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World of Warcraft: Cataclysm |OT| of Who the hell is Deathwing, anyway?

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AceBandage said:
PUGing has never been acceptable, outside of rare cases.
It just amazes me that people can put dozens to hundreds of hours into a game, and still not get the basics.

Back in WotLK it was possible to solo all the way to level 80 with only 400 dps. I was once in a PUG with a player who was doing only 200 dps. (I barely understand how that is possible, it should be possible to do more just by auto attacking.)

There is a big difference between the solo questing play, which is very undemanding, and the needs of group instance runs. There needs to be a better bridge between the two to teach people who spend most of their time questing the skills needed in groups. Blizzard is trying - the special 'bosses' that they present in certain Cata quests that often require you to defeat them using a special mechanic (kill the crystals first, kite them over the eggs, etc.) can help some. But I'm not sure there really is any way that group skills can be taught except within a group.

So keep in mind, the people you meet in PUGs may have been playing for a while, but they may have very little experience with the group side of the game.

Or they may just be terrible.


Gold Member
Bregor said:
Back in WotLK it was possible to solo all the way to level 80 with only 400 dps. I was once in a PUG with a player who was doing only 200 dps. (I barely understand how that is possible, it should be possible to do more just by auto attacking.)

There is a big difference between the solo questing play, which is very undemanding, and the needs of group instance runs. There needs to be a better bridge between the two to teach people who spend most of their time questing the skills needed in groups. Blizzard is trying - the special 'bosses' that they present in certain Cata quests that often require you to defeat them using a special mechanic (kill the crystals first, kite them over the eggs, etc.) can help some. But I'm not sure there really is any way that group skills can be taught except within a group.

So keep in mind, the people you meet in PUGs may have been playing for a while, but they may have very little experience with the group side of the game.

Or they may just be terrible.

Hmmm... I've been solo questing through L30 now and am at 42DPS. I've got no idea whatsoever on how to not solo quest and how to do group instances. My social interaction is limited to having tried a PvP match a few times to get a quest but got my ass kicked constantly by higher level players. None of my friends are playing WoW.

What would you suggest?


Chittagong said:
Couple of questions again

Merchant Buyback. - Just a page that lets you get something back if you didn't mean to sell it.

PvP. There are a few different PVP battleground types. Arathi Basin is like territories and WSG is CTF. Later on you'll be able to play more complex BGs that combine the two and also have bosses you have to kill first to win. There are brackets for pvp every 5 levels so if you want to feel powerful the tiers are x0-x4 and x5-x9 I'm pretty sure. So if you are say 34 or 39 you'd be the top level for those brackets.

Realm. Full realms are fine, just be aware that you may get queues during peak hours.
Chittagong said:
Hmmm... I've been solo questing through L30 now and am at 42DPS. I've got no idea whatsoever on how to not solo quest and how to do group instances. My social interaction is limited to having tried a PvP match a few times to get a quest but got my ass kicked constantly by higher level players. None of my friends are playing WoW.

What would you suggest?

Try to get into a nice leveling guild.
They're usually full of helpful players.


Any gaf horde players on EU servers? I've got a level 85 on bloodfeather pvp, could I be added to the list please.


Gold Member
Thanks Jesse & Ace, very helpful.

I was just watching the gametrailers review of the game and realized my game looks nothing like it. Mainly, how much stuff is going on everywhere on the review, while my game is more a hunt of lone enemies in empty environments. Suppose I need to keep going to post 50 to see that.


Chittagong said:
Thanks Jesse & Ace, very helpful.

I was just watching the gametrailers review of the game and realized my game looks nothing like it. Mainly, how much stuff is going on everywhere on the review, while my game is more a hunt of lone enemies in empty environments. Suppose I need to keep going to post 50 to see that.

Mainly dungeon stuff going on in the review. They are always way more hectic than normal levelling but as you get higher, the game does throw more at you since you can actually handle it.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Scrow said:
if something in WoW becomes a soul-sucking grind, just stop doing it. there are so many other things you can do in the game to break up the tedium.

Thanks for the tip! :)
Chittagong said:
What would you suggest?

Use the dungeon finder and do some instances. All the old world dungeons (i.e. anything from level 1-60) now have quest giver NPCs right inside the door, so all you need to do is queue up for one using the group finder and you'll be teleported to a dungeon where you can accept the quests and play through in a group of five. You'll probably suck at it at first but that's fine, it'll be a good learning experience and help you get used to playing your class role in a group.

