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World of Warcraft: Cataclysm |OT| of Who the hell is Deathwing, anyway?

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borghe said:
anything that gives you rep (besides tabards) gives you guild rep. so rep gains while questing as well as dailies give you guild rep. guild rep I believe is supposed to be around 10% of regular rep, but early on in the guild you get a bonus to rep that doesn't affect guild rep, so effectively after that guild rep is a little under 10% of regular. guild rep also has a weekly cap. it's now the second week of cataclysm and no one has honored yet (highest in our guild are around 4K/6K friendly). Caps (both guild rep and guild xp) reset during server maintenance on Tuesdays.

Awesome, thanks for all the info! Regarding tabards, if I'm wearing a tabard in a heroic I won't gain rep for the guild?


Still Tagged Accordingly
ChronicleX said:
Its 5% of base HP, its a crap. I race changed from Cow to Troll and lost around 500-700 hp out of 100K+.
i didn't know that. surely that wasn't always the case? i think it must've been nerfed at some point.

ChronicleX said:
Cultivation while it does let you pick herbs like a madman it only takes about 1 extra second without it and you do not have to land to pick herbs anyway, so you are at no risk at all.
that's actually incorrect. you can not pick herbs while flying. you must land. if you try to pick a herb while floating just above it you will get a UI error message saying "You are flying". let me be clear that you can stay in flight form, but you can't be "flying". you must "tether" to the ground to be considered not flying.

ChronicleX said:
Berserking scales with all specs and is a flat 20% haste for 10 seconds, useful in both PvE and PvP especially on balance druids.
is it actually a haste buff, or a casting/attack speed buff? if it's a haste buff that's super awesome for feral DPS as it increase energy regen as well as buffing melee white damage.

ChronicleX said:
Troll druid forms look awesome.
perhaps, but i prefer my kitty with horns. makes them look fucking fierce. i don't really care how it looks though.

ChronicleX said:
They do not look like fat kids on a unicycle trying to use mounts.
doesn't bother me. what DOES bother me is when we get stuck on doorways that're too low. :/ good thing is that most time these days i'm in flight form. only time i see my character in tauren form is in the bank or auction house. rest of the time i'm either flying around as a bird or tearing shit up as a cat.

ChronicleX said:
They do not look like wielding tiny sticks when using a staff.
don't know what you're talking about. the weapon scales to the race holding it. in fact i know many people who like taurens cause it makes their epic weapons look huge and intimidating.

ChronicleX said:
Nature resistance does NOT stack with Mark of the Wild, its a wasted Racial on Cows.
i'll have to test this when i sign back up after christmas. but if the racial trait is more powerful than MotW at 85, i don't see how it's a waste if you're getting an overall more powerful resistance to nature damage.

ChronicleX said:
Endurance is Pathetic.
i want to see this for myself. looks like it got nerfed from what it was. that's unfortunate :/

ChronicleX said:
Can't use Warstomp in feral forms, is melee range.
well it's actually 8 yards, which is 3 yards more than melee, but in any case that doesn't stop feral druids from using it. it's situational.

ChronicleX said:
Trolls druids are better than cow druids.
perhaps, lots of the stuff you mentioned is either debatable, wrong or something i'd like to confirm for myself. the only clear advantage trolls have is berserking.
The dungeon finder is bumming me out. Most of the Heroic runs I get into it seems people don't have any idea what to do when it comes to the bosses so it takes two or three hours to only get a boss or two down and then everyone will just get upset and quit or nerd rage and just waste an hour and a half of my time.

At this point I think I might as well take up tanking because its pretty much impossible to as bad as any of those fools.
Lostconfused said:
The dungeon finder is bumming me out. Most of the Heroic runs I get into it seems people don't have any idea what to do when it comes to the bosses so it takes two or three hours to only get a boss or two down and then everyone will just get upset and quit or nerd rage and just waste an hour and a half of my time.

At this point I think I might as well take up tanking because its pretty much impossible to as bad as any of those fools.

It really is horrible.
I've always hated pugs, but WotLK has actually made them worse.
How does an 85 rogue do less than 4K DPS? It's insane...


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flyinpiranha said:
Awesome, thanks for all the info! Regarding tabards, if I'm wearing a tabard in a heroic I won't gain rep for the guild?
i think rep with your guild and rep with NPC factions are accumulated completely seperately from one another. you only get guild rep from heroics if you're doing a guild run i.e. the party consists of 4+ guild members (or is it 3+?). i believe that wearing a tabard has no effect on your guild rep.


