If you guys have good detective recommendations that don't require me to watch 1000 episodes like a certain anime, be my guest I love detective stories.
There's no such thing! It's all about loli sherlock holmes and you know it.
If you guys have good detective recommendations that don't require me to watch 1000 episodes like a certain anime, be my guest I love detective stories.
It's just that, once you think of it, you can never stop imagining how much better GOSICK would be if the main character was a triceratops.
Well I'm about to start GoSick. Looks like another detective anime with romance [?] so if it's anything like Un-GO with its sick soundtrack, count me in.
It's worth it for Victorique and Miyukichi mom.
Well I'm about to start GoSick. Looks like another detective anime with romance [?] so if it's anything like Un-GO with its sick soundtrack, count me in.
It has a gothic loli so it has a pretty good main character.
If you guys have good detective recommendations that don't require me to watch 1000 episodes like a certain anime, be my guest I love detective stories.
It absolutely does. 734 episodes have aired. Which is why I only recommend it to crazy people and mystery nuts. I don't actually expect anyone to pick it up, but it's fun to prod nonetheless.Like I said mature that's way past overwhelming. Doesn't it have like a crapload of episodes with no end in sight?
Buddy Complex is more than 13 episodes? If true best news this morning. We need coupling to go to the next level.
Romance is kicking in, do you not watch the scenes with Dio and Aoba, and Dio defending Aoba at all costs and helping him out?
It absolutely does. 734 episodes have aired. Which is why I only recommend it to crazy people and mystery nuts. I don't actually expect anyone to pick it up, but it's fun to prod nonetheless.
Well I'm about to start GoSick. Looks like another detective anime with romance [?] so if it's anything like Un-GO with its sick soundtrack, count me in.
It absolutely does. 734 episodes have aired. Which is why I only recommend it to crazy people and mystery nuts. I don't actually expect anyone to pick it up, but it's fun to prod nonetheless.
Theirs definitely no romance between Aoba and Dio trust me their just friends, Hina and Aoba on the other hand is a different story.
Aoba/Dio makes more sense than Aoba/Hina though. He meet her like what, 2 times? Meanwhile he has been coupling with Dio basically every episode!!
Theirs definitely no romance between Aoba and Dio trust me their just friends, Hina and Aoba on the other hand is a different story.
I just saw a Ringabel clone
How anything could be bad with it is a mystery to me. Can somebody mention if it turns bad for a specific reason? Or simply it isn't an AnimeGAF favorite?
You've summoned KEY Public Relations Manager Pshyconinja with this comment
edit: man that was fast
When has there been any action on that hina front, Hina is too busy off finding herself and Aoba just is trying to solve the mystery behind the two Hinas. If he didnt have any affections for Dio then he would have left off to go find her and such, but he didnt so he is canonically attached to Dio. Their high empathier level suggests that they have transcended being friends are are deeply involved and interacting with each other on several levels.
It's cute enough. It doesn't really help that the series starts with a mystery of the sort that work with the kind of narrative sleight-of-hand you can do in a novel, but becomes immediately obvious in other mediums once you aren't relying entirely on the narration to visualize things. Some of the other arcs feel like they suffer the same issue to varying degrees, but given Tokyopop only got the first couple of novels out in English, I don't really have a point of comparison for those.
Really, though, the whole mystery aspect of the show never really delivers in the way it probably should. If you watch through the first arc and like the characters or setting, then fine, you'll probably enjoy the rest of the series - I managed to get through the whole thing anyway - but it's not something I'd necessarily look to if you are after an interesting detective procedural.
This would make an amazing tag
If you say that kind of thing then I guess you could ship Gon and Killua from Hunter X Hunter since their always involved together and interacting, but anyways Dio and Aoba don't make sense, they aren't compatible in a shipping together sense. So Hina all the way son.
I liked it. Or parts of it. I preferred After Story though.
Sakura Trick 12
Well that's a pretty good way to end the show. I was kind of expecting them to make out a little more though. Also, I remembered today why I always skipped the ending credits...I'm as hard as a rock right now and am frantically searching for doujins that don't exist ;-;
The manga does however indeed exist.
If you say that kind of thing then I guess you could ship Gon and Killua from Hunter X Hunter since their always involved together and interacting, but anyways Dio and Aoba don't make sense, they aren't compatible in a shipping together sense. So Hina all the way son.
I'm pretty sure I had something close to Raku's reaction whenhappened in the manga.the key breaking
It's not very far along though right for English? Manga is all the way into Volume 4 but the English version isn't even past the first half of season 1 ( in terms of the manga that was adapted to anime).
I bet you were one of these horrible people who shipped Mari and Gotou together in Samumenco!
I bet you were one of these horrible people who shipped Mari and Gotou together in Samumenco!
I bet you were one of these horrible people who shipped Mari and Gotou together in Samumenco!
It absolutely does. 734 episodes have aired. Which is why I only recommend it to crazy people and mystery nuts. I don't actually expect anyone to pick it up, but it's fun to prod nonetheless.
I need a season 3 of Spice and Wolf guys...
Awwwww maaaaaaaaaan, Mikakunin was soooooo good! What a heartwarming show and finale, everything was just so adorable. Kobeni was kind of an idiot, but I can forgive her because she's so cute!
I wasn't even mad at the lack of Benio, that's how great this ending was, although that Benio gif moment will be forever in my mind. What a great anime, adorable characters, beautiful art and fantastic animation.
I still can't decide between this and Sakura Trick, but one of those two is definitely my anime of the season.
It's one of those animes you watch with a dumb smile on your face the whole time
Fly, little witch~
Now, when can I get my hands on that onsen OVA?
Yup. Show of the season. Out of nowhere.
I shipped the yaoi pairing in Samumenco, yet I sail the Hina ship in this.
I hate Mari. Worst fucking character ever.