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Winter Anime 2016 |OT2| Bellariology, Puellology and Simulacrumology

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Erased 11

Intro was really creepy. Poor hamsters. Specially the
whisper, which if you had headphones on would sound as if it was being said right in your ear.
Watching the whole episode was revolting, but in a good way because of how things went for Satoru, not because it sucked. This one was good. Idk what to expect for next week, hope it's not rushed to hell and back though.


There's not enough 26 episodes series anymore these days.

It's always 12 or 13 just to promote the original source material instead of making the adaptation good.

I don't entirely agree. Lots of amazing art has been made under extremely stringent restrictions.

In the distant passed when you regularly got 26 / 52 / 100+ episode shows you didn't necessarily get better anime just because they were longer. Instead you got plenty of content that was packed full of filler and fat that didn't improve the work.

Sure, these days we get some works that feel hobbled by their short runtime (Lesbian Bear Storm springs to mind) but just as frequently incredibly powerful, lean anime. Would Aku no Hana, Ping Pong, Mononoke or Concrete Revolutio get better for being longer?

Yes, I can why short series might be an issue if you see anime as primarily a medium designed to provide you with adaptations of manga. However, I feel that view is far too limiting. Anime needs to be judged by different standards than simply slavish adaptations.
House of Five Leaves 4

I really don't like the green that dominates the flashback scenes. I can understand the reasoning behind wanting to visually differentiate them in some way, but the green just looks ugly and as far as I can see there's no thematic reason for picking that color.

That said, I really like the tension that's developing between Masa and Ichi. Their relationship is developing into something pretty interesting. Masa seems to be an open book, but Ichi studiously hides his emotions and his past. He's a fascinating character to watch, especially with Sakurai's entrancing acting. I liked the reveal at the end of how his kidnapping business got started. As expected from Kotomi Deai, the storyboard this episode was quite good.


Eureka 7 AO 24

I can understand why fans piss off

Fans after finishing Eureka 7: "They going to be happy ever after right?"

But I dont mind for change of pace. Quite boring everything end in happy ending.

That being said the story quite mess here. Mostly regarding on "Who is the evil guy here?" Then there is time paradox stuff. Though generally I enjoy it just for sake of lol-ing at the story. The animation expected to be great. Music quite good thought not as memorable as Original one. It certainly much better than Captain Earth for sure.

Oh and I like Swordman Nirvash. Quite cool
I don't entirely agree. Lots of amazing art has been made under extremely stringent restrictions.

In the distant passed when you regularly got 26 / 52 / 100+ episode shows you didn't necessarily get better anime just because they were longer. Instead you got plenty of content that was packed full of filler and fat that didn't improve the work.

Sure, these days we get some works that feel hobbled by their short runtime (Lesbian Bear Storm springs to mind) but just as frequently incredibly powerful, lean anime. Would Aku no Hana, Ping Pong, Mononoke or Concrete Revolutio get better for being longer?

Yes, I can why short series might be an issue if you see anime as primarily a medium designed to provide you with adaptations of manga. However, I feel that view is far too limiting. Anime needs to be judged by different standards than simply slavish adaptations.

I think having the option for a longer show, in order to have a vaster scope and to explore various themes is a good thing. I think the a lot of shows feel crushed into the 12/13 episode space, whereas in the past they would've gotten at least some ability to breate. Impactful events like a character death or conclusion of a major battle do well with an episode to let the impact sink in, both for the viewer's sake and for the characters. Likewise, I don't think the slow build-up that a great show like Shiki used would've worked as when you only have 11 episodes this is very difficult to do properly. Slowly introducing the characters, getting you to understand them and their space in society and working through the events that happen to them takes time. Furthermore I find that longer shows allow for missteps to be a lot better hidden and gives the work a lot more chances to give the audience that WOW moment. I can't think of a single show which is perfect so being able to say yea episode 19 isn't great is a lot less impactful the longer the show is. For example I found Monster to have several epsidoes which didn't jive with me, but due to the 70+ episode count those paled in comparison to the awe-inspiring parts.
Eureka 7 AO 24

I can understand why fans piss off

Fans after finishing Eureka 7: "They going to be happy ever after right?"

But I dont mind for change of pace. Quite boring everything end in happy ending.

That being said the story quite mess here. Mostly regarding on "Who is the evil guy here?" Then there is time paradox stuff. Though generally I enjoy it just for sake of lol-ing at the story. The animation expected to be great. Music quite good thought not as memorable as Original one. It certainly much better than Captain Earth for sure.

