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Winter-Spring 2014 Anime |OT3| People incapable of guilt usually do have a good time

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damn son hamatora is rad as fuck even if half the episode seems to take place in photoshop filters and google sketchup
That's not how I see it at all. Mustang in the original anime was a soldier doing his job who also struggled with his emotions and his responsibilities. We're not really talking about top notch character development here, given how it's a mainstream Saturday afternoon shounen action anime, but I found it compelling enough. Mustang in the manga and in Brotherhood is a little similar on the surface but most of the time is really just the typical responsible adult in a shounen story who is sometimes misunderstood by the main characters. The entire DON'T LOSE YOUR WAY stuff at the end of his character arc was pretty laughable.

I will concede that brotherhood kind of botches part of Mustangs arc at the end with the change to how he
gets his eyesight back
it largely plays out the same but
in the manga roy isn't planning to fix ishval until Marcoh offers to fix his eye sight where in brotherhood roy's already studying to do so
. Its a small change and while I think it's not as good for it I don't think it ruins the story unlike say in fma 03 where
mustang becomes the killer of winry's parents
just so he can fit the angst quota needed to be a main character in fma 03


How is the Macross even still operational? It was an old busted machine in the first Macross, and it's been sitting in the same spot, half submerged, for 30 years.

Oh well. The series wasn't that bad. It was better than OG Macross and Macross II, but it was nowhere near DYRL's level. That finale could've been great if Myung, Guld, and Isamu hadn't all been awful people for whom I felt nothing and if the crux of the entire thing hadn't depended on Isamu getting rewarded for being a lucky moron.


I will concede that brotherhood kind of botches part of Mustangs arc at the end with the change to how he
gets his eyesight back
it largely plays out the same but
in the manga roy isn't planning to fix ishval until Marcoh offers to fix his eye sight where in brotherhood roy's already studying to do so
. Its a small change and while I think it's not as good for it I don't think it ruins the story unlike say in fma 03 where
mustang becomes the killer of winry's parents
just so he can fit the angst quota needed to be a main character in fma 03

Sure, I think you can say that there was a lot of angsy 2edgy2cool stuff about the writing in the original anime. I don't think a lot of that was needed either. What I did like though, was how Mustang as a character acted in the position the story put him to be. He was a far more satisfying military character than he was in the manga. I'll take Mustang's fight with King Bradley and the closing moments he had in the original TV anime over all his involvement in the climax of the manga and Brotherhood any day. The explosions and flames in his fight with Envy in Brotherhood were REALLY good mind you, but it just didn't have the same emotional impact for me. It did improve the fight from the manga though!
From the New World 23


Sure, I think you can say that there was a lot of angsy 2edgy2cool stuff about the writing in the original anime. I don't think a lot of that was needed either. What I did like though, was how Mustang as a character acted in the position the story put him to be. He was a far more satisfying military character than he was in the manga. I'll take Mustang's fight with King Bradley and the closing moments he had in the original TV anime over all his involvement in the climax of the manga and Brotherhood any day. The explosions and flames in his fight with Envy in Brotherhood were REALLY good mind you, but it just didn't have the same emotional impact for me. It did improve the fight from the manga though!

I guess fma as a whole is so well written and emotional that however you first experience it 03 anime or manga/brotherhood has such a deep impact on you that any attempt to see it another way just doesn't work. Because I feel like completely the opposite on that feeling the envy fight was far more emotional and impactful then the bradley one in 03. It showed
weakness in a character and that for all his experience he could still give into wrath which is who fuher bradley was aka what Mustang wants. Mustangs goal from his first appearance is to become fuher, the fuher bradley is really wrath a deadly sin cast away by father, mustang gives into his wrath in his attempt to destroy envy. Its at that point he's closest to being the fuher/bradley and he realizes the monster he's become due to it, its subtle yes but I prefer that subtle style to fma 03s over the top in your face approach


