Admiral Woofington
Yeah, the concept looks like it has potential. Is the manga supposed to be good?
From what I hear, the manga is super sweet and cute and brings feels. So it might be the Anime Feels of Spring 2014.
Yeah, the concept looks like it has potential. Is the manga supposed to be good?
I'd want to know how they use 9/11 in an anime.Wake Up, Girls! 12 + Final Thoughts (Movie Included)
I know Yamakan has been known for his grandiose statements, and combining idols and the earthquake into a series isn't the first combination anybody would think of. I realized just how serious he was about this when the final WUG episode dropped a direct reference to 9/11. I was invested in the stories of these girls, and then I get that. Not out of nowhere, but it wasn't foreseen.
It's a unique idol series, and while it can't overtake the greats, I'll call it an admirable effort.
From what I hear, the manga is super sweet and cute. So it might be the Anime Feels of Spring 2014.
Kimi ni Todoke has cute faces and reaction shots. Off the top of my head in no particular order:
Kaichou Wa Maid Sama
Kare Kano*
Lovely Complex*
Tonari no Kaibutsu Kun
Sukitte Ii Na Yo
Aishiteruze Baby* **
Nodame Cantabile*
Toshokan Sensou+ movie*
Kokoro Connect* ***
Nazo No Kanojo X*
Acchi Kochi*
Dusk Maiden of Amnesia*
Karin (manga)*
* Highly recommended
** While romance is not main focus at first, it becomes very big later on and it ended up becoming one of the better romances I've seen in a story.
*** Kokoro Connect has a lot of drama but best girl wins, so it's forgivable.
For some reason I really feel like starting Oreimo as soon as possible. I guess I'll get to it this weekend along with Season 1 of JoJo to get ready for the WORLD
We can all agree that SamFlam belongs on The List in the best way, right?
No-Rin - 12
What's up with this week and Sailor Moon parodies?
In the end No-rin was pretty good. I wouldn't mind a second season if Kousaka hadn't jinxed it.
Kimi ni Todoke has cute faces and reaction shots. Off the top of my head in no particular order:
Kaichou Wa Maid Sama
Kare Kano*
Lovely Complex*
Tonari no Kaibutsu Kun
Sukitte Ii Na Yo
Aishiteruze Baby* **
Nodame Cantabile*
Toshokan Sensou+ movie*
Kokoro Connect* ***
Nazo No Kanojo X*
Acchi Kochi*
Dusk Maiden of Amnesia*
Karin (manga)*
* Highly recommended
** While romance is not main focus at first, it becomes very big later on and it ended up becoming one of the better romances I've seen in a story.
*** Kokoro Connect has a lot of drama but best girl wins, so it's forgivable.
I remember liking Tina.Ai Yori aoshi cause nobody besides Aoi has a legitimate chance to begin with.
Crystal is coming.
What's up with this week and Sailor Moon parodies?
I remember liking Tina.
All i thought when playing paper trail is how i could be like yomiko readman and that i can't help but expect paper dlc powers at some point ...So in Infamous Second Son there's a semi-DLC side mission called Paper Trails. In this you combine your computer skills and the game to solve a mystery. So far they've only released I believe 1 or 2 of the parts. But that's not why I mention it.
In this side mission, the main character involved is a japanese school girl, in a japanese school girl outfit, with a bunny mask made out of paper who travels around by transforming into origami doves and wants you to follow her. To notice her.
All she wants is for Delsin-senpai to notice her.
But Delsin-senpai is too busy to notice her.
Pretty Cure Splash Star: (END)
It's actually been kind of fun going through this series backwards. It's shown when plotlines have been recycled and ideas reused. But knowing all that, Splash Star feels... different.
Having two Precurewas definitely a different feel, and even though I know that the original does it, needing both together to transform is a good touch for drama purposes. What really stuck out for me, however, wasfor 48/49ths of the showI'd almost say that twists and turns were what made Splash Star good, but truthfully, it was just good, consistent quality that did that.Michiru and Kaoru. Having two characters around the same age as the Precure opposing them was genius. Unwillingness to attack them once they began to befriend them was great drama, and their sacrifice and subsequent revival near the end combined with their turn to aiding the Precure helped round out and complete the plot.
