21).
So in this episode Belldandy
becomes a demon
because of a bureaucracy error. Its never really explained as to how Marller was able to do this, and more importantly how "god" was able to undo it, but doesn't this entire episode imply that "god" has been kinda playing everyone for a fiddle? That everything that was said about Urd's condition and how "god" was unable to do anything was BS?


Its a REALLY REALLY big logical oversite.

And THAT is pretty much this show's big problem. It can't do much good with the supernatural stuff, and unfortunately its mostly the supernatural stuff. The pure romance focused episodes are good, sometimes REALLY good, but repetitive nature and honestly fairly poor plotlines don't do it any justice.

I don't want people to think that I hate this series, or that I think its bad. I don't, it does a lot of interesting things and its a well needed escape from a stock formula. But it just has so many problems that mar its good points.

Its a damn shame...

Really :/

And so I'm off to watch other anime and study for my midterms on Wednesday :/



Now that I think about it, there should Dyson Spheres in Star Wars. Starkiller Base worked off the same principle so I imagine it has to have been done before.
Engaged to the unidentified Ep 8 - final + ovas

Its a pretty good romcom overall though I wish they actually got more lovey dovey but I shoudnt expect that from a romantic comedy. The ending made my heart break with how cutesy it was. I would like a season two but I dont expect that to happen. Off to read the manga.
please make it stop




please for the love of ALL THAT IS HOLY DON'T WATCH THIS

oh my GOD I need a thousand showers and chemo to get me clean from watching this

if you want a quick ~spoiler free~ summary

middle schooler gets shot in the head
reincarnated as dog maintaining all his memories
adopted by 20 year old girl who can hear his thoughts
she falls in love with him

i picked this cia via crunchyroll's random function

do not watch this. watch glasslip. watch sword art online. watch fucking paint dry. watch an Adam Sandler movie.



Huge Nickleback Fan
please make it stop




please for the love of ALL THAT IS HOLY DON'T WATCH THIS

oh my GOD I need a thousand showers and chemo to get me clean from watching this

if you want a quick ~spoiler free~ summary

middle schooler gets shot in the head
reincarnated as dog maintaining all his memories
adopted by 20 year old girl who can hear his thoughts
she falls in love with him

i picked this cia via crunchyroll's random function

do not watch this. watch glasslip. watch sword art online. watch fucking paint dry. watch an Adam Sandler movie.

Not to mention the animation quality is shit. Like, seriously bad. I don't remember any sakuga worthy scene from it.


please make it stop




please for the love of ALL THAT IS HOLY DON'T WATCH THIS

oh my GOD I need a thousand showers and chemo to get me clean from watching this

if you want a quick ~spoiler free~ summary

middle schooler gets shot in the head
reincarnated as dog maintaining all his memories
adopted by 20 year old girl who can hear his thoughts
she falls in love with him

i picked this cia via crunchyroll's random function

do not watch this. watch glasslip. watch sword art online. watch fucking paint dry. watch an Adam Sandler movie.


Hehehe. It's fun seeing people watch horrid anime I've seen without the "terribad anime stomach" I've acquired.

If you thought this was horrid, don't look into diabolik lovers.

Or OniSuki. Both are so much worse

That odd moment when a neogaf thread suddenly takes a sudden sharp turn into dog fucking and marriage....

I mean, it's not the first time. I posted my impressions last season :p


Hehehe. It's fun seeing people watch horrid anime I've seen without the "terribad anime stomach" I've acquired.

Suppose I shouldn't admit I kind of liked it. Well bits of it. Of at least its the kind of anime that I don't find repellent like sports or idol anime.


What's worse? Falling in love with your sister, or falling in love with a dog?

Anime tropes are like Republican strawmen arguments come to life.


I watched Dog and Scissors because the lady reminded me of Rory Mercury.

Once I got to the yandere imouto I knew I struck gold.
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