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World of Warcraft: Cataclysm |OT| of Who the hell is Deathwing, anyway?

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notsol337 said:
So I found a pretty awesome spot to be a terrible person in Hyjal. At the Shrine of Goldrinn, there are a few pillars. I have a fire mage, and I stood on the pillar closest to the quest givers and I killed level 80 alliance on their flying mounts while the guards just stood there. Anyone that shot back at me got killed by the guards. As long as you stay in the center of the pillar, you're ok. Deathknights can't even death grip you down, but you need to be wary of other ranged on the other pillars. I eventually got blown up by a warlock.

Still, pretty funny and several of the alliance on Stormreaver switched to horde alts to call me names!

Why I play on a PVE server, fuck that shit.


RPGCrazied said:
Nope, I'm questing. I did all of Vash'ir, I'm at 110 quests in Hyjal. I haven't been to any of the other zones yet. I've amassed almost 2k gold in just vendoring off quest greens, and quest gold. Its easy to get gold now, like it was hard before, but wow.

Lvl'ing was wayyyy to easy.

I pretty much got a whole tonne of rested xp... and quested while making sure to kill extra mobs that would give me 4-8k per kill.. No group. Hit 85 yesterday. And that is with playing off and on last week.

Finished Vash'ir, DeepHolme, Uldam and Twilight ;)

But I SPEED through the game. If I can i cheat my way through gather quests (for example i let other people in the game aggro the mobs near by and pick what ever i need to get while the mobs are busy.. I mount in between mobs. I dont read the quest text.....


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
methane47 said:
But I SPEED through the game. If I can i cheat my way through gather quests (for example i let other people in the game aggro the mobs near by and pick what ever i need to get while the mobs are busy.
I hate this shit. Trying to get an herb/quest item...or there's a mob there, better kill him first.

Some asshole swoops down and steals it while I'm fighting. Guhhhhh. So lame.


notsol337 said:
I only play for pvp.

To each his own. :) I'm not knocking you for doing what you like doing. I don't see the appeal of playing on one though. I want to quest, not worry about if some guy is ready to one shot me in the middle of one.


marked forever
RPGCrazied said:
To each his own. :) I'm not knocking you for doing what you like doing. I don't see the appeal of playing on one though. I want to quest, not worry about if some guy is ready to one shot me in the middle of one.

I can't fault you for that. When I was leveling my mage during vanilla, I'd constantly get angry about getting ganked by level 60's. It can be horrendous sometimes.

For example, the lock that killed me (repeatedly) was a level 80 in full wrathful gear, so I switched over to my 80 rogue to kill him. He'd magically gotten himself a holy pally friend and I was pretty well screwed over and I spent an hour battling with him across ALL of Hyjal! Kind of fun, but certainly not productive.
I believe I finished all of the non-dungeon quests in Uldum today. I've got mixed feelings about the difficulty of the last few missions for Ramkahen. I solo'd these and they really showed me that I was really not playing my Paladin to it's full potential. On the other I thought they could have presented the level of difficulty a bit better than they did. Beyond that I must say it made the questing a lot more interesting to have enemies that have specific strategies to take down.


Kintaco said:
I got my worgen druid out of Gilneas and now I'm wondering where to level him further. I was dumped off at Darkshore, but I was wondering which would be a better place to lvl, the Eastern Kingdom or Kalimdor, by better I mean cooler (changes from vanilla and lorewise.)
I haven't experienced it yet, but by most accounts the Alliance-side Kalimdor quests are fucking awesome now (until you hit Dustwallow, at least).


Still Tagged Accordingly
RPGCrazied said:
Why I play on a PVE server, fuck that shit.

if you play on a PvP server you learn not to take shit too seriously, otherwise you go slightly insane from the frustration.

if i get corpse camped i like to just alt-tab out of wow (or logout) and just browse the net or play another game/character for an hour or so. i get a kick out of thinking they camped me for 15-30 minutes for absolutely no reason, while i just moved on and did something else with my time.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
NameGenerated said:
I hate this shit. Trying to get an herb/quest item...or there's a mob there, better kill him first.

