draw TsukihiEdit: i wanna make some art for the spring OT... have that itch to draw something. haven't done so for a while![]()
draw TsukihiEdit: i wanna make some art for the spring OT... have that itch to draw something. haven't done so for a while![]()
I threw this together in MS Paint from my work PC, so it is crap, LOL. Clay Statue is putting together a legit one for me tonight, but I got sidetracked from my work earlier and put this together...Thanks for the feedback though.
Yea, opinions of the show have been very polarizing, enough that it got my attention. I've just been stalling it over more essential shows or shows with cute girls T__T
ONLY the first 15 episodes though.
everything else is.... well...
not good
Also, Kiritobread, you cant deny that even within those first 15 episodes, there are some serious pacing problems (granted its because of the source material and the disjunct within it, but i digress).
Also the word "courting" is kinda creepy, and not really applicable for SAO
Edit: i wanna make some art for the spring OT... have that itch to draw something. haven't done so for a while![]()
DO IT!It is SOOO worth it, lol! I love the good and the bad though, so whatevs..(at least the first 15 episodes)
One of the most popular shows in the world and It's not SAO's fault the haters have bad taste. It's got action, adventure, sci-fi, love, courting, marriage, children, the power of love, the power of friendship, emotion and intensity. Oh and the music is really, REALLY good. It's got it ALL!
draw Tsukihi
Well, relationship development/ courting, almost the same when you remove any religious overtones. It works for those crazy kids.
After looking up the definition , Your right, but I still think the word is kinda uncomfortable . . .
kinda like "moist".
AnimeGAF, a friend of mine is going on a trip to Japan and I'd absolutely want to get my hands on those Monogatari BDs that have in-universe commentaries for the episodes. Could anyone in the know tell me which seasons have it so I can tell him to focus on getting those and not minding the rest?
Also, do Kizu DVD/BDs release anytime soon over there?
I'll think about it.
If I do, I'll start tomorrow night. I've get midterms tomorrow Morning and in the Afternoon :/
After looking up the definition , Your right, but I still think the word is kinda uncomfortable . . .
kinda like "moist".
It's pretty good for paint, you know.
I just wanted to make the Twin Star Exorcists joke.
I'm not absolutely sure, but I think they all have them.
I don't believe any BD date has been announced.
LOL. Well, it's probably trash, but from the fanart, it looks like their might be some shipping there, but then again, it's fan-art, so......
I like the manga. I have no expectations towards the anime.
There is romance and it's basically built into the entire premise.
Rokuro and Benio are fated to marry because their kid is going to be 'the chosen one'.
Oh, well, that is something interesting. It's a shame the two aren't in their 20's to make it interesting. As it is, they look like grade schoolers, uugghh....
People get older over time.
Oh, that actually makes this a very interesting watch then.
Just making sure that I'm not giving you a wrong impression here, it's still an action shounen at it's core:There is a timeskip into their teens. I don't know if there are going to be more.
I heard about this anime from a conversation here, a few weeks ago, and how it dealt with mental disorders, which apparently are kind of a taboo in Japan. Long story short, it piqued my interest. The show has a really eccentric artstyle, but it also relies heavily on rotoscoped and generally real life footage, it even tops Tatami Galaxy on that. These, along with the antithesis of the bright colours, create a peculiar atmosphere, which I see for the first time to that degree. And of course, the protagonist just adds to all of these, with both his behavior and his appearance.
Okay I really got to watch it now. Would you recommend a rewatch of Dead Aggressor? It must have been a decade since I've seen itFafner- Exodus 13-26
Snow White with the Red Hair S2 10
Can I have a Mitsuhide/Kiki series instead.
Oh man, then it's probably going to be expensive as hell for me to get them all at a little over 4K yen a pop (I'll try, though!). Do only BDs have the commentaries, or could I tell him to get the DVDs instead (if those exist) to save some money?
Also, do the discs come with any kind of subs (even if it's just Japanese)?
Sölf;198407342 said:Musaigen no Phantom World 09
Hm, meh. I don't know, episodes are okay and all, but the complete lack of an overall storyline is really turning me off by now. I haven't seen 10 yet, but I highly doubt anything will come into this.
The slick direction and action staging is the biggest strength of Ghost in the Shell: The New Movie. If you don't like that, you won't like the movie.
It's all about the mysterious device they found in episode two or three!
Sölf;198407342 said:Musaigen no Phantom World 09
Hm, meh. I don't know, episodes are okay and all, but the complete lack of an overall storyline is really turning me off by now. I haven't seen 10 yet, but I highly doubt anything will come into this.
Thats unfortunate. Id probably be more lenient on Arise if it was an original series, which it might as well be since it's so removed in tone and content from most of the GiTS franchise.
Well maybe Black Widow will reinvigorate GiTS.
gotta decide between boy and the beast or psychopass the movie tonight
hardest decision ever? possibly.
Do you have to pick one? I'd save the ticket money unless you're going with someone else.
gotta decide between boy and the beast or psychopass the movie tonight
hardest decision ever? possibly.
is beast bad?
The Psycho-Pass movie seems pretty solid though.
is beast bad?
watch 10 cloverfield lane. John Goodman is very moe in it.
Reactions to it have been mixed.
The Psycho-Pass movie seems pretty solid though.
I haven't watched it myself, but pretty much everyone who has says it is.
Well, without Mamoru Oshii on board Ghost in the Shell won't have the same tone as his films, and Kenji Kamiyama doesn't exactly do a great job of imitating Oshii. So I'm happy to treat the new movie as its own thing, and I feel it's fairly successful at what it sets out to do.
If you want a film that captures some of the atmosphere of Oshii's Ghost in the Shell, the most recent anime film like that I've seen is Kizumonogatari, funnily enough.
They do sometimes. Madoka Magica, Gurren Lagann and the Garden of Sinners have more affordable not-so-limited editions available at least.Does Aniplex ever do standard editions of their releases? I normally don't pay attention to then because of their fucking absurd pricing, but I really want to get Your Lie in April, but there's no way I can justify spending $130 for 11 epsidoes.
If you liked Psycho Pass S1 you'll probably like the movie. I did, at least.
Engrish is one if the best things anime has given us.
"Let's see your action that matches this deal"
It can be amusing in small doses, but when I have to sit through extended scenes of it, as in Perfect Insider, it's excruciatingly painful.
Okay I really got to watch it now. Would you recommend a rewatch of Dead Aggressor? It must have been a decade since I've seen it
Sölf;198417416 said:I actually really liked that scene. At least grammar and stuff was correct. I think I never really heard understandable and correct German. >_>
It can be amusing in small doses, but when I have to sit through extended scenes of it, as in Perfect Insider, it's excruciatingly painful.
Mob Psycho 100 is a webcomic in the sense that it's on the web, yes, but as part of Ura Sunday, i.e. a Shōgakukan site. It very much has a (big) publishing company.Well not sure how much publishers matter considering both are a webcomic by One.