The end quests for these new zones are stellar. I just did the Hyjal one, and OMG at who you fight. I don't think you can die, its a more interactive thing, but wow. Same thing with Vash'ir. I'm almost speechless to see whats in store for Deepholme, Uldum and Twilight Highlands. They have them too, yes?


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RPGCrazied said:
The end quests for these new zones are stellar. I just did the Hyjal one, and OMG at who you fight. I don't think you can die, its a more interactive thing, but wow. Same thing with Vash'ir. I'm almost speechless to see whats in store for Deepholme, Uldum and Twilight Highlands. They have them too, yes?
i haven't finished hyjal yet. what's the finale there? i also can't remember how vashj ended. what happened? spoiler tag if you have to.


In Hyjal you fight
Ragnaros, along side malfurion and cenarious...
epic. In Vash you fight A LOT of naga, and a named one I already forget her name, with some old god.
Scrow said:
i think rep with your guild and rep with NPC factions are accumulated completely seperately from one another. you only get guild rep from heroics if you're doing a guild run i.e. the party consists of 4+ guild members (or is it 3+?). i believe that wearing a tabard has no effect on your guild rep.

Oh, so you can pretty much only accumulate rep from heroics if you're with people in your guild?


Lostconfused said:
The dungeon finder is bumming me out. Most of the Heroic runs I get into it seems people don't have any idea what to do when it comes to the bosses so it takes two or three hours to only get a boss or two down and then everyone will just get upset and quit or nerd rage and just waste an hour and a half of my time.

At this point I think I might as well take up tanking because its pretty much impossible to as bad as any of those fools.
Cata heroics are no joke. WotLK heroics were a joke. It may take a while for players to realize that, or for Blizzard to nerf Cata heroics.
AceBandage said:
It really is horrible.
I've always hated pugs, but WotLK has actually made them worse.

I think this is a myth. There were just as many bad players before WotLK it's just the LFG system which has made you notice it more. Before terrible players struggled to even get into a pug as they actually had to organise it. Now you just click a button and get thrown straight into a dungeon. Even the baddest of bad players can get into a dungeon group easily.

I saw plenty of incredibly stupid players in both vanilla and BC. Players were just as incapable of CC, threat (as either a tank or DPS) and in general couldn't work out fights without someone holding their hand (and even that often wasn't enough).
AdventureRacing said:
I think this is a myth. There were just as many bad players before WotLK it's just the LFG system which has made you notice it more. Before terrible players struggled to even get into a pug as they actually had to organise it. Now you just click a button and get thrown straight into a dungeon. Even the baddest of bad players can get into a dungeon group easily.

I saw plenty of incredibly stupid players in both vanilla and BC. Players were just as incapable of CC, threat (as either a tank or DPS) and in general couldn't work out fights without someone holding their hand (and even that often wasn't enough).

Oh, trust me, I know.
I was in more than my fair share of crap pug groups in Vanilla. Sunken Temple was especially tragic.
It's just, now, it's like people don't even know how to play at all.


Still Tagged Accordingly
flyinpiranha said:
Oh, so you can pretty much only accumulate rep from heroics if you're with people in your guild?
i think you also get guild rep from completing quests, getting honorable kills, achievements etc. i dunno the details. check wowhead or wowpedia.


I wonder what the long term effects will be from Blizzard implementing guild levels. I wish they were at least somewhat retroactive, since my guild has been together since a couple of months after Vanilla began.

We've watched all these serious business guilds come and go, splitting up over e-peen battles and forming new splinter guilds. I wonder if losing all the perks from having a long-term guild will actually dissuade some people from being idiots. All in all it's a good idea, just really wish they had somehow rewarded guilds that have kept it together for years. Even if it's just a worthless feat of strength.


Well I gotta say, tonight I tried my first heroics with my guild.

We're all mostly casual players, definitely not the best, but I don't think we're the worst.

We just got raped hard tonight.

Several of my guildies are getting frustrated as they've been trying heroics all week, either PUG or 4/5 guildies with one pugger.

We've all done the normal dungeons and several of us are geared about the best we're going to get without running heroics.

From what I can tell, there is absolutely zero margin for error in heroics. You do not get one single chance to fuck up, or its a wipe. Very unforgiving.