You basically just want to find a dungeon you're around the middle of the level range on and do that, or let the dungeon finder randomly assign you. If you're level 30 you're just in time to start doing Scarlet Monastery which was always my favorite old-world dungeon.


Scrow said:
what heroic was it? how many bosses did you down? how many times did you wipe?

yeah, that's the brutal truth. there's no reason "casual players" has to be synonymous with "bad players". your guild either needs to get better gear, or step up their game.

Our first heroic was Grim Batol.

We had to PUG a healer but the rest of us were guildies. We had no problems with the trash. CC'd everything, had a nice smooth flow going. On the first boss, I wiped because I didn't get out of the way of the general's blitz fast enough. Second wipe was because an add wasn't killed fast enough and it got to the boss and wiped out the tank. Third wipe was because the healer didn't get out of the general's blitz fast enough. The healer quit after this.

We then moved on and tried heroic Vortex Pinnacle. We pugged a new healer and again, had no problems with the trash. We wiped on the first boss a few times and the healer quit on us, so we called it a night.

Gear wise, I'm about the best I'm going to be able to get without heroics, or a very long JP grind. I'm at ilevel avg 336 right now and I believe 329 is the min for heroics. I can't speak for my guildies, but I would assume they're in the same position since we've been playing together since Cata launched. I'm an SV hunter and I typically do around 10k dps in the normal dungeons, sometimes bursting to 12-15k if its a good AoE pull. The heroics were a different story since we were CCing almost every pack of mobs, I couldn't AoE and was doing around 8-8.5k dps.

The first week we went through all the regular dungeons. We took it slow and CC'd everything. Now that we've geared up and learned them, we don't even bother CCing anything in the normal dungeons and we're back to AoE facerolling everything like we did in wrath.

The normal dungeons are quite boring to us now, but the heroics seem a little too hard. There is no margin for error at all. If one person screws up, or makes, a mistake, its a total wipe. Seems like the heroic bosses we've tried are all raid level bosses.


bill0527 said:
The normal dungeons are quite boring to us now, but the heroics seem a little too hard. There is no margin for error at all. If one person screws up, or makes, a mistake, its a total wipe. Seems like the heroic bosses we've tried are all raid level bosses.

The only things that'll wipe your group are the things you should obviously get out of. Even then, you can lose one DPS unless the boss has a (soft) enrage.

Now the raids are fun since they're actually challenging :D For example, Omnitron. He's a rather simple boss, but you have to execute it properly or you'll wipe.
bill0527 said:
Our first heroic was Grim Batol.

We had to PUG a healer but the rest of us were guildies. We had no problems with the trash. CC'd everything, had a nice smooth flow going. On the first boss, I wiped because I didn't get out of the way of the general's blitz fast enough. Second wipe was because an add wasn't killed fast enough and it got to the boss and wiped out the tank. Third wipe was because the healer didn't get out of the general's blitz fast enough. The healer quit after this.

We then moved on and tried heroic Vortex Pinnacle. We pugged a new healer and again, had no problems with the trash. We wiped on the first boss a few times and the healer quit on us, so we called it a night.

Gear wise, I'm about the best I'm going to be able to get without heroics, or a very long JP grind. I'm at ilevel avg 336 right now and I believe 329 is the min for heroics. I can't speak for my guildies, but I would assume they're in the same position since we've been playing together since Cata launched. I'm an SV hunter and I typically do around 10k dps in the normal dungeons, sometimes bursting to 12-15k if its a good AoE pull. The heroics were a different story since we were CCing almost every pack of mobs, I couldn't AoE and was doing around 8-8.5k dps.

The first week we went through all the regular dungeons. We took it slow and CC'd everything. Now that we've geared up and learned them, we don't even bother CCing anything in the normal dungeons and we're back to AoE facerolling everything like we did in wrath.

The normal dungeons are quite boring to us now, but the heroics seem a little too hard. There is no margin for error at all. If one person screws up, or makes, a mistake, its a total wipe. Seems like the heroic bosses we've tried are all raid level bosses.

