So, yesterday, I queued as a tank for BRC. Tank (me), healer, warlock, rogue, hunter. First boss down, easy.
Second boss, not so easy? I dedicate the hunter and the warlock to the two side-adds (since they're range), I take the beam coming towards the middle add. I ask them if they know what to do. Hunter replies yes, warlock doesn't reply. I pull, I notice both the hunter and the warlock dps-ing their adds while not standing in the beam. We wipe. I am starting to get angry, but doesn't say anything.
Rogue has claimed to do this before, healer did it on normal. I designate the rogue and the healer on the both side-adds, getting irritated with the hunter and the warlock not responding AT ALL (or corpse-running for that matter). I pull again, the healer apparently hasn't done this before and doesn't stand in the beam. We wipe.
I corpserun and rez the rest. Warlock and hunter don't run. I get frustrated and kick the warlock and the hunter. We get two melee-dps, I think it was a dk and a warrior. Same setup, rogue and the healer on the sidebeams. I take the middle one. Except this dk stands in my beam for about 10 second (i yell at him on party), turns into a zealot and wipes the group. Frustrated, I leave the group and queue for another hardcore HC.
Stonecore Heroic with 3 dps guildies (hunter, warlock, rogue) and a priest healer. We get to Corborus. First try, both the hunter and the rogue die of the burrowing strike he does. We wipe and retry.
Now, the priest dies of the burrowing strike. We wipe and retry.
Noone died on the burrowing strike, but all the dps classes are outputting around 5k dps and we eventually get zerged by the adds. Apparently a warlock and a rogue isn't enough aoe dps to take out the very marginal spawning adds here. I leave the instance and quit WoW for the night. One boss down in 1 hour, maybe even 1,5 hour.
Seriously, fuck this shit. DPS has arguably the easiest task in heroics. I mark the targets for them, I can explain every HC fight if people ask me (important, as most don't), yet people fail and fail and fail. With healing being harder in heroics, I notice that healers are actually stepping up their game. Yet DPS-classes across the board in the dungeon finder are fucking riddled with mouthbreathers doing 6-8k dps at level 85. Yes I have a guild, but it isn't terrible active. I'm actually almost there gear-wise, but still need rep. Building up a seperate cat and bear set takes time.
p.s. did a HC Deadmines with another group later. Yes this took us two hours, but we did it. DPS was an average of 8k (also average), but at least these people know how to control adds, grasp basic mechanics of new fights and weren't afraid to listen or ask how to do new bosses. We still wiped around 5 times in this instance, but we learned with every wipe.