Some asshole swoops down and steals it while I'm fighting. Guhhhhh. So lame.

I always /spit on these people. I'm sure they don't care but it makes me feel a little better.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
GDJustin said:
I always /spit on these people. I'm sure they don't care but it makes me feel a little better.
If they are same faction, I usually let them know they're dickbags. Just cause. It's not going to stop them, but most dicks become dicks because everybody says nothing whenever they do dickish things.


Still Tagged Accordingly
tauren druids that take herbalism have it easiest. no need to fight the mob, just swoop in, gather the herb in 0.5 of a second and fly away to the next node. people have reached a herb a split second before i have, but i still get it. some people probably see it as me being an asshole, but the way i see it technically i was there first if i gathered the herb first. blizzard gave taurens an advantage to herbalism for a reason, why wouldn't i use it to its full potential?

and why fight the mob before mining/herbing the node? almost all classes have some form of CC they can use to quickly gather the material, THEN fight the mob.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
GDJustin said:
You're part of the problem, then. You're the type of person I am describing. Feel free to undercut. I get undercut all the time - literally every day. But it only is an issue when someone undercuts to such a high degree that they destabilize the entire market for that item.

The guy put up eight gems 150g cheaper than the cheapest. He could have listed them for just 50g cheaper instead and they would have sold just as fast.

In fact, we don't even need to speculate about it. My auction receipts prove it. I relisted his 500g gems for 648, and they all sold within a couple hours.

People that don't pay much attention to the AH do stuff like what you're describing all the time. If something is 50g, they'll list theirs for 40 to "make sure" it sells. But in truth it would have sold just as fast at 49. People buy the cheapest, period.

You make more money this way than you use thanks to lost deposits from expired auctions.

If you are going to list as the cheapest on the AH, it makes no difference if you're a little cheaper or much cheaper. You don't need to "admit" to being an undercutter. We all are. But undercut by 2%, not 10-20%. It is frustrating to see someone sell something for 298g when my 300g auction expires, but I'll take that over a completely unstable market.
To be fair, it's because the people that do that just want some gold right now, not to play a metagame.
Scrow said:
tauren druids that take herbalism have it easiest. no need to fight the mob, just swoop in, gather the herb in 0.5 of a second and fly away to the next node. people have reached a herb a split second before i have, but i still get it. some people probably see it as me being an asshole, but the way i see it technically i was there first if i gathered the herb first. blizzard gave taurens an advantage to herbalism for a reason, why wouldn't i use it to its full potential?

and why fight the mob before mining/herbing the node? almost all classes have some form of CC they can use to quickly gather the material, THEN fight the mob.

Night Elf Druids have the best of all. Those times that the mob is standing on the herb, you cyclone them, grab the flower then Shadowmeld to break combat, then shift to Flight Form and win!


I hate when the node shows up before any players, I take it, then get bitched at without realizing I'd ever done it. :lol


Still Tagged Accordingly
krypt0nian said:
Night Elf Druids have the best of all. Those times that the mob is standing on the herb, you cyclone them, grab the flower then Shadowmeld to break combat, then shift to Flight Form and win!
eh, nah. tauren druids still have it better. with a 0.5 cast time it doesn't matter if the mob is right on top of the node attacking me, i can gather the herb between hits, with no need drop out of flight form to do all that cycloning and shadowmelding tomfoolery. fly in, gather, fly out.

