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Winter Anime 2016 |OT2| Bellariology, Puellology and Simulacrumology

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I thought Tatsuwa was the director of Zetsubou Sensei, yet this article claims it's Miyamoto? Not sure what to think... whichever one of them did the first two Zetsubou Sensei seasons is my favorite Shaft director, in the end.

OK, I looked up the Japanese credits. On Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei S1, Tatsuwa is credited as Assistant Director, doing a bunch of animation and a little storyboarding on the show. Miyamoto does a bunch of episode direction. On Zoku Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Tatsuwa is still credited as Assistant Director (副監督), while Miyamoto is credited as チーフ演出, which I think usually gets translated as Chief Episode Director. Tatsuwa does some storyboarding while Miyamoto does mostly episode direction; they are both listed as co-Opening Directors.

According to my understanding, 副監督 would rank higher than チーフ演出, hence the use of kantoku vs. enshutsu. Let me contact the writer of this article and see what he thinks.
I only saw the 3 minute clip Funi had on its Youtube page... I'm not sure I'm feeling it, and I'm a person that normally likes dubs.
I usually like dubs too but for some reason this one didn't click with me, saw the first episode. I just like how Hotaru sounds in Japanese and the English dub felt off.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Yeah, the show has been a ton of fun to watch every week. Sucks it's done until the fall/winter probably. They do have an OVA scheduled for summer at least.

I can't wait until Megumin's family appears on the show.

Mild Spoilers:
Megumin is actually the smart one in her family. Megumin, THE SMART ONE.
4 years ago when the Phantom Blood/Battle Tendency anime was announced I was like "Cool! Maybe we'll eventually get Diamond is Unbreakable" but I never thought we would actually fucking get Diamond is Unbreakable at that point. By the time that Stardust Crusaders was revealed to be a 50 episode thing I already felt confident they were going the whole way.

If this is Karmic trade-off for the new Berserk series being ass I will except it.
4 years ago when the Phantom Blood/Battle Tendency anime was announced I was like "Cool! Maybe we'll eventually get Diamond is Unbreakable" but I never thought we would actually fucking get Diamond is Unbreakable at that point. By the time that Stardust Crusaders was revealed to be a 50 episode thing I already felt confident they were going the whole way.

If this is Karmic trade-off for the new Berserk series being ass I will except it.

10 days man

I can't even comprehend it


Summer OT is mine
Wow. Sort of came out of nowhere. Does the series sell well in Japan?

Summer is for Erina-sama~
Erina is not going to bad next season but hopefully
makes an appearance.
Wow. Sort of came out of nowhere. Does the series sell well in Japan?
I think it sells moderately well, but they announced it at the end of the last season. 3rei actually takes a more serious tone compared to the earlier seasons so there should be less loli fanservice stuff.
Hunter X Hunter (1999) 56

Well, the animators certainly tried very hard in the Kurapika vs. Uvogin fight. It's too bad the whole thing was brought down by truly awful orchestral synth music. I wish the soundtrack would use real instruments instead of synth substitutes that are worse than Hitoshi Sakimoto uses.

Hakaba Kitaro 4

I was expecting this show to be more episodic, but instead it's had really tight continuity so far. This episode was far more plainly directed than the last three - no slick cuts or creative coloring - but it was still interesting. Helps that the character art and animation is pretty good.


Huge Nickleback Fan
Prince of Stride 12 (End)

That was cheesy as fuck, especially when You got to show me started playing. In a good way, was grinning the entire time.

I should probably watch Haikyuu.
Majin Bone – The best children’s card game anime I’ve ever watched

So, Majin Bone. A children’s anime based off a card game. When you hear those words, your mind probably immediately thinks: “What, you mean like Yu-Gi-Oh, Cardfight Vanguard, or something like that?” I take a look at the poster and clips of the show and I see CG dudes in armour duking it out with other CG dudes in armour. The plot description on MAL seems about as standard you’d expect. A small group of teenagers banding together against a dark force but maybe humanity was the bad ones all along? Been there, done that. So what does Majin Bone do differently that makes it different from all the other ones to make it worth a watch? In short: nearly everything.

Majin Bone has the best use of CG I’ve ever seen in an anime.

I normally don’t care for CG in the anime I watch. Not unless it’s really well done and blends well with the show. Fortunately, Majin Bone not only has good CG, but I feel like the show wouldn’t be the same without it.