Heroics are pretty tough, but not that tough. Pull up recount and see how much dps is going out. Anything 6k and under is not enough for heroics really. If thats the case you need a better geared tank or healer. Basically - if everyone is on the ball things go smoothly. There is definitely a margin of error as I've 4 manned many heroic bosses :lol


Chittagong said:
Last 5 hours just disappeared to somewhere... Couple of questions again

Merchant Buyback. Not sure if I understand the concept. I don't get how to flush the screen full of gear I've sold to the merchant. How does it work?

PvP. Tried my first one at L27. Awesome. Never realized it's like Halo territory control. But got my ass kicked constantly by much stronger players. Do I need to level up before I head back? I'm now L30.

Realm. I'm now playing at Quel'Thalas. It says full, is this a good place?

Merchant Buyback is there in case you accidentally sold an item to a merchant. It lets you buy the item back at exactly the cost you sold it for. Consider it an UNDO for selling. If you want to clear the list of items, log out. For the most part, you never even have to click on this. Only use in cases of accidents.

Each PvP map is a different FPS multiplayer mode, pretty much. When you were level 27, you were playing in a 'tier' of players that were level 20-29. Now that you are level 30, you will be in the next tier and all the players will be harder than you. Don't worry about that, though, as long as you have fun. PvP is acually a good way to level up. The mode you are playing is like Halo territory control. The first mode (Warsong Gultch) is like Halo capture the flag. The third mode (forget the name) is like Battlefield 2 or Quake Wars (this one is really good to level up in). There are more but I have not played them yet.

When the Realm is full that means that there are a lot of players on it. You might sometimes have to wait before you can login but you will never have to worry about a lack of other players to have fun with.
I just went through Magister's Terrace with some friends. It was fun. I missed out on it since I left BC in the middle of it's heyday. The battle with Kael'thas was awesome.


So I've got this weird glitch or something to where the game won't let me change realms without logging off and logging back in. anyone else experience this and how do I fix it?


kai3345 said:
So I've got this weird glitch or something to where the game won't let me change realms without logging off and logging back in. anyone else experience this and how do I fix it?

I've had that one for a long while. Lately it hasn't happened to me anymore, but I have no idea why it starte or why it stopped happening. I'd like to know if someone has an answer for that.

I don't think I like how Deepholm now has more Obsidium than Eternium nodes (or at least that's how it feels to me). I'm at 501 BS, so I need more Eternium than Obsidium, but at the end of the day I had 104 Obsidium ore and only 46 Eternium. Will I find more Eternium in Twilight Highlands? I need to go there next since I completed the Deepholm quests tonight.
Narag said:
Welcome home.

Now I'm checking the stupid WoW Remote Auction House on my phone every twenty minutes to see more and more phat lewt roll in for the shitloads of insanely expensive herbs I left in my character's bag when I unsubbed last time, and I blame all of you


Really Really Exciting Member!
charlequin said:
Now I'm checking the stupid WoW Remote Auction House on my phone every twenty minutes to see more and more phat lewt roll in for the shitloads of insanely expensive herbs I left in my character's bag when I unsubbed last time, and I blame all of you

Oooh, he is mad! Please don't ban us! /cower


Water is not wet!
charlequin said:
Now I'm checking the stupid WoW Remote Auction House on my phone every twenty minutes to see more and more phat lewt roll in for the shitloads of insanely expensive herbs I left in my character's bag when I unsubbed last time, and I blame all of you
i went from literally 5g when coming back (gave all my stuff away when i unsubbed) to 12k gold in like 3 days. True i leveled to 85 so i had gold from that but almost every copper was spent to get epic flying. On my server, hands down the best place to gather herbs quickly is Tol Barad. Sure the zone sucks as a PVP zone but as a farming zone it is godly. Whiplash spawns in the marsh area with the crocolisks and they respawn fast (i havent timed it but every 5 min or so). i sold stacks of Whiplash for 350g or so to start.. the market has come down to 200-250g atm though. There is also Cinderbloom everywhere else if you can be bothered to farm that.
The stone bats in deepholm are ridiculous. Groups of 8 bats and you down them in seconds. Every single one drops savage leather. Not only that but they have an incredibly fast respawn rate so it only takes seconds to find the next mob.

