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Witcher 3 PC Performance Thread

I would, but the mod breaks the XP counter in the top right currently. Also, more importantly, I don't know if it works on savegames that have already started using the old values just yet (have only tested with a new save), nor do I know if you can switch back if you start a save with these values.

Current test version of the mod makes it so that the first 6 levels only require 100XP each and you get 3x points for all of them and it's run perfectly smoothly so far other than breaking the counter.

Do you think it'd be worthwhile making a version that slightly reduces all the XP thresholds so people can level up faster?

Here's what it looks like so far:


EDIT: nevermind, there's nothing wrong with the counter whatsoever. Was just looking at it wrong, my bad


Don't mods like these simply trivialize the difficulty?

Or is that the entire point of it?

There are like hundreds of skills, and they're mostly shit unless leveled up to level 3. It's a moronic way of handling getting new abilities. And most skills aren't even new abilities anyway, they just slightly up your stats in different areas. It's like an even worse version of the leveling mechanic in TW2.

When CDPR gets something wrong, they shit the bed.


I see, but putting them in their original position [My Documents/The Witcher 2/gamesaves] is not working. :/
Your path is wrong, that's all.
Put them in Documents/Witcher 2/gamesaves

So just rename your "The Witcher 2" folder to "Witcher 2".
Has there been a fix for the game crashing when you overclock your GPU? I spent hours benchmarking my 970 to make sure I had a stable OC but unless I use stock settings, it crashes immediately. Every time a frame or two drops in game it hurts me emotionally because I know my OC would have prevented it!


Do you think it'd be worthwhile making a version that slightly reduces all the XP thresholds so people can level up faster?

Honestly, that's a question most people probably can't answer yet. If the average playthrough took, say, 50 hours, during which the player did side quests here and there when they popped up and generally completed stuff, but didn't go out of their way to get everything, and still end the game with Geralt at around level 30 maybe, I'd say yeah.

But yeah alright, keep working on it! Pretty sure there are cheat engine tables to modify the current skill point amount so if I really wanted, I could just use that to give myself 2 extra points on each level up.


Has there been a fix for the game crashing when you overclock your GPU? I spent hours benchmarking my 970 to make sure I had a stable OC but unless I use stock settings, it crashes immediately. Every time a frame or two drops in game it hurts me emotionally because I know my OC would have prevented it!

GTAV seems sensitive to Memory OC on the 970, so try only a Core OC.
GTA V was the only game to crash my GPU, and i know the reason.
If you look at the utilization, it is constantly varying between 50-99%. That causes the clock speeds to drop and voltage to drop, doing this quickly youll end up in a configuration where the card just isnt stable. Play any other game, youll see GPU usage is fairly steady at 90%+.

I pretty much fixed it by flashing my custom BIOS with tweaked voltages for the top 20 clock bins.

Oops though it was GTA thread, if utilization is odd in Witcher 3 it may still apply.
If not, then its probably the drivers.


So basically with AMD you can force the game to render hairworks with less detail using the tesallation settings in CCC? This really needs to be something we can do in the INI settings. I want hairworks on but I don't give a damn if Geralt's hair is "only" 30k polys up close rather than 100k+. As of now it's an "all or nothing" effect that I wish we could play around with more.
Honestly, that's a question most people probably can't answer yet. If the average playthrough took, say, 50 hours, during which the player did side quests here and there when they popped up and generally completed stuff, but didn't go out of their way to get everything, and still end the game with Geralt at around level 30 maybe, I'd say yeah.

But yeah alright, keep working on it! Pretty sure there are cheat engine tables to modify the current skill point amount so if I really wanted, I could just use that to give myself 2 extra points on each level up.

Yeah I guess it's hard to say this early on.

It's be easy enough to do stuff like make the starting curve more forgiving, too.

For example, this: http://i.imgur.com/CvChZdy.png would be a modified XP curve that would mean the player leveled a bit quicker at first but then fell back in line with the CDPR leveling system by level 21.

Plenty of other cool stuff to look at in here too like potion effects, weapon stats, even movement stuff tied to Geralt. Lots to tinker with :D

Can you please direct me to this? Does this ensure all skills can be learnt by end game?

By the looks of the code, the in-game level cap is
, and there are that same number of skills total. So I guess if you put the time in (and reach
XP) you could theoretically have all skills by end-game.

EDIT: wait a sec, how many skills are there in game lol? I'm not actually sure
There are like hundreds of skills, and they're mostly shit unless leveled up to level 3. It's a moronic way of handling getting new abilities. And most skills aren't even new abilities anyway, they just slightly up your stats in different areas. It's like an even worse version of the leveling mechanic in TW2.

When CDPR gets something wrong, they shit the bed.

It's not like the game is really that hard either.
You won't need all of those skills.