GDJustin said:
If you are going to list as the cheapest on the AH, it makes no difference if you're a little cheaper or much cheaper. You don't need to "admit" to being an undercutter. We all are. But undercut by 2%, not 10-20%. It is frustrating to see someone sell something for 298g when my 300g auction expires, but I'll take that over a completely unstable market.
i undercut that much because i want to ward off other potential undercutters from pricing me out of the market. it usually works. not many people are willing to take a loss as big as i am when they look at what everyone else has listed the item for.

for me, i'm happy with any profit. if i make 1 silver more than i would've selling it to the vendor (AH cut taken into account) that's good enough for me, anything more is a bonus. you just have to deal with the fact that people like me are a reality of the market.
Scrow said:
eh, nah. tauren druids still have it better. with a 0.5 cast time it doesn't matter if the mob is right on top of the node attacking me, i can gather the herb between hits, with no need drop out of flight form to do all that cycloning and shadowmelding tomfoolery. fly in, gather, fly out.

i undercut that much because i want to ward off other potential undercutters from pricing me out of the market. it usually works. not many people are willing to take a loss as big as i am when they look at what everyone else has listed the item for.

for me, i'm happy with any profit. if i make 1 silver more than i would've selling it to the vendor (AH cut taken into account) that's good enough for me, anything more is a bonus. you just have to deal with the fact that people like me are a reality of the market.

You missed the point. When mobs are right on top of it and combat is inevitable, Nelfs rule supreme. Shadowmeld with its vanish component make them uber. I can gather between most hits too, but there are times when even a 0.5 cast makes no difference. Like back in the Icecrown fields with multiple mobs.

Nelf Druids are the ultimate flower pickers.


Still Tagged Accordingly
krypt0nian said:
You missed the point. When mobs are right on top of it and combat is inevitable, Nelfs rule supreme. Shadowmeld with its vanish component make them uber. I can gather between most hits too, but there are times when even a 0.5 cast makes no difference.

Nelf Druids are the ultimate flower pickers.
look, i don't want to go around in circles about this, but you're wrong. since getting flight form and taurens getting a faster gathering speed i've NEVER had to kill a mob to pick a herb. NEVER.
Scrow said:
look, i don't want to go around in circles about this, but you're wrong. since getting flight form and taurens getting a faster gathering speed i've NEVER had to kill a mob to pick a herb. NEVER.

You'd still be better off with Shadowmeld. Makes us perfect herbers.


Scrow said:
look, i don't want to go around in circles about this, but you're wrong. since getting flight form and taurens getting a faster gathering speed i've NEVER had to kill a mob to pick a herb. NEVER.

My experience as well. If i have to shift from flight form to pick herbs, I've done something wrong.

Log4Girlz said:
Sigh. I have WoW ADD. i can't settle on a character for too long. Had an 80 druid, 80 shaman, 80 mage, 80 warlock, 80 rogue and an 80 deathknight. Just got the Mage to 85 a few days ago....I cringe at getting the others up there.

Old friend of mine used to handle that slowly through rest xp abuse. If it wasn't available for many, many bars, the character stayed idle.


Sigh. I have WoW ADD. i can't settle on a character for too long. Had an 80 druid, 80 shaman, 80 mage, 80 warlock, 80 rogue and an 80 deathknight. Just got the Mage to 85 a few days ago....I cringe at getting the others up there.


Making my first WOW character after purchasing the $20 pack for vanilla/bc/WOTLK pack from Blizzard. Didn't buy Cata. Working on a Human Ret Palladin. PvP as I from what I concluded, PvE sounds like for carebears. No attacking in Contested Areas? That just sounds like removing a dimension of the game since so much is covered in contested. Sorry if that offends anyone.

Is it just me or BC (Outland) content sucks? Each zone can be described in one color. The pacing is absolutely awful compared to the vanilla quests. The scenery is really depressing. Plus every quest just seems to be go kill things or fetch me this please 50x. There aren't any interesting mini-games in the Outland compared to the vanilla kingdoms.

I can venture into WOTLK content at 68, right? Right now I'm 67, and I'm just doing dungeons as I can't stand the quests.


