...are we getting 160+ this weekend?
What the hell is going on here.
If Wednesday is $37-39M, we might be, ya.
Lets go with $27M for Thursday (-31%) and take slightly worse increases/drops than Avatar going forward this weekend to match what we have seen so far.
Thursday - $27M
Friday - $55M (+104%)
Saturday - $63M (+15%) <- I think a strong Friday due to presales will depress the Saturday bump a bit.
Sunday - $52M (-17%)
That would be $170M for the second weekend.
Keep in mind that we don't have a ton of comparisons to work with, so that could end up being too high (or hell, even a bit too low).
Same drops (with a bit of rounding) from a $37M Wednesday:
Thursday - $25.6M
Friday - $52M
Saturday - $60M
Sunday - $49.5M
That would be $161.5M for the second weekend.
Basically, a difference of $1M either on Wednesday could mean a difference of ~$5M over the weekend.