Sold four Volatile Airs I picked up in the Uldum 5man for 60g a piece this evening o.0
Once I saw the price was so high, I used my Alchemy cooldown to turn 15 Volatile Life (7-8g) into 15 MORE Volatile Airs. None have sold yet (people are catching on and listing tons of them now), but if they do sell that'll be a profit of 630g just for using one day's Alchemy Transmute:
If you didn't know, the ZONE you're in determines the transmute outcome. Uldum is Air, Deepholm Earth, etc.
Alchemy has been a motherfucker to level up, though. So we Alchemists really needed some "gimme" way to profit like this, imo.
Even crazier than 60g Volatile Airs, I sold six Mythical Healing Potions for 63g a piece! It's just a healing potion! 63g! Granted the mats cost ~30g, but still, goddamn. Nutty auction times, right now.
Fake edit: Five of the 50g Volatile Airs just sold. To give you an idea of how nuts the exchange is, these five alone pay for all 15 Volatile Earths I had to use, plus 130g profit. The remaining 10 will be 100% profit.
Real edit: All the Volatile Airs are sold now. If things don't change (ie Life price doesn't climb and Air price doesn't drop) that is 600g profit every 24 hours...