I don't get why the new 1-60 content is getting so much love. I have a lvl 32 Worgen Rogue now and played through Gilneas, Darkshore, Ashenvale and Stonetalon Mountains. There are a few nice questlines (the bomb) and the questflow is really good, but 95% of the quests are still the same old boring ass fetch quests. From what i can remember, Northrend and especially the Deathknight starting area had much cooler quests lines.

But despite that i'm having a lot of fun, just proves how excellent the wow core gameplay is. Just playing at a casual rate, not being forced to rush to max lvl makes it a lot more fun for me.


claviertekky said:
Making my first WOW character after purchasing the $20 pack for vanilla/bc/WOTLK pack from Blizzard. Didn't buy Cata. Working on a Human Ret Palladin. PvP as I from what I concluded, PvE sounds like for carebears. No attacking in Contested Areas? That just sounds like removing a dimension of the game since so much is covered in contested. Sorry if that offends anyone.

Is it just me or BC (Outland) content sucks? Each zone can be described in one color. The pacing is absolutely awful compared to the vanilla quests. The scenery is really depressing. Plus every quest just seems to be go kill things or fetch me this please 50x. There aren't any interesting mini-games in the Outland compared to the vanilla kingdoms.

I can venture into WOTLK content at 68, right? Right now I'm 67, and I'm just doing dungeons as I can't stand the quests.

It is better to go in at 70, since all of your quests are unlocked. You might find some are unavailable if you jump in at 68.


Raide said:
It is better to go in at 70, since all of your quests are unlocked. You might find some are unavailable if you jump in at 68.
Thanks for the tidbit.

For a ret pally, what attributes should I be focusing? My friend who's played wow for four years told me it's all about strength. Is he right? Right now my dps is all over the chart like 563-673 or something.


This game is so much incredibly better with my current setup than the one I played back when I was actually playing back in 2005-2007.

Throw in all the UI enhancements, I can play without mods just fine.

G510 Keyboard, WoW mouse, triple monitor setup...

It's a really boring repetitive game when you have to 'concentrate' on farming.

When you drive the game entirely through a single hand; a single push of a button allows for you to kill 95% of mobs and you can watch a video on the side... it's a pretty great feeling.

Multi-tasking for fun.

Still... dunno how long I'll stay with WoW. prolly just play through to 85 on a couple different characters and races.


notsol337 said:
I can't fault you for that. When I was leveling my mage during vanilla, I'd constantly get angry about getting ganked by level 60's. It can be horrendous sometimes.

For example, the lock that killed me (repeatedly) was a level 80 in full wrathful gear, so I switched over to my 80 rogue to kill him. He'd magically gotten himself a holy pally friend and I was pretty well screwed over and I spent an hour battling with him across ALL of Hyjal! Kind of fun, but certainly not productive.
You didn't play during vanilla you liar.

Also <3 hi buddy. I'll see you in-game soon. :3


I had started a Goblin shadowpriest. The starting area is incredibly fun. Very inspired. A thousand times better than what vanilla was.


notsol337 said:
So I found a pretty awesome spot to be a terrible person in Hyjal. At the Shrine of Goldrinn, there are a few pillars. I have a fire mage, and I stood on the pillar closest to the quest givers and I killed level 80 alliance on their flying mounts while the guards just stood there. Anyone that shot back at me got killed by the guards. As long as you stay in the center of the pillar, you're ok. Deathknights can't even death grip you down, but you need to be wary of other ranged on the other pillars. I eventually got blown up by a warlock.

Still, pretty funny and several of the alliance on Stormreaver switched to horde alts to call me names!

I'm pretty sure that would be regarded as a terrain exploit and worthy of GM punishment, so, well, don't get caught.
Jibber Hack said:
I believe I finished all of the non-dungeon quests in Uldum today. I've got mixed feelings about the difficulty of the last few missions for Ramkahen. I solo'd these and they really showed me that I was really not playing my Paladin to it's full potential. On the other I thought they could have presented the level of difficulty a bit better than they did. Beyond that I must say it made the questing a lot more interesting to have enemies that have specific strategies to take down.

