BB-8 ran over everyone after he got the iggy from George
I asked this before but what do you guys think the film could have done in the summer in more theatres? 300?
I asked this before but what do you guys think the film could have done in the summer in more theatres? 300?
Probably no better, maybe even worse. Yes, the kids are out of school but there's also a lot more competition. Since Avatar destroyed the box office the Christmas opening has become a lot more attractive.
Transformers if the ww launch is simultaneous?
Wait, Spiderman 2 still has the monday record? Wow, that was a long hold.
That's one tiny T. rex.
I prefer to look at it as one giant BB-8.
It feels like yesterday when Spiderman was the "it thing" and the prequels were considered a joke. Funny how things have reversed.
I want to see George's personal films.
Do you think Spidey will help further boost Avengers numbers? He went from being a box office king to basically this, maybe the Marvel movie magic can turn things around for him:
TFA is safe for a Star Wars movie but it still has all the mythology, the focus on timeless themes of good and evil, of family drama that most every summer movie doesn't even come close to examining. Comparing this movie to JW is a giant insult. Plus it's just part 1 of a new trilogy, the story will be fantastic and this was an excellent start.
I think getting into this sort of thing just leads to subjective shouting matches. I liked TFA a lot more than I liked Jurassic World (which I didn't really like at all), but they are both popcorn movies that are more concerned with selling toys than exploring the human condition.
JJ and co. doesn't get a cut from merch
How did you get good seats? I thought finding some is difficult.
TFA is safe for a Star Wars movie but it still has all the mythology, the focus on timeless themes of good and evil, of family drama that most every summer movie doesn't even come close to examining. Comparing this movie to JW is a giant insult. Plus it's just part 1 of a new trilogy, the story will be fantastic and this was an excellent start.
So, $247M is the latest "official" figure, but still not final one?
JJ and co. doesn't get a cut from merch
I thought it would be too.
Just walked up both nights and bought what we wanted (1 hour before showing).
Went and did something else for 30 minutes, came back 30 min before start time and walked right in.
Sat halfway up and dead center both times.
Order online and be done with it.
Yeah BB8 is clearly a merch machine, he was designed to be one
Sure, but that doesn't take anything away from it. Ewoks were also for merch, and BB-8 is several notches above them.Yeah BB8 is clearly a merch machine, he was designed to be one
You bought a Sphero BB-8. Don't deny it.
Sure, but that doesn't take anything away from it. Ewoks were also for merch, and BB-8 is several notches above them.
Star Wars as prime example of examing good and evil and families. Yikes. Granted, you limited it to summer blockbusters, but still, this is sad.
Wait, Spiderman 2 still has the monday record? Wow, that was a long hold.
Disney does, and Disney controls the movies.
JJ and co. don't get free reign to do whatever they want in a franchise film either. BB-8 ended up being pretty amusing, so I don't really care, but he's there to merchandise.
I thought JJ delayed TFA
If only the fans could be as wellclassy
I think TFA will do another $250m (conservative estimate) or so from Monday-Sunday.
I thought JJ delayed TFA
And/or because he's a fun character following in the footsteps of fan favorites (R2). You think Disney told JJ and Kasdan to make BB-8? Also just about anything from Star Wars turns into merch
A million times, YES! That's why I find it so mystifying how caught up people get in the "wrong" blockbuster finding success or not striving to be high art. Most of the time, people are bickering about over glorified toy commercials.I think getting into this sort of thing just leads to subjective shouting matches. I liked TFA a lot more than I liked Jurassic World (which I didn't really like at all), but they are both popcorn movies that are more concerned with selling toys than exploring the human condition.
You bought a Sphero BB-8. Don't deny it.
Women, Hispanic, and Black audiences were under-represented:
(From Hollywood Reporter) Caucasians made up 62 percent of ticket buyers, followed by Hispanics (15 percent), African-Americans (10 percent), Asians (7 percent) and Native American and other (7 percent), according to PostTrak.
63.7 % Non-Hispanic White
12.2 % Non-Hispanic Black
4.7 % Non-Hispanic Asian
3.0 % Non-Hispanic Other (Native Americans, Islanders, multi-ethnicity)
16.4 % Hispanic or Latino
This film is no different. A lot of it is subtle, but(extremely mild spoiler that I wouldn't even classify as a spoiler if this wasn't Star Wars, leading people to be hypersensitive to spoilers)do you think one character got a custom painted X-Wing because it enhances J.J.'s artistic vision? It's there to sell two X-Wing toys instead of one.
Actuals should be out any minute. Given the time of year, if Sunday is over $60M, Monday could crack $40M.