Maybe, I dunno. I guess it's hard to say either way, since everyone experiences the story first one way or the other. The specifics of the narrative style in the original and in the manga/Brotherhood also differ in ways where a lot of better/worse arguments are really just down to taste. I think time also plays a part into it, given the years between the original and Brotherhood. I'll say that with regards to Brotherhood's pacing in particular I fully believe that having kept up with the manga over the years and being up to speed when Brotherhood started definitely affected my enjoyment of it. With the original anime, there wasn't much manga at all when it started, so I really didn't know what to expect.
From the New World 24
Now I am just upset what happened to
Maria and Mamoru
. I am still upset about
. They spend all this time talking about
Karmic Demons
but have done jack with it. Why talk about and expand upon
Karmic Demons if you're not gonna do anything with it. Also Maria's child not being an Ogre is a total cop out
. Why go into great detail about these two concepts and spend episodes discussing them if you don't do anything with it. It's like putting a gun prop on stage during a play and never using it.

The sense of tension is gone which is weird because I feel this episode was supposed to make you tense. The direction though has just screwed that up.

It has been a long time since I have seen an anime fumble this much with it's ending episodes.



I haven't seen Brotherhood, but I felt like the original was pretty awesome up until the twist turned things full BONES in the final few episodes, which soured my feelings on the series a lot more than it probably deserved.


Sailor Moon has completely eschewed purism until now. I'm entirely fine with not getting a fourth original take on the concept!

Heh, would you count the musicals as a take? I haven't seen them, but from what I understand they adapt certain storylines?
From the New World 24

Now I am just upset what happened to
Maria and Mamoru
. I am still upset about
. They spend all this time talking about
Karmic Demons
but have done jack with it. Why talk about and expand upon
Karmic Demons if you're not gonna do anything with it. Also Maria's child not being an Ogre is a total cop out
. Why go into great detail about these two concepts and spend episodes discussing them if you don't do anything with it. It's like putting a gun prop on stage during a play and never using it.

The sense of tension is gone which is weird because I feel this episode was supposed to make you tense. The direction though has just screwed that up.

It has been a long time since I have seen an anime fumble this much with it's ending episodes.

Shun was my favorite character. Him and the badass dog. But when they left, my soul went with them :'(


From the New World 24

Now I am just upset what happened to
Maria and Mamoru
. I am still upset about
. They spend all this time talking about
Karmic Demons
but have done jack with it. Why talk about and expand upon
Karmic Demons if you're not gonna do anything with it. Also Maria's child not being an Ogre is a total cop out

doesn't count?


Even if the truth is that
Maria's kid isn't actually an Ogre
, the concept is still being used pretty heavily through the whole back half of the show, setting the expectations that the characters have for what they're up against. If the concept wasn't introduced, elaborated on, and made frightening earlier, that part would seem incoherent and arbitrary.
doesn't count?

Of course
he counts
. But they expanded on and kept talking about
Karmic Demons
well after the

If your not going to do anything with it why continue expanding on it like your setting up to use it again later on.


Even if the truth is that
Maria's kid isn't actually an Ogre
, the concept is still being used pretty heavily through the whole back half of the show, setting the expectations that the characters have for what they're up against. If the concept wasn't introduced, elaborated on, and made frightening earlier, that part would seem incoherent and arbitrary.

The concept of the ogre and karmic demon is also a big part of why being a psychic is dangerous in the first place. It's not just that people will misuse the powers, but that they'll completely lose control of them. In that sense it ties into the society as a whole.


Of course
he counts
. But they expanded on and kept talking about
Karmic Demons
well after the

If your not going to do anything with it why continue expanding on it like your setting up to use it again later on.

I feel like you may have misunderstood what the point of the
karma demons
discussion was. It was an illustration of the kind of world the characters live in. The point is the impact it has on Saki's character and how she reacts to it.


Reading PshycoNinja's impressions are painful because I don't want to reply and make fun of him, but it becomes more and more obvious as he progresses through the show that he's the sort of audience cultivated by modern TV and mainstream entertainment, wanting to be spoon fed stuff and actually desiring narratives which are formulaic so they can be figured out easily and all fit together to "make sense", and teased with cheap clues which come into play later so the viewer can feel smarter about "seeing it coming" and so on.