Frankly, I've been watching the Precure series since September of 2012. I'm burnt out of watching it as part of my backlog. So for now, I'm giving it a good long break, a season at least, before I pick back up where the series began.
Oh man I'd kill for paper DLC powers. But if there are six parts and it'll take 2 weeks, it'll be 2 months until then.
Because Hideyuki Kurata was too busy writing Samurai Flamenco. But now...a Read Or Die game should have been made.
Would have been so epic. Why in the hell has that not gotten a revival? It was one of the best things ever.
On an unrelated note, I took a picture of my rooms new Moe defense force
Kill la Kill 24 END
That was a pretty good end to a fairly average show. The action was never satisfying and Ryuko was a fairly bland protagonist, though I didn't hate her, but the sidecast kept the show enjoyable for the most part. My expectations were definitely too high for Trigger's first TV outing, though I doubt they would have met my lowest animation expectations. If they want to make the credit sequence from the final episode into a second season I would probably enjoy that more than this one, it would remove most of my problems with it. I also don't appreciate these ridiculous hintings that Ryuko x Mako could be a thing. Everyone knows that Mako x Gamagoori is OTP.
Also it turns out everyone was a barbie doll, a shocking twist that nobody saw coming.
Because Hideyuki Kurata was too busy writing Samurai Flamenco. But now...
Ryuko x Mako OTP! Deal with it.![]()
a Read Or Die game should have been made.
Would have been so epic. Why in the hell has that not gotten a revival? It was one of the best things ever.
On an unrelated note, I took a picture of my rooms new Moe defense force
Ryuko x Mako got more consummation than SAMFLAM, but we all know Mako x Gamagoori is a thing.Masayoshi x Gotoh
The real surprise is that both shows did not end witha character hooking up with an inanimate object. Just SamFlam.
Not really. 24 episode series have been around a long itme. I have two in my collection from early 2000s that I can think of right away. Stellvia and Kiddy Grade. I know this because companies used to package them weird. For 26 episode series there were usually 7 volume DVDs. For 24 episode ones there were 8!! So more volumes for less episodes. companies used to get away with so much stuff (and I was enabling them to cause I needed my fix)
Pretty dang impressive for a fan game. Looks a bit like Code of Princess.There was a pretty good arcade action game, fan made but still very fun and impressive.
Ele paper action
i spent 2 weeks playing the hell of this.
Ps: the real game is faster than in the video.
Pfffft! At least there's always Ryuko x Satsuki to fall back on. Though in a perfect world it would be Mako x Ryuko and Satsuki x Nonon.
Cursed outfits, butts and fetish-wear. And naked women.
1. No, Burton, I don't like Lesbincest, thank you very much.
2. Nonon has Cindy's voice from Arjuna. Even if she's a band geek I can never love her knowing that, nor wish her any sort of happiness.
Now if you'll excuse me, I will return to crying that Ryuuko x Senketsu sunk.
1.) Ryuko and Satsuki have that chemistry though! Come on!
2.) How dare you!
Lolololol RIP Senketsu
You're one of those people that would hate on Chambro aren't you...Lolololol RIP Senketsu
This upcoming season has a couple of shows that might end up winning my heart. Well, besides Jojo goodness. I feel like I'm the only one here who one of the most anticipated shows of the seasons is that 50 First Dates: The High School animu.
Crunchyroll finally changed their Lineup page to Spring.
Simulcast announcement season begins! Funi should be starting soon now that the opening shot has been fired.
Kimi ni Todoke has cute faces and reaction shots. Off the top of my head in no particular order:
Kaichou Wa Maid Sama
Kare Kano*
Lovely Complex*
Tonari no Kaibutsu Kun
Sukitte Ii Na Yo
Aishiteruze Baby* **
Nodame Cantabile*
Toshokan Sensou+ movie*
Kokoro Connect* ***
Nazo No Kanojo X*
Acchi Kochi*
Dusk Maiden of Amnesia*
Karin (manga)*
* Highly recommended
** While romance is not main focus at first, it becomes very big later on and it ended up becoming one of the better romances I've seen in a story.