I really don't see us staying interested in this shit very much longer. We're not on the forums hollering for nerfs like some other people, but we're at the point where the normal dungeons are too easy, and the heroics are too hard for our skill level. Blizzard opened up this can of worms in WoTLK and they're gonna bleed subscribers if they don't tune those heroics down a little bit. They dumbed down the game for the last 2 years and then turned around and kicked the casuals right in the nuts for Cata. I feel sorry for people who are trying to queue for random heroics if you're DPS. Its about a 45 min - 1 hour wait, only to get your teeth kicked in. The casuals Blizzard so coveted in WoTLK are gonna be gone soon.
So I played WoW up until a few months after BC. Kind of getting the itch again, was going to get Cata today, but saw I had WOTLK as well. I'm not really feeling going $80 in right now. So I really haven't followed WoW in maybe close to 2 years, but they did redo all the starting areas right? I was thinking about just bringing back my old account and making a new character and then buy WOTLK and Cata later. So can I still access these new areas with on BC?
bucknuticus said:
So I played WoW up until a few months after BC. Kind of getting the itch again, was going to get Cata today, but saw I had WOTLK as well. I'm not really feeling going $80 in right now. So I really haven't followed WoW in maybe close to 2 years, but they did redo all the starting areas right? I was thinking about just bringing back my old account and making a new character and then buy WOTLK and Cata later. So can I still access these new areas with on BC?

If you only have BC content, that's all you're gonna get. And let me tell you straight up if you decide to stay with just BC content you better join a twink guild or be on a new server or something.
KibblesBits said:
If you only have BC content, that's all you're gonna get. And let me tell you straight up if you decide to stay with just BC content you better join a twink guild or be on a new server or something.

I dont get any of the new start areas and the entire world isnt different for me? I know the barrens is high level now, but since I dont have Cata will it still be the same old barrens for me?


Modesty becomes a woman
bucknuticus said:
I dont get any of the new start areas and the entire world isnt different for me? I know the barrens is high level now, but since I dont have Cata will it still be the same old barrens for me?
No, old world is gone for everyone. You're missing out on 80+ content only.


Guys, all this talk about Cataclysm has made me try WoW for the first time. Well technically my second time as I did a trial account two years ago and I didn't like it back then. Right now I'm having lots of fun and I'm already level nine on my second day of playing.

I think I'm beginning to very like this game. What do I do? Be an adult and stop playing or surrendering my weak willed mind to the wondreous land of Teldrassil?


bill0527 said:
Well I gotta say, tonight I tried my first heroics with my guild.

We're all mostly casual players, definitely not the best, but I don't think we're the worst.

We just got raped hard tonight.

Several of my guildies are getting frustrated as they've been trying heroics all week, either PUG or 4/5 guildies with one pugger.

We've all done the normal dungeons and several of us are geared about the best we're going to get without running heroics.

From what I can tell, there is absolutely zero margin for error in heroics. You do not get one single chance to fuck up, or its a wipe. Very unforgiving.

I really don't see us staying interested in this shit very much longer. We're not on the forums hollering for nerfs like some other people, but we're at the point where the normal dungeons are too easy, and the heroics are too hard for our skill level. Blizzard opened up this can of worms in WoTLK and they're gonna bleed subscribers if they don't tune those heroics down a little bit. They dumbed down the game for the last 2 years and then turned around and kicked the casuals right in the nuts for Cata. I feel sorry for people who are trying to queue for random heroics if you're DPS. Its about a 45 min - 1 hour wait, only to get your teeth kicked in. The casuals Blizzard so coveted in WoTLK are gonna be gone soon.
I would consider my guild casual, and we've finished every heroic instance and killed our first raid boss (who dropped shaman tier gear for no shaman, thanks). There's a reason why Blizzard put in gear score restrictions. If you guys are not bad, bad players, then it's the gear holding you back. If you feel your gear is good enough, then you have bad, bad players in your guild. Sorry.


Tarin02543 said:
Guys, all this talk about Cataclysm has made me try WoW for the first time. Well technically my second time as I did a trial account two years ago and I didn't like it back then. Right now I'm having lots of fun and I'm already level nine on my second day of playing.

I think I'm beginning to very like this game. What do I do? Be an adult and stop playing or surrendering my weak willed mind to the wondreous land of Teldrassil?
Keep going until you do an instance. Stepping into Deadmines for the first time showed me just how much better WoW was than anything else I was playing at the time.

I'm sure it's only better now, six years later.


Still Tagged Accordingly
bill0527 said:
Well I gotta say, tonight I tried my first heroics with my guild.

We're all mostly casual players, definitely not the best, but I don't think we're the worst.

