No addon needed. You can keybind the Lucky Charms.Aesthet1c said:Does anybody know of a good addon to mark targets with? I've been living in the stone age and have been marking targets using the default drop down box. However, with CC becoming a big deal in Cataclysm, it would be nice to have a quick and easy method of marking targets.
Aesthet1c said:Does anybody know of a good addon to mark targets with? I've been living in the stone age and have been marking targets using the default drop down box. However, with CC becoming a big deal in Cataclysm, it would be nice to have a quick and easy method of marking targets.
Dina said:I started using RaidMobMarkerHUD with some success. Bind to F1, target a mob, press F1, an radial menu appears, click a mark. Right-click removes the mark. One button needed makes it nice, but I would prefer a mouseover radial menu even more.
SnakeswithLasers said:Anybody who uses the dial in authenticator ever had to use it?
I just tried to log-in and it made me go through the mobile steps. I've done a virus scan and everything is clean--is there any way to find out why I had to use it this time? Same computer I always use...
SnakeswithLasers said:Anybody who uses the dial in authenticator ever had to use it?
I just tried to log-in and it made me go through the mobile steps. I've done a virus scan and everything is clean--is there any way to find out why I had to use it this time? Same computer I always use...
Yeah, I still mark in 5-mans, but I think I only do it because I did that back in TBC, so it's kinda like a 'bad habit' in WotLK.Bisnic said:All this talk of marking in 5 mans reminds me how i should avoid pugs for the first months.
You know those 2 pulls on the hill in H POS where we should kill the 2 casters that can use that annoying AOE first? I often put skull and X marks on those 2 when i tank, but most of the time 2 DPS dont even bother attacking them. They rather attack first that woman in the middle for no fucking reason or one of the undead i havent marked. Even if i clearly charge the skull mark... Noooo, attack the damn woman instead.
No way im going to deal with these people in Cataclysm.
Bisnic said:All this talk of marking in 5 mans reminds me how i should avoid pugs for the first months.
You know those 2 pulls on the hill in H POS where we should kill the 2 casters that can use that annoying AOE first? I often put skull and X marks on those 2 when i tank, but most of the time 2 DPS dont even bother attacking them. They rather attack first that woman in the middle for no fucking reason or one of the undead i havent marked. Even if i clearly charge the skull mark... Noooo, attack the damn woman instead.
No way im going to deal with these people in Cataclysm.
He would have received an email indicating that an authenticator was being attached though. It's more likely a dynamic IP situation, but only blizzard can tell you exactly why they asked for it.Aesthet1c said:I could be wrong but if you didn't enable an authenticator, then you could possibly have been hacked. It's common for them to enable an authenticator once they obtain access to an account, making the retreival process more difficult.
No, I have the dial-in authenticator enabled; just never asked me to use it before and I was wondering what was up.Aesthet1c said:I could be wrong but if you didn't enable an authenticator, then you could possibly have been hacked. It's common for them to enable an authenticator once they obtain access to an account, making the retreival process more difficult.
It's my understanding that most of the Macro icons are just the already existing abilitiy icons. Since we'll have new spells, I'm sure we'll get to use them for macros.The Lamonster said:Weird question: Are we getting some new macro icons in Cata?
Didn't the previous expansions add new icons?
If you changed computers or IPs, that would do it. Or your ISP could have renewed your IP and that would do it as well.SnakeswithLasers said:No, I have the dial-in authenticator enabled; just never asked me to use it before and I was wondering what was up.
SnakeswithLasers said:Can someone explain to me how this works? If somebody keylogs and gets your password and login-------------what stops them from just logging into your account instead of your wow account?
I mean, what's the point of putting all of this security on top of your wow login, if they can just log into your account and change passwords and do all of that jazz?
Furthermore, is there a way to be notified if someone is trying to log into your account? Meaning, if someone tries to login as me, but they get foiled by my authenticator, does blizzard let me know so that I can change my password?
I'm so confused on all of this security!:lol
If you have a real authenticator, they have to enter the authenticator numbers to get into WoW/Bnet/SC2/anything else Blizz makes in the future. If you have a dial-in, nothing. They could change all your bnet info, but will still be unable to log into the game to mess with your stuff.SnakeswithLasers said:Can someone explain to me how this works? If somebody keylogs and gets your password and login-------------what stops them from just logging into your account instead of your wow account?
I mean, what's the point of putting all of this security on top of your wow login, if they can just log into your account and change passwords and do all of that jazz?
Furthermore, is there a way to be notified if someone is trying to log into your account? Meaning, if someone tries to login as me, but they get foiled by my authenticator, does blizzard let me know so that I can change my password?
I'm so confused on all of this security!:lol
The Cataclysm has wrought changes to many facets of Azeroth and the dungeons found across the world are no exception. As many of the zones throughout the world now have new level ranges, the dungeons within their borders have been adjusted to match, and the items that drop within those dungeons have had their stats changed accordingly.
Here's a list of all 1-60 dungeons and the level range at which each should be explored, followed by the minimum level required for entry in parentheses.
In order by minimum level to enter.