Majin Bone’s fights mainly take place in a CG environment. Every time an enemy shows up the heroes warp themselves into a big blue dimension with giant blue obstacles. From that point, a big, fast-paced, well-choreographed fight scene breaks out. Right there a key major complaint I usually have with CG things in anime is alleviated. Many other shows with CG (particularly most modern mecha anime) have 3D objects on 2D backgrounds, and they almost always end up coming off as weightless, floating things that don’t blend in well with the show, which ends up coming off as jarring. Majin Bone’s approach is seamless and well-integrated, and works in regards to the show’s plot. They make it so that without the CG environment, the heroes can’t fight.

Speaking of the fight scenes, they’re fun. Like, really fun. There is just so much movement and energy to them and they all feel so fluid. The combat in the show basically emulates the kind of fast-paced hand-to-hand combat you mostly find in live-action tokusatsu shows like Kamen Rider. I don't know if motion-capture was used for the fight-scenes or not, but the choreography and camera-work made me feel like I was watching real people in those suits duking it out.

Majin Bone is 100% consistent with its writing.

I was honestly kind of stunned at this. Like, there was never an episode I could say is outright bad or “filler” (with the exception of one clip-show episode but even that one is still worth watching). Every episode provided significant details to the plot to move things along and always focused on giving the show’s characters meaningful development to keep me invested.

Most children’s anime I know of have a few episodes of plot at the beginning before going into “MOTW” or slice-of-life mode (usually both) for a while. While Majin Bone makes sure to have a fight in almost every episode, it never wastes time and it never gets to a point where it feels obligatory. New developments are constantly being made and the show makes sure to make them as engaging as possible.

The show never once falls into a lull, and that’s mostly helped by how good its characters are. Speaking of which:

Majin Bone’s characters are well-written and human.
So, Ryuujin Shougo. At first glance in the early episodes, he’s pretty normal for a shounen kids show protagonist. He’s got a female childhood friend, tough older sister, goes to high school, gets super confused when he gets his powers and gets attacked by aliens, etc. He’s your average anime teenage boy.

But as the show went on, I began to notice how seriously he began to take everything around him. As the enemy’s attacks grow more destructive and violent, it’s never forgotten and shoved off to the side. He sees what’s happening around him and how his life and family are in danger, and his actions show it as well. He starts to treasure every day of his life as if it could be his last, because it very well could be his last. It never gets to a point where he becomes super melodramatic about it either. This is something I’ve never seen a children’s anime with a toy/game tie-in do. They always seem to just shrug it off to the side as a mere annoyance. “Oh look, a new enemy. Business as usual I guess.” Majin Bone is set up with the fact that one big defeat would instantly lead to Earth’s destruction, and they take it very seriously, but not so much as to give the show a depressing atmosphere.

Also, don’t let that make you believe that the he and the other main characters always win. In fact, they actually end up losing quite a bit in this show and there are a lot of close calls! This in turn, makes their victories feel more worthwhile and not formulaic. Seeing each character grow stronger is an immensely satisfying experience because each power-up never feels undeserved or “out-of-nowhere”. You can tell when some are coming, and they all tie into each character’s strengths and their own internal struggles.

All the main characters are likeable in their own right and have a defined character. There’s nobody there to serve as a joke character. You've got Luke as the serious, but wise leader, Antonio as the playful jester, Tyrone is the gentle big-brother figure of the group, and Gilbert as the young but strong-willed soldier. Their backstories are not necessarily all that complex or deep, but they don’t need to be. Everyone’s personality plays off each other in a meaningful way that makes the comradery between them feel genuine.

But here I am, talking so much about the main characters when I should be focusing on the real stars of the show, the villains.

I don’t want to give too much away, but this show has probably one of the greyest moral areas in terms of conflict for a children’s show. The villains may seem like your standard dark, brooding, forces of evil from the beginning, but as the show goes on you start to see what they’re fighting for, and the conflict at hand becomes much larger than you’d initially imagine it to be. The key thing to realize is that the villains all feel human as well. More human than many other anime villains you’d get from many other shows aimed towards adults. They’re all people whose motives tie into the show’s central conflict and nothing about them feels forced. Nobody is a bad guy just for the sake of being the bad guy and the show goes to great lengths regarding this. It doesn’t do a half-hearted job and try and make the villains sympathetic at the last second, either.