*** Kokoro Connect has a lot of drama but best girl wins, so it's forgivable.
Silver Spoon S2 11
Amazing finale to an amazing season. We saw how far Hachiken has grown through 2 season and we still see that he has a ways to go but the ride will be worth it. Hope we get a season 3 next year.
lol, you didn't feel the need to include a caveat about Nazo no Kanojo X's, er, trademark fetish? =p
Not that I can argue with trying to get people to watch that series instead of scaring them off.
There was a pretty good arcade action game, fan made but still very fun and impressive.
Ele paper action
i spent 2 weeks playing the hell of this.
Ps: the real game is faster than in the video.
Yeah, there's always been weird episode counts, I've just been noticing tons of them on CR, as I'm actually watching more stuff now xD
Thanks buddy <3
We need a 'shows CR doesn't pickup' bingo game.
You're one of those people that would hate on Chambro aren't you...
Hyouka..uhm..Neptunia...Unbreakable machine dolls..
I think my biggest complaint about the KLK finale is despite all the insert songs, Sanbika did not play once.
Morgan + octavia is the best combo indeed , they aren't best characters but they are the best when together.Tears to Tiara 24-26 + Final Thoughts
These completionist tendencies can overtake my backlog at times, but I find that there's always more out there that I didn't know of. T3 was overall above average, solid, with nothing out of place. It's not going to be standout, but as far as takes on the legends of King Arthur go, this one was entertaining. The choice of protagonist was actually one of the more interesting twists. Riannon spent the entire series worshipping the Morning Star, Lucifer, Arawann, and, in Christian texts, Satan. This was a series about Satan falling from heaven, and that being a good thing for the world.
That's not something that I haven't seen very often in Western literature (though a few examples come to mind), and that concept rises it up a few notches for me. I stand by my statement of Morgan and Octavia being the best. Sisters for life, and enough to tick my yuri goggles, though not very much. Arthur did come across as a little too headstrong at the start, but the story was about his maturation to earn the title of King, so I can accept it. It felt like Llyr never did a whole lot during the story, but the rest of the cast all felt used, even if there were some odd twists likeNothing that destroys the core of the series, it was hardly bad.Taliesin being saved by the dragons.
Solid, enjoyable, and it has some concepts behind it that I can say "That was a neat idea." Which I say about most anime, but that's why I'm posting in this thread in the first place.
The backlog continues.
I meant of the new season.
Though I guess there are some obvious titles Funimation will probably pick up.
This is definitely one of the few songs I really liked from the soundtrack.I think my biggest complaint about the KLK finale is despite all the insert songs, Sanbika did not play once.
Armored Trooper VOTOMS 13
We just had a finale that leveled a goddamn city.
And I'm not even half way through the show yet!
First OVA takes place between this arc and the next if you're curious. It's friggin' awesome but not so sure it'd fit well in a fresh tv viewing.
Btoom End
This anime was pretty great, the thing that I liked was the way it conveyed that you can't trust nobody even if they look innocent. The concept of people stranded in the middle of nowhere playing a game with bombs that are deadly makes the story intense and it did have few good character development in it. Ryouta and Himiko the main characters were great with Himiko's character developing and especially Ryouta who was actually a great MC who wasn't shitty unlike a few I can name (Kirito SAO). The romance was also good as it wasn't forced with Ryouta and Himiko and I also have to shout for Ryouta again as this dude is really great especially at the end when very few men can resist that kind of temptation, he has a strong will. The only problem I had was the cliffhanger at the end especially when it was leaving off some loose ends, I hope for a second season and know it won't suck like SAO but it'll probably won't happen which kills me damn it.
Wasn't this the anime with the girl who bounced grenades with her tits?