Oh and I like Swordman Nirvash. Quite cool

People were pissed off for a lot of other reasons than just the ending.
A story should be as long as it needs to be, no more and no less. Practical considerations mean that's not always possible, but it's thw ideal at least. You can tell a great story in a small period of time, or a bad story in a long period of time. There is no correlation between length and quality.


Erased 11

Loved this episode. Felt like the first 4-5, where this show was at its best. I don't think it fell from grace to the point people here think, though, even if I didn't like last week's episode much.

A couple of highlights:

-Young Satoru in the mind of old Satoru when he lost his memories. Very nice detail and twist.

-Satoru's mom being the best

-Old Satoru reading the manga and knowing some kanji he didn't know before. "How do I know this?". Such a random moment, but I thought it was really nice. It shows japanese people have just as much problem reading stuff as foreigners trying to learn the language, since the problem sometimes isn't knowing the word, but being able to read it in the first place.


Green Green ep.7-9
First of all, fuck you to whoever told me to watch this (I don't think it was someone here <maybe>) Regardless, if your into animated nipples and ridiculous pervy antics, this is your show. Seriously though, was that bear really just raping the far pervy guy in the woods? Oh wait, three monkeys are now stripping one of the girls, seriously, WTF. I can't burn this shit fast enough. 4 episodes left, please be halfway normal. This is not the fun harem antics I asked for....


I definitely loved the whole "Young Satoru in Older Satoru's body" thing, it was a nice twist, and I would have loved to be able to see it play out longer.

Seeing the actual kid trying to understand what happened to him and why he knows so much stuff he shouldn't would have been pretty cool, but oh well, episode limitations!


Green Green ep.7-9
First of all, fuck you to whoever told me to watch this (I don't think it was someone here <maybe>) Regardless, if your into animated nipples and ridiculous pervy antics, this is your show. Seriously though, was that bear really just raping the far pervy guy in the woods? Oh wait, three monkeys are now stripping one of the girls, seriously, WTF. I can't burn this shit fast enough. 4 episodes left, please be halfway normal. This is not the fun harem antics I asked for....

Why would you watch something you clearly don't like all the way to the end?
Hunter X Hunter (1999) 45

I still don't like Nen, and people sitting around calculating strength percentages is really not what I want to watch, but this episode was so incredibly well-directed that that was bearable. Kurapika is embracing the darkness.


so I haven't checked it out myself but it's being said that on the anncast where ann of pied piper (who is running the skip beat kickstarter) that Kaiji is on her radar, thus while nothing is set in stone if skip beat is successful that could be the next rescue.

also skip beat is doing better on kickstarter already 10k above where indiegogo left off.


Green Green ep.7-9
First of all, fuck you to whoever told me to watch this (I don't think it was someone here <maybe>) Regardless, if your into animated nipples and ridiculous pervy antics, this is your show. Seriously though, was that bear really just raping the far pervy guy in the woods? Oh wait, three monkeys are now stripping one of the girls, seriously, WTF. I can't burn this shit fast enough. 4 episodes left, please be halfway normal. This is not the fun harem antics I asked for....

Oh god, you really continue this. Haha, be brave. I actually think the 3 dudes are the one redeeming factor of the show.

If you want some fun harem stuff, try out Amaenaideyo!! It has two seasons and might be more to your liking.


Sword Art Online

Dropping it at the start of the fairy storyline. It had disappointed me in the most recent episodes with the protagonist and other characters literally trying to win a woman in a contest, the freaking out over possible sex and thereby completely planting itself in the stupid fake relationship portrayal anime seems to love, just when the build-up seemed to imply they'd actually have a mature, realistic portrayal.

Now this second arc starts up and what do they decide to do? Arranged marriage and my-little-sister-can't-possibly-be-trying-to-jump-my-bones. Arranged marriage storylines. I can't think of a single story arc that kills my interest more stone dead than those fake melodrama PoS.

Maybe I'll jump ahead to S2 for the guns. Everyone looked so stupid in the new opening credits with the elf ears.


Sword Art Online

Dropping it at the start of the fairy storyline. It had disappointed me in the most recent episodes with the protagonist and other characters literally trying to win a woman in a contest, the freaking out over possible sex and thereby completely planting itself in the stupid fake relationship portrayal anime seems to love, just when the build-up seemed to imply they'd actually have a mature, realistic portrayal.