By the looks of the code, the in-game level cap is
, and there are that same number of skills total. So I guess if you put the time in (and reach
XP) you could theoretically have all skills by end-game.

I think you stop getting skill points at level 50 or something. So you'd need this mod to learn all skills. Maybe I'll activate it after I reach level 50 or something.


So basically with AMD you can force the game to render hairworks with less detail using the tesallation settings in CCC? This really needs to be something we can do in the INI settings. I want hairworks on but I don't give a damn if Geralt's hair is "only" 30k polys up close rather than 100k+. As of now it's an "all or nothing" effect that I wish we could play around with more.

Honestly there does not really seems to be much of a difference between 8x and 16x as far as appearance goes however 16x kills FPS while 8X doesn't.


Does anybody have a good ini config for Ultra+ settings (for lack of a better word) on a high end machine? Have 2x Titan Xs. Want to push them.
Saw this in the i3/750ti thread, thought it'd be worth posting in here to give people an idea of what to expect.


Seems to match up with other benchmarks and what we've seen from people ITT.

That cant be right my Titan is getting about 30-35fps average

i7 3770k @ 4.4ghz


Plenty of other cool stuff to look at in here too like potion effects, weapon stats, even movement stuff tied to Geralt. Lots to tinker with :D

Anything on the length of potion buffs? 30 seconds for the damage-improving one for example is way too short imo, would be more fun if the effects stayed for multiple minutes. That way you could chug potions before a big fight, would make it more Witcher-y. Obviously easier too, though, so maybe the effects should be lowered too.

The crashes are really killing my enjoyment now. I think I'm in the double digits now, its quite annoying.

Have you tried the kinda fixes people have been posting? Personally, I rolled back to earlier Geforce drivers, went from borderless to fullscreen, changed the 60fps cap to unlimited and turned off HBAO+, and I just finished playing for about 3 hours without a single crash. Earlier it kept crashing all the goddamn time.


what i don't understand is why they don't release the patch now on PC? the certification process is understandable for consoles but for PC? i mean wtf


Neo Member
The game runs like crap at 4k for in sli with 2 Titan Xs @ +205/300 OC, have all the post processing turned off and everything else maxed, including the nvidia hairworks which I set the aa to 0 for and it can't stay at a constant 60, it stutters like no tomorrow and doesn't use the cards properly. Top card usage is 60-70% and bottom is at 85-95% usage, clocks aren't being throttled and the cards are barely breaking 70c. Game is also installed on an SSD

Setting hairworks off, setting ground clutter distance and number of NPCs to medium doesn't change the performance, setting everything to high is also the same but if I run at 1440p with every single thing maxed (hairworks at 8xmsaa), all post processing on the cards run at proper usage, top card at about 72c and bottom at 65c and runs really smooth.

I have been doing my head in trying to get the game to run smooth at 4k but it just wont do it :(


Maybe they will implement proper AA support...yes?!
I doubt it but one can hope.
The dof is pretty shitty the way it works right now btw, it starts like 20 meters in front of the player, kinda like in Gothic 3 back in 2006!


Neo Member
I am running the game on a 120 Hz 1440p monitor with the following specs:

3770K at 4.4
Gigabyte G1 at 1500/8000
16 GB of ram at 1866

Just hit the first town, and I am able to keep a near constant 60 fps with everything at ultra except for foliage visibility, which is at high. HairWorks is also off since it just kills performance. For postprocessing, I have AA turned off and ambient occlusion at SSAO. I also turned off CA.

I am pretty content thus far, but we'll see how it will fare as I progress through the game and things get more challenging.


I would love to figure this out. I think it is actually the camera movement keeping up with geralts uneven cadence. His motion and speed is not constant while running. It has a slower cycle and the camera seems to jerk to maintain the same character distance when his gait momentarily slows. (same on horse which also has non-constant speed)
Yeah I think almost everyone. It looks like the animation is a few frames shy of looping and so it just does a weird skip on every cycle of it.
I would love to solve this problem. Or pay someone to make a mod to solve it haha. I love walking with my horse and just taking it all in, but the jerking takes me out of it.
Has there been a fix for the game crashing when you overclock your GPU? I spent hours benchmarking my 970 to make sure I had a stable OC but unless I use stock settings, it crashes immediately. Every time a frame or two drops in game it hurts me emotionally because I know my OC would have prevented it!

I'm running a msi 970 at 1527mhz/8000mhz with a 144hz monitor getting about 60-80fps with rare drops to about 56-58. my temps were going up far beyond the norm (73-75c), TDP% was way over (110-115%) also but never did I get any crashing from it, however I would get little red dots popping up every now and then which wasn't a big deal but definitely wasn't normal. All these problems were a none issue with every other game ,GTA 5 included.

