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World of Warcraft: Cataclysm |OT| of Who the hell is Deathwing, anyway?

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As an Elemental Shaman, will healers get upset in Heroics if I help out occasionally if things are looking grim? A well-placed Chain Heal, Healing Rain, or Fast Big Heal have seemed quite useful, especially given how many enemies have immunity phases or spell-reflects.

In other news, I feel like a CC god. Hex + Bind Elemental + War Stomp (Tauren), and Wind Shear and Grounding Totem? Don't worry, I got this.

Are there any good mods to watch enemy cast-times? Like, to make the cast always appear over their head, like their health?


water_wendi said:
This is correct. The only problem with healing now (why most find it frustrating.. not why it isnt fun) is that in PUG groups the stress comes from babysitting everyone else. Healers need to instruct DPS (and tanks now that every moron is queuing up as Tank to get around 1.5 hour wait times) how to do their job. My idea of fun isnt telling mages to sheep and then telling people not to AoE thus breaking sheep.

The current issue with healing is mana, crowd control helps relieve this problem but is not a cure-all. If you don't like leading PUGS in this endeavor queue with guild groups.


KibblesBits said:
I <3 you. :lol

Wrath dungeons have really ruined Wow. People don't know how to play their roles correctly. Especially tanks and mages.
Tell me about it. I still haven't found a group that has got through Stonecore. I've had tanks that go and pull 10 mobs and then wipe out and scream at the healer, and even a DPS druid who pulled two whole groups without waiting for the first one to be finished.

I always found Wrath's stuff to be so easy, but maybe that was from doing Vanilla Molten Core and Ahn'Qiraj where you had to be on your toes almost all the time!


Yaweee said:
As an Elemental Shaman, will healers get upset in Heroics if I help out occasionally if things are looking grim? A well-placed Chain Heal, Healing Rain, or Fast Big Heal have seemed quite useful, especially given how many enemies have immunity phases or spell-reflects.

Hell no, it is greatly appreciated, specially when they are low on mana. I am a disc priest in my group and my elemental shaman has saved our asses many a time.


Nostalgic Nightmare said:
The fuck are you talking about, try healing as a priest, one button pfft. I healed all the way through vanilla to wrath and the biggest problem with so called "tanks" was that they literally just grabbed everything in sight an expected to be healed through it, most of the time wearing shit gear and or not even close to being stat capped. Wrath was the worst, it promoted this type of tanking and now they are butt hurt today because those days are over. They actually have to mark targets instead of facerolling. 99.9% of the time if a wipe was caused in wrath it was due to a shit tank or shit dps who couldn't be bothered to wait for proper threat to build.
This was also a problem with tanks in heirloom gear in lower vanilla/bc zones, they would try and pull everything and hope the AOE dmg was there from dps to drop everything, then freak if it didn't work out that way. God forbid they would wait for healer mana in their ADD ridden quest to round up the whole dungeon.

Wow, you seem to be mad.
Healers are really bitching nowadays, like 6-7 year olds sometimes.
In one particular group, shaman healer did not place totems like 90% of the time. Only used it 1-2 times. Awesome. I was marking mobs, pulling carefully once he reaches max mana (btw, seriously, DRINK when you are out of combat, do not just stand there and bitch that you have low mana, DRINK.), and ONE time, I dared to pull a sole guardian mob when healer has 60% mana. Guess what happened? We wiped because the healer refused to heal, "I was needing more mana". He did not even try. That is too overboard, but I can totally see the healers becoming precious little flowers in Cata, because as a tank, you gotta do everything in your power to survive, rotate perfectly for aggro, manage cd's, AND treat them like little kings because if not, it is wipe instantly.

So swallow the healer pride, and focus sometimes, not every tank is a chainpulling idiot, and not every dps is a cc'breaker fanatic. Healers are really acting hurt nowadays, a lot of them. Was not this the case in WOTLK.


