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Witcher 3 PC Performance Thread

They're accessible but I've not messed with them.

OK. I have been trying not to play the game today so I took some time to try out the FOV changes (I have only slept for a total of 9 hrs since the games release).

Praise be to jim2point0 (first for selling me his GTX980 and now for this setting).

Using CheatEngine and his table.


Regular mode FOV



A Little higher

A Lot higher

I only have foliage distance set to High. So if the FOV is too high, grass disappears at certain camera angles. :/

How the FOV looks in Witcher sense



A Little higher

A Lot higher


Does anyone know how to do the following?

Playing on the PC with a controller, and be able to cast different signs without accessing the radial menu? So map the signs to different buttons (like R2+X = Igni, R2+O = Aard, etc?).

Anyone know how to do that, or if that is even possible to do?


Had a weird bug earlier where it forced the "indoor" camera and controls on me outside. And couldn't get rid of it. Thankfully I had a quicksave from a fight ago and got rid of it but beware.


OK. I have been trying not to play the game today so I took some time to try out the FOV changes (I have only slept for a total of 9 hrs since the games release).

Praise be to jim2point0 (first for selling me his GTX980 and now for this setting).

Using CheatEngine and his table.


Regular mode FOV



A Little higher

A Lot higher

I only have foliage distance set to High. So if the FOV is too high, grass disappears at certain camera angles. :/

How the FOV looks in Witcher sense



A Little higher

A Lot higher

The cheat engine keeps crashing on me. No idea why :( I would so love to see this shot with a much wider FoV

It's amazing how incredibly hard this game pushes my GPU. I am still having good temps, but this is definitely the hottest I have seen my card.

I did play the game on my TV maxed out at 30hz for a while (Because I wanted hairworks, etc.) but I absolutely despise this game with a controller. The movement is incredibly clunky, the menu system cumbersome and the battles a mess without hotkeys for the signs. Poor console only people. I don't understand how they could mess this up so badly.

My 2 cents on crashing:
My card ran at 1500mhz+ OC. I had one crash while I had the game locked at 30hz, but did not think much of it. Now with unlocked fps on my GSync screen the game froze after 2 minutes. Clear indication to me that my OC was not as stable as I thought. I went back to factory clocks now (1450 on my EVGA SSC) and the game seems stable. Will report back in case that changes.

Bottom line, this game is so much better with kb/m it's not even funny. It also eats GPU overclocks alive.
In my opinion, the image looks way sharper and nicer if you have AA off. The custom AA theyre using for this makes everything pretty blurry.

With the following settings, I am not dropping below 50 at the moment on Titan X SLI and 4K (It may happen later if I get into a battle with a bunch of hairy enemies):

-AA off
-Hairworks AA 2x
-Foliage Distance to High
-HairWorks On

Everything else on Ultra or On.

Damn it's glorious :D


I've been using a config by Andy posted many pages back, though it kills the framerate (avg 40-45 for me @1440p on Two Titan X's 1475mhz) http://neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=164336640#post164336640

Yeah, not sure whats up, but using andy's config I'll go from 20fps (one card) to 30 fps with two Titan X's at 4K, and they are not being fully utilized. Kinda sucks, so I had to settle for 1440p.

At 4k are you turning off AA? At 4k it is not needed. I am running 4k, getting pretty solid 60fps with rare dips to 55 or so. This is with Hariworks Off and everything else other than AA set to the max.


why? its perfectly fine as is.
No one is saying it isn't. However some, like myself, would rather wait for a giant patch with 600 changes before throwing ourselves into the game. Some of us just want the best experience possible from beginning to end and are willing to wait a bit (if we didn't know it was coming I don't think any of us would have waited).


At 4k are you turning off AA? At 4k it is not needed. I am running 4k, getting pretty solid 60fps with rare dips to 55 or so. This is with Hariworks Off and everything else other than AA set to the max.
I'm on 1440p downsampled. I leave AA on reguardless of res anyway as I hate jaggies. Have the ingame plus some FXAA going along with the 1440p to 1080p downsample. Haven't tried injecting AA seeing as I'm in the 70+% range for gpu usage already


OK - the inventory freezing is because of the FPS cap.

I tried using an external tool (MSI Afterburner/RSS) to limit the FPS while having it set to Unlimited in game and I haven't had a crash since.