I am making thousands of gold an hour in this spot.

charlequin said:
Now I'm checking the stupid WoW Remote Auction House on my phone every twenty minutes to see more and more phat lewt roll in for the shitloads of insanely expensive herbs I left in my character's bag when I unsubbed last time, and I blame all of you

Wait till you start raiding:D


Funny thing about cobalt ore on my server is that it sells for about 20~30g a stack. The bars on the other hand go for 100g a stack... :D


Water is not wet!
Dresden said:
Funny thing about cobalt ore on my server is that it sells for about 20~30g a stack. The bars on the other hand go for 100g a stack... :D
Cant prospect bars. Bars limit the demographic potential of the potential demographic.


Who paid you to grab Dr. Pavel?
Whiptail central is in Tol Barad with the crocalisks. There's so much there and it all respawns real fast.

Edit: lol, I should probably read more of the post than just the part you quoted. But it's damn true.


I pulled in a ton of whiptail from the river in Uldum before others got out there. Made like 5-6k one night in an hour while listening to This American LIfe and flying around like an idiot.


Water is not wet!
i cant work up the courage to go into Tol Barad to farm right now. A game starts soon and we are defending. If i was in the game while we lost.. i think i might actually kill kittens. Not out of anger but out of sense of duty to usher innocence from this miserable existence asap.


water_wendi said:
i cant work up the courage to go into Tol Barad to farm right now. A game starts soon and we are defending. If i was in the game while we lost.. i think i might actually kill kittens. Not out of anger but out of sense of duty to usher innocence from this miserable existence asap.
Your team is defending, you won't lose :lol


Water is not wet!
hamchan said:
Your team is defending, you won't lose :lol
ive seen it happen. i saw the impossible happen twice in 12 hours. We won as offense and lost as defense. Its like winning the lottery only to have the government overthrown by rebels the same day.


Gold Member
very excited to try the Dungeon Finder for the first time. I'm L30 Fury Warrior / Alliance so looks like it's the perfect time for Blackfathom Deeps or Stormwind Stockade. How long a wait should I expect (edit - noticed average waiting time: 21 minutes)?

is there an etiquette on how to play? do I say things like GL HF? is my main role in the combat just smack enemies?


Chittagong said:
very excited to try the Dungeon Finder for the first time. I'm L30 Fury Warrior / Alliance so looks like it's the perfect time for Blackfathom Deeps or Stormwind Stockade. How long a wait should I expect (edit - noticed average waiting time: 21 minutes)?

is there an etiquette on how to play? do I say things like GL HF? is my main role in the combat just smack enemies?
As combat, smack enemies. There should be absolutely no complexity to dungeons at that level. I'd suggest doing Stockades first because it's really short. Normally the most communication I'd get out of a random group is "Hi" at the start and "bye" at the end. Just be careful not to pull any enemies and no one should yell at you either since I don't think any crowd control should be involved at this level.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Yesterday me and the rest of the Ally side on my realm took Tol Barad with full 40-man raids.

Felt good, man.


Gold Member
Rapstah said:
As combat, smack enemies. There should be absolutely no complexity to dungeons at that level. I'd suggest doing Stockades first because it's really short. Normally the most communication I'd get out of a random group is "Hi" at the start and "bye" at the end. Just be careful not to pull any enemies and no one should yell at you either since I don't think any crowd control should be involved at this level.

Finished my first dungeon ever, it gave me Blackfathom Deeps. Oh my god, that was so much fun, I'm kicking myself for not trying earlier. So much more happening than in solo play. It was pretty easy for my level, but everyone was really helpful and friendly.

At one point I selected "Need" for a bow, figured that I could use it sometimes. Then I won it and everybody laughed and went "wtf dude lol", so that's how I learned to trade :lol

Everything is so fast. Like once, I passed on some pants because I figured I had better ones. But everyone else had figured in a second that I have the worst pants of all and should get them. Don't even know where they saw that.

Now I'm trying to figure out what should be my game routine. Do the solo quests as base gameplay, then one dungeon a day, and PvP arenas every now and then or what?

I landed somehow in Kalimdor, never been here so have to figure out how to get back to Eastern Kingdoms or whether to stay here.
Chittagong said:
Finished my first dungeon ever, it gave me Blackfathom Deeps. Oh my god, that was so much fun, I'm kicking myself for not trying earlier. So much more happening than in solo play. It was pretty easy for my level, but everyone was really helpful and friendly.

