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Winter-Spring 2014 Anime |OT3| People incapable of guilt usually do have a good time

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Mushishi Special

That was definitely an episode of Mushishi. I liked that though, they didn't try to make it some huge thing. The montage of all the people Ginko helped watching the eclipse near the start of the episode was pretty nice though.

Also they better not change the OP song for the new season. Gonna be pissed if they do!
Ah I love the BroCon site for today. The Futo and Yusuke, oddly my favorite two.
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya: Whole Series Review

Story: Basically the show makes you start with the assumption that it'll be standard slice of life high school. Which for the most part is still the case, except for the occasional weirdness. The show revolves around Haruhi Suzumiya, a weird hyperactive bossy pushy girl. After getting to know Kyon, our protagonist, she decides to start her own school club with the goal of doing weird things. Which again boiled down to usually regular high school slice of life occurrences with a small twist here and there.

Where the show stands out it's in its attempt to break away from this by implementing up an underlying sci-fi/fantasy background to its characters and over-all story. I don't want to spoil too terribly much, but basically the show will revolve around having Haruhi be as happy as possible as her happiness is what makes the world go round.

The story in its original airing was spread around two whole seasons in an abstract fashion similar to Baccano! for those who have seen that. What I mean by that is non-linear storytelling. You can decide to watch the story how KyoAni wanted you to watch it, or you could be like me and watch it in chronological order which meant more cohesiveness. With my personality I would have been unhappy with a non-linear storytelling tbh as I tend to enjoy these type of shows by seeing how characters evolve the more I watch episodes. I wouldn't want to see it jumping all over the place.

As to the movie, the story was amazing in its own regard. It requires you to watch the majority of the series to understand key events and appreciate them further. Let's just say that it brings back full circle certain events you didn't really consider when first watching the anime, which is brilliant.


The Characters: For me the two characters that stood out where, unsurprisingly, the leads: Haruhi and Kyon. Haruhi because she's the life of the whole show. A weird girl who has powers that she doesn't realize she has, and Kyon our lead protagonist and narrator for the journey in this anime. The chemistry these two had was pretty good if I do say so myself, even if their relationship never advanced past the 'friends who like each other but won't admit it' stage.

Haruhi I found fascinating because even though she was this perfect girl with a terrible attitude who wasn't interested in interacting with 'normal humans' and desired for aliens, espers and time travelers, she ended up befriending and becoming really emotionally attached to a normal cynical high school guy. Sure she was tsundere 90% of the time she was with him, but at least that's how she showed she cared.

Kyon on the other hand is by far one of my favorite protagonists in KyoAni history. This cynical uncaring dude who gets dragged along by Haruhi as if he were her servant. But he also has a reason to stick around with her, outside of attachment and interest to his new friends, due to an agreement between him and the other SOS Brigade members.

While Kyon's character is largely meant to be the straight man in the anime, his growth in the movie was just amazing. Basically the movie explores a world without Haruhi and how he reacts due to all the changes. If you're a fan of Sugita and haven't seen this movie/series I'd beg you to consider watching it as the emotions and monologues he has in the movie alone are enough to win him an award. His voice acting is just superb.

For the most part the other characters were bearable for me but not anything to write home about. Asahina's purpose was the moeblob. I found her irritating for the most part as her role seemed to be to cry and do cute voices and I just fucking hate that. When she had actual roles in the story I appreciated it though. Koizumi served no role. Fucking no role. He was the ever smiling guy with a hinted crush on Haruhi that never really did much besides agree to do stuff and go along for the ride. Nagato didn't have much to do as well besides being the standard dandere. She had a lot of character development in the film which made me appreciate her character more than the other two SOS members I didn't enjoy, but not enough to make her a stand-out character.

The Look:
I don't have much to say here. It's a KyoAni show so you can expect it to be pretty looking, have great animation and have great art direction. Nothing really negative in this department.