Haha! That's the biggest curse of a PVP server.

"Sweet, only 3 bars to 85, oh dude, why'd you kill me"
*2 hours later*
"HA! Let that be a lesson to you, I will hunt you down!"
"Sweet, only 3 bars to 85"
flyinpiranha said:
Haha! That's the biggest curse of a PVP server.

"Sweet, only 3 bars to 85, oh dude, why'd you kill me"
*2 hours later*
"HA! Let that be a lesson to you, I will hunt you down!"
"Sweet, only 3 bars to 85"
I'd call that a blessing. I love the interaction on PVP servers. I don't mind getting sidetracked by players because it makes things more random and interesting.


NameGenerated said:
I hate this shit. Trying to get an herb/quest item...or there's a mob there, better kill him first.

Some asshole swoops down and steals it while I'm fighting. Guhhhhh. So lame.

Man, I'm such a sucker. Since I hate when people do that to me, every time I see someone fighting a mob near a mining spots, I wait for them to finish to see if they were going for the node as well. I still haven't found anyone doing the same thing though. Sometimes I think I should be more of an asshole when playing MMOs.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
regarding the AH... it all depends on what your intent is.. this "you have to play the AH game this way" is just stupid.

also, listing prices 20-50% under the norm will NOT destabilize the AH. Point and simple, those who do so either are bought out immediately by other sellers, or bought out immediately by other buyers. In terms of other sellers, they just turn around and sell them at full price without a bother.

And let's not kid ourselves, sellers are in no way able to destabilize NOR even set the price of the AH.. at the end of the day, WoW is a buyer's market for most items. Blizzard has gotten much better about setting deposits on items/mats now.. so it's unlikely that there will be that one item worth 1000g and only a 1g deposit on it. most times we're looking at at least 10g or more on such an equivalent, so a week of listing it at that price will still run you 40g.. no not a ton, but taking into account undercutting and how much you might eventually sell it for anyway, it's still lost money.

remember that even though a crafter might have total control over a bis item/enchant, there are plenty of second choices available from dungeons or rep. if someone doesn't want to pay 1500g for BiS, they'll just go and run dungeon x a few more dozen times, or grind rep til they can pay 100g for it from the rep vendor.

I play the AH how I want to at that moment. Currently I'm pricing my greens at like maybe twice what I'd get from the vendors.. yeah stupid I know, but I a) want the money now and b) don't want to relist anything. mats I'll typically undercut by 10% tops. of course the prices on cat mats are so early now anyway that often they'll go fine, but then at times I'll post at $xx at night, and look the next morning and nothing is selling because a whole flux were posted at 25% off going rate.

Only thing that pissed me off was Pristine Hides. On my old server they were going for around 75g. On the new server they dropped to 30g so I held onto them for a couple of days. I finally relented and posted them, only for blizzard to post that pristine hides were dropping much more frequently than they wanted.... GGAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!! probably sold 10+ now for 30g each before they changed it.

The Lamonster said:
It's almost as boring as fishing.
it's actually not that bad while you are leveling. 85 sucks, but at least you have flight paths and artisan/master flying to speed it up. if you are just starting it at 85 it's really not "that much" worse than grinding dailies.
Well, I hit 50k gold for the first time today. That brings my post Cataclysm earnings to 42k with the great majority coming from the AH. With AH prices on ore and gems coming down I have to decide if I want to kick back and just see the world now or become more involved. Kicking back sounds good right now.


methane47 said:
But I SPEED through the game. If I can i cheat my way through gather quests (for example i let other people in the game aggro the mobs near by and pick what ever i need to get while the mobs are busy.. I mount in between mobs. I dont read the quest text.....

I did that the first time I played. Never read quest text, just rushed through the quests.

Then I always bitched about how questing sucks / WoW storyline sucks / etc...