Whoops. I guess I insulted him after all. I guess that's what an entire generation of shitty TV and crappy videogames does to people. :(


Reading PshycoNinja's impressions are painful because I don't want to reply and make fun of him, but it becomes more and more obvious as he progresses through the show that he's the sort of audience cultivated by modern TV and mainstream entertainment, wanting to be spoon fed stuff and actually desiring narratives which are formulaic so they can be figured out easily and all fit together to "make sense", and teased with cheap clues which come into play later so the viewer can feel smarter about "seeing it coming" and so on.

Whoops. I guess I insulted him after all. I guess that's what an entire generation of shitty TV and crappy videogames does to people. :(

That wasn't very nice, duckroll. That wasn't nice of you at all.



Reading PshycoNinja's impressions are painful because I don't want to reply and make fun of him, but it becomes more and more obvious as he progresses through the show that he's the sort of audience cultivated by modern TV and mainstream entertainment, wanting to be spoon fed stuff and actually desiring narratives which are formulaic so they can be figured out easily and all fit together to "make sense", and teased with cheap clues which come into play later so the viewer can feel smarter about "seeing it coming" and so on.

Whoops. I guess I insulted him after all. I guess that's what an entire generation of shitty TV and crappy videogames does to people. :(

Well he wouldn't be the first anime fan to not care for complex science fiction considering its sales :(

I guess that's why they just turned the manga adaptation into porn.


Well he wouldn't be the first anime fan to not care for complex science fiction considering its sales :(

I guess that's why they just turned the manga adaptation into porn.

To be fair I don't think it people "not caring for complex scifi" is really the main reason it bombed. I'm not even sure if I would consider the show complex scifi. There were a bunch of reasons for it failing and subject matter is probably pretty low on that list. I think the manga being pretty much porn is just an indication of how sick the artist is. :(
The concept of the ogre and karmic demon is also a big part of why being a psychic is dangerous in the first place. It's not just that people will misuse the powers, but that they'll completely lose control of them. In that sense it ties into the society as a whole.

I get that concept. And I like the concept. I've said that numerous times. Hopefully I can go into more detail when I post my mega review tomorrow.

I feel like you may have misunderstood what the point of the
karma demons
discussion was. It was an illustration of the kind of world the characters live in. The point is the impact it has on Saki's character and how she reacts to it.

Maybe. Perhaps it all did go over my head. I'll post my review tomorrow. I already have 10 paragraphs written for it but I am not finished with it yet. I want to discuss a lot of the things the show conveniently forgot about. Maybe people will be able to expand on it hopefully.

It's a deeply flawed show. I feel people have either forgotten certain aspects or glossed over the details that this show supposedly prides itself on.

Reading PshycoNinja's impressions are painful because I don't want to reply and make fun of him, but it becomes more and more obvious as he progresses through the show that he's the sort of audience cultivated by modern TV and mainstream entertainment, wanting to be spoon fed stuff and actually desiring narratives which are formulaic so they can be figured out easily and all fit together to "make sense", and teased with cheap clues which come into play later so the viewer can feel smarter about "seeing it coming" and so on.

Whoops. I guess I insulted him after all. I guess that's what an entire generation of shitty TV and crappy videogames does to people. :(

Yeah! God forbid someone have a different opinion on a show then you. All hail duckroll.


What a freakin anti-climatic ending too. Just finished episode 25. Will post full thoughts tomorrow.

Edit: Also lol on the show going into this long explanation about how
Monster Rats maybe humans. Like we didn't get the symbolism in the earlier episodes when they torched Monster Rats and before they die Saki saw an out line of a human body


Of course
he counts
. But they expanded on and kept talking about
Karmic Demons
well after the

If your not going to do anything with it why continue expanding on it like your setting up to use it again later on.