Water is not wet!
joelseph said:
The current issue with healing is mana, crowd control helps relieve this problem but is not a cure-all. If you don't like leading PUGS in this endeavor queue with guild groups.
Thats what i am doing.
KibblesBits said:
I <3 you. :lol

Wrath dungeons have really ruined Wow. People don't know how to play their roles correctly. Especially tanks and mages.

Mages? You have to be mentally retarded not to play a mage well in a raid. You have like two jobs, sheep stuff, and spam a spell. Maybe decurse, if the boss calls for it, which is actually kind of rare.


Water is not wet!
V_Arnold said:
So swallow the healer pride, and focus sometimes, not every tank is a chainpulling idiot, and not every dps is a cc'breaker fanatic. Healers are really acting hurt nowadays, a lot of them. Was not this the case in WOTLK.
Not every but its certainly many. As soon as i get into an instance as DPS and see even a hint of this i leave group. id say about 3/4 of the time the bolded is true especially now that DPS plate are queuing as tank to get around the really long queue times.


V_Arnold said:
Wow, you seem to be mad.
Healers are really bitching nowadays, like 6-7 year olds sometimes.
In one particular group, shaman healer did not place totems like 90% of the time. Only used it 1-2 times. Awesome. I was marking mobs, pulling carefully once he reaches max mana (btw, seriously, DRINK when you are out of combat, do not just stand there and bitch that you have low mana, DRINK.), and ONE time, I dared to pull a sole guardian mob when healer has 60% mana. Guess what happened? We wiped because the healer refused to heal, "I was needing more mana". He did not even try. That is too overboard, but I can totally see the healers becoming precious little flowers in Cata, because as a tank, you gotta do everything in your power to survive, rotate perfectly for aggro, manage cd's, AND treat them like little kings because if not, it is wipe instantly.

So swallow the healer pride, and focus sometimes, not every tank is a chainpulling idiot, and not every dps is a cc'breaker fanatic. Healers are really acting hurt nowadays, a lot of them. Was not this the case in WOTLK.

Healing has issues right now, serious issues. We are all mana starved and if you have never experienced this while playing a healer then you wouldn't understand the severity. Tanks and healers all need to learn to wait for CC, and use CDs earlier, every fight, and the upsetting part is even in some fights where all that happens perfectly mana is still such a huge issue. I am having to fiend, hymn, pot, innervate, etc almost everytime they are up and still drinking after every pull.


Still Tagged Accordingly
notworksafe said:
I'm staying Tauren! Troll Druid forms are too weird looking.
i'm much more pragmatic about racial choice, based on each races' traits.

Trolls have:
* Beast Slaying - 5% damage against beasts. Situationally advantageous.
* Berserking - Increase attack/casting speed by 20%. 3 min cooldown. Good to use in conjunction with particular procs, trinkets or long CD abilities when fighting a boss and you need to ramp up DPS during a particular phase.
* Bow Specialisation - Chance to crit with bows increased by 1%. Wasted on a druid.
* Da Voodoo Shuffle - Reduces duration of movement impairing effects by 15%. Again, completely wasted on a druid. All it takes is a form shift and the snare is immediately dispelled.
* Regeneration - Health regen increased by 10%. 10% of total health regen continues during combat. Good for raids where you might be taking lots of AoE damage in a long boss fights. Eases a little bit of pressure on healers to keep you alive... but not much.
* Throwing specialisation - Same as the bow specialisation. Also wasted on a druid.

So that leaves Berserking as one really good racial trait, regeneration and beast slaying as average traits, and all the others completely useless for a druid.

Taurens have:
* Cultivation - Herbalism skill increased by 15 and herb gathering faster. Makes tauren druids objectively the best herbalists in the game, but it's not going to help your DPS, healing or tanking in raids/heroics any.
* Endurance - Health increased by 5%. Good for every class and every spec of druid, especially feral tanking.
* Nature resistance - Increases resistance to nature damage. Obviously situational in dungeons where there's nature damage flying around. Scales with level.
* War stomp - 2 second stun to 5 enemies within 8 yards. 0.5 second cast, 2 minute CD. Fairly situational. Probably best applied in PvP situations to interrupt your opponent's flow and turn the tables. Could be used in raids to save a healer and give the tank a chance to pull the mob off them. Arguably one of the strongest active racial traits in the game.