We just got raped hard tonight.

Several of my guildies are getting frustrated as they've been trying heroics all week, either PUG or 4/5 guildies with one pugger.

We've all done the normal dungeons and several of us are geared about the best we're going to get without running heroics.

From what I can tell, there is absolutely zero margin for error in heroics. You do not get one single chance to fuck up, or its a wipe. Very unforgiving.

I really don't see us staying interested in this shit very much longer. We're not on the forums hollering for nerfs like some other people, but we're at the point where the normal dungeons are too easy, and the heroics are too hard for our skill level. Blizzard opened up this can of worms in WoTLK and they're gonna bleed subscribers if they don't tune those heroics down a little bit. They dumbed down the game for the last 2 years and then turned around and kicked the casuals right in the nuts for Cata. I feel sorry for people who are trying to queue for random heroics if you're DPS. Its about a 45 min - 1 hour wait, only to get your teeth kicked in. The casuals Blizzard so coveted in WoTLK are gonna be gone soon.
what heroic was it? how many bosses did you down? how many times did you wipe?

Mzo said:
There's a reason why Blizzard put in gear score restrictions. If you guys are not bad, bad players, then it's the gear holding you back. If you feel your gear is good enough, then you have bad, bad players in your guild. Sorry.
yeah, that's the brutal truth. there's no reason "casual players" has to be synonymous with "bad players". your guild either needs to get better gear, or step up their game.


So, yesterday, I queued as a tank for BRC. Tank (me), healer, warlock, rogue, hunter. First boss down, easy.

Second boss, not so easy? I dedicate the hunter and the warlock to the two side-adds (since they're range), I take the beam coming towards the middle add. I ask them if they know what to do. Hunter replies yes, warlock doesn't reply. I pull, I notice both the hunter and the warlock dps-ing their adds while not standing in the beam. We wipe. I am starting to get angry, but doesn't say anything.

Rogue has claimed to do this before, healer did it on normal. I designate the rogue and the healer on the both side-adds, getting irritated with the hunter and the warlock not responding AT ALL (or corpse-running for that matter). I pull again, the healer apparently hasn't done this before and doesn't stand in the beam. We wipe.

I corpserun and rez the rest. Warlock and hunter don't run. I get frustrated and kick the warlock and the hunter. We get two melee-dps, I think it was a dk and a warrior. Same setup, rogue and the healer on the sidebeams. I take the middle one. Except this dk stands in my beam for about 10 second (i yell at him on party), turns into a zealot and wipes the group. Frustrated, I leave the group and queue for another hardcore HC.

Stonecore Heroic with 3 dps guildies (hunter, warlock, rogue) and a priest healer. We get to Corborus. First try, both the hunter and the rogue die of the burrowing strike he does. We wipe and retry.

Now, the priest dies of the burrowing strike. We wipe and retry.

Noone died on the burrowing strike, but all the dps classes are outputting around 5k dps and we eventually get zerged by the adds. Apparently a warlock and a rogue isn't enough aoe dps to take out the very marginal spawning adds here. I leave the instance and quit WoW for the night. One boss down in 1 hour, maybe even 1,5 hour.

Seriously, fuck this shit. DPS has arguably the easiest task in heroics. I mark the targets for them, I can explain every HC fight if people ask me (important, as most don't), yet people fail and fail and fail. With healing being harder in heroics, I notice that healers are actually stepping up their game. Yet DPS-classes across the board in the dungeon finder are fucking riddled with mouthbreathers doing 6-8k dps at level 85. Yes I have a guild, but it isn't terrible active. I'm actually almost there gear-wise, but still need rep. Building up a seperate cat and bear set takes time.

p.s. did a HC Deadmines with another group later. Yes this took us two hours, but we did it. DPS was an average of 8k (also average), but at least these people know how to control adds, grasp basic mechanics of new fights and weren't afraid to listen or ask how to do new bosses. We still wiped around 5 times in this instance, but we learned with every wipe.
KibblesBits said:
If you only have BC content, that's all you're gonna get. And let me tell you straight up if you decide to stay with just BC content you better join a twink guild or be on a new server or something.
I wouldn't say that. Wrath of the Lich King only adds 70+ Northrend content and Death Knights, buying Cataclysm only adds 80+ content and Worgen/Goblin content plus the ability to fly in the old world. Don't get me wrong, it's a lot of shit but even if he doesn't buy any more expansions the Cataclysm patch changed enough content (as well as changes to classes and the talent/glyph/skill system) that leveling from 1-60 can be a lot of fun and worth the $15 just to reactivate his account for a single month without buying all the expansions.


