regarding the AH... it all depends on what your intent is.. this "you have to play the AH game this way" is just stupid.
also, listing prices 20-50% under the norm will NOT destabilize the AH. Point and simple, those who do so either are bought out immediately by other sellers, or bought out immediately by other buyers. In terms of other sellers, they just turn around and sell them at full price without a bother.
And let's not kid ourselves, sellers are in no way able to destabilize NOR even set the price of the AH.. at the end of the day, WoW is a buyer's market for most items. Blizzard has gotten much better about setting deposits on items/mats now.. so it's unlikely that there will be that one item worth 1000g and only a 1g deposit on it. most times we're looking at at least 10g or more on such an equivalent, so a week of listing it at that price will still run you 40g.. no not a ton, but taking into account undercutting and how much you might eventually sell it for anyway, it's still lost money.
remember that even though a crafter might have total control over a bis item/enchant, there are plenty of second choices available from dungeons or rep. if someone doesn't want to pay 1500g for BiS, they'll just go and run dungeon x a few more dozen times, or grind rep til they can pay 100g for it from the rep vendor.
I play the AH how I want to at that moment. Currently I'm pricing my greens at like maybe twice what I'd get from the vendors.. yeah stupid I know, but I a) want the money now and b) don't want to relist anything. mats I'll typically undercut by 10% tops. of course the prices on cat mats are so early now anyway that often they'll go fine, but then at times I'll post at $xx at night, and look the next morning and nothing is selling because a whole flux were posted at 25% off going rate.
Only thing that pissed me off was Pristine Hides. On my old server they were going for around 75g. On the new server they dropped to 30g so I held onto them for a couple of days. I finally relented and posted them, only for blizzard to post that pristine hides were dropping much more frequently than they wanted.... GGAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!! probably sold 10+ now for 30g each before they changed it.
The Lamonster said:
It's almost as boring as fishing.
it's actually not that bad while you are leveling. 85 sucks, but at least you have flight paths and artisan/master flying to speed it up. if you are just starting it at 85 it's really not "that much" worse than grinding dailies.