I realize I'm gushing all over this and I may be sounding like a broken-record, but really, I couldn't find anything particularly negative about the show and I really can’t stress enough about how much this show should be watched. This is a show that I'd say is more adult than 90% of all "adult" anime made today. By the time I finished Majin Bone, I could barely believe just how perfect its ending was. Again, I don’t want to say much about it, and this may sound like a repeat of everything I've said above, but it’s one of the most genuinely human things I've ever seen come out of this medium.

There is nothing about the ending that's unsatisfying in any way. There’s no loose ends, no post-credits scene cliffhanger, no “go read-the-manga, LN, or play the card game” garbage. It’s just a message that’s good for both children and adults, which is something you don’t usually find in the average children’s toy/card game anime.

I've gone on about Majin Bone long enough, so go see it on Crunchyroll already. This is a show that deserves far more attention than it has.


relies on auto-aim
Haikyuu S2 24

Oh yeah I don't post here so I didn't shill Haikyuu.


Majin Bone – The best children’s card game anime I’ve ever watched

I realize I'm gushing all over this and I may be sounding like a broken-record, but really, I couldn't find anything particularly negative about the show and I really can’t stress enough about how much this show should be watched. This is a show that I'd say is more adult than 90% of all "adult" anime made today. By the time I finished Majin Bone, I could barely believe just how perfect its ending was. Again, I don’t want to say much about it, and this may sound like a repeat of everything I've said above, but it’s one of the most genuinely human things I've ever seen come out of this medium.

There is nothing about the ending that's unsatisfying in any way. There’s no loose ends, no post-credits scene cliffhanger, no “go read-the-manga, LN, or play the card game” garbage. It’s just a message that’s good for both children and adults, which is something you don’t usually find in the average children’s toy/card game anime.

I've gone on about Majin Bone long enough, so go see it on Crunchyroll already. This is a show that deserves far more attention than it has.
Have you watched Gundam Build Fighters and what do you think of it?


Unconfirmed Member
Heroman 1

Well got the Stan Lee cameo out of the way? Might as stop now...

Show really nails that optimistic Saturday morning cartoon vibe like the anime Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot. Props for actually designing some pretty unique characters and love the simple but expressive design of Heroman. And its BONES so it looks damn good.

Holy that comic book ED though.

Whoa whoa whoa, did I just hear...Heroman? As in another person in AnimeGAF has decided to watch Heroman?


Awwwwwwww yeah. Freaking love Heroman! Such a fun little series that ended too soon. I'm baffled that it hasn't aired on Toonami in some capacity yet.


new week and a new reminder.

if you know anyone who likes romantic comedies with a focus on comedy (and a bit of drama) please spread the word about the Skip Beat Kickstarter Campaign.

I'm trying not to pester people to much but I am hoping some new eyes will see this and spread the word to help raise awareness and more funds so that we might hit the blu ray stretch goal.

As it stands there is a good shot the project will fund, but it likely won't go much beyond that 155k goal and 185k is needed for blu ray.

While nothing is confirmed for pied piper's next project, if this project is a success (aka gets funded) there should be another licence rescue in the works, and it's been mentioned that Ann has her eye on Kaiji (if that one is more to your liking). I'm just all for more anime releases in NA at reasonable prices thus regardless of the show I would likely support this (though if it was a show I didn't care about I would likely just do the $60 instead of the $150 I pledge but still :p)

Again, not asking you to back if you aren't interested, just hoping if you know someone who might be interested you will pass it on, or tell people at your anime clubs if you have one.

Director: Hiro Kaburaki (My Little Monster, Hozuki)
Series Composition: Taku Kishimoto (Haikyu, Erased)
Character Design: Tomohiro Kishi (My Little Monster)
Music: Shogo Kaida (SA)
Animation Production: Shuka

Kishimoto's first original anime project!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shuka = place of miracles?!

Shuka did pretty crap animation in Durarara s2/3/4, let's hope they can do better this time.


Freaking love Heroman! Such a fun little series that ended too soon. I'm baffled that it hasn't aired on Toonami in some capacity yet.

I still remember the teaser at the end of the show hinting at a Season 2 lol.

I get why it wouldn't air on Toonami (it's not really a popular show or an engaging one, even though it had the potential to be) but it is a little surprising that it was never licensed on Disney XD or some other kid network. It seemed like it could've fit there even if it wasn't all that great. I guess it just another behined the scenes stuff that made it a mess.