Finished my first cata heroic yesterday. My guild has been doing tons of them but I just haven't seemed to have been around at the right time. Anyway queued up as tank for a random with one guildie and got Deadmines. 2 hours, 2 full repairs later we cleared it. Phew, what a fucking mission. Felt good to finally beat it though. I was pleasantly surprised by the pug group's tenacity and willingness to learn from mistakes.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Did some Tol Barad dailies today. They're quite nice. It's def. the best daily quest hub Blizz has designed yet. Will I be tired of them before I get all the mounts and other commendation goodies I want? Maybe. But at least it won't feel like an awful, soul-sucking grind like most daily quest hubs.


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GDJustin said:
But at least it won't feel like an awful, soul-sucking grind like most daily quest hubs.
if something in WoW becomes a soul-sucking grind, just stop doing it. there are so many other things you can do in the game to break up the tedium.


Reading about heroics here, and some stuff on MMO-Champion about mana problems (and changes), I'm getting scared to even enter a normal dungeon in Cata.
Can some of you give me a few pointer as a Holy Paladin that has not been healing since the changes hit?
Tanking cata heroics is awful now.

The tank is blamed for everything

"You're pulling too many"
"You're going too slow"
"You're not interrupting fast enough"
"You're going too fast"


Still Tagged Accordingly
Subliminal said:
Tanking cata heroics is awful now.

The tank is blamed for everything

"You're pulling too many"
"You're going too slow"
"You're not interrupting fast enough"
"You're going too fast"
wait, what? you're not interrupting fast enough? that's usually one of the DPS's job, since when did it become the tank's job?

all the other points can be valid if the tank isn't doing a good job though. whether they apply to you or not, i dunno :)

but if they're complaining about your interrupting then i suspect the problem is them.


these heroics are brutal, and i say this as someone who has played 5+ years. i don't have time to sit around for hours all day just waiting on an attempt to do one just to wipe. screw it, bring on the nerf bat...hardcore style.
Dina said:
So, yesterday, I queued as a tank for BRC. Tank (me), healer, warlock, rogue, hunter. First boss down, easy.

Second boss, not so easy? I dedicate the hunter and the warlock to the two side-adds (since they're range), I take the beam coming towards the middle add. I ask them if they know what to do. Hunter replies yes, warlock doesn't reply. I pull, I notice both the hunter and the warlock dps-ing their adds while not standing in the beam. We wipe. I am starting to get angry, but doesn't say anything.

Rogue has claimed to do this before, healer did it on normal. I designate the rogue and the healer on the both side-adds, getting irritated with the hunter and the warlock not responding AT ALL (or corpse-running for that matter). I pull again, the healer apparently hasn't done this before and doesn't stand in the beam. We wipe.

I corpserun and rez the rest. Warlock and hunter don't run. I get frustrated and kick the warlock and the hunter. We get two melee-dps, I think it was a dk and a warrior. Same setup, rogue and the healer on the sidebeams. I take the middle one. Except this dk stands in my beam for about 10 second (i yell at him on party), turns into a zealot and wipes the group. Frustrated, I leave the group and queue for another hardcore HC.

Stonecore Heroic with 3 dps guildies (hunter, warlock, rogue) and a priest healer. We get to Corborus. First try, both the hunter and the rogue die of the burrowing strike he does. We wipe and retry.

Now, the priest dies of the burrowing strike. We wipe and retry.

Noone died on the burrowing strike, but all the dps classes are outputting around 5k dps and we eventually get zerged by the adds. Apparently a warlock and a rogue isn't enough aoe dps to take out the very marginal spawning adds here. I leave the instance and quit WoW for the night. One boss down in 1 hour, maybe even 1,5 hour.

Seriously, fuck this shit. DPS has arguably the easiest task in heroics. I mark the targets for them, I can explain every HC fight if people ask me (important, as most don't), yet people fail and fail and fail. With healing being harder in heroics, I notice that healers are actually stepping up their game. Yet DPS-classes across the board in the dungeon finder are fucking riddled with mouthbreathers doing 6-8k dps at level 85. Yes I have a guild, but it isn't terrible active. I'm actually almost there gear-wise, but still need rep. Building up a seperate cat and bear set takes time.

p.s. did a HC Deadmines with another group later. Yes this took us two hours, but we did it. DPS was an average of 8k (also average), but at least these people know how to control adds, grasp basic mechanics of new fights and weren't afraid to listen or ask how to do new bosses. We still wiped around 5 times in this instance, but we learned with every wipe.