Now this second arc starts up and what do they decide to do? Arranged marriage and my-little-sister-can't-possibly-be-trying-to-jump-my-bones. Arranged marriage storylines. I can't think of a single story arc that kills my interest more stone dead than those fake melodrama PoS.

Maybe I'll jump ahead to S2 for the guns. Everyone looked so stupid in the new opening credits with the elf ears.
You made the right choice.
S2 is worse


Erased - 11

I loved this week's episode for the most part with the OP
making me think Satoru might actually be dead.
The fact that we've now switched from
young Satoru in mind but with adult Satoru in the real world
was a nice touch and felt the episode tried to avoid going in the predictable direction was fantastic
with Kayo getting hitched to Hiromi instead of being forever pure waifu for Satoru, truth be told I would have pegged her to be closer to Kenya ha.
And the introduction to both of the latter two was great and now makes me wish we had seen
Kenya and Satoru hanging out together in the present prior to this or prehaps this is one of the effects of the alternate timeline.
Satoru's mum continues to be best mum.

If I didn't know better, I would have thought next week's episode could have tied everything up neatly
and I expect Satoru has regained the use of his legs.
Now with everyone saying it's going to feel rushed has me interested in seeing where the manga goes from here.

I hope Airi hasn't been... Erased :(

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
It's Satoru's own fault, his focus was on saving Kayo and others in a roundabout ways. Instead of going to the root and trying to figure out who the killer is.

He made a sacrifice and loses out on time he has already lived in the original timeline. And instead of his friends deaths being covered up by the parents. They're able to live full lives.
I don't understand why he never seemed to seriously consider the danger to himself. Dude spent way too much time flirting with a 10 year old over actually worrying about the fucking murderer.


Funi is doing a Hosoda Collection. First one will be The Girl Who Leapt Through Time.
In celebrating the 10th anniversary of the film, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time &#8211; The Hosoda Collection edition features an exclusve 52-page book with artwork, sketches, and a full-length interview of director Mamoru Hosoda plus producers Takashi Watanabe and Yuichiro Saito. Ever wanted to know how the film was concepted, what bits were added or cut, or how the film&#8217;s visual style was determined? This book is your behind-the-scenes look into the creative process involved in making a full-length anime film, as well as to peek into mind of a world-famous director. In addition to the book, this edition features a handsome clear slipcover with a premium design
This release of The Girl Who Leapt Through Time is the first in our new Hosoda Collection, a premier line dedicated to the works of Mamoru Hosoda, celebrating his films and revealing how each one has affected the trajectory of his award-winning career. Featuring everything from stunning extras to exclusive interviews with the director himself, the Hosoda Collection brings fans of animation and film the rare opportunity to follow a director&#8217;s career as it unfolds before them. Future releases in The Hosoda Collection will include Summer Wars, Wolf Children, and The Boy and the Beast.

There is also a standard release


Erased - 11
Really liked this, aside from a few clunky parts ("I'm talking about you, Satoru." Satoru crying buckets of water, the "I have my memories back!" at the end). It went in a much different direction than I expected, and I think it played out well (So far). Seeing Satoru in the hospital struggling to regain his strength, seeing an older version of everyone, and the scene with the teacher at the end was surprisingly tense too.

Erased has had its ups and downs, but this left me eager for more.

EDIT: The hamster bit at the beginning was a bit silly, but it was basically meant to show this guy has been messed up for a while. He just went from enjoying killing animals/making them suffer to doing the same for humans.
Assassination Classroom Episode 33

Always ending at the best chapter, I need to see best problem solved.

Karma kneeing Terasaka after he made him blush was the best.

Grimgar Episode 6 (engdub)

I dont think the line of Ranta saying hes not here to play friends in the newest JPN episode makes sense in the context of him over the course of the whole anime. If he wasnt concerned with that why is he playing and teasing with everyone or wholly concerned with haruihiro's love life.

His line about flatchest felt so embarassing in english, lol, .


Epsiode 9B of Osomatsu-san hit me hard, I did not sign up on a comedy for feels : (

With this Jyushimatsu is without a doubt my fav brother, I'm really glad the AV stuff wasn't used to make fun of him, instead it showed up how much Osomatsu and the rest of the guys love him. You know shit hit the fan when the easy going / crazy / dummy character starts crying, that's one of my many weaknesses.

All I hope now is that Funimation doesn't screw me over again getting most of the shows I want to watch this season and if they do then at least expand outside US : (


The Cuck Without Me

I don't think I've ever seen meltdowns like this before over shipping in a currently airing show. The reactions have brought me more joy than the actual episode.