At one point I selected "Need" for a bow, figured that I could use it sometimes. Then I won it and everybody laughed and went "wtf dude lol", so that's how I learned to trade :lol

Everything is so fast. Like once, I passed on some pants because I figured I had better ones. But everyone else had figured in a second that I have the worst pants of all and should get them. Don't even know where they saw that.

Now I'm trying to figure out what should be my game routine. Do the solo quests as base gameplay, then one dungeon a day, and PvP arenas every now and then or what?

I landed somehow in Kalimdor, never been here so have to figure out how to get back to Eastern Kingdoms or whether to stay here.

Doing a combination of questing and dungeons is the best way to get good gear.
Also, I'd suggest getting an add on called Ratings Buster so that you can instantly compare your gear with gear that drops.


Chittagong said:
Finished my first dungeon ever, it gave me Blackfathom Deeps. Oh my god, that was so much fun, I'm kicking myself for not trying earlier. So much more happening than in solo play. It was pretty easy for my level, but everyone was really helpful and friendly.

At one point I selected "Need" for a bow, figured that I could use it sometimes. Then I won it and everybody laughed and went "wtf dude lol", so that's how I learned to trade :lol

Everything is so fast. Like once, I passed on some pants because I figured I had better ones. But everyone else had figured in a second that I have the worst pants of all and should get them. Don't even know where they saw that.

Now I'm trying to figure out what should be my game routine. Do the solo quests as base gameplay, then one dungeon a day, and PvP arenas every now and then or what?

I landed somehow in Kalimdor, never been here so have to figure out how to get back to Eastern Kingdoms or whether to stay here.

I'm jealous of you exploring the game for the first time, the way you talk about it reminds me how great that was. :lol

As for what to spend your time doing, that's really up to you. Blizzard has made levelling 1-60 incredibly fast, so you're probably not going to have the EXP buffer to do all the content you'd like to. Just do whatever you feel most like at the time! There are always future characters/alts on which to try more dungeons/quests.

Or, you could take the approach I am, and pay the PvP NPC to turn off your EXP gain so you can do all the quests in every zone without levelling...


The AH is insane, I sold low level ore (copper, iron) for 10-15 golds a pack of 20 and the same for the leather... I'm level 40 with already more than 400 golds. :lol

The dungeon search is very good maybe too good, I can do dungeons all the day and miss the new 1-60 azeroth. ^^;


chris-013 said:
The AH is insane, I sold low level ore (copper, iron) for 10-15 gold a pack of 20 and the same for the leather... I'm level 40 with already more than 400 golds.

This is truth, inflation has been ridiculous. I'm level 40 with 3200 gold.


Gold Member
Thanks - Rating Buster installed. Now I have to figure out how to get back to Eastern Kingdom from Darnassus where I landed after the dungeon. The quests here are too low level, and I don't know the place either.


Chittagong said:
Finished my first dungeon ever, it gave me Blackfathom Deeps. Oh my god, that was so much fun, I'm kicking myself for not trying earlier. So much more happening than in solo play. It was pretty easy for my level, but everyone was really helpful and friendly.

At one point I selected "Need" for a bow, figured that I could use it sometimes. Then I won it and everybody laughed and went "wtf dude lol", so that's how I learned to trade :lol

Everything is so fast. Like once, I passed on some pants because I figured I had better ones. But everyone else had figured in a second that I have the worst pants of all and should get them. Don't even know where they saw that.

Now I'm trying to figure out what should be my game routine. Do the solo quests as base gameplay, then one dungeon a day, and PvP arenas every now and then or what?

I landed somehow in Kalimdor, never been here so have to figure out how to get back to Eastern Kingdoms or whether to stay here.
You can probably do every single instance once and still have a quite healthy flow of quests going. PVP doesn't really give too much XP, I'd just do it if I was bored of any of the other two.

Thanks - Rating Buster installed. Now I have to figure out how to get back to Eastern Kingdom from Darnassus where I landed after the dungeon. The quests here are too low level, and I don't know the place either.
That's odd, you should automatically exit instances exactly where you entered them.

Here's a nice map of all boat/zeppelin routes.
Some of my guildies have close to a million gold sitting in their bags. Pretty insane.

The good thing about the inflated prices on the AH is that, in comparison, the skill prices for character and proffession skills are pennies.
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