What I did have though is my game randomly selecting a different sign every time my stamina meter fill sup. WHAT? It's really fucking annoying. Restarting the game now to see if that persists.


I feel like I'm getting worse performance than I should, but maybe my 980's aren't as great as I thought :(

1440p @ Ultra w/ Hairworks I'm getting between 45 - 65fps in the opening area (early tutorial area).

2500k @ 4.4
2x 980 @ +130 core, +100 mem


Is there a fix for the annoying controller detected pop up?

From Reddit:

Go to your Witcher 3 folder location and go into this folder:
"...\The Witcher 3\bin\config\base"
Open up "hidden.ini" with notepad.
Change "LockControlScheme=0" to "LockControlScheme=2"
This will get rid of the annoying message box and will always show the controls for the controller. You still can switch to your KB/M whenever you want, but it won't display the KB/M controls on the hud.


So in response to a previous post I disabled the ingame AA and it fixed the poor SLI scaling / Framerate issue. I can now enjoy andy's config at 45-70(so far) @4K
Anyone having a similar issue, try disabling the ingame AA.
Nvidia control panel FXAA looks really similar to the in game AA without the performance hit. I think I might stick with it for now.

The game is running great on my 970, everything ultra except hairworks off and foliage distance to high, but I've crashed so many times its ridiculous.

Hope they patch it soon...


AMD combo here (R9 290/fx8350), everything on ultra except for the hair option, 50-60fps, been playing for about 6 hours straight with zero crashes...

Real talk, I am legit shocked things have been working so well for me. Legit shocked and pleased.


Been trying to play this for the last hour. Crashes immediately after the opening cutscene. Sometimes it just crashes and sometimes it crashes and I get a message that the display driver restarted. Happened a few times with the previous driver (I hadn't updated because I read that people were having problems with it) and upon updating the issue still remains. Running an i5 2500k no overclock and SLI 970s overclocked or not the same result.
With hairworks off, fullscreen on, and driver rolled back to previous version, I'm still getting regular crashes. Any other tweaks to try, or just wait for patch at this point? Loving the game when it runs, just frustrating how frequently it hangs.

GTX 970


With hairworks off, fullscreen on, and driver rolled back to previous version, I'm still getting regular crashes. Any other tweaks to try, or just wait for patch at this point? Loving the game when it runs, just frustrating how frequently it hangs.

GTX 970

For me on a GTX 780 I got crashes more frequently on fullscreen as opposed to borderless window (hairworks off, 30fps cap). I have had one crash like this when I was reading a note in my inventory but that might be the inventory crash I've heard about.


Been trying to play this for the last hour. Crashes immediately after the opening cutscene. Sometimes it just crashes and sometimes it crashes and I get a message that the display driver restarted. Happened a few times with the previous driver (I hadn't updated because I read that people were having problems with it) and upon updating the issue still remains. Running an i5 2500k no overclock and SLI 970s overclocked or not the same result.

Is your 970 factory overclock? If yes, try downclocking to the normal stock speed for that chipset.
I have a 980 and is it just me or is hair works just not worth it?... I barely notice fur and stuff on monsters due to combat being so fast paced any way. thoughts?


I have a 980 and is it just me or is hair works just not worth it?... I barely notice fur and stuff on monsters due to combat being so fast paced any way. thoughts?

It looks alright but if you have any need for performance it should be the first thing to go.
For me on a GTX 780 I got crashes more frequently on fullscreen as opposed to borderless window (hairworks off, 30fps cap). I have had one crash like this when I was reading a note in my inventory but that might be the inventory crash I've heard about.

Hmm thanks. I had more crashes when I was on borderless... Haven't tried capping the fps but it runs pretty smooth during regular gameplay unlimited. It's almost always in inventory though when it hangs so may not be much to be done until a fix for that rolls out.


I've found my optimum [970 Twin Frozr, 2500K@4.4 GHz]: 1080p, No V-Sync shit, everything maxed, except Vegetation Distance at High + Hairworks with 4xMSAA. It seems I can start to play. :p
No one is saying it isn't. However some, like myself, would rather wait for a giant patch with 600 changes before throwing ourselves into the game. Some of us just want the best experience possible from beginning to end and are willing to wait a bit (if we didn't know it was coming I don't think any of us would have waited).