So in summary that leaves Endurance and War Stomp as awesome racial traits, nature resist as average and cultivation as awesome, but only if you take herbalism, obviously.

Compared to the troll racial traits, choosing a tauren druid is easy for me. Berserking is very tempting, but not enough to lose three really good traits.


joelseph said:
Healing has issues right now, serious issues. We are all mana starved and if you have never experienced this while playing a healer then you wouldn't understand the severity. Tanks and healers all need to learn to wait for CC, and use CDs earlier, every fight, and the upsetting part is even in some fights where all that happens perfectly mana is still such a huge issue. I am having to fiend, hymn, pot, innervate, etc almost everytime they are up and still drinking after every pull.

And tanks have issues also, serious issues. Our endgame WOTLK avoidance basically halved, relative HP pool is so much smaller, and threat IS a problem now. Believe me, when I say this: aside from DPS happily nuking if doing their things right, both healing and tanking has been nerfed. The chainpulling mentality and the "oh, let us pull another group with 50% hp" is a habit from WOTLK, and a bad habit, but healers are not immune to this, they just cant pull that much (not like I havent seen CC pulling impatient healers anyway) , so they can act like they were always patient, normal players anways.

We all need to adjust, it is that healing is the weakest link alright, but it does not mean that only tanks/dps players have gotten used to the fast pacing what was present at WOTLK. I am willing to bet that once everyone gears up with 359+ epics, healers will be just as prone to be the guys who say "gogo" before every friggin pull, just like in WOTLK.


Water is not wet!
joelseph said:
Healing has issues right now, serious issues. We are all mana starved and if you have never experienced this while playing a healer then you wouldn't understand the severity. Tanks and healers all need to learn to wait for CC, and use CDs earlier, every fight, and the upsetting part is even in some fights where all that happens perfectly mana is still such a huge issue. I am having to fiend, hymn, pot, innervate, etc almost everytime they are up and still drinking after every pull.
You are right. Mana is a huge issue now. Whether this goes away later who knows? i understand what Blizzard is doing by changing healing to what it is now. The problem is its not worth it atm. i know a bunch of healers (some been healing since MC) that have hung up their heals because of these changes. Whether this was the smart thing to do on Blizzards part only time will tell because like it or not, the majority of people dont like to play frustrating games when the frustration is out of their hands.


Still Tagged Accordingly
joelseph said:
You can't warstomp in bear form, can you?
you shift out of bear form as soon as you begin casting it. i wouldn't suggest using it as a bear though, unless you've lost aggro, nothing is hitting you and bash is on cooldown.


Yaweee said:
As an Elemental Shaman, will healers get upset in Heroics if I help out occasionally if things are looking grim? A well-placed Chain Heal, Healing Rain, or Fast Big Heal have seemed quite useful, especially given how many enemies have immunity phases or spell-reflects.

In other news, I feel like a CC god. Hex + Bind Elemental + War Stomp (Tauren), and Wind Shear and Grounding Totem? Don't worry, I got this.

Are there any good mods to watch enemy cast-times? Like, to make the cast always appear over their head, like their health?
Some people get testy when someone else steps on their role. For instance, my friend was tanking as a Prot Pally and healing himself with Word of Glory when possible (since he had nothing better to do with his Holy Power). The healer told him to stop it... No issue with threat management, no problems with slowing down pulls, just simply a healer objecting to anyone else doing his job.

These people are idiots.
Evlar said:
Some people get testy when someone else steps on their role. For instance, my friend was tanking as a Prot Pally and healing himself with Word of Glory when possible (since he had nothing better to do with his Holy Power). The healer told him to stop it... No issue with threat management, no problems with slowing down pulls, just simply a healer objecting to anyone else doing his job.