It's like reading all the reactions here, but that video, damn was that hilarious.

Some people do watch anime just to ship cute characters together.

I don't get it.

It's a fun part of anime and I'm guilty of it a well, but not with thus show and not to that level, lol.


Lupin the Third (2015) - END

It was very pretty and I'm glad none of the renaissance artists were born in the modern era. Overall a decent ending to the series but I feel that the finale has many of the problems the midseason finale had in which it tried to be more than it was but never went into top gear to manage that. The jumping between scenes, the almost non-existent tension, it just never felt like the world was indanger even though
all of Italy was effectively under Leonardo da Vinci's control. And for being the smartest man alive, it was a pretty careless mistake to just let Lupin ruin his whole plan.

As a series it was a fun ride with some great episodes (The End of Lupin III, Welcome to the Haunted Hotel) but overall not hitting the heights I was hoping for. The final scene however was perfect and a nice way to end the show.


Looks like the Spring shows I will be giving a chance are:

  • My Hero Academia
  • Mayoiga
  • Attack on Train (Kabaneri, I can't believe how blatant this is)
  • JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 4: Diamond Is Unbreakable


Green Green ep.7-9
First of all, fuck you to whoever told me to watch this (I don't think it was someone here <maybe>) Regardless, if your into animated nipples and ridiculous pervy antics, this is your show. Seriously though, was that bear really just raping the far pervy guy in the woods? Oh wait, three monkeys are now stripping one of the girls, seriously, WTF. I can't burn this shit fast enough. 4 episodes left, please be halfway normal. This is not the fun harem antics I asked for....
Should have picked Love Hina because it's the least raunchiest/perverted out of 4 that you asked.
Dubbed Live! Episode Ten-hen

In which we MUST go to the BEACH

Did Wake Up Girls have a beach episode? I mean, I remember the swimsuit episode at the beginning which was pretty much sex harass, butt I can't remember if it had a straight up vanilla beach fanservice arc. Now that I think about it, did Cindy Girls have one either? Maybe it's just a result of the girls all being from the same school for once. We did get one or two in K-On, after all.

Obi-Wan Nozomi reveals her true nature! She's pretty much just here to protect her moe harem, lol
Obi-Wan Nozomi said:
"I'm familiar with your type. EXTREMELY familiar."
( &#865;° &#860;&#662; &#865;°)

LOL they even brought over the gratuitous "khorosho" to the dub. Except in this context it sounds more like "Horror Show"

Also, the best impact sounds since Battlefront EA amirite
And all the dubbed idols snore like beasts.

Obi-Wan Nozomi said:
"I have watched over mu's from the very beginning. Don't tell anyone, okay?"
But wait, didn't you tell everyone like 2 episodes ago you were doing that very thing? WTF?


Eli's not just a gratuitous Russian, she's also a gratuitous Christian!
Active Raid Episode 11

The next episode preview, why did they put that message about the director, lol.

Great final five minutes
I love when my fav characters succeed, makes up for the Dog loss


Is anyone interested in more detailed impressions for Majestic Prince? If there is, I'll put in a bit more effort and write something up later.
Since I already read the manga, I just quickly skimmed through this week's episode of ERASED.

Everyone looks better in the anime. Except adult Hiromi lol I don't think I remember him being so DADBOD.

I do like the touch of kid voice in adult body, though.

also lol at that cuck video. When the heck did that word start gaining popular usage?? I just remember the rage around Star Wars TFA, when that one dude called BB-8 a little white cuck hahaha.

edit: ALSO WAIT WTF?!!! It's totally different from the manga??!! okay, I guess I have to finish this episode then

Airi with Yashiro in the photographer scene?!! I guess they speed up the ending way more, but that was such a good moment in the manga and totally fit Airi's character so well! What was once an awesome reunion scene is now just creepy as f now. UGHH

This is straight up wrong. I know they had to wrap it up in two episodes, but they ruined a LOT of how the ending went in the manga. Manga Spoilers
He isn't even supposed to see Yashiro again until their final confrontation, right?? There's a lot of build up to that scene and how everything goes down. Now it's totally different


Sure, why not? I'm curious whether Exodus or it is the superior Hiraiface/Orange show.

Based on your impressions on your Fafner journey, I'll say no, but I'll talk more about what I liked about the series and what I think it offers in the mecha genre later on. I do think it's interesting though, that actually watching stuff that's been available paints a very different picture of the mecha genre compared to what people think when criticizing it by sitting back and ignoring the newer mecha shows.
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