GhostRidah said:A friend of mine has a 80 Tuaren druid he wants to transfer over to alliance come cata, think he will have the option to change to worgen? I remember switching a gnome warlock over to horde and I got to choose which race I wanted.
You make me want to level a new character when you say things like that, but there's no time for that now!Ramirez said:So I hit 60 today, one day and 18 hours I believe is all it took, the new content is so good, going back to Hellfire Peninsula was pretty painful.
Why would they have no control over it. It is their game ... I'm sur ethey have input into the movie.notworksafe said:I can't see that thing being real. Why is the WoW movie on there? Not only does Blizzard have no control over that, it's not even being done by their company.
I said it before but I really think if there is another class added, it'll be Runemaster. Blizzard did state that it was one of the classes thrown around before Death Knight was chosen, and others have gone out on the crazy limb and stated that DKs are Runemasters but that's bollocks. It fits the perfect archetype of a hybrid monk/bard and gives Blizzard an opportunity to bring back fist weapons in a big way.Kintaro said:I will fuck my own face for playable Pandaren and a Monk class.
Angry Grimace said:I still hate the idea of Truth. Not to mention seal damage seems pathetic at 80 (although apparently Ret scales off the charts at 85)
No one from Blizzard is writing the movie and they are barely involved from what I've read. I think Metzen is a co-producer, for whatever that is worth.Mr Pockets said:Why would they have no control over it. It is their game ... I'm sur ethey have input into the movie.
The day that profits drop in China to a much, much lower level, Pandaran will be added.speedpop said:As for Pandarens, it'll eventually happen. Too many players want it.
Oni Link 666 said:Runemasters sound like what they did with Glyphs. It sounds kind of like a Shaman too. I think if they ever do another hero class it'll be Demon Hunter and have starting zone taking place in Black Temple with Illidan in the past sort of like the DK starting zone. Maybe it could be in an expansion where Tyrande and Malfurion decide to resurrect Illidan to fight the Burning Legion or something.
speedpop said:Damn Oni, you spilling all those secrets. Metzen loves the idea of Illidan returning. The only problem with Demon Hunters is that they're exclusive to Night Elves, but that never stopped them previously.
FeD.nL said:This. With the whole Queen Azshara prelude this expansion, I smell a redemption story.
True, though I do find Lightheaded and TomTom to work well as a compliment to the in-game QuestHelper.Entropia said:With the current "QuestHelper" already available, you should not need an addon.
It's actually just an urban legend that the Chinese have a ban on Pandas in games or Pandaren. TFT was released in China, with its Pandaren in it, and there are other games in China that have fighting Pandas, and the movie Kung-Fu Panda was a big hit there. They probably *could* put them in if they cared to, i.e. they had the Pandaren pet, and such.notworksafe said:The day that profits drop in China to a much, much lower level, Pandaran will be added.
Rokam said:One thing that kind of sucks with WoW is we'll never get a true support class. A class whose job is to buff and debuff and doesn't do much if any damage and doesn't do much healing. I realize that sort of class wouldn't appeal to many, and Blizzard doesn't like classes not being able to hold their own while leveling. I really don't think if they do another class it'll be a melee.
Angry Grimace said:I really miss being able to just veg in front of the screen to play all this awesome new content.
Luckily, you can pretty much slack 80% of the time in school, it's just the finals that kill your time to play. I'm not even going to really be able to do much when Cata drops until my last one on the 17th.
Drkirby said:Quick question. As a Troll, where do I go to buy my first mount? I have the riding skill, but don't quite see where to buy the mount it self :/
There's also one in Darkshore, when you let yourself be sucked into the whirlpool. Has an Alliance achievement for it as well.Oni Link 666 said:There's also a few new Demon Hunters that have popped up after the Shattering to tease us. There's one that pops up while questing in the Blasted Lands and there's one doing something in Felwood. I think there's some more in the new Cataclysm zones too.
Should be in Sen'jin Village.Drkirby said:Quick question. As a Troll, where do I go to buy my first mount? I have the riding skill, but don't quite see where to buy the mount it self :/
zero margin said:Moonkins are like walking bird beasts of annihilation now wtf happened. Before I know it I got spotlights shining on me, trees pounding on me and dots ticking down like it's a fucking waterfall in the middle of my screen.
I use Bartender and it does exactly what you're asking for. The newest version allows you to have it look like the default UI also, which is nice.cdyhybrid said:I'm looking for some help with a hotbar mod. Basically, my hotkey set up is 1 to = (half of these don't have any abilities though) on its normal bar, ALT1-6 and CTRL1-6 on the twelve slots of the hotbar above the main hotbar, and SHIFT1-6 on the hotbar to the right of the previous one. This is all using the default UI hotbars. I'm looking for something that will allow me to keep these key bindings, and just change what abilities are assigned to those keys when I change forms. For example, when in Bear Form, I want ALT1 to be Maul, but in Cat Form, I want it to be Prowl. What mod allows me to do this?
Danoss said:I use Bartender and it does exactly what you're asking for. The newest version allows you to have it look like the default UI also, which is nice.
I used to use DrDamage some time ago. Looks like it's still active and they're hard at work in alpha for 4.0.3a.mcrae said:also, is there a tooltip mod that will show me damage per second, damage per mana, etc for each of my spells?
Aesthet1c said:With the Demon Hunter being the recently announced final class for Diablo 3, I really find it hard to believe they have any intentions to put a Demon Hunter class in WoW. If they do ever put a new class into WoW it will be something unique and different, not something pulled from one of their other franchises.
Melhisedek said:Is Jewelcrafting good for making money? I just hit 80 and need money for mount and such![]()
Or if not any other profession I should be going for?
Thank you for your time!
Aesthet1c said:With the Demon Hunter being the recently announced final class for Diablo 3, I really find it hard to believe they have any intentions to put a Demon Hunter class in WoW. If they do ever put a new class into WoW it will be something unique and different, not something pulled from one of their other franchises.
Evil Benius said:Damn this game, I went from not being too excited with the changes last week to having the expansion on pre-order and planning on taking next Wednesday off work. I really was only looking to come back casually, but they sucked me back in hard. I spent a good chunk of yesterday hitting 450 cooking and working on a few WotLK reps I still needed to cap.
Tonight I am going to start building up a bunch of daily quests to chain turn in when the cap is raised. Also I am considering just doing 80-81 in WotLK heroics since I imagine the starting zones are going to be a mess next Tuesday. Probably just work on Hyjal quests while sitting in queue unless things seem to be moving OK without needing to camp mobs.
indeed that's what i hear. more CC and coordination required. i am VERY,very excited about the new raid content mechanics. Blind boss with sound bar fuck yeah!ACE 1991 said:So is cataclysm content (both end game and not) more difficult than Wrath? I'd love this to be true.
Flib said:Why wouldn't you go do Blackrock Caverns and Throne of the Tides instead of WotLK heroics?
Evil Benius said:I imagine blowing through the older instances would be a lot easier than doing the new ones where people have no idea how to handle the fights. It pretty much would come down to what made the best XP/hour.
There's actually a ton of beta footage you can check out and see for yourself on youtube. I recommend TGN and TotalBiscuitACE 1991 said:So is cataclysm content (both end game and not) more difficult than Wrath? I'd love this to be true.
Bisnic said:The only issue is that literally NO ONE will do WOTLK heroics after the 7th.
Not only because they will be useless with loot no one want anymore, but because everyone are bored of them after killing Loken 635 times and Prophet Tharonja 532 times.
Tamanon said:How is that an issue? There's no reason to do the Wrath heroics after Cataclysm drops, same thing that happened with the BC ones.