These people are idiots.

Tanks seem to get mad when I kite a mob in a big group. If you have an arcane mage you essentially have two CCs, since you can sheep one and kite another. I think maybe tanks think they will get blamed if the mage dies, but mages have so many threat dumping abilities anymore it's not really going to happen.


Water is not wet!
Evlar said:
Some people get testy when someone else steps on their role. For instance, my friend was tanking as a Prot Pally and healing himself with Word of Glory when possible (since he had nothing better to do with his Holy Power). The healer told him to stop it... No issue with threat management, no problems with slowing down pulls, just simply a healer objecting to anyone else doing his job.

These people are idiots.
i can see someone getting annoyed because of wasted mana from overhealing. The way mana is right now that could lead to a wipe. Prot Pally should be using HP for other things, imo.

Word of Glory is instant so its not like the healer can see when its going to be cast.

These people are idiots.
And this is what i mean about instructing people how to do their role. You try to explain ever so nicely in group that you cannot afford to overheal to a Wogger Pally tank and you will be kicked because people will think you are an idiot. Hate to break it to you but its not healers that need to learn how to adjust to Cata its Tank/DPS with your mentality.


Evlar said:
Some people get testy when someone else steps on their role. For instance, my friend was tanking as a Prot Pally and healing himself with Word of Glory when possible (since he had nothing better to do with his Holy Power). The healer told him to stop it... No issue with threat management, no problems with slowing down pulls, just simply a healer objecting to anyone else doing his job.

These people are idiots.

In that case if the healer is not mana starved the paladin should be using his charges for shields not heals, yeah?


The 5% health increase is based of base health values, and is basically inconsequential for a tank.

I switched to Troll because I love the forms (I'm also not an herbalist, and war stomp is useless for me as a tank).
AbortedWalrusFetus said:
Mages? You have to be mentally retarded not to play a mage well in a raid. You have like two jobs, sheep stuff, and spam a spell. Maybe decurse, if the boss calls for it, which is actually kind of rare.

Man, you should have been in the Shattered Halls group I was in the other night. I had a mage in group freezing mobs right after the tank pulled them. That's disaster! And AOE in Shattered Halls when fighting the ORCs there is a definite no no. He was doing all that. I know it's kind of like some sadomasochistic fetish but I'm only doing BC dungeons for a while and people just fail left and right.

I also love how people queue up for a dungeon and are like, "All my gear is broken," or "I have no food/water" or "There's a trinket to break fear?"



Water is not wet!
Flib said:
Word of Glory overheals turn into a bubble for the pally, so it's not wasted.
What about the heal cast on the pally that was overhealed? Was that mana wasted?

edit: and what pally tank is tanking as Holy for Illuminated Healing bubbles?


I don't understand the "overhealing" argument in this circumstance. With or without the pally using his WoG, the healer is using precisely the same amount of mana, assuming the healer is never once aware of the pally's self-heal before their own fires off. If the healer is able to adjust, even once, then WoG is saving the healer mana. I cannot think of any circumstance it is causing the healer to use more mana compared against an identical run in which the Paladin never uses WoG.

So, at worse, the healer uses exactly the same mana either way. Therefore it is not harming the healer.


Water is not wet!
Evlar said:
I don't understand the "overhealing" argument in this circumstance. With or without the pally using his WoG, the healer is using precisely the same amount of mana, assuming the healer is never once aware of the pally's self-heal before their own fires off. If the healer is able to adjust, even once, then WoG is saving the healer mana. I cannot think of any circumstance it is causing the healer to use more mana compared against an identical run in which the Paladin never uses WoG.
Because you cannot predict when a WoG heal is going to hit so i can definitely see healers getting pissed that precious mana has been wasted on an overheal.

