For those interested in taking screenshots, the debug console enabler now allows you to use the in-game free cam, which is as easy to use as any game's photo mode. It has fantastic gamepad support as well. Download the files from
here and follow the included instructions. After that, following is how you use the free cam:
Step 1: Use the in-game pause menu whenever you want to freeze time
Step 2: Enter "testpause" in console (press ~). This will freeze the game even if you exit the menu
Step 3: Press F1 to enter free cam mode
Step 4: Move freely using gamepad (left analog for movement, right analog for rotation, d-pad for fov and yaw, Y & A for elevation. Hold left trigger for accelerated movement. It's fully analog as well, so gives great camera control. WASD keyboard shortcuts work as well and R does tilt, but I don't know the other keys yet.
Step 5: Take screenshots like you normally would.
Step 6: Disable free cam using F1 (or B on gamepad)
Step 7: Enter "testunpause" in console to resume game