Funi got My Hero Academia.
I am guessing Funimation picked up My Hero Academia.
Funimation has secured the exclusive international rights to home entertainment, video on demand, merchandise, and broadcast distribution of the series as part of its agreement with Toho Co. Ltd. Episode 1 of the series will premiere in April on Funimation's streaming service, FunimationNow, in the U.S., Canada, UK, and Ireland.
Not really? You have stuff like One Piece and Assassination Classroom with Funi.
nah, that has viz media written all over it. and given it's a shonen jump series I would figure viz has first dibs on it.
yep. ripboo funi picking up anything i want to watch, no matter how obvious it is
I guess FUnimation shelled out more money.
i hope it's a goddamn dragon ball super simulcast announcement i'm sick of this shit ):< ):< ):<
we are still about 60 weeks or so out from an expected dragon ball super announcement.
on the plus side we are only 6 months out from an expected dragon ball kai season 2 announcement.
edit: and while typing that I was proven completely wrong
new thought, it's because it's a bones show. Funimation loves picking up bones shows![]()
Lain Finished
Right off the bat I think Admiral Wolfington mentioned that some of the main themes or messages of Lain are somewhat dated. Itd tend to agree in one sense and disagree on another. The show is somewhat stuck in its time of portraying the internet as a scary place, which while definitely not an untrue prediction in many ways, it does seem somewhat muted in todays society which uses the internet as a crutch. Though the show was pretty accurate with some its theories, that a global information network without borders would do as much harm as good and that in the future those who could manipulate information would be psuedo-Gods.
Ill say a lot of this is my interpretation and is not necessarily right, wrong or anything in-between. (And well im not gonna try and explain everything anyway because id be here all night if I did).
While there is a plot there's not really much to spoil. It mainly serves to act as a vessel for the show's themes. And I Iove how the show manages to unpack them through imagery rather than long-winded arguments. Little innocuous things that I didn't notice at first become a lot more significant as the show progresses. Like the passing red and light lights signifying the two worlds passing each other, ditto for the contrasting use of shadows and light. The final reveal of Lain's bear pajamas being a protective veil to hide her true self rather than the sign of immaturity I first thought it was. In fact all the motifs they use are fantastically eerie and oppressive like the wires that encoil Lain, the reflection of the screen in her eyes or the staticy effect that accompanies the Wired domain.
The general atmosphere of the show is superb. Even though there is a lot of suggestive and at times grotesque imagery, I think one of the biggest success the show has is turning the mundane into terrifying situations. Even a small scenes like Lain with her parents are heightened by incredible audio direction, never has the low hum of a fridge been so scary combined with her parents glossed over expressions just really great stuff.
The themes of the show are almost too much to get through. Existentialism, nihilism, self-identity, fear of technology, religion, communication and what is reality. So ill choose the one I found the most interesting and that was the notion of people as machines(or the soul as upgradeable software while the body is disposable or fallible hardware." From my perspective people are largely programmed to conform to their own sets of ideals based on their personal history, social standings, economic position etc. So in a way people, like software are predictable when you understand them. So when the show talks about breaking down the barrier between the Wired and reality in order to achieve a new form of human evolution its the limitations of our bodies that stop us from being "upgraded" (which is why Lain and several other characters dispose of their own bodies.) I think that's a really interesting concept, that the human body is an "out-dated" model that cannot keep up with the rate of technological advancement. I could go on about the theory of a collective wireless consciousness too, but fuck it that's enough.
So yeah if that massive wall of text told you anything its that I really liked this show a lot. And thats only really scratching the surface of what the show has to offer.
Exclusive Funimation sneak preview of My Hero Academia ep1
Lain Finished
Right off the bat I think Admiral Wolfington mentioned that some of the main themes or messages of Lain are somewhat dated. Itd tend to agree in one sense and disagree on another. The show is somewhat stuck in its time of portraying the internet as a scary place, which while definitely not an untrue prediction in many ways, it does seem somewhat muted in todays society which uses the internet as a crutch. Though the show was pretty accurate with some its theories, that a global information network without borders would do as much harm as good and that in the future those who could manipulate information would be psuedo-Gods.
Ill say a lot of this is my interpretation and is not necessarily right, wrong or anything in-between. (And well im not gonna try and explain everything anyway because id be here all night if I did).
While there is a plot there's not really much to spoil. It mainly serves to act as a vessel for the show's themes. And I Iove how the show manages to unpack them through imagery rather than long-winded arguments. Little innocuous things that I didn't notice at first become a lot more significant as the show progresses. Like the passing red and light lights signifying the two worlds passing each other, ditto for the contrasting use of shadows and light. The final reveal of Lain's bear pajamas being a protective veil to hide her true self rather than the sign of immaturity I first thought it was. In fact all the motifs they use are fantastically eerie and oppressive like the wires that encoil Lain, the reflection of the screen in her eyes or the staticy effect that accompanies the Wired domain.
The general atmosphere of the show is superb. Even though there is a lot of suggestive and at times grotesque imagery, I think one of the biggest success the show has is turning the mundane into terrifying situations. Even a small scenes like Lain with her parents are heightened by incredible audio direction, never has the low hum of a fridge been so scary combined with her parents glossed over expressions just really great stuff.
The themes of the show are almost too much to get through. Existentialism, nihilism, self-identity, fear of technology, religion, communication and what is reality. So ill choose the one I found the most interesting and that was the notion of people as machines(or the soul as upgradeable software while the body is disposable or fallible hardware." From my perspective people are largely programmed to conform to their own sets of ideals based on their personal history, social standings, economic position etc. So in a way people, like software are predictable when you understand them. So when the show talks about breaking down the barrier between the Wired and reality in order to achieve a new form of human evolution its the limitations of our bodies that stop us from being "upgraded" (which is why Lain and several other characters dispose of their own bodies.) I think that's a really interesting concept, that the human body is an "out-dated" model that cannot keep up with the rate of technological advancement. I could go on about the theory of a collective wireless consciousness too, but fuck it that's enough.