edit: Two tiers from now when (hopefully) the mana issues are resolved this wont be a problem for healers. For now though, when 10 fast heals will completely drain them dry of all mana, pally tanks should use SoR and not WoG.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
I am dps and I have to agree with the healers here.. although the last two PUGs I've done have stopped wrath tanking thankfully. both PUGs are designating mandatory instance-wide CC icons, waiting for pats, pulling back to bridges/rooms, etc. actually very very impressed with the coordination of both of the last two pugs I was in. but the plenty that failed prior to that was plain and simple wrath style tanking.. grabbing entire groups, breaking CC when I try to alleviate the situation, tanking in the main hall and getting hit by adds, etc. and then getting pissed because the healer can't keep them alive with like 2-3 groups beating on them in Grim Batol.
Question for the wow players here. I was questing guildless for a while and approached by an individual who insisted I join their guild. They were incredibly pleasant, ran me through the dungeons I wanted at the time and showered me with frostweave bags. About a month later I'm a high rank member, etc. The problem is, no one has been on for two weeks straight. I'm bored as shit and I'm still getting guild rep.

Should I leave? If I do leave will my guild rep reset? I've even been filling the bank with mats and various greens and other valuables. I just don't know what to do. Any advice? I'd like to join one of the more social guilds on my server but I don't know if I should.


water_wendi said:
What about the heal cast on the pally that was overhealed? Was that mana wasted?

edit: and what pally tank is tanking as Holy for Illuminated Healing bubbles?

We have a talent in our prot tree that changes WoG at full health to a bubble.

Don't get me wrong, i generally use WoG only on my party members so that we don't get into this overhealing situation, which is how it should be (that and i have a significant threat lead), but also i use it when i'm hovering around 30-50% and then, i can help my healer catch up on heals by spamming WoG (and if it procs eternal glory, that's a good 30k health i can help with)

A good prot paladin, which i consider myself, can help with healing all around.


water_wendi said:
What about the heal cast on the pally that was overhealed? Was that mana wasted?

edit: and what pally tank is tanking as Holy for Illuminated Healing bubbles?

Huh? WoG is one of the ways they trigger Holy Shield now. Check out the talent Guarded by the Light.
V_Arnold said:
Wow, you seem to be mad.
Healers are really bitching nowadays, like 6-7 year olds sometimes.
In one particular group, shaman healer did not place totems like 90% of the time. Only used it 1-2 times. Awesome. I was marking mobs, pulling carefully once he reaches max mana (btw, seriously, DRINK when you are out of combat, do not just stand there and bitch that you have low mana, DRINK.), and ONE time, I dared to pull a sole guardian mob when healer has 60% mana. Guess what happened? We wiped because the healer refused to heal, "I was needing more mana". He did not even try. That is too overboard, but I can totally see the healers becoming precious little flowers in Cata, because as a tank, you gotta do everything in your power to survive, rotate perfectly for aggro, manage cd's, AND treat them like little kings because if not, it is wipe instantly.

So swallow the healer pride, and focus sometimes, not every tank is a chainpulling idiot, and not every dps is a cc'breaker fanatic. Healers are really acting hurt nowadays, a lot of them. Was not this the case in WOTLK.

I agree with what you're saying (I had to adjust a shit ton as a shaman healer in cata for heroics) but it's not just on the healers. I consider myself a great healer and lot's of times the dps or tanks are just fucking retarded. Taking unnecessary damage and healers can't heal like we used to anymore without going OOM.

I'm definitely enjoying the healing in cata because it is like vanilla however the heroic pugging is very shitty, but at least I get insta queues.

Heroics are very challenging and if you dont have the right CC or if somebody is taking unnecessary damage due to being an idiot then yes wipes will happen. Heroic / Badge gear means something again so I do enjoy it a lot more than wrath.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
KibblesBits said:
Should I leave? If I do leave will my guild rep reset? I've even been filling the bank with mats and various greens and other valuables. I just don't know what to do. Any advice? I'd like to join one of the more social guilds on my server but I don't know if I should.
from a technical level, yes.. as soon as you leave your guild rep resets to 0. even if you come back to that guild you still start at zero again. What this means is that any guild rewards you've purchased will ummm... not work or disappear.. not quite sure which it was. I think disappear actually.

as for a guild, while I don't promote guild hopping, at the same point there is no reason to stick around in a defunct guild, ESPECIALLY right now when progression guilds are getting ready to start on cata raids. Does the guild have a message forum? Has ANYONE been on recently? Get in contact with some of the officers or guild master and find out what's going on. If there's no forum, just email them in game. If you don't get a response in a reasonable amount of time (really a day or two at most) I wouldn't feel bad about leaving or taking money and items from the bank that you deposited during the time that things have been defunct.