I dunno. I think everyone just has way too much anxiety with this game. just play and enjoy as is
It's amazing how incredibly hard this game pushes my GPU. I am still having good temps, but this is definitely the hottest I have seen my card.

I did play the game on my TV maxed out at 30hz for a while (Because I wanted hairworks, etc.) but I absolutely despise this game with a controller. The movement is incredibly clunky, the menu system cumbersome and the battles a mess without hotkeys for the signs. Poor console only people. I don't understand how they could mess this up so badly.

My 2 cents on crashing:
My card ran at 1500mhz+ OC. I had one crash while I had the game locked at 30hz, but did not think much of it. Now with unlocked fps on my GSync screen the game froze after 2 minutes. Clear indication to me that my OC was not as stable as I thought. I went back to factory clocks now (1450 on my EVGA SSC) and the game seems stable. Will report back in case that changes.

Bottom line, this game is so much better with kb/m it's not even funny. It also eats GPU overclocks alive.

Update: No more crashes since going back to "stock OC". Hope it stays that way.
Game is extremely smooth with G-Sync, loving it.


Update: No more crashes since going back to "stock OC". Hope it stays that way.
Game is extremely smooth with G-Sync, loving it.

Yeah this is one of the games that seems to look better with Gsync than most. Some games just feel and look a bit off when getting into the 40-45 fps zone but I haven't been able to spot it nearly as much here.
This game really shows how many people's OC weren't really stable. Now, playing Witcher 3 should be the test for OCing.

Funny thing is that even GTA5 didn't give me any problems, but this game seems to push GPUs insanely hard. No wonder with all that foliage and distance to render...


Nvidia likely rushed the drivers out even though not given proper development time.

They had issues with the GTAV drivers for a lot of people too


Funny thing is that even GTA5 didn't give me any problems, but this game seems to push GPUs insanely hard. No wonder with all that foliage and distance to render...
GTA 5 would crash too randomly with my oc'ed cpu. Playing around with voltages has made it stable but the same stable settings seems to cause Witcher 3 to crash. Switching from 4.6 to 4.5ghz, I haven't run into a crash yet. Hopefully it stays that way


GTA 5 would crash too randomly with my oc'ed cpu. Playing around with voltages has made it stable but the same stable settings seems to cause Witcher 3 to crash. Switching from 4.6 to 4.5ghz, I haven't run into a crash yet. Hopefully it stays that way

Different OC. Witcher 3 (and these drivers in general) have GPU driver failures (they usually recover but that doesn't help in a game). One of the most common fixes to these GPU crashes is downclocking GPUs.


Neo Member
GTA 5 would crash too randomly with my oc'ed cpu. Playing around with voltages has made it stable but the same stable settings seems to cause Witcher 3 to crash. Switching from 4.6 to 4.5ghz, I haven't run into a crash yet. Hopefully it stays that way

Yeah, I had a similar experience. I had my 4770k at 4.7 for a long time and GTA V was the first game that made me have to dial it back.


I am running the game on a 120 Hz 1440p monitor with the following specs:

3770K at 4.4
Gigabyte G1 at 1500/8000
16 GB of ram at 1866

Just hit the first town, and I am able to keep a near constant 60 fps with everything at ultra except for foliage visibility, which is at high. HairWorks is also off since it just kills performance. For postprocessing, I have AA turned off and ambient occlusion at SSAO. I also turned off CA.

I am pretty content thus far, but we'll see how it will fare as I progress through the game and things get more challenging.

My setup is almost identical and these settings give me around 55-60 FPS with occasional drops into the low 50s. my 980 is at 1443/7200 though. Pretty good performance, though I don't really like the pop-in at high foliage visibility. I think I might tweak the ini and increase the distance a little without upping the quality.


Hopefully they get this shit figured out soon. Been really looking forward to this game. First time since I can't even remember that I couldn't get a game to run at all.


My setup is almost identical and these settings give me around 55-60 FPS with occasional drops into the low 50s. my 980 is at 1443/7200 though. Pretty good performance, though I don't really like the pop-in at high foliage visibility. I think I might tweak the ini and increase the distance a little without upping the quality.

On the 980, the frame buffer never went higher than 63% for me last night. So I'm thinking of increasing the following (is this the right setting?) to around 1200 to start off?

TextureMemoryBudget= [Ultra Value: 800]
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