Tomodachi wa Mahou
I almost forgot the HIMYM finale is tonight. Heck yes!!! Been waiting for this for 9 seasons.
Trust me.
I almost forgot the HIMYM finale is tonight. Heck yes!!! Been waiting for this for 9 seasons.
Trust me.
Pilots Love Story 13 -The end. A nice chapter wrapup and setup for the second half. Which is the problem. Is there any chance at all of getting the second half?
There's not nearly enough chapters for a one-cour third season so you'd probably be waiting a couple months at the least.Magi 25
A solid ending. Definitely went crazy with the power spamming, but it was enjoyable.
What are the odds we get a season 3? They wrapped things up decently but theres still a lot left untouched.
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya: Whole Series Review
Masterfull cure honey !![]()
"Time to eat" and then "i'm full"
Those lovely phrases, full of happiness.
A happy meal makes today full of hapiness, too !
I want to eat rice with and egg stirred in.
Perhaps tow eggs would be nice too.
No side dishes ? That's okay, too.
The sources of our smiles.
Hot and flurry rice at any time.
My dream is a bowl of rice filled to the brim.
Come on , everyone ! Eat your fill !
Then you'll be full of energy !
Rice is the energy of love !
Yeah ! Rice is delicious ! ( bis )
Koizumi has a role. That role is to explain shit to Kyon
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya: Whole Series Review
Trust me.
I still can't move past episode 13 of the first season because of how the series jumps all over the place. I really want to rewatch it because there were a lot of moments I really liked and laughed at.
So if you could tell me how to go about watching the series in a linear fashion that would be awesome. I don't particularly like this jumping around.
Also episode 1 of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is an example of how not to do a first episode. That episode put me off on the series for a while. Came back and watched all the way up till episode 13 and stopped again. Would love to get through this one day.
Also episode 1 of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is an example of how not to do a first episode. That episode put me off on the series for a while. Came back and watched all the way up till episode 13 and stopped again. Would love to get through this one day.
It's worth watching in order to get to the movie, trust me. It's that good of a film.
Scroll down until the episodes are being listed. See how there are like five columns on the left named A through E? Follow the order set by timeline E. That's the official chronological order of the whole series, including season 2.
I love Scrubs too, how'd you know?I liked the non-linear order of the original Haruhi broadcast. Chronology is for scrubs!
You could watch the Haruhi movie with only a basic understanding of the characters and references, just like you could skip Clannad and go straight to AS. But it is not recommended at all since in both cases you need to know the characters and actually experienced the shit that went down so you fully appreciate the 'good part' of the series.
I love Scrubs too, how'd you know?
I just went to the OT. Oh god, the salt.
So good. At least with Dexter, people were expecting it. Those tears.![]()
Lol episode 1 of Haruhi was one of my first exposures to anime and all I could think was, "What the fuck did I just watch?" Watching it again a few years later really helped me appreciate the extra work they needed to do to give it that amateurish feeling.
I liked the non-linear order of the original Haruhi broadcast. Chronology is for scrubs!
Haruhi had Kyon to tie everything together. Touka Gettan not so much.And yet neither of us ended up being a bad enough dude for Touka Gettan.
I got ya. I just read the chronology of column E. Holy Crap dude. Like really?
So I should watch the movie after the two seasons right? And that's all of it? 2 seasons and a movie?
I actually think Haruhi is better chronological. But then I think out of order storytelling in anime is rarely executed well and usually ends up a gimmick more than an actual useful storytelling device.
Puchimas! - 34
Ara ara~
You have to pretty damn good to accurately recreate amateurish cam-footage in anime form
KyoAni has done it twice!
Please tell me more about works you dislike: I'm looking for recommendations!episode 1 of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is an example of how not to do a first episode.
Nonlinear was confusing, pretentious bullshit for a show i resent myself for watching more and more.I liked the non-linear order of the original Haruhi broadcast. Chronology is for scrubs!
Please tell me more about works you dislike: I'm looking for recommendations!
Hmmm. AnimeGAF. What should I watch next? G Gundam for the lulz, or Tatami Galaxy because I hear good things?
Not to go old man yells at clouds mode again but the original broadcast order is indeed the best. It throws out linear character progression but it gives us glimpses of future development and is just so wild and crazy that its just overall fun. I wish anime would go back to that time![]()
KyoAni can do some masterful work when they focus on good source material. But when they produce bad source material, it's just... ugh. They're the anti-Batman. They don't recently give us what we need, but what the majority of fans want? Maybe that's a bad choice of words.
I've always considered giving Free a chance. But the thought of constant DTL fanservice, and not for comedic effects, is turning me away.
Is it a good enough show to warrant watching, even if I'm basically uncomfortable with the thought of male eye-candy? I mean I'm uncomfortable with bad fan service as is, but male fan service would be an extreme of that.