Ahhh...dungeons as dungeons, how I missed thee.


RPGCrazied said:
I wasn't having a hard time, until I hit Deepholme. Man, some of these mobs hit like fucking trucks. I wear plate too. >.<
I didn't have any trouble with Deepholm, the only mobs that seemed a bit dangerous were the Flayers as they had a kind of berserk attack where they hit several times over 5 seconds. They couldn't move whilst doing it though so the moment they started you just went through them to the other side and smacked them in the back :)
LordAlu said:
I didn't have any trouble with Deepholm, the only mobs that seemed a bit dangerous were the Flayers as they had a kind of berserk attack where they hit several times over 5 seconds. They couldn't move whilst doing it though so the moment they started you just went through them to the other side and smacked them in the back :)

Pretty much all mobs that seem hard have catches like that.
A lot of debuffs or knock backs can be avoided, as well as most large damage attacks.
People just have to figure out timings and things become easy.
Of course, I'm in a guild that's been around since Vanilla Beta, so we're all use to learning fights.
Lain said:
Reading about heroics here, and some stuff on MMO-Champion about mana problems (and changes), I'm getting scared to even enter a normal dungeon in Cata.
Can some of you give me a few pointer as a Holy Paladin that has not been healing since the changes hit?

Be ready with flash of light and pray your tank is higher level than you or you may find yourself tanking and healing.


I'm a terrible warrior. Most of the problems is from casters. Does Fury Warrior have an interrupt? I'm not a hardcore macroing raider, so be gentle.
I came back from a 3 year break and fuck me people are now terrible. I never played wrath but my old guild who im back with pretty much said it was esay mode raiding compared to Vanilla and TBC.

Tank players (of which everyone of them goes DPS) seem to be awful now :lol

Heroics are terrible unless i run with the guild and the fact that i queue for 40 mins just for some shit tank to quit after a couple of wipes on the first boss makes it even worse. It like people have no stomach for multiple attempts any more. Unless gear is spoon fed to them they dont want to know
CalamityDaunt said:
I came back from a 3 year break and fuck me people are now terrible. I never played wrath but my old guild who im back with pretty much said it was esay mode raiding compared to Vanilla and TBC.

Tank players (of which everyone of them goes DPS) seem to be awful now :lol

Heroics are terrible unless i run with the guild and the fact that i queue for 40 mins just for some shit tank to quit after a couple of wipes on the first boss makes it even worse. It like people have no stomach for multiple attempts any more. Unless gear is spoon fed to them they dont want to know

Yes, Wrath has ruined wow.


Having stopped playing before Wrath came out and returning for Cata, I feel I have been saved from the influence of the Wrath style of instancing. Just seems like normal to me.


Just get a nice casual guild, with the guild leveling system and 10-mans becoming viable there are lots of decent ones popping up. LFD is a last option sort of thing for me.

The heroics are pretty involved, the trash is easier than it was during BC, the bosses are harder but after a bit of gearing you can close the gap to a pretty comfortable level. They really don't need to be nerfed.
hamchan said:
Having stopped playing before Wrath came out and returning for Cata, I feel I have been saved from the influence of the Wrath style of instancing. Just seems like normal to me.

Yeah, I'm a bit surprised. Was there a golden age of PUGs where people who had L2Ped would join and then play their class correctly? You couldn't PUG anything worthwhile in Vanilla and everyone I knew (I'd unsubbed myself at this point) did heroics solely with guildies in BC.
charlequin said:
Yeah, I'm a bit surprised. Was there a golden age of PUGs where people who had L2Ped would join and then play their class correctly? You couldn't PUG anything worthwhile in Vanilla and everyone I knew (I'd unsubbed myself at this point) did heroics solely with guildies in BC.

PUGing has never been acceptable, outside of rare cases.
It just amazes me that people can put dozens to hundreds of hours into a game, and still not get the basics.


Gold Member
Last 5 hours just disappeared to somewhere... Couple of questions again

Merchant Buyback. Not sure if I understand the concept. I don't get how to flush the screen full of gear I've sold to the merchant. How does it work?

PvP. Tried my first one at L27. Awesome. Never realized it's like Halo territory control. But got my ass kicked constantly by much stronger players. Do I need to level up before I head back? I'm now L30.

Realm. I'm now playing at Quel'Thalas. It says full, is this a good place?
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