Over-all enjoyment: Honestly when people tell you that season 1 is worth a watch and that season 2 is more worth watching for the sake of knowing even more before going into the film, they're not lying. Even with the non-linear order of episodes that jumps between season 1 and 2 quite often, the grand majority of the good episodes are from season 1. In fact the linear ending of the series before the movie occurs in season 1. Season 2 had two of my least favorite arc that I decided to basically skip outright besides an episode or 2: The Endless Eight and the Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya. Let me get through the latter first since the former warrants its own paragraph. The Sigh of Haruhi Suzumiya didn't have anything particularly bad about it, besides it being largely a boring arc. It just involves the SOS Brigade making a movie. Usually when you do these settings in an anime you try and add some character development here and there, which this show didn't really do outside of one particular episode that really sky-rocketed my respect for Kyon as a character and brought down my liking for Haruhi. Still over-all it felt like filler.

The Endless Eight though. I was warned about it, but I didn't realize to what extent. All people had to do to warn me properly of what entailed is say the name of a recent popular jrpg and I would have understood completely. I think I watched.... 2.5 episodes in combined total of the 8-9 episodes. Personally I feel that it's one of the biggest bullshit maneuvers a popular show has ever pulled. I feel it is disrespectful to the audience to make them watch episode after episode after episode in hopes shit will get better. I'm glad I didn't watch this live because I would have flipped a table in frustration.

Then we have the Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya. While I wouldn't say it made the lackluster second season worth watching, it definitely ended the series on a high note. And what a high note it was. I've already praised Kyon's character and Sugita's voice before but let me do it again. This was brilliant. His emotional breakthrough near the end was great. What a great fucking film. It was so good it made me forgive the show for season 2 and wish for a season 3. But if it hasn't happened by now, it won't happen.

The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya S1 and S2 gets a 7.5/10

The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya gets a 9.5/10

For an over-all series score of 8.5/10


Magi 25
A solid ending. Definitely went crazy with the power spamming, but it was enjoyable.

What are the odds we get a season 3? They wrapped things up decently but theres still a lot left untouched.


Magi 25
A solid ending. Definitely went crazy with the power spamming, but it was enjoyable.

What are the odds we get a season 3? They wrapped things up decently but theres still a lot left untouched.
There's not nearly enough chapters for a one-cour third season so you'd probably be waiting a couple months at the least.


The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya: Whole Series Review

I watched all of Endless Eight hoping the next one would be the last every time. It might be one of those you had to be there moments. I don't hate it as much as some people do but I do understand how fucking underhanded it was of KyoAni to do it. It did set the stage for Disappearance quite beautifully, however.
Hapiness Charge Precure - 09

Well i'm sure this episode will be cliché as possible and and .....and ....
it's not ?



"Time to eat" and then "i'm full"
Those lovely phrases, full of happiness.
A happy meal makes today full of hapiness, too !

I want to eat rice with and egg stirred in.
Perhaps tow eggs would be nice too.
No side dishes ? That's okay, too.

The sources of our smiles.
Hot and flurry rice at any time.

My dream is a bowl of rice filled to the brim.
Come on , everyone ! Eat your fill !
Then you'll be full of energy !

Rice is the energy of love !
Yeah ! Rice is delicious ! ( bis )
Masterfull cure honey !

Cure honey da best !!! Where to buy the Song ?

Escuse me i have to eat a bowl of rice , now.

Hapiness charge is bringing the goods ... 9 episode and it's the funniest and most entertaining start since heartcatch and you can feel what part they took from each previous season.I love it !
Koizumi has a role. That role is to explain shit to Kyon

If that's his sole purpose I would've preferred if they had switched his character with that a magical banana that poops ice cream that disappears once his explanation is done. Would've at least made the character more worthwhile.

edit: also i read a bit about why there won't be a season 3. It's a shame, you would think that with something as popular as this the author would've written more than he/she currently is and that producers would've pushed for a new season. Guess that's how businesses work.