I have not used cocaine
You guys are talking heroics right? I'm 83 now and healing a druid has been easy peasy. I never run out of mana and most of the team i can lifebloomx3 heal.


zombieshavebrains said:
You guys are talking heroics right? I'm 83 now and healing a druid has been easy peasy. I never run out of mana and most of the team i can lifebloomx3 heal.

Most definetly the issue isn't dominant in normal dungeons. I'm a prot/holy spec pally, and i'm supposed to have the best mana management ever, but some of these heroic 5+ minute fights even stress my mana to the breaking point.
zombieshavebrains said:
You guys are talking heroics right? I'm 83 now and healing a druid has been easy peasy. I never run out of mana and most of the team i can lifebloomx3 heal.

Yes Heroics are much more challenging now. As stated before, you have to CC right, and not be a complete fucking moron. Gear is also a big factor but even with heroic / badge gear you will go OOM fast if people aren't doing their jobs right.


I have not used cocaine
FuttBuck said:
Yes Heroics are much more challenging now. As stated before, you have to CC right, and not be a complete fucking moron. Gear is also a big factor but even with heroic / badge gear you will go OOM fast if people aren't doing their jobs right.

Excellent i look forward to the challenge.
V_Arnold said:
Wow, you seem to be mad.
Healers are really bitching nowadays, like 6-7 year olds sometimes.
In one particular group, shaman healer did not place totems like 90% of the time. Only used it 1-2 times. Awesome. I was marking mobs, pulling carefully once he reaches max mana (btw, seriously, DRINK when you are out of combat, do not just stand there and bitch that you have low mana, DRINK.), and ONE time, I dared to pull a sole guardian mob when healer has 60% mana. Guess what happened? We wiped because the healer refused to heal, "I was needing more mana". He did not even try. That is too overboard, but I can totally see the healers becoming precious little flowers in Cata, because as a tank, you gotta do everything in your power to survive, rotate perfectly for aggro, manage cd's, AND treat them like little kings because if not, it is wipe instantly.

So swallow the healer pride, and focus sometimes, not every tank is a chainpulling idiot, and not every dps is a cc'breaker fanatic. Healers are really acting hurt nowadays, a lot of them. Was not this the case in WOTLK.

Not mad at all, everyone in that dungeon needs to work together. I was simply responding to the "healers just sit back and spam one button, while the poor tanks have to do a million things". I'm not going to blanket and say every tank is bad, nor every dps, nor say every healer is good. I've always had a macro that announces im drinking and if the tank still pulls, it's on him. Everyone has to manage rotations, GCDs, and trinks/procs. You're making it sound like every healer demands to be treated special when the fact is in my experience it's very rare to see a bad healer. When a tank or dps messes up, healers have to take up the slack and we also get a nice aggro magnet on top of it. This was fine in wrath, but if this happens in cata, were OOM. So I get your stress at keeping the aggro, tanking is a thankless job as much as a healer, but as a tank you have to lead that group, keep dps in line, and pace it for everyone, thats how it used to be, thats how it needs to be. If you want to do a breakneck pace, then don't expect a PUG to adapt well in cata.


I still have to get into a dungeon, but I was bummed that as soon as I hit 84, Throne of Tides disappeared from my specific dungeon list. It was even listed as 83-85 I think, I don't understand why it isn't there anymore.


Lain said:
I still have to get into a dungeon, but I was bummed that as soon as I hit 84, Throne of Tides disappeared from my specific dungeon list. It was even listed as 83-85 I think, I don't understand why it isn't there anymore.