Because that's the reason why the world and their society are the way they're now and therefore sets up all the events that happens because of the overprotective, over secretive society that fears their own more than anything and doing all kind of heinous things? I think that's important to have a good reason for all that instead of being evil because evil, don't you think? ....

Link Man

Wooser's Hand-to-Mouth Life 1

This kept popping up in Crunchyroll's ticker, and seeing that the episodes were so short, I decided to give it a shot. The artstyle is quite cute, after all.


This seems to be trying to appeal to the youtube poop crowd. I had to watch the first episode twice, as I couldn't remember what it was about even 5 minutes afterwards.


Poet Centuriate
Space Battleship Yamato 2199 22

We're totally gonna lose the Captain on the episode. This show really telegraphs it's punches.

Man, this shows episodes really fly right by. I must be having fun.

Space Battleship Yamato 2199 23


Absolutely amazing. I can't wait for how they wrap it this all up.

Space Battleship Yamato 2199 24

The swimsuits...

Oh my~

Such a peaceful episode...
but not for long! Time for the race home!

Space Battleship Yamato 2199 25


Space Battleship Yamato 2199 26 END

And thus our long voyage comes to it's rightful end.

What a ride. Simply amazing. Words just simply cannot describe how great this show was. One of the most stunning shows ever. Everything from the animation to the story to the cast to the sound design was honed to perfection. It's predictable and leaves very little significant twists for the viewer, but it just done so well that it's so easy to over look that.

Anime of the Year 2013 well earned. Simply amazing.


It's a deeply flawed show. I feel people have either forgotten certain aspects or glossed over the details that this show supposedly prides itself on.

It's definitely a flawed show. I haven't really seen anyone say otherwise. It's a first time director adapting a pretty challenging novel which doesn't naturally lend itself to visual storytelling. But it sounds more like you had problems with the sort of story it was telling, rather than the failings in how that was presented.
No, I think he has what it takes to watch one of them. I'm not suggesting like... Magical Hell, which is what I'm in.

I don't mind. Just as long as you take up the Clannad Challenge and the show you recommend yourself is under 50 episodes. I am willing to give most anime a shot.

There was a time when I didn't think I would like Slapstick Comedy, Slice of Life, Murder Mystery or even heavy drama in my anime. I used to exclusively watch DBZ, Bleach, Naruto, Inuyasha. But I expanded my horizons and found other genres that I enjoyed because I gave something a shot. Don't judge a book by it's cover and all that jazz.
It's definitely a flawed show. I haven't really seen anyone say otherwise. It's a first time director adapting a pretty challenging novel which doesn't naturally lend itself to visual storytelling. But it sounds more like you had problems with the sort of story it was telling, rather than the failings in how that was presented.

I think you might've missed some of my earlier posts about the show.

Just hold on till tomorrow and I will go into better details. Sorry to tell you to wait but I literally just finished it like 25 minutes ago. I want to sleep on it and revisit what I wrote and maybe adjust a few things. Don't want to write something just because of the heat of the moment.

But in short:
There are concepts that I absolutely love from this show. Some used really well, others that could've been used more effectively and ones that just fell flat. Some concepts are dropped never to be spoken of or used again. Others that are talked way too extensively to accentuate a point already well established. The use of certain plot elements not used to the full potential I thought they had.

The end itself had a lot of parallels to our society. I get what it was going for. I understand the lesson and message it was trying to send. The way it was done though wasn't done well.

I'm judging you by your avatar.

That's fine. Most people do. Hahahaha. :)
I don't mind. Just as long as you take up the Clannad Challenge and the show you recommend yourself is under 50 episodes. I am willing to give most anime a shot.

There was a time when I didn't think I would like Slapstick Comedy, Slice of Life, Murder Mystery or even heavy drama in my anime. I used to exclusively watch DBZ, Bleach, Naruto, Inuyasha. But I expanded my horizons and found other genres that I enjoyed because I gave something a shot. Don't judge a book by it's cover and all that jazz.

Give me like... a moment, I MIGHT consider something, but it's like... not sure what you're looking for, that and... I'm not entirely gearing up to take much more shows on at the present.
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