Should I do the honors?Anyone willing to predict a billion domestic yet? I refuse to budge from 850-875 range still.
Anyone willing to predict a billion domestic yet? I refuse to budge from 850-875 range still.
Rth suggests non-opening thursday record is in play pending evening turnout
Personally I'm seeing incredibly strong sales for early evening but weak to modest sales for late evening in my area
There's a chance it can hit $30 for sure
We have a theater with reserved seats luckily. Picked up best seats in the house for 10:45pm 3D showing tomorrow. The 8-9pm show times had a lot of seats taken for both 2D/3D
I'll take that potential crow serving.
It will hit 1 billion Domestic.
Anyone willing to predict a billion domestic yet? I refuse to budge from 850-875 range still.
It's disgusting that Daddy's Home might perform best this weekend out of all the newcomers and expansions.
Better Christmas eve hold than Avatar, Yes.Rth said:27.5-28.5
I wouldnt worry about tomorrow much, the interesting bit will be Saturday.Potentially a bigger Xmas Eve than any single day Avatar ever achieved, absolute insanity. It also locks up $50M for tomorrow, and the question now is if it can reach $60M.
That number probably suggests that it'll clear $1.2B. I'd say $1B is a near lock at this point.
Didn't help this guy.Just make the posters blue and orange guys. All there is to it.
Didn't help this guy.
More people will see Star Wars in its second weekend than what saw John Carter through its entire run.Didn't help this guy.
How much did the movie make over the past week?
Yeah the floor in this is 900 mil now. I bump my domestic final tally to 940 mil.
This movie is going to have a 10 day run between $550-$580M, more than all but 4 movies made in their entire run.
Disney needs to release an extended cut in theaters like Cameron did with Avatar
I read somewhere that if Avatar came out today, it'd make about 2.3b ww. That's quite a dip. If TFA manages to get there somehow, I'd say that's a big victory.
I have no doubt that it won't beat Avatar's ww. Even if it made over a billion at the domestic BO.
They can call it a... Special Edition.Disney needs to release an extended cut in theaters like Cameron did with Avatar
It's going to make 230 million times what peanuts made this weekend!
fuck JW
Deader than the jedi knight franchise.
First Avatar and now this
Like is there a specific reason we shoot against classics in this thread?