At least KyoAni has that new show from FMP author [?] coming up this year. I mean not everything they do recently can be shit.
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya: Whole Series Review


I still can't move past episode 13 of the first season because of how the series jumps all over the place. I really want to rewatch it because there were a lot of moments I really liked and laughed at.

So if you could tell me how to go about watching the series in a linear fashion that would be awesome. I don't particularly like this jumping around.

Also episode 1 of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is an example of how not to do a first episode. That episode put me off on the series for a while. Came back and watched all the way up till episode 13 and stopped again. Would love to get through this one day.

Threatening the computer club that and I quote "if you don't give us the computer we will say that you *bleeped* this poor defenseless girl" (Censoring bleep and all) is still one of my favorite scenes of all time.
tokyo ravens 16

seriously the magic stuff is soo cool in this.... but i just can't give a damn about any of this cult religion shaman org syndicate crap at all.
I still can't move past episode 13 of the first season because of how the series jumps all over the place. I really want to rewatch it because there were a lot of moments I really liked and laughed at.

So if you could tell me how to go about watching the series in a linear fashion that would be awesome. I don't particularly like this jumping around.

Also episode 1 of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is an example of how not to do a first episode. That episode put me off on the series for a while. Came back and watched all the way up till episode 13 and stopped again. Would love to get through this one day.

It's worth watching in order to get to the movie, trust me. It's that good of a film.


Scroll down until the episodes are being listed. See how there are like five columns on the left named B through E? Follow the order set by timeline E. That's the official chronological order of the whole series, including season 2. Btw episode 1 [aka episode 0] is near the end of the linear episode order. So yeah, no surprise you didn't enjoy it.


Also episode 1 of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is an example of how not to do a first episode. That episode put me off on the series for a while. Came back and watched all the way up till episode 13 and stopped again. Would love to get through this one day.

Lol episode 1 of Haruhi was one of my first exposures to anime and all I could think was, "What the fuck did I just watch?" Watching it again a few years later really helped me appreciate the extra work they needed to do to give it that amateurish feeling.


Endless eight was the best. You feel a tiny tiny tiny fraction of what Yuki had to go through and sorta get why she does what she does in the movie.
It's worth watching in order to get to the movie, trust me. It's that good of a film.


Scroll down until the episodes are being listed. See how there are like five columns on the left named A through E? Follow the order set by timeline E. That's the official chronological order of the whole series, including season 2.

That first sentence sounds like me when I am telling people to get through Clannad to get to After Story. Lol.

Thanks. Now I may actually finish this..... at some point.


Nichijou End

I think I"m gonna put myself in the "very hit or miss" camp. The ones with the Shinonome Laboratory had a much higher success rate than those without to me. Did not like the scenes where it just seemed like Yukko and/or Mio yelling half the time, and some scenes dragged on too long.

Overall worth it I guess. It did have its moments, to be sure.
You could watch the Haruhi movie with only a basic understanding of the characters and references, just like you could skip Clannad and go straight to AS. But it is not recommended at all since in both cases you need to know the characters and actually experienced the shit that went down so you fully appreciate the 'good part' of the series.

I liked the non-linear order of the original Haruhi broadcast. Chronology is for scrubs!
I love Scrubs too, how'd you know?
You could watch the Haruhi movie with only a basic understanding of the characters and references, just like you could skip Clannad and go straight to AS. But it is not recommended at all since in both cases you need to know the characters and actually experienced the shit that went down so you fully appreciate the 'good part' of the series.

I love Scrubs too, how'd you know?

I got ya. I just read the chronology of column E. Holy Crap dude. Like really?

So I should watch the movie after the two seasons right? And that's all of it? 2 seasons and a movie?


Not to go old man yells at clouds mode again but the original broadcast order is indeed the best. It throws out linear character progression but it gives us glimpses of future development and is just so wild and crazy that its just overall fun. I wish anime would go back to that time :(
I just went to the OT. Oh god, the salt.