What helped me out a bit was going back to 60hz with my monitor and enabling adaptive vsync and triple buffering in nvidia's control panel settings while having the fps unlimited and vsync off slider on in game. With these settings my temps went back down to the normal 60-65c and TDP% never went over 107. I've only had one driver crash from in game but I honestly blame the drivers for that, they seem a bit off the wall to me.

maybe you can revert back to GTA 5 drivers and see if that helps with the overclocking?


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Wow, their build in AA solution might be the worst kind of "AA" i´ve witnessed over the last few years. It totally sucks. It does essentially nothing.

Instead of doing something for the whole picture, like...implementing MSAA with AtoC or something, they would rather waste time on a tacky feature like hairwork that kills your framerate for fucking hair that cover not even 10% of your screen during normal gameplay.



Got a lot of crashes early on but then I switched to the GTAV drivers and didn't have any crashes after. I did a 5h session without crashes.


Has there been a fix for the game crashing when you overclock your GPU? I spent hours benchmarking my 970 to make sure I had a stable OC but unless I use stock settings, it crashes immediately. Every time a frame or two drops in game it hurts me emotionally because I know my OC would have prevented it!

I know this may sound like it would do nothing, but it worked for me (GTX980). Set your voltage to about +45, core/mem to whatever is normally stable, max pwrlmt and temp limit and then set the GPU fans to max. I have a pretty aggressive overclock on my 980 and with that config, for whatever reason, it has remained stable.
Anything on the length of potion buffs? 30 seconds for the damage-improving one for example is way too short imo, would be more fun if the effects stayed for multiple minutes. That way you could chug potions before a big fight, would make it more Witcher-y. Obviously easier too, though, so maybe the effects should be lowered too.

Could you give me the name of a potion and its duration? Any one you want the duration of extended. Preferably something you get access to reasonably early on.

Currently I can see things like the Cat potion, I can see its effect - highlight objects & highlight enemies - but as of yet I don't see a duration I don't think. Hmmm.

Here's a link to a mod file for a more forgiving XP curve like I mentioned previously, if anyone wants to test it out for the hell of it. No extra skillpoints in that file, just less XP to level up for the first few levels.
I know this may sound like it would do nothing, but it worked for me (GTX980). Set your voltage to about +45, core/mem to whatever is normally stable, max pwrlmt and temp limit and then set the GPU fans to max. I have a pretty aggressive overclock on my 980 and with that config, for whatever reason, it has remained stable.

setting the voltage +45 from stock settings or on top of whatever our OC settings are?


Neo Member
Anyone getting microstuttering?

Got an AMD Phenom II 940 @ 3.6GHz and 680GTX 4GB at stock clocks.

I tried setting pre-render frame to 1 in Nvidia control panel and tried switching V-Sync off and on as I've read those suggestions around the internet.

Any ideas?

Same issue im having. Nothing Ive done so far has been able to fix it. done the same steps you have done, all setting to low, rolled back to older drivers.Game is currently unplayable for me.


Just had my first freeze after 28 hours and 1 hour after I set a 60 fps lock ingame, vsync off. It might be the framerate lock feature that's bugging.
Hopefully the patch is significant. I can't believe I'm gaming on a GTX 980 and locking to 30 FPS. Granted, I'm at 1440p, but this is a first. With everything on max except for foliage distance and shadows set to high (no AA, 1440p and all), It's a pretty smooth experience, but I'd love to see better.



Just going to wait for this before fully diving in.

The game runs like crap at 4k for in sli with 2 Titan Xs @ +205/300 OC, have all the post processing turned off and everything else maxed, including the nvidia hairworks which I set the aa to 0 for and it can't stay at a constant 60, it stutters like no tomorrow and doesn't use the cards properly. Top card usage is 60-70% and bottom is at 85-95% usage, clocks aren't being throttled and the cards are barely breaking 70c. Game is also installed on an SSD

Setting hairworks off, setting ground clutter distance and number of NPCs to medium doesn't change the performance, setting everything to high is also the same but if I run at 1440p with every single thing maxed (hairworks at 8xmsaa), all post processing on the cards run at proper usage, top card at about 72c and bottom at 65c and runs really smooth.

I have been doing my head in trying to get the game to run smooth at 4k but it just wont do it :(

Well this is disheartening.


Does anyone know how to change brightness in this game? Or do I have to use SweetFX or something to do it? Cause the brightness level on my monitor is just a tad too dark for my eyes.


Does anybody have a good ini config for Ultra+ settings (for lack of a better word) on a high end machine? Have 2x Titan Xs. Want to push them.
I've been using a config by Andy posted many pages back, though it kills the framerate (avg 40-45 for me @1440p on Two Titan X's 1475mhz) http://neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=164336640#post164336640

Well this is disheartening.
Yeah, not sure whats up, but using andy's config I'll go from 20fps (one card) to 30 fps with two Titan X's at 4K, and they are not being fully utilized. Kinda sucks, so I had to settle for 1440p.
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