I think we'll get Rami Malek as Freddie pics tomorrow.
We got one already today:I think we'll get Rami Malek as Freddie pics tomorrow.
Oh, missed that.We got one already today:
Only a month away from Blade Runner to become the surprise hit of the year!
I am directing Episode Nein now.
What a flop, amirite!Spider-man Homecoming officially passed Suicide Squad domestically and Worldwide.
Go sit yourself down and get started then, I enjoyed POTC5 and that stinger had me hyped as hell.
Spider-man Homecoming officially passed Suicide Squad domestically and Worldwide.
Spider-man Homecoming officially passed Suicide Squad domestically and Worldwide.
Bobby, what did you do to Trevorrow?
Spider-man Homecoming featuring Robert Downey Junior's Iron Man officially passed Suicide Squad domestically and Worldwide.
$30m is a lot of money to most people. Yet when we talk about modern Hollywood mainstream fair, that would be described as modest.So still a lot of money then?
Anything over $30m is pretty typical for a wide release studio picture. I'm still not sure where this 'modest marketing' angel is coming from.
You shouldn't. The marketing team will mess up the spelling in the trailers and posters just to upset you.Fuck Brad Bird, Toa TAK is doing it.
$30m is a lot of money to most people. Yet when we talk about modern Hollywood mainstream fair, that would be described as modest.
You shouldn't. The marketing team will mess up the spelling in the trailers and posters just to upset you.
I was kind of referring to how modest changes with context...Modest compared to what? A Star Wars film? $30m (at least) is not what I'd call modest when we're talking about the P&A spend for a studio picture that gets a wide release.
If you want to talk modest let's talk the campaign that A24 did for The Witch which still remains their highest grossing release.
Given the positive word of mouth of Homecoming and the presence of RDJ compared to the horrible word of mouth for Suicide Squad this almost feels like a win for da' Skwad.
For the record I thought Homecoming was a much better film than Suicide Squad.
so um Jóhann Jóhannsson is officially off #BladeRunner2049. Score credited to only Zimmer & Wallfisch
What I had to do
Deadline is saying that the tracking for IT is still $60M with a shot at $70M.
The budget was $35M.
Home Again is expected to make $10-12M
Tomb of The Dragon Emperor was not a big hit for them, and I believe Frasier turned down a fourth film as well eventually. They were going to do a remake one way or another.
We got one already today:
or go tomorrow evening after my wife goes to bed.
Change of topic or on topic, did we get inhumans actuals for the 4-day?
There are things I want to see that my wife has zero interest in. And she is in bed by 7-8pm each night anyways. So it's either go to the theater and see something or stay at home and watch something on my own there. But at home I have to worry about volume levels most of the time.I haven't been able to work up the nerve to do this yet. I should, since I am going to miss pretty much everything not aimed at 4 year olds otherwise.
I don't think so.
There are things I want to see that my wife has zero interest in. And she is in bed by 7-8pm each night anyways. So it's either go to the theater and see something or stay at home and watch something on my own there. But at home I have to worry about volume levels most of the time.
I have some decent headphones. Nothing to blow anyone away, but they work. I prefer my 7.1 setup, but at night sometimes hook up the headphones to watch stuff.Invest $100 or in a decent pair of headphones for home. Unless you are one of those people who needs your 7.1 set up.
My wife has zero interest in seeing pretty much everything. She likes blockbusters with a lot of visual, and next to zero plot complexity.