So good. At least with Dexter, people were expecting it. Those tears. :)

I don't like what your insinuating. Now I am scared. :/

Lol episode 1 of Haruhi was one of my first exposures to anime and all I could think was, "What the fuck did I just watch?" Watching it again a few years later really helped me appreciate the extra work they needed to do to give it that amateurish feeling.

Maybe I will feel that way.... one day.... in the distant future
I actually think Haruhi is better chronological. But then I think out of order storytelling in anime is rarely executed well and usually ends up a gimmick more than an actual useful storytelling device.
I got ya. I just read the chronology of column E. Holy Crap dude. Like really?

So I should watch the movie after the two seasons right? And that's all of it? 2 seasons and a movie?

Yeah two seasons and a movie. The movie is most definitely a sequel to the series, or at least meant to be watched after the series, considering they expect you to watch references.

And yes the order is crazy. You start with melancholy then like jump back and forth between season 1 and 2 for a bit, then watch almost the entirety of season 2, then come back to season 1 for the final 3-4 episodes.

I actually think Haruhi is better chronological. But then I think out of order storytelling in anime is rarely executed well and usually ends up a gimmick more than an actual useful storytelling device.

Those are my thoughts. I don't mind non-linear for movies if done well enough. I didn't mind non-linear for Baccano either, but that is a rare case for shows where they did it well.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
So I'm currently playing
Homura's Crimson Squad's storyline
in Senran Kagura Shinovi Versus and got to the part where
Mirai is washing everyone's laundry in a river, but before she does Haruka and Hikage's load she decides to try on their underwear.

Still unwashed mind you.


This gaaaaaaaaame!


Nandaka Velonica 7

A surprisingly pleasant little story about the power of song in bringing those together mostly told from the perspective of the incredibly unpleasant Velonica. How this flew under almost everyones radar is truly beyond me.

Puchimas!! 1


omg its back

I really do hope this'll motivate someone to sub the bonus BD shorts as I've been waiting forever for those. ;-;
gundam build fighters 25


fun, abit generic, but i would love another season...someday.

has the next gundam project been announced yet?
KyoAni can do some masterful work when they focus on good source material. But when they produce bad source material, it's just... ugh. They're the anti-Batman. They don't recently give us what we need, but what the majority of fans want? Maybe that's a bad choice of words.

I've always considered giving Free a chance. But the thought of constant DTL fanservice, and not for comedic effects, is turning me away.

Is it a good enough show to warrant watching, even if I'm basically uncomfortable with the thought of male eye-candy? I mean I'm uncomfortable with bad fan service as is, but male fan service would be an extreme of that.


Gundam Build Fighters-fin

This feels like a modern take on G-Gundam, in that Sunrise learned from the errors of G-Gundam, and the result is the lows aren't as low but the highs aren't as high. I do think it's paced much much better and that's resulting from the decreased episode count.
Not to go old man yells at clouds mode again but the original broadcast order is indeed the best. It throws out linear character progression but it gives us glimpses of future development and is just so wild and crazy that its just overall fun. I wish anime would go back to that time :(

Yeah, I agree with this. The broadcast order is the only way to watch Haruhi your first time true. Anything else will just leave you thinking 'that's it', because it just isn't the same, and you aren't even watching the same series.
KyoAni can do some masterful work when they focus on good source material. But when they produce bad source material, it's just... ugh. They're the anti-Batman. They don't recently give us what we need, but what the majority of fans want? Maybe that's a bad choice of words.

I've always considered giving Free a chance. But the thought of constant DTL fanservice, and not for comedic effects, is turning me away.

Is it a good enough show to warrant watching, even if I'm basically uncomfortable with the thought of male eye-candy? I mean I'm uncomfortable with bad fan service as is, but male fan service would be an extreme of that.

Free is bad, but not even because of the fanservice. It goes into some really awful melodrama. You are pretty much guaranteed to not like it.
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