Yeah, I don't see why any of the Cataclysm dungeons should be unavailable at 85.


Lain said:
I still have to get into a dungeon, but I was bummed that as soon as I hit 84, Throne of Tides disappeared from my specific dungeon list. It was even listed as 83-85 I think, I don't understand why it isn't there anymore.
One of the patch notes said they were changing the brackets for Throne of Tides to 80-85. Maybe they haven't implemented it yet.
Scrow said:
i'm much more pragmatic about racial choice, based on each races' traits.

So in summary that leaves Endurance and War Stomp as awesome racial traits, nature resist as average and cultivation as awesome, but only if you take herbalism, obviously.

Compared to the troll racial traits, choosing a tauren druid is easy for me. Berserking is very tempting, but not enough to lose three really good traits.

Its 5% of base HP, its a crap. I race changed from Cow to Troll and lost around 500-700 hp out of 100K+. Cultivation while it does let you pick herbs like a madman it only takes about 1 extra second without it and you do not have to land to pick herbs anyway, so you are at no risk at all. +5% to all beasts is situational but when it applies its great. Berserking scales with all specs and is a flat 20% haste for 10 seconds, useful in both PvE and PvP especially on balance druids.


Troll druid forms look awesome.
They do not look like fat kids on a unicycle trying to use mounts.
They do not look like wielding tiny sticks when using a staff.
Nature resistance does NOT stack with Mark of the Wild, its a wasted Racial on Cows.
Endurance is Pathetic.
Can't use Warstomp in feral forms, is melee range.

Trolls druids are better than cow druids.
How do you raise guild reputation? I just hit 85 and trying to grind rep for heroics but if I run heroics and such as pugs will it raise guild rep?

I'm not a heavy raider right now so just curious if there are other ways to get rep besides raiding at the moment.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
The Lamonster said:
I'm still wondering why they didn't raise the level cap to 90...
clearly a content issue. those 5 extra levels means 5 extra levels of content. even forcing you to do both Hyjal and Vashj'ir, you are going to get one or two levels out of that at most. You still need a minimum of 1-3 extra zones to cover those remaining 3-4 levels.

as for the exact dungeon levels, Tides and BRC are unavailable from randoms starting at 84 or 85 I believe, but are available in selectable Finder all the way to 85. The reasoning behind this is because your first random gives you justice points, and by having normal BRC and Tides in there it makes for the easiest 70 justice points you've ever received if you happen to get them.

flyinpiranha said:
How do you raise guild reputation? I just hit 85 and trying to grind rep for heroics but if I run heroics and such as pugs will it raise guild rep?

I'm not a heavy raider right now so just curious if there are other ways to get rep besides raiding at the moment.
anything that gives you rep (besides tabards) gives you guild rep. so rep gains while questing as well as dailies give you guild rep. guild rep I believe is supposed to be around 10% of regular rep, but early on in the guild you get a bonus to rep that doesn't affect guild rep, so effectively after that guild rep is a little under 10% of regular. guild rep also has a weekly cap. it's now the second week of cataclysm and no one has honored yet (highest in our guild are around 4K/6K friendly). Caps (both guild rep and guild xp) reset during server maintenance on Tuesdays.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Re: heroic 5-man & raid healing - the issue is that healing heroics and raids will never be harder than it is right now, today, thanks to gear issues.

Blizz is hesitant to mess with the tuning of mana requirements, and probably rightly so. Because every time you replace a normal-dungeon blue with a heroic dungeon blue, healers have a little more Spirit, making mana a little less of an issue, making the next heroic a little easier for them.

Before long half their gear is heroic blues, etc.

The issue with heroics is and always has been that these are the same 5mans you run as soon as you ding 85 in mixed greens & blues as when you're decked out in raid purples.

I'm still wondering why they didn't raise the level cap to 90...

If Blizz is to be believed, there is 10 levels worth of content in Cata, and mob scaling is the same as always. IE a lvl 80 toon fighting an 81 mob is equiv to a 70 fighting a 72 mob in Wrath.