Man, Heroman ... what it could've been.

That looks really interesting. The setting and premise is attractive, as are the visuals of the PV, and Kaburaki is a good director. I'm down.

Shuka did pretty crap animation in Durarara s2/3/4, let's hope they can do better this time.

Blame slave drivers Aniplex.


OK, I looked up the Japanese credits. On Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei S1, Tatsuwa is credited as Assistant Director, doing a bunch of animation and a little storyboarding on the show. Miyamoto does a bunch of episode direction. On Zoku Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei, Tatsuwa is still credited as Assistant Director (副監督), while Miyamoto is credited as チーフ演出, which I think usually gets translated as Chief Episode Director. Tatsuwa does some storyboarding while Miyamoto does mostly episode direction; they are both listed as co-Opening Directors.

According to my understanding, 副監督 would rank higher than チーフ演出, hence the use of kantoku vs. enshutsu. Let me contact the writer of this article and see what he thinks.

Interesting. From this it sounds like they could both be pretty responsible for how it turned out. I'll be interested in what the writer of the article has to say about this!
Interesting. From this it sounds like they could both be pretty responsible for how it turned out. I'll be interested in what the writer of the article has to say about this!

On Twitter he said that he figured Miyamoto was more important based on the style of Miyamoto's other shows being closer to SZS than the style of Tatsuwa's other shows. But we both agreed that Shaft is such an opaque studio it's hard to really know what's going on in there.


Huge Nickleback Fan
Durararax2 latest episode
Mikado VA really nail his creepiness/desperation. I see they're going to end this just like the 1st arc. A dollars gathering and at the same time, end it by making it looks like they responsible for a yakuza house. There's a multiple thread going on, and it all going to end in the final episode. FINALLY!


I actually can't watch FLCL with the Japanese voices. The English ones just ARE that show for me. They just...fit.
Completely agree it's one of the best translations and dubs ive ever heard. Didn't Gainax themselves help oversee some of the translation to help fit some jokes?
Yeah, Mr. Tsurumaki (not "Sudamaki-san") himself did.

It is a nice opportunity to point-out that GAiNAX, probably as a remnant of their bigger international projection days during the GENERAL PRODUCTS 'American branch' era, had in the figure of former AnimEigo's Tokyo office employee Michael House an in-house translator during great part of the 90s until the early-00s. He not only made the first script translations for English subtitles on the Japanese domestic digital-disc releases of FLCL, but also handled a lot of content translation for both products and the English version of their own website too (anything related to the studio's news, staff columns, game division products and more... except the diaries of Mr. Takeda & Co.)!

All this greatly appreciated by the foreign fandom, something I remember fondly from my beginning steps onto it. :'-)
Haikyuu - 09

I mean it's fairly good but I'm hoping the team setup is done now or soon and we get some sick matches. There's just so much anime-typical melodrama. Not every character needs to have a tearful outburst.

And if you want to have all that anyways, the direction needs to make it digestible for me somehow (like in Chihayafuru), which it isn't achieving here. I actually cringed a bit twice this episode.
Haikbyuu - 09

I mean it's fairly good but I'm hoping the team setup is done now or soon and we get some sick matches. There's just so much anime-typical melodrama. Not every character needs to have a tearful outburst.

And if you want to have all that anyways, the direction needs to make it digestible for me somehow (like in Chihayafuru), which it isn't achieving here. I actually cringed a bit twice this episode.

Haikyuu is a better show than Chihayafuru on the whole, and while hot-blooded I don't consider it to be unduly melodramatic. If heavy emotion bothers you, you may not end up liking the show. At any rate, the second half of the season is all about tournament matches. (The second season follows a similar pattern of having the first half be character development and working to get better as a team, while the second half is putting that into practice in serious competition.)
Heroman 1

Well got the Stan Lee cameo out of the way? Might as stop now...

Show really nails that optimistic Saturday morning cartoon vibe like the anime Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot. Props for actually designing some pretty unique characters and love the simple but expressive design of Heroman. And its BONES so it looks damn good.

Holy that comic book ED though.

Heroman was so good 1st half especially and the manga is decent too.

Just T

Shirayuki-hime: 23

Funny episode with Mitsuhide, especially Kiki's reaction. And Shirayuki moving on up.

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: 7

Man what Dio did with that mother and child was tragic.
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