The Deadmines
Level Range: 15-21 (10)
Ragefire Chasm
Level Range: 15-21 (10)
Wailing Caverns
Level Range: 15-25 (10)
Shadowfang Keep
Level Range: 16-26 (11)
Stormwind Stockade
Level Range: 20-30 (15)
Blackfathom Deeps
Level Range: 20-30 (15)
Level Range: 24-34 (19)
The Scarlet Monastery - Graveyard
Level Range: 26-36 (21)
The Scarlet Monastery - Library
Level Range: 29-39 (21)
The Scarlet Monastery - Armory
Level Range: 32-42 (21)
The Scarlet Monastery - Cathedral
Level Range: 35-45 (21)
Razorfen Kraul
Level Range: 30-40 (25)
Maraudon - Purple Crystals
Level Range: 30-40 (25)
Maraudon - Orange Crystals
Level Range: 32-42 (25)
Maraudon - Pristine Waters
Level Range: 34-44 (25)
Level Range: 35-45 (30)
Dire Maul - East
Level Range: 36-46 (31)
Level Range: 38-48 (33)
Dire Maul - West
Level Range: 39-49 (34)
Razorfen Downs
Level Range: 40-50 (35)
Dire Maul - North
Level Range: 42-52 (37)
Stratholme - Main Gate
Level Range: 42-52 (37)
Level Range: 44-54 (39)
Stratholme - Service Entrance
Level Range: 46-56 (37)
Blackrock Depths - Prison
Level Range: 47-57 (42)
Blackrock Depths - Upper City
Level Range: 51-61 (42)
The Sunken Temple
Level Range: 50-60 (45)
Lower Blackrock Spire
Level Range: 55-65 (48)
Upper Blackrock Spire
Level Range: 55-65 (48)
DeathNote said:dungeon level changes are interesting
All this recent talk of account hacking prompted me to add the mobile authenticator last week. It's nice to piece of mind by having it on my phone and entering it any time I log into, WoW or SC2.Kraftwerk said:I just went ahead and bought the authenticator. My last account was hacked and ultimately closed by blizz. NEVER want to go through that shit again.
Pretty sure all that has already been implemented.Aesthet1c said:That is actually really awesome. I really like that they have tuned all the old lvl 60 dungeons to be lower level, so that people will actually get to play them now while they are leveling.
boo. the dungeon finder is still unlocked at 15 as of right nowAesthet1c said:That is actually really awesome. I really like that they have tuned all the old lvl 60 dungeons to be lower level, so that people will actually get to play them now while they are leveling.
Yes. Some of the dungeons have only been modified slightly, mainly level and whatnot. Others however have had significant changed. Such as sunken temple and The stockade which holds a surprise bossMacattk15 said:I thought I heard they were changing Wailing Caverns? I ran it last night on a low level I created and it was just as painstakingly long and annoying as I remember.
LOVE the changes they made to Sunken Temple however.
Why are you surprised after having just posted the dungeon levels, which start at 15?DeathNote said:boo. the dungeon finder is still unlocked at 15 as of right now
It's been interesting going from retarded hunter not knowing what's going on to #1 DPS mage who is able to instantly spot a bad tank or bad healer.Dipindots said:I'm also going to try and avoid pugs in the beginning of cataclysm if I can help it. On my DK I never really got any of the nightmare pugs that people complain about so I thought that people were just kind of exaggerating how bad the LFD can be... that is until I started lvling my druid. It's astounding how horrible some of the pugs I've been stuck in have been. With the difficulty of the cataclysm dungeons, I think I'll spare myself the headache.
MMO-Mumble is the one I use and it's very good. I tried Midnight Gaming but they were terrible. Avoid them at all costs. I had constant technical issues and the billing system they used was just retarded and always cancelled my account the day before the auto-pay system kicked in.Flib said:Mentioned it last page, but can anyone recommend a Mumble hosting service?
I'm unhappym not surprised.notworksafe said:Why are you surprised after having just posted the dungeon levels, which start at 15?
Carry someone? :lolnotworksafe said:You said the LFG unlocks at 15. The first dungeon is meant for 15. What's the problem here? Just because you CAN enter doesn't mean a group wants to carry someone that is five levels below the intended level. The lower level to enter is for people that are getting dungeon runs by a high level.
How is that a foreign concept to you? Someone that is 5+ levels below a dungeon's intended level will be a poor healer/dps/tank compared to people that are an appropriate level for the dungeon. Therefore they will be carried by the rest of the group. That is why they aren't allowed to queue for a dungeon until they are within a suitable level range, but can still enter in order to be taken through by a high level player or group.DeathNote said:Carry someone? :lol
Tanking is friggin' awesome! It feels great to be the man/woman in charge, leading your group through an instance and taking on all mobs. Love it! Being a protection pally is awesome. So far I haven't had any long queue times for the dungeon finder.Sai-kun said:Oh man, I just tanked for the first time EVER. I'm a druid. :lol That was pretty awesome! I did Deadmines. It's suuuper cool now. It looks almost the same, but plays so much differently from the old one! Loves it.
Reluctant-Hero said:Tanking is friggin' awesome! It feels great to be the man/woman in charge, leading your group through an instance and taking on all mobs. Love it! Being a protection pally is awesome. So far I haven't had any long queue times for the dungeon finder.
I plan to roll a worgen hunter next week and I already know that I'll miss the pure awesomeness of my blood elf pally.
Because I can still solo the dungeon on my 18 warrior... I don't know why you're acting like this is a raid trying to explain the concept of carrying someone in challenging content.notworksafe said:How is that a foreign concept to you? Someone that is 5+ levels below a dungeon's intended level will be a poor healer/dps/tank compared to people that are an appropriate level for the dungeon. Therefore they will be carried by the rest of the group. That is why they aren't allowed to queue for a dungeon until they are within a suitable level range, but can still enter in order to be taken through by a high level player or group.
I don't know why you keep ignoring the state of low level instances. A level 10 is not a weak link in rage fire chasm.notworksafe said:I don't know you are so dense as to not understand why an average group of players doesn't want someone 5+ level below the minimum for the content to be in their group.