So yeah if that massive wall of text told you anything its that I really liked this show a lot. And thats only really scratching the surface of what the show has to offer.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like simulcast only on their site and not Toonami airing.
OPM and Soma got dubbed already?
yeah, Netflix.I was gonna ask why Your Lie in April was trending on Twitter, but some quick Google-fu showed me that it is now available on Netflix. I'm assuming that's why.
Was hoping Funi would get MHA. Was tired of all my favorite anime lately not getting dubs or shit ones like One Punch Man and Soma. Wouldn't be surprised if this is on Toonami in a couple months either.
viz is 100% going to dub One Punch Man though.
Glad you enjoyed it. I did too but I'll still say that watching the show today felt a bit like a slow chug when so much of the show is spent on showing the internet, its dangers and its magic.
Glad you liked it. I rarely really critically think about what I'm watching - Few shows are so dense - And Lain is one of those shows that snapped me to attention. Some of the ideas it brings up are outdated, comically so in retrospect, but Lain takes itself seriously and handles itself very well so this concern is easy to dismiss. Lain is almost entirely a 'show, don't tell' show, and I like it for that. I remember thinking some elements of the execution are clunky, but I was still compelled from almost beginning to end. Some of the recurring imagery really stuck with me. You mentioned the shadowing - For me, it's the clusters of (richly-detailed) electrical and telephone wires and the low hum of their operation (and yes, the shadows thereof when Lain heads out to school). I don't think I ever fully processed Lain, but I remember that the end lost me. Apparently more of the story is in supplementary material, which we gaijin of course don't have.
Ok, with a revised strategy, can you guys help me answer the below questions for some of the upcoming shows that will be really popular:
- What kind of show it is
- Why you should watch it
Upcoming Shows:
- Gyakuten Saiban: Sono "Shinjitsu", Igi Ari! (Ace Attorney)
- Joker Game
For Phoenix Wright, I guess you could call it a dramatic comedy. I'm watching it because I'm a big fan of the games.
I actually don't know much about Joker Game other than that it's some sort of spy thriller, which sounds good by itself. I'm watching it because people whose opinions I trust in this thread are saying it has the potential to be good.
Also, where's Jojo's?
Well one idea I had for the next season OP would be a highlights of the previous season section where we list maybe four-five shows that we thought would be good for a late comer to catchup on. At the beginning of the season it's pretty much blind luck picking one shows to watch since all one has is synopsises. At least by the end of the season we actually have something to say about the shows.
We often have people come is asking what shows of the previous season were worth watching so it could be a good idea to include something about that in the OP.
Ok, with a revised strategy, can you guys help me answer the below questions for some of the upcoming shows that will be really popular:
- What kind of show it is
- Why you should watch it
Upcoming Shows:
- Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress (Attack on Titan
to Omotta?
- Hundred (
- Sousei no Onmyouji
I actually don't know much about Joker Game other than that it's some sort of spy thriller, which sounds good by itself. I'm watching it because people whose opinions I trust in this thread are saying it has the potential to be good.
This was a nice episode, minus Hanekawa.
I'm normally not a person that is heavily invested in Shounen all that often, so MPR can try and sell me MHA. I'll watch it anyway, it's just I don't get the hype, is all.
Kazuya Nomura is the biggest reason I'm looking forward to Joker Game. His Ghost in the Shell film was very well directed, and showed an excellent grasp on how to stage complicated action scenes, which seems like it'd come in handy on a spy thriller.
Yeah if I had to choose one or the other I'd go with kinos journey. I remember doing a watch bet with someone to watch these two shows and another, and kino was the one I really loved.I was gripped from start to finish but yeah I do get what you mean.
But then I remember being really afraid of the internet too in 1998. Good old dial-up and 5mb usage restrictions. You can download 5 pictures a day!! God how did we get by?
If you like that style of show but maybe slightly less intensive definitely try out Kino's Journey which is from the same director Ryuutarou Nakamura.
Similar exploration of philosophical themes and (like you mentioned) the director has a great sense for imagery and sound design.
I'm not as in love with MHA as some other people, so if someone wants to they can do the writeup for that.
What she said was nice though but it came at the cost of her having screen time, a cost too high.
What didn't you get? I thought the Mir and Festum stuff was a lot more straightforward in H&E compared to DA.
Mir was going through rebirth after the ending of DA, but got nuked by the Neo-UN. Because Soushi taught the Festum pain, it hurt too much and didn't want to be reborn. Instead, it creates a individualistic Festum, Kurusu Misao, to threaten the island into helping them pacify the world. Fights happen. Kurusu just wants to admire the sky and doesn't want to fight, but can't deny the hivemind. Some more fights. Soushi sends a message that the first natural-born child on their island should be able to communicate directly with the Festum. Various individual character subplots involving the 2nd Generation of pilots happening concurrently. Koyo comes back as a Fafner core and disappears. Final fight, child is able to communicate with the Festum to stop fighting, and Kazuki convinces Kurusu to tell the hivemind he doesn't want to fight either.
Then the Neo-UN show up to nuke the island and the massive gathering of Festum. Kurusu and some Festum sacrifice themselves to block the nuke. Cue some sky shots. Some understanding later, Kurusu dies and chooses to be reborn along with the Mir. Heals Kazuki's eyes and returns Soushi. Cue ending.