Now I am actually reading the quest text and it is much more enjoyable. You actually know what is going on, and why you are doing things. Finishing the quest-lines leads you to the dungeons which help you appreciate why you are in there.
I made it to 525 archaeology a few days ago. It's farming for my epic healing trinket that's driving me insane. Fishing sucked to level but was almost immediately useful (feasts), archaeology just sucks. I solved 8 rares while leveling it, 0 since.
claviertekky said:
Is it just me or BC (Outland) content sucks? Each zone can be described in one color. The pacing is absolutely awful compared to the vanilla quests. The scenery is really depressing. Plus every quest just seems to be go kill things or fetch me this please 50x. There aren't any interesting mini-games in the Outland compared to the vanilla kingdoms.

I can venture into WOTLK at 68, right? Right now I'm 67, and I'm just doing dungeons as I can't stand the quests.

It's you mang.



Supposed to be. Same as some of Catackalism.




Hope that helps. :D


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
kodt said:
Now I am actually reading the quest text and it is much more enjoyable. You actually know what is going on, and why you are doing things. Finishing the quest-lines leads you to the dungeons which help you appreciate why you are in there.
I've read every bit of quest text for all of cataclysm so far. I dinged 85 yesterday so just over a week of getting the game. honestly unless you've already read through the quests IMHO there is no reason to NOT read the quest text. It really adds to the game a bit and takes away the grinding feeling a little bit from it.

I don't remember if it was in this thread that I said it, but I already had the warchief's command quests to go to both Uldum AND Twilight Highlands while I was 3/4 of the way through Deepholm and I stuck around just because I was dying to see how deepholm ended. So so so so glad I made that decision, something I would have never done without reading the quest text. Likewise in Uldum now, I'm getting 333's from regular dungeons, 346 from heroic dungeons and rep, and I'm still finishing up Uldum because the indiana jones stuff is OUTSTANDING! Well, the subbed cash rewards at this point don't hurt either with belt buckles and cut gems going for 700-1400 on my server. good thing most of my enchants are either rep rewards or at this point still WotLK enchants. I think there is only one desirable player-made enchant for my mage that is Cata-level and it's like 1500 on the AH (weapon enchant)
Naeblish said:
I don't get why the new 1-60 content is getting so much love. I have a lvl 32 Worgen Rogue now and played through Gilneas, Darkshore, Ashenvale and Stonetalon Mountains.

I think almost all of the love is for Westfall/Redridge/etc. For those of us who spent so much time running around southern E. Kingdoms doing Defias/Gnolls/Stalvan/etc. that whole resurrection of the Deadmines questline is so great.
claviertekky said:
Is it just me or BC (Outland) content sucks? Each zone can be described in one color. The pacing is absolutely awful compared to the vanilla quests. The scenery is really depressing.

BC levelling is truly awful. I haven't rolled any new characters in ages for dread of that place. All the zones outside Zangarmarsh are just visually so depressing, as you mention.


The Lamonster said:
Where's the best place to mine Obsidium? I need to get my mining up so I can mine Elementium or whatever it's called.
Likely Deepholm.

But, honestly, why not just spend 15 minutes flying about Icecrown to get to 475? Hell, you could easily get up to almost 500 off of Rich or Titanium nodes.
Yaweee said:
Likely Deepholm.

But, honestly, why not just spend 15 minutes flying about Icecrown to get to 475? Hell, you could easily get up to almost 500 off of Rich or Titanium nodes.
I totally didn't even think about that. This is why I love you GAF. And like, nobody hangs out in Icecrown anymore :lol
Yaweee said:
Likely Deepholm.

But, honestly, why not just spend 15 minutes flying about Icecrown to get to 475? Hell, you could easily get up to almost 500 off of Rich or Titanium nodes.

I found that Deepholm had mostly Elementium nodes. You are probably better off going to Hyjal and flying around hitting the nodes there. That's what I ended up doing.
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