The big issue is that each "level" brought another talent point and another skill, and it was getting a little excessive. It boils down to gigantic talent trees, which Blizz is trying to avoid. They'll only become more and more gigantic over time without a change.

Anecdotally, 80 --> 85 took me as long as 70 --> 80 and I'm sure that was by design.

borghe said:
clearly a content issue. those 5 extra levels means 5 extra levels of content. even forcing you to do both Hyjal and Vashj'ir, you are going to get one or two levels out of that at most. You still need a minimum of 1-3 extra zones to cover those remaining 3-4 levels.

Ehh... I disagree pretty strongly with this. Cata has five full zones + Tol Barad. Wrath had eight, + WG. BC had seven.

But of course it isn't a 1:1 comparison since Cata's zones are bigger & have more content. Plus there are the Worgen and Goblin zones which are just as big as the 80-85 content, but many people don't count as new content.

Edit: Also guild XP resets every night. It is only guild rep that is weekly.
V_Arnold said:
Wow, you seem to be mad.
Healers are really bitching nowadays, like 6-7 year olds sometimes.
In one particular group, shaman healer did not place totems like 90% of the time. Only used it 1-2 times. Awesome. I was marking mobs, pulling carefully once he reaches max mana (btw, seriously, DRINK when you are out of combat, do not just stand there and bitch that you have low mana, DRINK.), and ONE time, I dared to pull a sole guardian mob when healer has 60% mana. Guess what happened? We wiped because the healer refused to heal, "I was needing more mana". He did not even try. That is too overboard, but I can totally see the healers becoming precious little flowers in Cata, because as a tank, you gotta do everything in your power to survive, rotate perfectly for aggro, manage cd's, AND treat them like little kings because if not, it is wipe instantly.

So swallow the healer pride, and focus sometimes, not every tank is a chainpulling idiot, and not every dps is a cc'breaker fanatic. Healers are really acting hurt nowadays, a lot of them. Was not this the case in WOTLK.

See I tank when Blizzard gets tired of folks complaining about the difficulty like me. It's not fun for me to tank and make this game a job. I'll do all the dungeon runs when I have the gear and they lower the difficulty (which they will). If I want to see the content that's what YouTubes for. Until then I'm just happy leveling up my warrior to 85 and working on the quirky achievements / trade skills. Great thing about WoW for me is that casuals win in the end, and the hardcore can just jump on the next 6 month MMORPG when they ease things up ahah. Then come back for the expansions, rinse, wash, and repeat ;).


borghe said:
from a technical level, yes.. as soon as you leave your guild rep resets to 0. even if you come back to that guild you still start at zero again. What this means is that any guild rewards you've purchased will ummm... not work or disappear.. not quite sure which it was. I think disappear actually.

Just a quickie: Your rep resets when you join a *new* guild. If you rejoin the old one, your rep remains intact. They didn't want to discourage "friendly gkicks" :)


mclem said:
Just a quickie: Your rep resets when you join a *new* guild. If you rejoin the old one, your rep remains intact. They didn't want to discourage "friendly gkicks" :)
Good to know! I was worried about that... friendly kicks happen in my guild, and I fear the drama that would result if it knocked someone from Revered to Neutral.


Finally got into a good group for some dungeons today, managed both Tol'Vir and Halls of Origination. Both were excellent dungeons with some great boss mechanics, and were made all the more fun by having a really good group who actually talked to one another and waited for mana regens, marked enemies and ensured the group was ready before pulling.

Only dungeon I didn't get to do was Grim Batol as I haven't actually been to it yet. Best get that sorted!
I'm thinking of trying Prot Paladin instead of holy as right now in cata I'm just doing ret. At the moment ret is purely reliant on RNG procs to do any decent damage and really is a hybrid spec vs a pure DPS spec anyway. Once I get from 84 to 85 I'll go back and start hanging on to tank gear I suppose.
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